Manuscript written by R.A. Dennis.

Manuscript written by R.A. Dennis.


This is a family history manuscript written by R.A. Dennis.  (I am not sure if anyone really knows the exact time frame for when this began or when the last notes were made. There are events or dates mentioned in the manuscript that indicate 1940 – 1959)  Keep in mind as you read this that the language and terms used were normal for that time period. There are known errors in the manuscript along with improper spelling of many words and names. The handwritten manuscript has been typed as written, errors and all. This is being provided as a research tool for you. If you find a link you should pursue it through further research and obtain documentation to substantiate the research.  Notes have been added to my copy of the manuscript that I have included in brackets.

 This is a true manuscript of the KING family so far as it is stated by the Author.  Dates, deaths, births, marriages and various other things are lacking to make the manuscript interesting.  All who read this script are free to correct  dates, fill in blank spaces left for that purpose.  I am sure many errors are related here and I wish you to feel free to correct such. 
       (signed)  R. A. Dennis 
 I regret that I am deprived of any and all news or true history of Great Grandfather ROBERT KING.  His father and mother are blank to me.  If any one know who Robert’s people are, please let me hear and receive free good will thanks. 
        (signed)  R. A. Dennis 
 To write a correct manuscript of the KING family one has to begin way back in Virginia.  The KINGS sprang from the Adams and Keaton people on their mothers’ side.  Great Grandfather ROBERT KING’S history is as far back as I can go on the first father’s side.  ROBERT KING, Born 1785, Died 1863. 

 The first JACOB ADAMS was born in Virginia 1735.  His wife’s name is blotted out but her first name was Mary.  This Jacob and Mary had a family of four sons and five girls.  The boys were Jacob, Jr., Peter, Isaac, and William.  The Daughter:  Mary (married Richard Hancock), Barb Lydia (married Dr. Sam Tittle), Rebecca (married James Hollandsworth), Sally (married Cornelious Keaton), and Susan Elizabeth (married Jack Keaton). 

 JACK KEATON and his wife’s issue was two sons and three girls.  William Jackson (married a Miss Holland), and Neal (married Miss Harris). The daughters were as follows:  Morning (married Bill Kelly), Jeannie (married P. A. Keaton), and Lydia (married Great Grandfather ROBERT KING in Virginia in 1808.  Kelley and his wife, Morning Keaton, married in Virginia. [Wilson Co Tn] Lydia and Morning were married when their sister, Jeannie was  born in 1810.  The Adams, Keatons, Hancocks, Kelleys, and King a branch of the Tittles, Higgins, and others here in Tennessee are all one family of intellectual people. 

 James Hollandsworth and Cornelious Keaton and their Adams wives never did come to Tenn.  [see Tn Cousins for Cornelouis Keaton] Neither did any of the boys but Jacob, Jr.  Robert Kings home was on Sycamore Creek upon a branch, or small creek, called the King Branch.  His farm included all the land on the entire branch around the meanders of the ridges on either side of the branch.  Nine hundred acres was the size of his farm.  It was in Wilson and Smith Counties until [after]1835 when Cannon County was created. 
 I will be unable to list all names of the KING family and I will leave blank spaces for others to list names in that are left out; not written down.  I can trace the first and second KING generations very well.  I am a little blank on the younger KING people. 
 ROBERT KING and his wife, Lydia Keaton, brought up a family of six sons and five daughters. 
 The first son of Robert and Lydia King was born in 1810. They called him WILLIAM (Bill).  He was my wife’s grandfather.  He married Nancy Kelley. They brought up five boys and six girls.  Liz, Bill’s oldest daughter married Harvey Dodd.  I now only three sons of Liz and Harvey’s family:  William, Milton, and Dave Dodd. 

 Lydia King married Joe Knight.  Ulysses and Richard, two sons, are all I know. 
[Robert King to Lydia Keaton Mar 2, 1812 Wilson Co Tn , William Kelley to Morning Keaton Oct 5, 1812 Wilson Co Tn. We must remember that we have greater helps with our ___ than this great Historian Mr. R.A. Dennis had. I wish I had met him____] 

Page 2 

Lydia King and Joe Knight raised five sons and four daughters.  The sons were -Bill, Ulysses, Richard, Oliver, and Jodie.  The daughters were: Mannie, Lucy, Mai, and Mollie.  Ulysses married Ella Byars. 
[Mollie Knight to Brown Spurlock] 

 Mary Ann King married Mon Haley. Hardy, Lige, Albert, and Sampson were the boys.  Monroe went away and I lost sight of them. 

 Morn married Jackson King. One daughter graced their home.  By way of fondness they called her Kandace.  She married Lee Vickers.  All deceased. 

 Emaline King married John Campbell.  They died childless. [John Campbell married 1st Any Elizabeth Haley-seceral dau & sons] 

 Grandfather Bill’s son, and grandson of ROBERT KING, Robert, Jr. married Frances Mahaffa.  They reared a family of four sons and four daughters.  Will (Bud) was feeble minded.  He lived to an old age and died.  Jasper married Malenda Hayes and then removed to Texas.  They are dead. 

 Manny King married Luanie Williams  Two daughters were born to them.  One of them married Raymond Beckton.  The other one married a Mr. Smith  Manny’s first wife died and he married Rachel Pistole.  They live at Liberty, Tenn. 

 Oscar King, son of Robert King, Jr.. and grandson of Bill King, married Loucinda Adamson.  They went to Texas early in life and died in Texas. 

 Robert King’s daughters, granddaughters of Bill King, and Great grand -daughters of Robert and Lydia  King,  Sr:  Jenny married Andy Hayes.  Their children Bob, Many, Adda. 

Sara King married John Keaton.  Their Issue: 

Robert Jr.’s Daughter, Martha, married Dyer Rich.  They removed to Texas and died there years ago. 
Nora married Martin Stanley.  He died and she married Wilson Bery.  I can’t write up their issue. 
Tip King, son of Bill King and grandson of Robert King, Sr., married John Mathis’s daughter.   They had one heir, 
Janny.  Tip died a prisoner of war in Illinois, 1863. Taylor, a son of the same King family, died in prison also. 

JAKE KING, son of Bill King, and grandson of Robert King, Sr., married Tabitha   Bratcher.  They reared two sons:  Allen (Dock) King, and William (Pete)King, Jake and Talitha had one daughter, Ardelia.  She married R. A. Dennis, author of this script.  She died the 19th of September 1904.  Her son, Jake, resides in Woodbury, Tennessee and Sam Dennis lives in Chicago, Ill.  Jake Dennis married Kathlyn Bell Barrnett.  Their children-three boys and six girls; five daughters and two son living. 

JOHN KING, son of Bill King and grandson of Robert King, SR. married Lucy Barrett.   Their sons were Bill, Eb, Taylor, Amber, and Hatton;  The daughters were Allie and Lula; Allie married George Taylor or Bill  married Jeannie Hale, Eb married —–,. Taylor died single, Hatton married Kiney Keaton, Amber , ___________, Lula married Lonnie Denton  (name added by W. S. King Aug 1959) 

Page 3 

JAMES KING, second son of ROBERT KING, SR., born 1817, married Agnes Stricklin (B. 1809; D. Oct. 31, 1884)  James and Agnes raised five sons and three girls. 

CIDNEY ALEXANDER was the first son (b. 1831).  Alex, as he was called by all people, married Sarah Ann Bogle.  Their issue was as follows:  Edna married Bill Moss:  Their issue William B. Moss ————- Swan ————–, 
Sallie married Charlie Hale. 

Samatha married Henry Keaton.  Their children were-Lillie married Ben St. John; Helen married Albert Hoody (He died and she married John Robertson, who was killed by a car driven by Nel Hale Jan 17, 1952).  Minnie married Roy Grizzle (She died in her 63rd year. Apr 23, 1952).  Walter married Lula Williams (Walter is dead). 

Amanda Jayne married Jim Scott.  They had no heirs,  One or two girls died very young. 
Martha married Luther _____________.  She died April 15, 1952 Cidney Alex and Sarah Ann had four sons. 
James Daniel married Darthula Raikes.  Their children are as follows: 
Sterling King married a Miss Morris.  Frank King married Alice Davenport daughter of William B. Davenport.  Frank and Alice brought up two girls;  Gracie married Lee Powell, Grada married Caris Kennedy ADDED AUG 1959 

Pharris King married Media Melton.  Their children are as follows: ______________? 

JAMES KING, son of James King and grandson of ROBERT KING, SR., married Nancy Ann Partan.  Jeames and wife reared a family of three sons and three daughters.  Four are dead; two living. 

LESTER KING, Jeames’ eldest son, married Nan Keaton.  Their issue one son and three girls.  Robert married John D. Campbell’s daughter.  She died and he married a Miss Mitchell.  Callie married Chalmus Vance.  Eva married Oscar Davis.  They parted and she married Carl Cunnings.  Ola married Ray Vance.  Ray and Chalmus Vance are brothers. Both are dead. 

MARVIN KING, Jeames’s son, married Jim Derting’s girl.  Herschel married away from here.  Jeames King’s girls-Florence married John Banks.  Callie, Sr. married Mr. Curtis.  Nola died years ago, 1880.  Lester King is a high toned type of humanity.  He is easy to approach pleasant to be with.  He is discreet in his talk, polished in his manners and one of the refinest conversationalists and silver-tongued entertainers one ever had the pleasure to be with. 

JACKSON KING, James’ third son, is written up in Bill King’s family report. 

JORDAN KING, son of James, Sr., married Martha Bogle.  Martha died and Jordan married Martha Haley.  Sampson King is their only heir.  Martha Haley died and Jordan married Cynthia Fuston Allen.  They died at Gath, Tenn. 
Sampson (son of Jordan and Martha Haley) B. Oct 24, 1879, married Nora Belle McGregor (B. Jan. 20, 1879)  Their issue 3 sons, 1 daughter.:  Garland (B. 9-9-1906) M. Hazel Crawford (B. 5-6-1944)  Newell James (B. 10-21-1911 D. Oct 5, 1914)  Fana Belle (B. 7-21-1915) m. James S. Goodlet, Kermit Stokley (B. 9 -24-1920) Unmarried. 

HENRY KING, son of James King, Sr., and grandson of ROBERT KING, SR., married Amanda Keaton.  Rece, Matthew, and Malley were the boys. Rece married Nancy Rich.  She died Jan 1942, Rece King, 79, died Jan 24, 1954. 

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Matilda and Hattie were the girls.  Matilda married Lester Young.  Hattie died unmarried. They are all gone to the Great Beyond. 

James King’s daughters:  Lyda married James Knight.  Eliza, Betty and Jiny their heirs.  Knight died and Lydia married Daniel Bryson.  Bob and Nancy their heirs.  Nancy married Jim Scott.  She died in 1902. 

James King’s daughter Synthia married Sam Keaton.  Lawrence, Sam and Synthia’s son, is an ordained minister.  Synthia died and Sam married another daughter of James King.  They had no heirs.  Jayn King was Sam’s last wife’s name. 

ABE KING, son of ROBERT, SR:, married Sally Keaton. They removed to Atwood Carroll County, Tenn.  John Halley married Abe’s girl, Mary King.  Nelson and Larkin are the only ones I ever knew. 

ALEX (BILL) KING married Nancy Jones.  Lee, their only son, died in Wilson County years ago.  Josie died in Texas.  Molly married Bedford (Dick) Gann.  She died in 1902. 

JOHN KING, SR., son of Robert, Sr., married Mary Caroline Hancock. They died childless. 

JAKE KING, SR., son of Robert King, Sr., married Louanie Williams.  Their issue was three sons and two daughters.  Bob T. R. King married Maggie Jaynuay in West Tenn.  S. A. King, Jake’s second son, married Tennessee 
Keaton.  Their heirs, Claud, Alton, Charley, Anna. 

S. A. and TEN’S heirs. ??????? 

BILL KING, Jake Sr.’s son and grandson of Robert Sr., married Alice Groom.  {W. L. King married Alice Groom December 2, 1884 in Cannon County, TN}  Their children:  Jessee married Burvey King, Oral married Mahala Vance, Blvis married Bobie Stoner, Robert married Adrien Cooper; Daughters were:  Lela married Shelah Ashford.  He died and she married Joe B. Milligan.  Nezzie married Morgan Stoner,  Margoria married Shela Higgins.  I think one married Grover Davenport. 

Jake’s daughters, granddaughters of Robert King:  Mary married Neal Bogle.   {M. E. King married N. S. Bogle, October 19, 1873 in Cannon County, TN}  Their heirs – Beny, ___________, Joe, Lougnie, Netty, and Etna Bogle. 

Martha King, Dau of Jake, Sr., married Jim Womac.  {Martha A. King married James M. Womack, January 26, 1879 in Cannon County, TN}  Their children are Ora, Jinen, Nancy, and two other girls.  Dauphin and Irvin were the boys. 

ROBERT KING SR. and Lydia Keaton Kings’ daughters were as follows:  Alamenta King married Alex Vandygriff.   They had one son, Will Vandygriff.  Will married Rhoda Campbell. Their heirs were John, Jim, Marion, Joe, and Henry the boys.  The girls were – Delia, who married Andy Hamilton, and Betty, who married Rube George. 

Nancy, Robert King’s daughter, married Jesse McGee. Monroe, born 1842, Bob, Sam, Jesse, Jr.; and Henry the sons.  Monroe married Nancy Owen, widow of John Marcum.  Edna, Idella, and Fountain King were Monroe’s heirs.  Bob McGee, Jesse and Nancy’s son, married Anthem Marcum.  Otha, A. J., Marlin, and Ferbin were Bob and Anthem McGee’s children.  Sam McGee married Margaret Ripp, daughter of ______ Hipp.  They went to Texas early in life and died there.  Jesse Lafayette went to Texas and he died there.  Henry McGee, the baby of the family, was a doctor and he married Mark Bethell’s dau.  He located at Milton and practiced his profession there for years.  He is dead. 

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Jesse McGee and Nancys girls were Sis, she married Bill Jetton.  Julia An died single, America married Martin Scott.  They are all dead. 

LUCINDA, daughter of Robert King, Sr., married William Kelly. Sam, the first son,married a Miss Archer in Macon County.  Their children were as follows:  _____??  Bethel Kelly the second son of Lucinda & and William Kelly married Lucy Ward.  Their heirs were:  Walter, Arther, Clyde, Motie, Nattie. 


Almenta Kelley married Jonathan Summar.  Their children were as follows: 
Willey married Penina Bryson, Hatton married Effie Martin, Andrew married John Scotts girl, Bob married Sutton Tasseys girl, Ethel married Joe Bogle, Alta married Smith Bogle. 

Elizabeth King, a daughter of Robert King, Sr., married Bobby Craddock.  Uncle Bobby and Aunt Betseys son.  Simon married Allen Wilsons dau.  She died and he, Simon, married Harrett Frazier.  Harrison Craddock married Jayn Braswell.  John married Betty Braswell. Bill Craddock died single.  Simon reared two sons.  John went to Texas in 1882.  Robert died several years ago. Rev. Gradey, his son, is a minister of great promise. 

Elizabeth and Bobby Craddocks girls:  Mary married Wel Vandygriff.  Parle married B. Rich.  B. died and she married Tom Pugh.  Loucinda married Lige Adamson.  Their heirs were-Harrison; the doctor, Robert, Loney, and Les. 
Candace married Charley Barrett. 

Doll Braswell married Bobby and Betsys girl.  They went many years ago and we never heard anything of them. 

Mary A., daughter of Robert King, Sr., married Gabriel Keaton.   Their children died in infancy.  They died long ago.  Gabriel Keaton was born June 19, 1837; died December 13, 1909, Mary _______ Keaton was born Sept. 14, 1831 ; date of death unknown. 

Robert King Keaton, son of Billy Keaton, and grandson of Jack Keaton was a Baptist preacher for many years.  He lived and died in Warren county near Dibrell, Tenn. 

M. A. Cathcart was a Baptist Minister of great promise.  Like many others, he died in the prime of life and was sadly missed. 

John T. Hancock was a fine preacher of great promise.  He died in youthful manhood.  He was pastor of the Baptist Church on Sycamore when he died. 

W. J. Watson is a fine preacher.  He resides near Lebanon, Tenn. 

H. L. Keaton lives in DeKalb County.  He has been in the ministerial work some time. 

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Odas King, son of J. D. King, is up with the best, they say. 

Richard Duggin preached some.  He died young in the ministerial work. 

John Tedder was an ordained Baptist Minister. 

Leburn Rich is preaching at various places over the country at present. 

C. L. Keaton preached some in his early years.  He was well informed and could sure defend the doctrine. 

Grada Craddock, great, great, great grandson of Robert and Lydia King has charge of churches in Smith county and elsewhere. 

James Higgins is a very prominent minister.  His work, both school and church, is I think, in Lawrence county. 

The minister as Baptist;  they represent the Church that carries with its self every sign and mark of the true apostolic Church of the Lord Jesus Christ. 


Harrison Adamson was a prominent doctor.  He died a few years back, 1952. 

Joe Turney was a doctor for years up in the Statesville section in Wilson County. 

Jim Turney practiced in and about Auburntown for some time.  He lived respected and died rejected.  He was born June 10, 1856; died Nov. 9, 1909. 

Dr. Henry McGee is written up in the McGee report elsewhere. 

TEACHERS:  There are forty or fifty school teachers listed in the Adams, Keaton, Hancock, King, Kelly, Fuson, Tittle, Higgins, Turney, Lewis, and Allen families.  There was and now is some noted educators of the entire generation.  J. B. Adams, L. D. Hancock, Grover Keaton, and Aunt Elizabeth Adams called to the public to give them a problem they could not solve or work out.  They could solve anything the books contained or anyone could give them to work out & get the correct answer. 

GENERAL REMARKS  The King people were a peaceful, quiet, sociable class of people.  They were seldom in court; and a KING law suit was never in court that I ever heard of in my life.  They were carpenters, blacksmith, stone masons, also F. _ A. M.  The old set of KINGS lived to be very old people. They were all affiliated with the Church that Christ set up the year 33, except three that I know of.  Both men and women lived to be seventy years of age up to near ninety years. 


Jake Adams  born 1735  died 1807. 
Jacob Adams of Tenn born 1761  date of death unknown 
Abe Adams  born Jan 16, 1790 died 1857, Sept 9 
William Adams  born Dec. 20, 1811 died 1861 
Peter Adams  born April 9, 1813 died Oct 15, 1884 
Jacob Adams  born May 13, 1815 died Sept 17, 1887. 
Captain Billy Adams born 1800  died 1895 
Robert King, Sr. born 1785   died 1863 
Bill King  born 1810  died 1887 
James King  born 1812  died 1895 
J. K. Jake King   born 1844  died Aug. 7, 1897. 
Cidney Alex King born 1833  died 1909 
Monroe Kine 

Page 7 
note made on page 7: #8 was in wrong place-next page 9 

Monroe King  born July 6, 1843 died May 26, 1915 
P. A. Keaton  born Nov 5, 1810 died July 20, 1892 
A. L. Hancock  born 1811   died 1897 
Cooper C. Hancock born Sept 15, 1815 died Sept 15, 1877 
R. A. Hancock  born Jan 17, 1827 died July 29, 1897 
Lewis Hancock  born Oct 25, 1787 date of death unknown. 
L. D. Hancock  born Jan 19, 1859 died May 28, 1880. 
Andrew Hancock born July 14, 1858 ?) died May 24, 1904 
George Hancock born August 28, 1857 died April 14, 1904 

I am the only one living that can trace the Kings from great grandfather Robert King, and here it is in a clumsy written hand.  With loving gratitude I send this on. 

        Signed  R. A. Dennis 



      G. F. KING 
      6512 BALLARD ROAD 
      CHATTANOOGA, TN 37421 

{hand written in on my copy} 
Jacob Adams Sr. Br about 1730 d 1807 
Mar May 
1. Jacob Jr. Bor about 1760 Mar 
2. Peter   1762 
3. Wm.  1766 
4. Mary  1773 1.Christophr Cooper 2.Richard Hancock 
5. Lydia  1775 Dr. Sam Tittle 
6. Elizabeth 1780 Jack Keaton 
7. Rebecca  1785 James Hollandsworth 
8. Sarah 1789 Cornelius Keaton 
9. Isaac  1792 

Page 9 

Many families have owned it.  The cemetery and church ground consisted of about 2 acres and is vacant land.  I doubt if a deed was ever given to anyone for that tract.  If so it might be on record in Carthage.  It was Smith County at that time. 

Some of the Church of Christ preachers back then were Elijah Preston, (a popular preacher), Elijah Mears, Bob Stanley, Beecher Martin, Henry Morris,  (Henry Morris also taught an adding class at Pleasant Ridge), Jay Watson, Jim Kidwell held a school way back in 1882 at Pleasant Ridge.  Charles Powell is tinctured with Dennis blood so it is impossible for him to imitate a preacher! 

The church house that the Methodists built at Pleasant Ridge about 1818 was an odd structure.  It was built of small logs, or poles, 50 to 60 ft. long and 30 or 40 ft. wide.  A chestnut stump was on the inside of the house and 
it was hewn and put in shape for a candle stand and for the preacher to stand by and expound the Holy Scriptures to a dying world.  It was a low house and its first roof was of popular and chestnut bark.  It had no wooden floor. 
The door was 8 ft. wide for light.  Plies were laid across the door to keep out the stock.  They pegged bark on both inside and outside walls of the house and they could open a large space for the flue in the roof for the 
smoke to escape when a huge fire was made to warm the house.  They had choice slabs of bark to stand up in front of the door to keep the cool drafts out.  During the cold weather the fire on the inside of the house made plenty of 
light for the congregation at night.  Candle molds were in vogue at that time and the people made or molded their candles of tallow, both beef and mutton were used to mold candles.  I can well remember when nothing but candles were used for lighting purposes, especially in church buildings.  I can remember back 72 years, and there were no glass lamps, cook stoves, metal wash tubs, not metal buckets. 

My father, Samp Sellers and R. A. Hancock bought the three first Palmetto No 7 cook stoves on Sycamore Creek.  That was in 1874.  They brought home with them a small brass lamp each, and a quart of kerosene each. 

But whatever became of the old pole or log house I do not know.  Amos Gilley told me Henry Dennis let the Methodist have the house.  It is said that Henry Dennis sold Jack Gilley (Amos’ Father) the Sam Dennis farm.  Mr. Teasely once owned the place.  Mr. Spears lived there years ago.  Ward Barrett lived there and so did some two or three of the Prestons.  All this was over 100 years ago.  Hiram Tittle once owned the farm but never lived there, or so Sam Tittle said. 

When the Church of Christ was established at Pleasant Ridge they built a very good log house.  It stood for years but about 1857 some one set fire to it and burned it to the ground.  War was brewing at that time and no house was 
put back there for nearly 10 years.  About 1867 or 1869 they built another log house.  This house burned down about 1898 or 1899 and they put up another one called the White House.  I burned about 1939.  Now they have a very nice 
house in which to worship. 

I have heard the best Baptist talent in the state preach as these ministers: 
J. R. Graves, E. E. Folk, J. H. Anderson, Joe McCluskey, J. H. Grimes, John Oakley, W.  O. Carver, J. T. Estes, G. A. Ogle, W. J. Watson, Wm. Simpson, and a host of others now cherished in memory. 

These were witnesses of the setting up of the Church of Christ in 1827: 
Aaron Jones born 1804 
Capt Billy Adams 1800 
Peter Adams   1813 
Jacob Adams   1815 

Page 10 [noted to see back of Page 9 but 10 is written in on it] 

John Derting  1793 
Larking Keaton  1797 
C C Hancock  1815 
C C Owen  1809 
H Y Morris  1810 
Bill King  1810 [William King] 
Ira Hollandsworth 1814 
John Hollandsworth 1817 
*John Hale  1818 
*A L Hancock  1811 
*P A Keaton  1810 
*Spy Anderson  1802 
*  These 4 men were not members of this denomination, however. 

Page 11 

JUNE 12, 1940 


 I have heard my father speak of a Mr. Shaw who once owned the A. L. Hancock farm down on Clear Fork Creek and the Monroe Hancock farm just above the Haley farm now owned by Jennie Vickers, Shelia Jetten and J. J. Dodd.  Mr. Shaw possessed a large tract of land upon the Lick Branch.  The log cabin house was over across the branch opposite the beautiful Spout Spring.  Christopher Cooper got in possession of all this land in some way.   Mr. 
Cooper married Mary Adams.  Cooper died and Richard Hancock married his widow and of course she was the lawful owner of the land.  Mary and Christopher Cooper had no children.  She married Richard Hancock and had three children by him.  A. L. and C. C. were the boys and Alamenta the only daughter.  The heirs of Richard and Mary Adams Hancock heired all the land at their death. 


Page 12 


 In the name of God, Amen.  I Jacob Adams of Patrick County & State of Virginia being in a very low state of health in body but in perfect senses & memory & calling to mind the mortality of the body, I do constitute and ordain this to be my last will & testament. 

 FIRST I recommend my soul to God who gave it & my body to the grave to be buried at the discretion of my Executors & such thing as God has given me I dispose of as follows, (to-wit) 
 SECONDLY for all my just debts to be paid. 
 THIRDLY I do give & bequeath to my beloved wife Mary Adams this plantation whereon I now live & all the working tools belonging hereunto & all my household & kitchen furniture also five Negroes named Aaron, Will, 
Samuel, Dilamder & Catey & a gray horse and a bay mare named Diamond & four cows & calves & all my stock of sheep & hogs also the debt that Thos. Reeves owes me.  The above property for her to have without control during life or widowhood. 
 FOURTHLY I give to my beloved son Jacob Adams a negro boy named Jeremiah. 
 FIFTHLY I give to my beloved son Peter Adams a negro boy named John. 
 SIXTHLY I give to my daughter Lydda Tittle a negro girl named Cielah during her lifetime & if she should die without heir born of her body the said Neby girl & her increase to return to my Estate & divided among the rest 
of my children. 
 SEVENTHLY I give to my daughter Lydda Tittle a  negro boy named Dick. 
 EIGHTLY I give to my beloved daughter Elizabeth Keaton a negro boy named Arch to her and her children & not at all to be at the disposal of Zachariah Keaton her husband. 
 NINTHLY I give to my beloved daughter Rebecca Hollandsworth & her children a negro girl named Hannah but not to be the disposal of James Hollandsworth her husband. 
 TENTHLY I give to my beloved daughter Sarah Keaton & her children a negro boy named George but not to be at the disposal of Cornelius Keaton her husband. 
 ELEVENTHLY I give to my beloved son William Adams a negro boy named Peter. 
 TWELFYELY? I give to my beloved son Isaac Adams a negro boy named Isham also a sorrel mare & her increase & a feather bed. 
 THIRTEENTHLY I do will & ordain that out of the the Estate give to my wife Mary Adams that Frances Cochrel shall have a horse valued to twenty-five pounds & it is further my will & desire that the rest of the land & property not herein mentioned shall be sold at twelve months credit & the money arising from such sale be equally divided amongst my children and further I do constitute & appoint my trusty friends Chas. Foster, Esq. & Capt. John Turner to be my Executors to this my last will & Testament.  As witness my hand & seal this 27th day of October 1807. 
        Jacob Adams 
Signed in the presence of us: 
James Cox, Thomas Hill, Danniel Maccantire 
Patrick De. Court 1807 
Will Book 1, Page 96-97 

Page 13 


Jacob Adams, 1761,Jr. sisters were as follows: (of TN) 
Mary, m. Christopher Cooper.  Cooper died and she Mary, m. Richard Hancock. 
Barbara Adams, Jacobs sister m. Dr. Sam Tittle. 
Ruth m. Mr. Cummings-She is Tenn Jacob Dau? 
Susan, a sister to Jacob Adams, Sr. m. Zack Keaton. 
Sally(Sarah), Jacob Jr. sister, m Cornelius Keaton. 

Jacob Adams Jr. Dau:     Jacob Adams Jr. daughters: 
Mr. Hays wife was Jacobs dau{?Wasnt this Abe’s dau} Caroline, m. James Owen 
Elizabeth m. James Fuson    Priscilla, m. John Overall 
Francis m. Lewis Hancock    Suan m. A E Hancock 
Jasper Ruyle m. one of Jacob’s dau 

Abe Adams Dau: 
Susan Jane Adams, b. Apr 30, 1821 
Mary W. Adams b. June 10, 1819 
Hannah Leean Adams, b. June 22, 1817 
Fanny, m. John Allen 
Mr. Lewis m. one of Abe Adams girls 

The Adams, as near as I know and understand from what I have been told arrived here October 1809.  H. A. Overall is my author.  I have heard Mr. Overall and my parents talk with one another many times.  They came from Patrick Co., Va.  Zack Keaton married Susan, a sister of Jacob Adams Sr. In Va., and Zack came here with the Adams family.  Robert King married Lydia Keaton and Jake Kelley, Sr. married Morning Keaton, daughter of Zach Keaton 
soon after arriving here. 

The Adams family was an intelligent class of people.  They were industrious and easy to grasp book knowledge.  Jim B. Adams is a fine scholar and when naturally at himself is surpassingly great.  I heard Col. George McKnight say J. B. Adams was the aptest student he ever instructed. 


In July, 1809 Jacob Adams, Abe Overall, Isaac Turney, Sr., Wels Adamson, Zachariah Keaton, Sam Fuson and probably many others formed, or organized themselves into a colony of home seekers and turned their faces west in 
search of the heart of fine country.  Dr. Sam Tittle and a Mr. Cummings came when the Adams family came.  The colony came in ox carts, rude built  wagons, horse back, and almost any way available.  They followed the old Nickajack Trail.  Nickajack was a hair liped Indian.  He was chief of a tribe of Indians that lived or roamed about in Ohio, Indiana, and Kentucky.  This tribe of Indians would go east once or twice every year. 

Their trail came across Kentucky into Tenn. through what is now Macon County, by Red Boiling Springs to Lancaster, where Temperance Hall, Dowelltown and Liberty now is.  From Liberty up Clear Fork to the Big Overall Spring.  This 
was a good camping place and they had bark shanties built to camp in. 


The trail ran or went up the creek from the Big Spring to the Adamson Branch. Thence up the branch to the Lige Adamson cave.  Thence up the long hill where the Bill Bryant and Presley Adamson farm joins.  Thence on 

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out Pea Ridge and on to the Half Acre Spring.  Thence through Warren County, through Grundy Co. and over into Sequatchie Valley and on into Virginia. 

The colony followed the narrow path for a guide.  Of course they had to cut a wide road to travel in as they were traveling in carts and wagons.  They drove their cattle, sheep, and hogs along with them.  They started in July to 
get the benefit of the grazing, for the summer and fall grass was fine.  Water was hard to find until an old Indian told them how to find it.  The main trail was marked by cutting one notch on trees along the way, the water paths was marked with two notches.  The salt licks by blazes slits on the bushes and trees. 

So the colony came and while coming they camped two or three times when camp meetings were being held.  Plenty of people lived in east Tenn. at that time but not but few in what is now Middle Tenn in those days.  The colony finally 
arrived at the Big Spring camping ground and met a few Indians who were there at that time.  The Red men were very friendly and extended toward them a good welcome.  The Indians were fond of liquor and the boys of course had plenty with them. 

They treated them to their full desire and they piloted the home seekers over the country and showed them the fine caves and good springs of pure water. 

Abe Overall took up his home over across the creek adjacent to the Big Spring. Wels Adamson located where H. M. Evans now lives.  The Turney located one mile above the Big Spring. Christopher Cooper, on of the colony, chose his home up the creek above the Turney entry, known as the A. L. Hancock place. Dr. Sam Tittle located still further up the creek near Gassaway.  Jacob settled upon what is known as Adams Branch above the Abe Overall home.  Zack Keaton went just over in what is now called the Keaton Hollow.  He entered about one thousand acres of good hill land.  Jake Kelley, Robert King and Sam Fuson took up their land on Sycamore Creek. 

No doubt they were a happy set of people for they all stayed here and built good houses and the most of them became wealthy citizens for that day and time.  Mr. Cummings settled over in the Danville Neighborhood now Woodbury, Tenn. 

I am sure many others came along with the colony but I don’t know who they were.  I may think of someone later on as I write this. 

One of Jacob Adams sisters {Ruth b. 1794-1795} married a Cummings.  They had sons and daughters.  Thomas, one of the sons resided in Warren County. 

Thomas Cummings, Jr., mayor of Nashville, is a grandson of Thomas Cummings. 

Warren Cummings was the second son.  He married Dove Sullivan.  They had ? children.  Warren was born Nov 11, 1814, died May 11, 1898.  Dovie, wife of Warren Cummings, died Nov. 7, 1884 age 70 yrs.  Warren Cummings was worth probably one hundred and fifty thousand dollars at his death. 

Jim (Stringer) Cummings was Warren’s only heir.  Jim died before his father.  Warren Cummings died and his (Jim’s) children heired Warren Cummings estate.  The Cummings girls married and removed to or near Carthage, Mo.  Jim 

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