Clingan Case (1876)
In the case of J. K. CLINGAN vs. the E. T. V. & G. R. R., judgment in favor of defendant. Source: Weekly Herald (Cleveland, TN); 15 September 1876. Available online at Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers.
In the case of J. K. CLINGAN vs. the E. T. V. & G. R. R., judgment in favor of defendant. Source: Weekly Herald (Cleveland, TN); 15 September 1876. Available online at Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers.
Circuit Court – Alfred COOIE, the colored man who has been robbing stores in Cleveland “on a sly,” and in whose possession the stolen goods were found by marshal BURGESS, has had his trial last week and was sentenced to the penitentiary for three years. Source: Weekly Herald (Cleveland, TN); 15 September 1876. Available
Rev. Mr. GRAY, of this city, met with quite a sad occurrence a few days since. In company with his mother and sister he left for the Centennial on Tuesday of last week. They arrived at Philadelphia all right; but a few hours later his mother died very suddenly of apoplexy. They
Rev. J. B. FORD will preach his last sermon in this city next Sabbath at the M. E. Church. Conference meets shortly, and he will not likely come back here as he has been here a long time and wishes a change. It will be hard for the church to find a
Died, Sept. 8th, at his home in this city – Mr. P. M. CRAIGMILES, at the age of about 62 years. He had been confined to his bed some time previous to his death, suffering a great deal. Mr. CRAIGMILES was a highly esteemed citizen; was well known throughout East Tennessee. He
Our Schools – Prof. CHALMERS of the Cleveland Masonic Institute has been and is doing good work for this community. His school opened with a much larger attendance than was first expected. If our people will only co-operate with Mr. CHALMERS they can have one of the best schools in the whole section.
John CAMPBELL, our new Constable is a man of first class business qualification, and will make the best officer this district has ever had. He is one of those officers if you put papers in his hands they are executed at once. He will not hold up papers in order to let
A little daughter of Mr. W. M. CATE of this city fell from a stable loft last week hurting herself severely. At first it was thought her skull was fractured, but on examination, as we understand, it was not. She is doing as well as could be expected at the present.
Jas. E. CLAYTON, Agent – The Editor of the Chattanooga Times who has five years to serve in the penitentiary for lying, has sold out, and a new firm will grind the organ in a few days. We fear it will be impossible for the new Editor to tell half so many lies
A match game was played Friday evening last between the “First Nine” and the “Plug Uglies,” all of this city. The First Nine are: Jo. HARDWICK, Ed. TIPTON, John LEGG, Tom HAYES, John JOHNSTON, Tom MONTGOMERY, Jo. CASH, John HARDWICK, and John COWAN. The “Plug Uglies” are: John RAMSEY, Swartz BURGESS, John ROGERS,
Site last updated March 14, 2025