Henry & Sarah P. Davenport Land Deed

Henry & Sarah P. Davenport Land Deed


Henry & Sarah P. Davenport to Hardy J. Davenport, 17 Aug 1875 —-คคค—- Cannon Co. Deed Bk P,p.592 Henry Davenport & Sarah P. Davenport deed to Hardy J. Davenport 12 acres and 50 poles: We hereby convey to Hardy J. Davenport a certain tract of land in the state of Tennessee, Cannon County and District 11th containing by estimation Twelve acres and 50 poles be the same more or less for the sum of forty five dollars to us in hand paid receipt of which is hereby acknowledged and bounded as follows; Beginning on a stake with _____ Painters in E.W. Ashfords line on top of mountain thence nearly South with the meanders of the Ridge Thirty three poles to a small Chestnut Oak thence a little North of West with the fence and top of the Ridge one Hundred and twenty five poles to Rebecca Summer line Thence East with her line & E.W. Ashfords line about one hundred to the beginning. We are lawfully seized of said land and have good right to covet it the said is unincumbered we further more Bind ourselfs ___ heirs and representatives to Warrent and forever Defend the title to said land and convey part thence to the said Hardy J. Davenport his heirs or assinees against the lawful claims of all persons whatever this 17th August 1875. Henry Davenport Sarah P. Davenport wit. A.S. McKnight, W.R. Davenport rec. 12th day Oct 1894 ___________________________________________________________________

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