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John H. BILLS, chairman.

A. H. ROSE and J. B. FAWCETT, quorum justices.

The following is a synopsis of business transacted in the County Court of Hardeman at its October term, 1867.

Order appropriating to sundry persons for accounts against the county, amounting to $474.32.

C. H. ANDERSON elected Register, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of B. P. ANDERSON.

J. F. MCALISTER, constable elect in District No. 10, gave bond and was qualified.

W. S. CARSON, constable elect in District No. 11, gave bond and was qualified.

James E. AIKEN, deputy sheriff, appointed by W. W. MCCARLY, sheriff, appeared and was duly qualified.

Ordered that the Court ask and memorialize the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee to pass such as act as may be necessary, authorizing the county of Hardeman to issue bonds, payable at one, two and three years, with interest payable at intervals, in amounts to suit the Court House contract, and produce a fund to pay the same when the work is completed.

Ordered that the Poor House Commissioners contract with Abner LAMBERT for the taking care of all the paupers of the county, and report to the January term, 1868.

The following persons were appointed to serve as jurors at the October term of the Circuit Court, to wit:
Dist. No. 1, E. E. LOW, W. H. TODD.
Dist. No. 2, Reuben SCOTT, George HAZELGROVE.
Dist. No. 3, William MURPHEY, James WILKES.
Dist. No. 4, E. BROWN, John MILLER.
Dist. No. 5, Thomas CAMP, Joseph WILKES.
Dist. No. 6, James TOONE, Jr., Thomas C. JONES, Thomas A. PARRAN.
Dist. No. 7, B. F. USSERY, Lemuel GAY.
Dist. No. 8, A. H. LAWHORN, Mansil WEBB.
Dist. No. 9, D. F. HAM, W. G. MOORE.
Dist. No. 10, P. M. CRAWFORD, John COX.
Dist. No. 11, A. H. THORNTON, John H. ROSSON.
Dist. No. 12, Alvin BISHOP, Abram SELLERS.
Dist. No. 13, N. R. DORRIS, Moses BAKER.
Dist. No. 14, Samuel HENSON, John C. BLACK.
Dist. No. 15, R. A. BARHAM, John MURDAUGH.
Dist. No. 16, Henry SKINNER, Abel STEWART.
Dist. No. 17, John R. KAY, Thomas G. THOMPSON.

E. H. DORRIS and J. M. WEBB, constables for said court.

Order appointing Commissioners to set apart one year’s provisions to Mrs. G. B. DANIEL, Mrs. Randolph MAYFIELD, Mrs. William FORBES and Mrs. M. J. HAMER.

Order allowing W. FORT and Mary SULLIVAN, adm’rs of estate John SULLIVAN, dec’d, further time to make settlement.

Order allowing I. M. JACOBS, adm’r of estate William JACOBS, dec’d, further time to make settlement.

Order allowing Penelope CASEY, adm’r of estate of John W. CASEY, dec’d further time to make settlement.

Order allowing W. H. BLACK, adm’r of estate J. K. FERGUSON, dec’d further time to make settlement.

Order allowing William M. JOHNSON, executor of estate of J. B. JOHNSON, dec’d, further time to make settlement.

Order allowing Erastus ALLEN, adm’r of estates of N. E., F. D. and J. A. ALLEN, dec’d, further time to make settlement.

Order allowing J. O. STEPHENSON, adm’r of estate of J. M. RICHARDSON, Sr., dec’d, further time to make settlement.

Order allowing C. and J. A. COX, executors of estate of Eli COX, dec’d, further time to make settlement.

Order allowing William MCCARTER, adm’r of estate of Catherine MCCARTER, dec’d, further time to make settlement.

One Jury of View and one road order appointment.

Order accepting resignation of David MCKINNIE, guardian of E. J. and S. P. MCKINNIE, and appointing J. M. MASK in his stead.

Order accepting resignation of Thomas C. JONES, guardian of Octavia POLK, Jr., and appointing Montezuma JONES in his stead.

The last will and testament of J. L. WILLIAMS presented and probated.

Order binding Doc and Henry GRAHAM, colored children, to G. W. GRAHAM.

James MCCANN and A. MAYFIELD appointed adm’rs on the estate of R. MAYFIELD, dec’d.

Levin SAVAGE appointed adm’r on the estate of G. B. DANIEL, dec’d.

Order certificate as to the good moral character of Thomas C. LOW.

Order to pay the heirs of C. and Thomas MCCARTER, dec’d.

Order to pay the adm’r of estate J. R. WOODS, dec’d.

Order to pay the heirs of Daniel BERRY, dec’d.

Order to pay the heirs of Mary KINNEY, dec’d.

Order to pay the heirs of Francis J. SMITH, dec’d.

Order to pay the heirs of John CARRAWAY, dec’d.

Order to sell land belonging to the estate of Josiah K. FERGUSON, dec’d.

Order to sell land belonging to the estate of Edward L. NEARIN.

Order to sell land belonging to the estate of Braddock FOSTER, dec’d.

Order to sell land belonging to the estate of Etheldrid Daniel, dec’d.

Order guardian adlitem and order reference in case of Eleanor MOORE et al vs. Morris P. MOORE et al.

Order guardian adlitem and order reference in case of J. R. ANDERSON, adm’r, vs. heirs of E. L. NEARIN, dec’d.

Order reference in case of C. HENSON et al vs. William HENSON et al.

Order guardian adlitem, order pro confesso and order reference in case of John FOSTER, adm’r, vs. heirs of Braddock FOSTER, dec’d.

Order guardian adlitem, order pro confesso and order reference in case of G. W. DANIEL, adm’r vs. heirs of E. DANIEL, dec’d.

Order appointing commissioners to assign dower unto Mrs. Eleanor MOORE.

Order appointing commissioners to assign dower unto Mrs. Joseph HERRIMAN.

Order revoking order commissioners to assign dower unto Mrs. Emily DOWLER.

Order publication in case of Abel STEWART, adm’r, vs. heirs W. STEWART, dec’d.

Order continuance in case of T. E. MCCLENDON et al vs. Charles PHILIPS, et al.

Order continuance in case of Rebecca FITZHUGH et al vs. Charles E. POLK, et al.

Order releasing James PYBASS, guardian of H. MURRAY, from interest.

Report commissioners appointed to set aside one year’s provisions to Mary COSBY filed and approved.

Pro rata statements of the insolvent estates of D. WHITFORD, B. BRANCH and J. T. PIRTLE presented, approved and amounts due creditors ordered to be paid according to same.

Order appointing commissioners to divide land between H. C. KNOWLTON and the heirs of W. H. STONE, dec’d.

Order appointing A. H. ROSE to take charge of the estate of G. W. IRWIN, dec’d, until the November term, 1867,

The following settlements, inventories, etc., were presented and approved to wit:

A settlement with A. MCCARLEY, adm’r estate John RODENHIZER, dec’d.

A settlement with Frances MURLEY, adm’r estate John JACKSON, dec’d.

A settlement with J. Y. MCGUIRE, adm’r estate C. and R. MCQUIRE, dec’d.

A settlement with Abraham CRAIN, adm’r estate B. JONES, dec’d.

A settlement with M. H. PIRTLE, adm’r estate J. T. PIRTLE, dec’d.

A settlement with J. D. BRUSTER, adm’r estate A. H. ROBINSON, dec’d.

A settlement with James TOON, Jr., adm’r estate T. H. HARRIS, dec’d.

A settlement with L. T. KNIGHT, adm’r estate S. H. KNIGHT, dec’d.

A settlement with J. H. BRINT, adm’r estate C. M. BROWN, dec’d.

A settlement with J. R. ANDERSON adm’r estate E. L. NEARIN, dec’d.

A settlement with W. W. SAMMONS, adm’r estate Allen SAMMONS, dec’d.

A settlement with John CRAWFORD, adm’r estate William CRAWFORD, dec’d.

A settlement with H. W. DUNCAN, trustee of Mary A. PREWITT.

A settlement with H. MURLEY, guardian of John JACKSON‘s heirs.

A settlement with James PYBASS, guardian of H. MURRAY.

A settlement with W. C. MASHBURN, guardian of H. MASHBURN heirs.

A settlement with George WOOD, guardian of M. P. WILLIAMSON.

A settlement with Jacob GARRETT, guardian of H. C. and G. W. SLOAN.

A settlement with Andrew TURNER, guardian of J. T. and Louisa WHITE.

A settlement with W. M. NORMENT, guardian of W. H. PRICE.

An inventory and account sale property A. SAMMONS, dec’d, by W. W. SAMMONS, adm’r.

An inventory and account sale property Joseph HERRIMAN, dec’d, by S. HERRIMAN, adm’r.

An inventory and account sale property W. C. USSERY, dec’d, by J. D. USSERY, adm’r.

An inventory and account sale property John DELK, dec’d, by W. K. DELK, adm’r.

An inventory and account sale property J. W. WILLIAMS by P. T. JONES, guardian.

An inventory and account sale property Octavia POLK, Jr., by T. C. JONES, guardian.

The Bolivar bulletin. (Bolivar, Hardeman County, Tenn.), 19 Oct. 1867, Page 1. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.

Lately several articles have been published in different public prints concerning fast cotton pickers. On this subject we have an item too, and one of which, all things considered, is worth printing. We are more than credibly informed that little Lee PIPKIN, only four and a half years old, and whose weight is just thirty six pounds, picked in nine hours forty two pounds of cotton from a field that was in only moderate condition! Lee is the son of Stephen PIPKIN, of this county. Good boy!

The Bolivar bulletin. (Bolivar, Hardeman County, Tenn.), 12 Oct. 1867, Page 3. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.

Last Monday the Honorable Court of Hardeman county elected C. H. ANDERSON, esq. to the office of Register after B. P. ANDERSON resigned.

The Bolivar bulletin. (Bolivar, Hardeman County, Tenn.), 12 Oct. 1867, Page 3. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.

Hereafter we will not print in this paper any sectarian or denominational article of any kind. We are ready and willing at all times to give up a portion of our columns to correspondents who write upon subjects of general information, but cannot suffer the Bulletin to become the organ through which church differences are to be settled. We sincerely hope that our motive for taking this step will not be misconstrued. Knotty questions that cannot be settled in the pulpit cannot be made smoother in a newspaper.

The Bolivar bulletin. (Bolivar, Hardeman County, Tenn.), 12 Oct. 1867, Page 3. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.

Mr. C. R. TRIGG, the gentleman who has the contract for doing the brick work on the new court house, came up from Memphis last Tuesday, and is now engaged in preparing the laying of the foundation of the long needed structure, which, when completed, will be one of the handsomest and most convenient buildings of the kind to be found in the Union.

The Bolivar bulletin. (Bolivar, Hardeman County, Tenn.), 12 Oct. 1867, Page 3. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.

The tournament yesterday was not so well attended as was hoped it would be, however, the audience was a select one, and though the list of knights showed only nine entries, the riding was excellent and the purchasers of tickets seemed to enjoy themselves finely.

The first prize was won by the invincible Pole CROSS, of this county, while Alexander SWINEBROAD had the good fortune to win the second prize, a superb home-made saddle and bridle. Captain James C. FLEMING was awarded the silver spurs, he being accounted the best and most daring horseman of all the contestants.

Among the knights was the open-hearted A. C. BREWER, of Miss., and Capt. Wiley JONES, of LaGrange. John HARRIS, a late devotee at the shrine of knighteranty, astonished his numerous friends in the skillful use of the lance and the management of his horse. After the sixth tilt he was CROSS’ sole competitor for the first prize, and was only beaten one ring.

The Bolivar bulletin. (Bolivar, Hardeman County, Tenn.), 12 Oct. 1867, Page 2. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.

Under the act of 1836, Chapter 63, Section 4 of the Code, providing for the pardon of all well-behaved convicts whose time had nearly expired, to prevent disability, Gov. Brownlow had ordered the following prisoners to be released: Victoria SEVIER, of Knox county; George HENDERSON of Weakly; James H. MILLER, of Hardeman; and George ARDEN, of Rome.

The Bolivar bulletin. (Bolivar, Hardeman County, Tenn.), 12 Oct. 1867, Page 2. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.

Ere long another and perhaps dismal winter will be upon us. At present nearly every road in the county is in pass-able condition. But how will it be when the wet, cold season sets in? All of our townsfolk remember the terrible condition the roads were in during the greater part of last winter and spring. For weeks at a time the Hatchie bottom was almost if not quite impassable. Especially does this apply to that portion between here and Statler’s Ferry. Owing to the fact that people who live on the east side of the river could not get to Bolivar with their wagons and cotton, a new road was opened through to Middleton, a ferry established on the river a few miles above the old Purdy crossing, and the business of this place was made to suffer in consequence. Would it not be well to look after the condition of the leading roads? Certainly the route that leads from one county side to another should be kept in pass-able condition at all seasons of the year. For the benefit of Bolivar and the accommodation of all let the proper authorities take hold of this matter. And here we would call the attention of the corporate authorities to the wretched condition of the street that runs from the north side of the public square to the top of the hill just west of the brick yard. At present it is impossible to travel that portion of the street below the residence of Gen. R. P. NEELY with a vehicle of any kind. Even the former site of the old street is “growing terribly less,” and if work is not done on it one or two more winters will serve to wash its very foundation away.

The Bolivar bulletin. (Bolivar, Hardeman County, Tenn.), 12 Oct. 1867, Page 2. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.

Work for His Honor
At the next term of the Circuit Court, 4th Monday in this month, Judge BOND will have brought before him in trial the following persons, all of whom are now confined in the county jail at this place:

John BURKE, white, charged with housebreaking; committed by G. A. WOODSON, esq.

William BURNS, white, charged with horse stealing; Committed by G. A. WOODSON, esq.

Timothy BUCKLEY, white, charged with grand larceny; committed by C. H. ANDERSON, D. J. NEWBERN, esq’rs.

Andrew MARTIN, colored, charged with stealing $5 in money; committed by G. A. WOODSON, esq.

William JOHNSON, colored, incest; committed by C. H. ANDERSON and J. H. BILLS, esq’rs.

Samuel FLEMING, colored, grand larceny; committed by C. H. ANDERSON and J. H. BILLS, esq’rs.

Bob FRIERSON, colored, petite larceny; committed by C. H. ANDERSON and R. S. CARTER, esq’rs.

Alexander BROWN, grand larceny; committed by C. H. ANDERSON, J. H. BILLS, and B. F. USSERY.

John SINICUM, colored, petite larceny; committed by C. H. ANDERSON.

Scott MITCHELL, colored, malicious mischief, wantonly killing a cow and “cutting up generally;” committed by J. W. WILKS, esq.

The chances are that the above named candidates for the stone yard at Nashville will be elected for various terms. Sheriff MCCARLEY will doubtless be found in the City of ROCKS before many moons with a quiet squad of invincibles from old Hardeman.

The Bolivar bulletin. (Bolivar, Hardeman County, Tenn.), 12 Oct. 1867, Page 2. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.

A negro named Daniel WATKINS has been elected a member of the Board of Alderman of the city of Nashville.

The Bolivar Bulletin. (Bolivar, Hardeman County, Tenn.), 05 Oct. 1867, Page 3. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.