This index was kindly donated to the Henderson County web page by J. David Taylor.
This is a full index, including the names of all adults and children. This census listing contains the first sixteen of Henderson County’s twenty Civil Districts. Addition of the remaining four districts has yet to be done. It lists the name of every citizen, not just the head of household, and currently includes over 9800 people.
The following information is provided for each individual:
Surname, Given Name, Age, Gender, Race, Place of birth, Civil District, Page number, House Number
Any information contained within square brackets [ ] was added by the compiler and does not occur in the original record.The compiler has provided the maiden surnames of many women in the format: Alsup, Susan [nee Gilliam].
Please select the surname of interest from the menu to the left.
I was once told of an old gravestone in Ebineezer Methodist cemetary at MCCollum Road that once held a name beginning with I and birthplace at Carn Ireland. Evidently the stone is long gone as I couldn’t find it and it wasn’t listed in the cemetary book. He was supposed to have been the father of Brothers including Samuel, c. 1850s. Anyone know that name or if from that family, have an initial I for a man, other than Isaac?