Work for His Honor
At the next term of the Circuit Court, 4th Monday in this month, Judge BOND will have brought before him in trial the following persons, all of whom are now confined in the county jail at this place:

John BURKE, white, charged with housebreaking; committed by G. A. WOODSON, esq.

William BURNS, white, charged with horse stealing; Committed by G. A. WOODSON, esq.

Timothy BUCKLEY, white, charged with grand larceny; committed by C. H. ANDERSON, D. J. NEWBERN, esq’rs.

Andrew MARTIN, colored, charged with stealing $5 in money; committed by G. A. WOODSON, esq.

William JOHNSON, colored, incest; committed by C. H. ANDERSON and J. H. BILLS, esq’rs.

Samuel FLEMING, colored, grand larceny; committed by C. H. ANDERSON and J. H. BILLS, esq’rs.

Bob FRIERSON, colored, petite larceny; committed by C. H. ANDERSON and R. S. CARTER, esq’rs.

Alexander BROWN, grand larceny; committed by C. H. ANDERSON, J. H. BILLS, and B. F. USSERY.

John SINICUM, colored, petite larceny; committed by C. H. ANDERSON.

Scott MITCHELL, colored, malicious mischief, wantonly killing a cow and “cutting up generally;” committed by J. W. WILKS, esq.

The chances are that the above named candidates for the stone yard at Nashville will be elected for various terms. Sheriff MCCARLEY will doubtless be found in the City of ROCKS before many moons with a quiet squad of invincibles from old Hardeman.

The Bolivar bulletin. (Bolivar, Hardeman County, Tenn.), 12 Oct. 1867, Page 2. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.

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