1900 Census, Civil District 1

1900 Census, Civil District 1

Civil District 1, ED 79
Sheet 1
Davis, J. – Davis, ?, Gorrette, ? – Keadoo?, – balance of page is destroyed

Page 1
South, Jasper – Samdock, ?- Sovuny, William, Allen Iveren, Eapnian, Frank – Garrette, Willi??, Bligh, Fanise – Drake, James – Lowrance, C??, balance of page is destroyed

Page 2
Cowden, John – Sa?l?e, Mary – Brown Wil?, McKissick, Inna – Edwards, Ru?? , Clayton, Alvail – King, Charles – Clift, William, Brown, Luther – Roberson, John, Clark William J, ?? – balance of page is destroyed

Sheet 2
Rose, Wilborn – Davis, James – Park, John – Edwards, James – Scales, Sidny – Wise, Thomas – Wise Thomas – Creek, Joe – balance of page is destroyed

Sheet 2B
Swanson, William, Meadows, Sallie A – Beasley, Willew – Clift, Cornelias, Ray, Anna – Smith, Robert L – Wakefield, Willia?, Braden, Havy B – Boucum, Sa?? – Smith, Aford – Ha??? – balance of page is destroyed

Sheet 3
Davis, William H, Ransom, Heneson – Park, Shir??? – Burgess, James B – Burgess, Garr?? – Harris, Luc??, Davis, Bettie C, Jorden, Edgar, Steel, Mary E – McCanless, Ben – Porch, Margaret D – balance of page is destroyed

Sheet 3B
Haislip, William – Haislip, Jo?? – Briggs, Wi?? H – Porch, Thomas L, Bradford Muto T, Garrette, Luisa – Porter, Mar?? – Sander, Wi?? – S??ott, ?? – Porch, John ? – Porch, Ja??? – balance of page is destroyed

Sheet 4
Haislip, Elija – Gant, Alph?? – Jamlin, John – Porter, William – Clift, Albor?? – Porch, Juli?? – Swiney, Jolp?? – Woodward, John – Burrow, Calvin – balance of page is destroyed

Sheet 5
Swiney, Alli? F – Reed, James – McGaugh, Fam – Crope?, Cli?? – Oliver, John – Ban??, Tom?? – Woodward, E?? – Sulivan?, ?? – balance of page is destroyed

Sheet 5B
Jones, Eliza, Sulivan, Wiliam – Cable, Eli? – Tucker, John – McGaugh, Jam?? – Woodward, Jo?? – Knott, John – Tucker, John – Woodward, Robert – ??, – M?l??, ?? – balance of page is destroyed

contributor unidentified

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