
HOSKINS, Mary Shrum – (d. 1956)

Funeral Services For Mrs. Hoskins, 80, Conducted Sunday

Mrs. Mary Shrum Hoskins, 80, died suddenly Friday at the Janwynella Nursing home. She was a native of the Cross Lanes community of Macon County and the daughter of Will and Jane Clark Shrum. She was a member of the Eulia General Baptist Church. Funeral services were held Sunday at 2:00 PM at the Eulia General Baptist Church by H.S. Jenkins, Carl Scruggs, and Murrel Wix. Burial was in the Shrum Cemetery.

Survivors include three sons, Rupell Hoskins and Carlean Hoskins, both of Madison, Tenn.; and Hobart Hoskins, Indianapolis, Ind.; two daughters, Mrs. Raymond Moore, Gallatin, Tenn.; and Mrs. Fountain Fuqua, Westmoreland; four sisters, Mrs. Dora Carter, Franklin, KY.; Mrs. Nervie Lee Carter, Portland, Tenn.; Mrs. Agnes Higdon, Nashville, and Mrs. Cora Frye, Westmoreland; 19 grandchildren and 17 great grandchildren.

Source: Macon County Times, Lafayette, Tennessee, Thursday, 24 February 1956

Submitted by:  Shelta R. Shrum, email is:  shrum1@mwsi.net


FUQUA, Nancy – (d. 1946)

Mrs. Nancy Fuqua Dies After Lingering Illness

Mrs. Nancy Elizabeth Fuqua, aged 77 years, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Booker Curtis in Lafayette at six thirty o’clock Thursday morning of last week. She had been in feeble health for years and had been confined to her bed for many years from a complication of troubles. She was a widow of John Fuqua, who died 15 years ago. She leaves two sons, Oscar and Britt Fuqua, both of Lafayette; three daughters, Mrs. Nelia Reid, of Springfield; Mrs. H.B. Law, of Scottsville; and Mrs. Curtis; 17 grandchildren, five great grandchildren, one sister, Mrs. Clark Day, of the Alton Hill section of this county; and a half brother, Bill Parker of Hartsville.

The remains were laid to rest Friday afternoon about two o’clock in Drury’s cemetery, following funeral services conducted by Elder N. C. Fuqua and Elder A.J. Sloan. She was a good woman and had been a member of New Harmony Baptist church for more than 60 years. She was a Miss Shrum prior to her marriage, being the daughter of King and Mary Carter Shrum, both of whom died a number of years ago. She was born and reared in the Carter Branch section of the county.

Source: Macon County Times, Lafayette, Tennessee, Thursday, 12 September 1946

Submitted by:  Shelta R. Shrum, email is:  shrum1@mwsi.net