All persons holding County Claims, in the form of Warrants issued by say Chairman of the County Court of Hardeman County, are requested to have the same numbered and listed for payment on the Books of the County Trustee, on or before the 31st day of December next.

By order of the County Court. October term, 1866
John H. BILLS, Chairman

The Bolivar bulletin. (Bolivar, Hardeman County, Tenn.), 06 Oct. 1866, Page 2. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.

Next Friday is the day on which the tournament will be held. Everybody is earnestly requested to attend and thus contribute their mite to a noble cause. Many of the best riders in the south have entered their names as Knights, among whom are WALKER, TUCKER, MAYS, CROSS, and MEACHEN, who will contest gallantly for the prizes. A pleasant and interesting time is anticipated. Let all who can, witness the tournament here. In the evening a rare treat will be offered, as the young ladies of Bolivar will give a grand vocal and instrumental concert. Their programme, as arranged, embraces many of the most beautiful creations of the great composers, all of which, we can safely say, will be executed in a style as perfect as they are brilliant. Persons visiting the tournament and who have to travel by rail, will be required to pay half fare, that is, a return ticket will be furnished free of cost. For further particulars see advertisement in another column.

The Bolivar bulletin. (Bolivar, Hardeman County, Tenn.), 06 Oct. 1866, Page 2. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.

United States
First Collection District

Notice is hereby given, in pursuance of section 28 of the Act entitled “An Act to provide Internal Revenue to support the Government, to pay interest on the public debt, and for other purposes, approved June 13, 1864, ” and the amendment thereof, of March 3, 1865, that the Annual List or Valuation and Enumeration of Property subject to Tax under said Acts on the 1st day of May, 1865, in the county of Hardeman, and State of Tennessee, has been returned to me by the Assessor of this District; that the duties and taxes assessed thereon have become due and payable; and that

Thomas BOYLE, Esq.

Deputy Collector for the 5th Division, 1st District, State of Tennessee,

will attend for the collection of the same at his office at his residence, China Grove, eleven miles southwest of Bolivar, County of Hardeman, State of Tennessee on and after the First Day of October, 1866 until the 10th day of October, 1866, inclusive, each day, Sundays excepted.

The assessments on said List includes Taxes and Duties on Licenses, Income, Carriages, Gold and Silver Plat, Gold Watches, Pianos, Billiard Tables, etc., and payments may be made at any time before the above date.

Collector First District, State of Tennessee

The Bolivar bulletin. (Bolivar, Hardeman County, Tenn.), 06 Oct. 1866, Page 3. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.

General N. B. FORREST has requested us to insert his business card in our paper, and most willingly do we comply. As will be seen, by referring to another column, the gallant hero has located at 272 Front Street, Memphis, where he will successfully conduct a general cotton and commission business, at all time making cash advances on consignments, and ready and willing to sell at low and uniform rates bagging, rope and other supplies. Our citizens are too consistent in all things to forget “the flesh of their flesh, or bone of their bone,” and hence 272 Front Street will be enlivened with true ‘sons of the soil’ from Hardeman county.

The Bolivar bulletin. (Bolivar, Hardeman County, Tenn.), 06 Oct. 1866, Page 3. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.

We would remind our citizens that on next Friday a large number of strangers will be here, nearly all of whom will desire accommodations; and we would here suggest the idea that it would be well for those who can do so to bring or send to the tournament grounds such provisions as they can, for there will be many persons present who willingly partake of something for the inner man. Hardeman county has a good name abroad for her generous hospitality, and it is hoped that her citizens will sustain the assertion with a liberal hand. Bring your baskets, and have them well filled.

The Bolivar bulletin. (Bolivar, Hardeman County, Tenn.), 06 Oct. 1866, Page 3. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.

The following is a synopsis of business transacted in the County Court of Hardeman county, at its October term, 1866.

Garland ANDERSON appointed administrator on the estate of J. M. MARSH, dec’d
J. J. POLK appointed administrator on the estate of William SCOTT, dec’d.
J. J. POLK appointed administrator on the estate of James AVENT, dec’d.
H. C. KNOWLTON appointed administrator on the estate of W. H. STONE, dec’d.
S. Y. KEITH appointed administrator on the estate of Roderick BARNES, deceased.
Rufus ARCHER appointed administrator on the estate of J. B. MOTLEY, deceased.
E. H. DORRIS appointed administrator on the estate of Martha DAY, deceased.
Abner MOORE appointed administrator on the estate of Rebecca MOORE, deceased.
M. H. PIRTLE appointed guardian to George A. PIRTLE.
W. C. MASHBURN renewed his bond as guardian to heirs of H. MASHBURN, deceased.
Lucinda SHINAULT renewed her bond as guardian to Thomas J. WEBSTER.
Order to sell land belonging to the heirs of J. B. MOTLEY, deceased.
Order to sell land belonging to the heirs of Thomas M. CARTER, deceased.
Order to sell land belonging to the heirs of T. J. SAMMONS, deceased.
Order to sell land belonging to the heirs of John P. COSBY, deceased.
Order to sell land belonging to the heirs of James LEATHERS, deceased.
Order to sell land belonging to the estate of Henry POLK.
Three Jury of View reports filed and confirmed.
Nine appointments of overseers of roads.
Report on sale of land belonging to estate of C. MCGUIRE, filed and confirmed and title decreed to the purchaser.
Report sale on town lots and land belonging to estate of Daniel D. PERRY, filed and confirmed and title decreed to the purchasers.
Order appointing commissioners to assign dower to Ruth HORNSBY, renewed.
Order appointing commissioners to assign dower to Mary BARHAM, renewed.
Order appointing commissioners to assign dower to Sarah J. WOODS, renewed.
Order appointing commissioners to partion land of Daniel MARSH, dec’d, renewed.
Order sale of land belonging to the estate of J. D. DANIEL, dec’d, renewed.
Report chairman of brick sold from debris of old courthouse amounting to $458.40 filed and confirmed and amount ordered to be paid over to the court house fund.
Report of court house commissioners filed and confirmed and the amount for lots purchased around the square $1675.00 ordered to be paid out of the court house fund.
Claims against the county amounting to $3,115.68 presented and appropriated.
Jurors for the October Circuit Court appointed.
W. A. MCDONALD, Tax Collector for 1861, released from Insolvent Taxes, amounting to $769.04.
The last Will and Testament of Perry WILKES, dec’d, presented and probated, W. V. MCMAHON and B. WILKES, executors.
Order for all claims against the county to be reported to the Trustee for payment by the 31st of December, 1866.
Order appointing commissioners to examine and report the necessity and cost of a bridge across Muddy Creek, on the State Line road.
Commissioners of registration reporting 211 voters registered, filed and recorded.
Indentures entered into with Jerry REYNOLDS, binding unto him George W. W. and Rebecca WELCH minor orphans.
Order to pay heirs of Mary KING, dec’d.
Order to pay heirs of Eli COX, deceased.
Order to pay heirs of John FUTRELL, dec’d.
Order to pay heirs of Thorton JONES, dec’d.
Order releasing M. P. CROSS, guardian to Elanor MOORE from interest.
Order one years’ provisions to Mrs. Catherine FAHY.
Order to E. E. LOW, guardian to M. J. DENSON to sell uncurrent money belonging to her.
A settlement with James DUNCAN, former Trustee of the common school fund filed and confirmed and amount ordered to be paid over to the present Trustee.
A settlement with W. P. DONNELL, administrator estate of George DONNELL, deceased.
An inventory property estate of Martin FAHY, dec’d by C. FAHY, administrator.
An inventory property estate of J. G. MANGRUM, dec’d by B. F. DOWDY, administrator.
An inventory property estate of F. D. STEWART, dec’d by M. A. STEWART, administrator.
An inventory property estate of Elsey STEWART, dec’d by M. A. STEWART, administratrix.
AN inventory property estate of C. LUTTRELL, dec’d, by J. W. WHITBY, administrator.
An inventory property estate of A. D. LAWHORN, dec’d, by A. H. LAWHON, administrator.
An inventory property estate of R. HOLLOMAN, dec’d by M. HOLLOMAN, administratrix.
An inventory property estate of W. R. B. POWELL, dec’d, by R. H. POWELL, administrator.
An account sale of property estate C. LUTTRELL, dec’d, J. W. WHITBY, administrator.
An account sale of property estate Elsey STEWART, dec’d, by M. A. STEWART, adm’r.
An account sale of property estate F. D. STEWART, deceased, by M. A. STEWART, adm’r.
An account sale of property estate George DONNELL, deceased, by W. P. DONNELL, adm’r.
A receipt of W. V. SHINAULT to his guardian W. N. SHINAULT.
A receipt of J. A. and H. J. DEAN, to David LACY, guardian to Alsey DEAN.

The Bolivar bulletin. (Bolivar, Hardeman County, Tenn.), 06 Oct. 1866, Page 3. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.

For several months past, R. S. HARDY, Esq., one of our most worthy citizens, has been acting as the duly commissioned post master for this place, discharging the duties of the office faithfully and satisfactorily to all. Only two or three days since he was notified that his salary was fixed at $50 per quarter; a sum entirely too low for the services rendered, and the consequence is, that he refuses to hold the position. We are credibly informed that the office here clears over five hundred dollars per annum, and that formerly the salary of the post master was sixty dollars on the first hundred and fifty dollars on every additional hundred realized. Why this has been changed we are not able to state, but one thing is certain that our citizens generally, are loath to part with the services of R. S. Hardy, yet no one can complain of the course pursued by him in giving up the office, for its duties compelled him to devote much time and attention without fairly compensated. We do not believe that the salary allowed is sufficient and that it will be a hard matter to find any one who will permanently hold the position of post master at Bolivar for the paltry sum of two hundred dollars a year.

The Bolivar bulletin. (Bolivar, Hardeman County, Tenn.), 29 Sept. 1866, Page 3. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.

On last Saturday evening the Bolivar Brass Band, headed by W. S. BROOKS, made its first appearance on our streets. The band was present at the exercises over at the tournament grounds, and attracted no little attention. Its members deserve much credit for the attention and industry bestowed upon their enterprise. They will be out again this evening. If you wish to hear music, go to the track this afternoon.

The Bolivar bulletin. (Bolivar, Hardeman County, Tenn.), 29 Sept. 1866, Page 3. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.

Another of those nuisances, a drove of “scrub” cattle from Texas, passed through our town last Tuesday evening. A prohibitory law in this case would result beneficially to our citizens and those of the State in general. These pests scatter disease and death among all good and valuable stock with which they come in contact. Missouri has refused to allow drovers to bring Texas cattle into her borders. Tennessee should do the same.

The Bolivar bulletin. (Bolivar, Hardeman County, Tenn.), 29 Sept. 1866, Page 3. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.

The post office has been removed from Hardy & Wilson’s store to the office of James Pybass, in the building heretofore used by Taylor and Hainline as a grocery store.

The Bolivar bulletin. (Bolivar, Hardeman County, Tenn.), 29 Sept. 1866, Page 3. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.