Allen Wilson Land Deed

Allen Wilson Land Deed



Allen Wilson to Alexander Milligan, 4 May 1838

Cannon Co. Deed BK G,p.411 Allen Wilson to Alexander Milligan This indenture made and intered into this forth day of May in the year of our lord Eighteen Hundred and Thirty Eight between Allen Wilson of the County of Cannon and State of Tennessee of the one part and Alexander Milligan of the State & County aforesaid of the other part witnessed that the said Allen Wilson for and in the consideration of the sum of Three Hundred Dollars to him in hand paid by the said Alexander Milligan the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged by the said Wilson hath granted bargained & sold to the said Alexander Milligan his heirs & assigns a certain tract or parcel of land containing by estimation containing one hundred and nineteen acres and thirty five poles be the same more or less containing with in the following bounds to and lying in the said County of Cannon on the waters of Hurrican of Sanders fork of Smiths fork beginning on a sugartree running South forty eight poles to the road on the ridge thence east with the high rode to a lynn leaning over the road thence with the conditional line with the senter of the ridge between Charles Hancock and Alexander Milligan on to Richard Hancocks line to two chestnut oaks thence north with Hancocks line to a stake thence west thirty poles to a stake thence north to a sugartree thence west one hundred and forty one poles to the beginning including the improvements together with the appertainanus there to belonging to have & to hold the said tract of land with its appertainanus to have & to hold the said Alexander Milligan his heirs & assigns against the claim or claims of all persons whomsoever will forever warrant & defend in testimony where of the said Allen Wilson hath warrants. Subscribed his name and fixed his seal the day & date above written Allen Wilson (his mark) Wit: Joseph H. Bogle,James Milligan, James J. Bogle ___________________________________________________________________

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