Wolf Creek Finishes Job
Final Souvenir Victory Edition

from the collection of Fred Stephens


Congratulations and thanks for a job well done. - J. E. Pruden

Task Completed Employees Depart

Wolf Creek, like the rest of the world, waited tensely on August 14th for the announcement that would make the loading of ammunition no longer necessary.  When the announcement came, Wolf Creek rejoiced with the rest of the world.  Wolf Creek’s job was finished.  In accordance with the President’s wishes, production had ceased completely by 7:00 P.M. and the plant lay idle august 15th and 16th like some sleeping giant, who, having completed his task, was now taking a well earned rest.

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MOC To remain on "Stand-By" Basis

The Milan Ordnance Center is one of the very few Ordnance establishments in the United States that includes both a loading plant and an ammunition depot.  It is also one of the few with facilities for loading components and both melt and press loaded types of ammunition.  In addition the greater portion of MOC labor could be recruited in a short time if the need arose.  For these reasons it is assumed that, when the Proctor and Gamble Defense Corporation turns the plant over to the Government, which it will be ready to do in the near future, parts of the Milan Ordnance Center will be remain on a “stand-by” basis.  [balance of article omitted]