MainResearch AidsPublic RecordsLegislative Petitions & Acts1806 Petition to Organize Hawkins Rangers

Petition 16-2-1806 to the Tennessee General Assembly, dated 30 Jul 1806

To the honourable The Senators & Representatives of the State of Tennessee in Session

The petition of the subscribers, inhabitants of Rogersville & its vicinity in the county of Hawkins, respectfully sheweth

That whereas the officers of the Hawkins volunteer troop having lately resigned and no election taken place for filling the vacancies thereby occasioned (pursuant to the writ of election issued by the Colonel Commandant for that purpose.  The muster ground of the company to which your petitioners belong being several miles distant from this place, and the number of men within the bounds of said company sufficiently large to admit of a division being made.

And your petitioners being desirous of having themselves regularly formed into a volunteer company of Riflemen to be Styled the Hawkins Rangers have Draughted this their petition with a view of your authorizing the holding an election for officers from amongst their body to command said company also authorizing said company to make choice of their own uniforms, & to fix on the day & place of holding their muster and that the fines which may be collected from Delinquents be appropriated to the purchase of musical Instruments & colours for the use of Said company and the payment of musicians etc which their officers may employ etc etc

And your petitioners as in duty bound will pray etc

Robert Nall
Saml Smith
Wm Maplis
Peter Warfield
Robert Hays
John Starnes
W. W. Wykes
S. Power
F. Dalzell
Wm. A.____ [difficult to decipher]
Geo. Hale
John Nugent
Dennis Carey
T.  [or S.] Conner
Howsen Kenner
Simeon Foy
Geo. Hetter [or Geo. H. Etter]
Thos. Pogue
John Armstrong
Samuel Addams
James Armstrong, Jr.
John A. Rogers
W. Armstrong
John Jones
Joseph Slaughter
John Melford
Wm Gillenwater
Zachariah Ingram
Walter Shropshire
William Bean
Richard Mitchell
James McCause
Samuel Neill
Andrew Berryhill
James S. Orr
James Hagan
Haynes Amis
Wm Davis
Jacob Myers
Allen Morris
Larkin Everett
John Grigsby, J. P.
William Young

The back of the Petition contains the following notations:

House of representatives July 30 1806 read referred to the Committee of Propositions and Greivances and Sent to the Senate Edward Scott, CHR

Petition to Organize a Company of Riflemen Rogersville In Senate July 30th 1806 read and referred as by the house of Representatives.  Signed Jno. A. Gamble, Clk.

Source:  Transcript of the petition by Jewel B. Standefer, published in the TN Genealogical Society‘s “Ansearchin'” News, Vol. 3, 1962, page 79.

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