William Bogle Land Deed

William Bogle Land Deed

CANNON COUNTY, TN – DEEDS – William Bogle to William N. Wilson,
4 Sep 1856 

Cannon Co.Deed Bk L,p.380 William Bogle to William N. Wilson William Bogle
have this day bargained & sold and herby transfer and convey unto Wm. N.
Wilson for the consideration of Fourteen Hundred and Fifteen Dollars the
Receipt therof is hereby acknowledged a certain tract or parcel of Land
lying and being in Cannon County District No. 11 Tennessee containing
by estimation one hundred acres more or less and bounded as follows
beginning on an Elm & Sugartree on the west side of a Ridge in the West
boundary line of B.F. Odoms Land granted in 1854 then North with his Line
55 poles to a Sugartree Owens Corner then west with Owens Line 27 poles to
a Stake then North 92 poles to a Rock thence North 67 degrees W with a Line
54 poles to a rock then South 16 degrees west __ poles to a rock thence
South 76 degrees west 62 poles to a Rock or Beech then South 78 poles to
an Ironwood Standing on the Bank of a Branch then South 67 degrees east
32 poles to a Rock then south 50 degrees East 31 1/2 poles to a stake then South
37 1/2 poles to a Buckeye then East 86 poles to the beginning. To have and
to hold the same unto the said Wm. N. Wilson his heirs and assigns forever.
I the said Wm. Bogle convenant and bind myself my heirs executors &
administrators to warrant and forever defend the Title to the above
named Land & every part therof unto the said Wm. N. Wilson his heirs
and assigns for ever against the claims of all persons and I have a good
right to convey it and the same is unincumbered. This 4th day of Sept 1856
Wm. Bogle (seal) Test: P.G. Leech?, E. W. Owin

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