John R. Barksdale Will (1853)
Book A, Transcript Page: 219
We A. B. Christian James W. Drake and James Mc Alexander do state that the nuncupative will of John R. Barksdale was made by him on the 18th day of December 1853 in our presince to which we in company with others were called upon to bear witness by the testator himself in the presence of each other that it was made in his last sickness in his own habitation or dwelling home. And the same is as follow to wit
It was his will and desire that after his decease his wife Nancy Barksdale have his whole estate both real and personal during her natural life or widowhood he wished her to raise and educate his children and the said estate at her death or marriage to be equally divided between all his children and his wife he also stated there was between twenty three and five hundred Dollars belonging to his children that would have to be managed by some person.
Made out by us and signed this 23rd day of December 1853
B. Christian
James W. Drake
State of Tennessee )
Carroll County ( December the 6th 1854
This day a paper writing purporting to be the last will and testament of John R. Barksdale decd. was produced in open court in Noncupative form and duly proved by the oaths of A. B. Christian and James W. Drake the subscribing witnesses thereto the same being entered on Minute book page 387, and ordered by the court to be recorded the above being a copy test.
W. H. Graves Clerk.
This text was transcribed by Jere Cox from the typescript entitled Tennessee Records of Carroll County Will Book “A” September, 1822 – 1864 (approximately) created in 1937 under the Works Progress Administration.
Corresponding Resource: FamilySearch has a microfilm copy of the WPA transcript of Will Book A available to view on-line (click here). A free FamilySearch login is required to view microfilm.
Jere Cox was an early Carroll County TNGenWeb coordinator. We do not intend to violate Jere’s copyright interests by including the transcription here, but we want to make sure his efforts remain available for future researchers.