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Category: Land Records

William Blanks Deed

William Blanks Deed

CANNON COUNTY, TN – DEEDS – William Blanks to Stephen Wilson, 22 Dec 1882 Cannon Co. Deed Bk T-405  – William Blanks to Stephen Wilson We hereby convey unto Stephen Wilson and heirs forever for the consideration of seventy four dollars to us in hand paid the receipt is hereby aknowledged a certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the state of Tennessee Cannon Co District No. 14 Bounded as follows: Beginning at a Double Chestnut Wilson…

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Ward & Elizabeth Barrett Land Deed

Ward & Elizabeth Barrett Land Deed

CANNON COUNTY, TN – DEEDS – Ward and wife Elizabeth Preston Barratt to Thomas Preston, 3 Nov 1854.   Cannon County Deeds, November 3, 1854, Cannon County, Tennessee; Whereas, John Preston late of Cannon County State of Tennessee, died seized and possessed of a certain tract of land lying and being in Cannon County District No 6th, State of Tennessee, and bounded as follows to wit, on the North by the Lands of Elijah or James Neely on the East by…

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