Bogle Family Files

Bogle Family Files

The George Bogle Family


     GEORGE BOGLE was born 1786 in Rowan Co., NC, and died 1854 in Cannon Co., TN.

     He married MARGARET HINES.

Thomas E. Partlow, Wilson County Tennessee Wills: books 1-13 1802-1850,  (Easley:Southern Historical Press, 1981), p.47, George Hines will: 18 Jan 1823. Lately of North Carolina. Heirs: s.i.l. George Bogle; my four children William Esq., Bentling, George, and Hannah Hines. Son Wm. is of Iredell Co.,NC. If my dau Hannah has received any part of the estate my will is that it be deducted out of her part. Wit. James Michael and Soloman Travis. Exec. George Bogle and William Hines. Rec. 3 Sep 1823.

Tennessee State Library & Archives,  Cannon Co. Estates, Inventories Apr 1848-Jun 1908 (Roll 16) 
p.317, Joseph H. Bogle admin of Lucinda Bogle dec’d made no will. Letters of admin granted 1 August 1854.
p.321, Inventory of sale of property 18 Aug 1854, buyers: Joseph H. Bogle, Wm. Blanks, N.W. Summer, George Bogle, George B. Bogle, Abraham King, E.B. Summer, Daniel Bogle, Elisha Davenport, ? D. Frances, John Moran, G.R. Bogle, Stephen Wilson, Jol Milligan, A. Summer, Elizabeth Bogle, Elisha Bogle, Wm. Willard, Thomas Standley. test. 4 Sept 1854

George Bogle will, Cannon Co.,TN Will Bk A, pp. 102-103
I George Bogle do make and publish this as my last will and testament hereby revoking and making void all other wills by me at any time made.
1st I direct that my funeral expenses and all of my debts be paid as soon after my death as possible out of any moneys that I may be possesed of or that may come into the hands of my executors.
2nd I give and bequeath to my wife Margaret a negro woman Ann and her child Andrew also as much of the house hold and Kitchen furniture as she cases and one choice cow and calf and the little gray mare, and five choice sheep to have the above named property during her natural life or widowhood, also one third of my land as a dower also five hundred dollars to be retained in Joseph Bogles hands one of the executors for her use and benefit and if there is more money than is necessary for her use and benefit the said Joseph H. Bogle shall account for it to my Heirs at her death and if there should not be money enough for her support each of my legatees shall refund money enough to support her, also her side saddle and bridle.
3 I appoint T.D. Summar Armstead Frances and CB Odom to lay off her dower and one years provisions and also to value the remainder of my land on a credit of 12 months
4 It is my will that my son G R Bogle have the land at the above valuation.
5 It is my will that all my property be sold on a credit of twelve months also that my children viz Samuel Bryson and his wife Isabella Bryson James J. Bogle and Jahile Bogle be notified of the time and place of sale as they live out of the state. Also it is my will and desire that my negro property be sold among my children so that no other person will be allowed to bid for them but my children and the purchaser to give bond and security to my executors.
6th It is my will and desire that all of my children shall share equal in this distribution of the proceeds of my property and that also the Heirs of John Bogle dec’d shall have the part he would have been entitled to and that also the heirs of Elizabeth Frances dec’d have the part that she would have been entitled to.
7th I will that after the death of my wife that all of the property belonging to her both personal and real be sold and equally divided between my lawful heirs.
Lastly I do hereby nominate and appoint Joseph H. Bogle and George R. Bogle my executors in witness whereof I do this my will set my hand and seal, This the 6th day of December 1854.
                                                                                                                                                               George Bogle (seal)
Thos D Summar
CB Odom

State of Tennessee Cannon Co March term of said County County Court 1855
There personally appeared in open Court this Thos S Summar and CB Odom subscribing witnesses to the within paper writing who being sworn before and say that they are acqainted with the said George Bogle the testator in his life and that he acknowledges the same in the presense to be his last will on the day it bears date witness Brink Lasater Clerk of our said Court at office. This the 1st Monday in March AD 1855. B Lasater Clerk Registered the 9th day of March 1855
………………………………………………………………………………………………………Tennessee State Library & Archives,  Cannon Co. Estates, Inventories Apr 1848-Jun 1908 (Roll 16) 
p.352Joseph Bogle & George Bogle exec. of Estate of George Bogle dec’d.Inv of property sold on 20th Apr 1855. Wm. Bogle boy Dick, J.H. Bogle boy Ben, R.R. Bogle girl Mary, J.H. Bogle girl Manda, M. Frances girl Juda, G.R. Bogle boy Sam. Other buyers: C.B. Summer, T.D. Summer, Wm. Bogle, Robert Womack, A.G. Odom, Wm. G. Bogle, W.M. Robertson, J.H. Thomas,T.B. Odom, A.C. Thomas, WM Owen,CC Odom,AC Thomas, JM Sneed,WN Wilson,JT Jewel,A Burger,PG Leach, EP Frances,RR Bogle,JG Thomas,WB Bryson,NW Summer,BD Summer,WM Robertson,Robt Bryson,WH Cox,Wm Good,JW McAdoo,R WomackJoel Milligan,HN Keeton,J Milligan, WT Standley,WB Cooper,A Owen,RH Davis,Samuel Vance,TC Ward,Wm Blanks,MC Frances,EB Summer. Notes: Wm Bogle, JH Bogle,RR Bogle,AG Odom,CD Anderson,JW Summer Jr.,Wm Willard. submitted to the court 4 June 1855 rec, 10 Jul 1855

Tennessee State Library & Archives,  Cannon Co. Estates, Inventories Apr 1848-Jun 1908 (Roll 16), pp.421-423
E.E. Bogle Adminx of Joseph H. Bogle dec’d – A list of property sold by Exena E. Bogle on the 29th of Oct 1856. Buyers: Widow, MS Bogle, CC Odom,JW McAdew,WC Leech, E Frances, GR Bogle, WR Bogle, Stephen Wilson, EB Whitlock,CB Summer, Wm Goad, JH Thomas, JS Frances,John G Thomas, Henry Campbell, Elijah Higgins, WN Wilson, E Higgins, Asa Smith, George Hitchison, LF Bogle, PG Leech, RH Mason, JM Cooper, William Willard, William Witty, James B Thomas. Test 30th Dec 1856, Reg 6th Feb 1857

Tennessee State Library & Archives,  Cannon Co. Estates, Inventories Apr 1848-Jun 1908 (Roll 16), p.428
Joseph H. Bogle admin of Lucinda Bogle dec’d-Settlement with EE Bogle adminx of Lucinda Bogle on inventory returned by JH Bogle on 4th Sept 1854. Reg 28th March 1857

Tennessee State Library & Archives,  Cannon Co. Estates, Inventories Apr 1848-Jun 1908 (Roll 16),p.462, GR Bogle one of the Exec of George Bogle dec’d on examination found chargable with amount from inventory returned by him on 4th June 1855 and recorded in Inventory Bk B pp 352-355. Each distributee entitled to the sum of $668.93 each. Receipts from James J. Bogle witness AG Odom 12 May 1855, Samuel Bryson witness EW Owen 12 May 1855, Jahal Bogle witness EW Owen 19 Sept 1856, Jahal Bogle witness AG Odom 6 Oct 1855. sub 1857? (not dated but on same page as other entry in 1857) reg at office by B Lasiter, Confirmed by the cort T Finley Judge

Tennessee State Library & Archives,  Cannon Co. Estates, Inv Apr 1848-Jun 1908 (Roll 16),p.476, GR Bogle exec of George Bogle dec’d Settlement receipts on these legatees: Anthony Summer guardian of Eliza Bogle, M Frances guardian of James J Frances, Sarah Ann Frances, Margaret D J Frances, Elizabeth Frances, William Bogle, R R Bogle.  Reg 7 Jan 1858

Abstract of Cannon Co. Will Bk A, p.147
George R. Bogle, Copy of Will. County of Manza, State of Alabama. Wife: Louisa. Children, unnamed. Exec. Wm. Barton. Wit. W.B. Medavill; A.B. Moore will not dated, proved 12 May 1859, Dallas, County, Alabama. Registered in Cannon Co.,TN 8 June 1859 –
Cannon Co. TN St. Archives, Rol #27,BkA, pg. 147-148:::WILL OF GEORGE R. BOGLE
George R. Bogle of Marenga (?hard to read) & State of Alabama being of sound mind and dispassing memory but very feeble in health do make and publish the following as my last will and testament that is to say 
1st/ I desire that all my just debts be paid  
2nd/ I will and bequeth to my beloved wife Louisa Bogle all my property both real and personal which I now own or which I may hereafter become ______ in any manner to have and to hold the same during her natural life and widowhood.   
3rd/ It is my will that at the death of my wife or her marriage to another that my property both real and personal be equally divided among my children share and share alike.   4th/ I hereby appoint William ______ executor to this my last will and testament.    
Signed George R. Bogle   
Open court James A. Young, Judge   Witness W.B. McDovill and A.B. Moore     
State of Alabama Dallis Co. Thomas G. Raines Judge certifies that the foregoing pages is a full true and correct transcript of a certified copy of the last Will and testament of George R. Bogle, deceased, as the same as found on record and on file in this office, etc. 
13th of May 1859  Registered 8th of June 1859 B. Lasiter Clerk.   

Cannon Co. Probate Court Settlements, Volume B, Feb 1854-Jan 1872
p.35, L. Bogle Executrix of G.R. Bogle qualified and given letters of admin. 6 June 1859 BM Lusan Bogle, Aaron Gibson & Robert Bryson.
p.41 L. Bogle reports an inventory of George Bogle estate. Notes on: Unah Jennings; A.J. Bryson; W.C. Leech; William Bogle; Allen Wilson; John J. Grier; A.C. Francis; Alfred Pierce; John Bumes. 22 June 1859 J.F. Puckett J.P. Wilson Co.,TN registered 15 Jul 1859 B. Lasater Clerk Cannon Co.,TN

Tennessee State Library & Archives, Cannon County Probate Court – Settlements Vol B Feb 1854 – Jan 1872,  (Roll 12),p.86 Robt Bryson admin of George Bogle dec’d report up to the 18th Oct 1859. Paid the following heirs: Jahial Bogle, Wm. Bogle, Jas J. Bogle. Recorded 9 Feb 1860

Tennessee State Library & Archives, Cannon County Probate Court – Settlements Vol B Feb 1854 – Jan 1872,  (Roll 12), p.53, p.53 J.S. Womack to settlement admin of J.H. Bogle dec’d: with E.E. Bogle Adminx of Joseph H. Bogle who afterwards married James S. Womack and she being now dead this settlement is made with her said husband James S. Womack. approved 5 Sept 1859.
Guardian Settlements Wilson Co.,TN 1856-1862
p.378 15 Sept 1859 Frances Anderson, Guardian of the minors of Joseph Bogle, Hannah E. Bogle and Josephine E. Bogle.
Guardian Settlements Wilson Co.,TN 1856-1862
p.398, 3 Nov 1859 R.R. Bogle, Guardian of the Minor heir of Joseph Bogle, Thomas Bogle.(Thomas appears in Robert R. “Bob” Bogle HH-1860 census)

Microcopy #653, TN Vol 2 (284-477), 1860 Cannon Co.,TN Census-MF,  (roll 1242), p.201/hh 1385/Auburn – August 4-11 1860, Margaret 77 NC, Eliza 24 TN.

Index to Newton Co.,MO wills and Administrations 1839-1910: William Bogle – Admx Sarah Bogle 29 Dec 1860

p.137: J.S. Womack husband of E.E. Bogle Settlement. Paid: J.B. Thomas,J.S. Odom,R.R. Bogle.J.W. Summer agent,F.S. Anderson.
Recorded 9 Feb 1861.

Guardian Settlements Wilson Co.,TN 1856-1862
p.624-625 20 May 1861 James B. Thomas, Guardian of a heir of Joseph H. Bogle who died in Cannon Co., George A. Bogle.

Tennessee State Library & Archives, Cannon County Probate Court – Estates Settlements Jan  1868 – May 1876,  (Roll 17), p.592 Robert Bryson admin of George Bogle dec’d. A list of rent & Negro hire of George Bogle dec’d.John Moran; A. Francis; R.R. Bogle; Wm. Colbert; Isaac Underhill; J. Sneed; Vance Wilson; A. Milligan; J.A. Brogan.
10 Oct 1866-A list of rents of T.A. Womack dec’d by Robert Bryson admin. J.M. Bogle; D.D. Womack. Sworn to by Robert Bryson admin of said Estates 10 Aug 1867. Received by the court 30 Sept 1867.

Tennessee State Library & Archives, Cannon County Probate Court – Estates Settlements Jan  1868 – May 1876,  (Roll 17), pp.602-603
Robert Bryson admin of George & Margaret Bogle dec’d. A list of property sold at the sale of George Bogle and Margaret Bogle dec’d, and the notes taken at the sale on the 17th day of January 1862. Notes: G.W. Vaughn; J.F. Bogle; S.J. Odom; J.D. Frances; Nancy Frances; B.B. Cooper; Lousan Bogle; B.D. Summar; P.G. Leech; John Moran; J.W. Palmer; J.M. Odom; J.W. Hubbard; T.J. Treeble; M.D.L. Cooper; A.S. McKnight; W.M. Robertson;J. Bryson; C.B. Odom; J.F. Weedon; Mrs. Thomas Stanley; W.B. Bryson; M. Francis; W.C. Lax; C.C. Odom; A.J. Bogle; B.D. Davenport; H.N. Thomas; A.D. Alexander; W.C. Davenport;Talbort Jones; P.L. Duggin; Stephen Wilson; Druru McKee; J.W. Hubbard; J.M. Cooper; F.S. Anderson; Nancy Bogle; F.B. Odom; Thomas Richardson; David Reed.
Received by the court 9 Oct 1867.

Tennessee State Library & Archives, Cannon County Probate Court – Estates Settlements Jan  1868 – May 1876,  (Roll 17), pp.40-42 Robert Bryson Admin with the will Annexed of George Bogle dec’d reports from last settlement 20 Sept 1865 to current. Receipt from William Bogle supplied by Affidavit. Approved by the court 4 May 1868.
Report on inventory from August 10 1867 to 4 May 1868. Heirs: R.R. Bogle, M. Francis guardian, J.M. Odom, F.S. Anderson guardian, Andrew Sea & Nancy Sea, G.R. Bogle, E.G. Bogle, J.B. Thomas guardian, A. Owen, Henry Daugherty. Approved 7 May 1868

Cannon County Probate Court – Estate Settlements (Jan 1868-Sep 1914)
Roll #17, R. Bryson admin of George Bogle final settlement 22 Aug 1871. Legatees named: James J. Bogle; Jahile Bogle; Sam’l Bryson & wife; Anthony Summar guardian of John Bogle heirs; M. Frances for children of Elizabeth Frances; Wm. Bogle; Wm. Bogle guardian of Geo Bogle minor heir of John Bogle; R.R. Bogle; Joseph H. Bogle;George R. Bogle;C.B. Summar as guardian of one of John Bogle heirs;F.S. Anderson guardian of Josephine & Hannah 2 of the minor heirs of JH Bogle. Amt shown of said executors JH & GR Bogle before their death was charged to Robt. Bryson on 18 Oct 1859. Wm. Bogle has received and sold his interest in the whole estate to J.M. Odom. Jahile Bogle sold to P.G. Leach. Voucher rec’d 9 Aug 1869 from James Bogle, atty in fact for J.M. Higby,Margarett E. Glenus? & Julia Bivins heirs at law of James J. Bogle dec’d. receipt from James & John Bogle heirs at law of James J. Bogle dec’d. 21 Aug 1871 receipt from T.J. Jetton who owns Jahile’s interest in the estate by purchase for $40. Registered by the court 15 Sept 1871.

Roll #14-Cannon Co. Probate Court-Enrollments Vol: A,B,D (Mar 1848-Jun 1916)
Vol. A pp.128-130 (Abstract)
Bill of Complaint
Samuel Bryson & Wife Isabella of Cedar County Missouri against Robert Bryson with the will annexed of George Bogle dec’d and as administrator of Margaret Bogle dec’d, a citizen of Cannon Co.,TN Deft.
Complaint is that they are heirs of George & Margaret Bogle dec’d and represent one share in said estate, that the said George Bogle died in Cannon Co, TN in 1854 leaving as his last will and testament which was probated in the Cannon Co. Court in March 1855 and the executors named therein Josph H. Bogle and George R. Bogle were duly qualified and returned inventory aggregating the sum of $6,802.99. Settlement with the county clerk in 1858 after getting various credits for disbursements show due each heir the sum of $668.93, $579.00 of which they paid to the complainants for which they executed a receipt. Some time after the said executors died and at the Nov term of the county court 1858 Deft Robert Bryson was duly appointed Admin with the will annexed of said George Bogle and imediately returned an inventory to the Dec term of the County Court in 1858 aggregating the sum of $528.44 and on the 16th May 1865 he returned a supplemental inventory aggregating the sum of $460.87. Comp; furthur show that Margaret Bogle widow of George Bogle died some time in 186 and Robert Bryson was qualified as her admin and on the 17 day of Jul 1862 as admin he sold the pers property left by her at her death and prodeeds of the sale amounted to the sum of $578.48 at least this is the amt reported by deft Bryson. Compl charge that more than 2 years have elapsed since the deft gratification as admin, that the assets of said estate are more than sufficient to discharge the debts, charges and claims against the estate, that are entitles to priority of payment, but the court amt due compl they cannot tell but Deft Bryson admitted to J W Summar that it was between $300 and $400 some time in 1869. They call upon the Deft to show in his answer what debts he has paid and when and the correct amt due Complts from either and both of said estates and they have never recd anything except the $579. As before shown. The pray that Robt Bryson be compelled to pay over to them their distribution of said estate.
Filed 6 May 1872
Copy of bill ordering Robert Bryson to appear in Chancery Court on Monday 20 May 1872 executed by Sheriff W.T. Rigsby on 14 day of May 1872. pp.134-137

Roll #14-Cannon Co. Probate Court-Enrollments Vol: A,B,D (Mar 1848-Jun
1916) Vol. A,pp.134-137
T.J. Jetton vs. Robert Bryson admin & others
Petitioner shows that George Bogle died in Cannon Co in 1854 leaving a will which was duly probated in the county court a copy which is filed as a part of this petition marked exhibit “A”.
By the provisions of the said will all of the heirs of said George Bogle were to be made equal and the land left to his widow was to be sold at her death which has been done. He further states that the executors of said will died before they fully wound up said estate and at the Nov term your petiitioner was appointed admin and as admin he has paid over to several heirs out of assets that came into his hands as shown in his last settlement with the court the sum of about $600. He would further state that he does not wish to distribute the interest due T.J. Jetton that he aquired by purchase from one of the heirs of said George Bogle. [must be Jahile’s share] The petitioner prays that your honor allow him to receive the funds now from the sale of the dower lands of the widow. 
Filed 21 May 1872

Roll #14-Cannon Co. Probate Court-Enrollments Vol: A,B,D (Mar 1848-Jun
1916) Vol. A, pp.255-258 George A. Bogle vs JB Thomas etal
George A. Bogle a Citizen of Gibson Co.,TN  Compl. Against JB Thomas of Cannon Co, GB Adams,TC Barkly,SY Barkly, and WN Thomas citizens of Wilson Co.,TN Deft. Compl shows that JB Thomas was appt guardian for compl by the Wilson Co court the 6th day of Sept 1858 and gave bond in the sum of $8,000. With sur TC Barkly,G Badasus? And TM Allison. Alison is dead and not sued. This bond was renewed in the said court the 3rd day of Apr 1860 in thesum of $6,000. With sur SY Barkly,TC Barkly and HW Thomas. Compl represents that he is a son of Joseph H. Bogle dec’d and that he was a minor at the date of deft Thomas qualified as his guardian, but has now attained his majority. There was a large estate due dompl from the estate of Joseph H. Bogle and his widow arising from the sale of the real estate and negroes of which they died seized and possessed by decree of the Chancery Court at Woodbury some time in 1858. He also had an interest in the state of JH Thomas and George and Margaret Bogle dec’d which came to the possession of his guardian JB Thomas. He charges that said JB Thomas has failed to report and account for the funds rec’d by him belonging to compl and he has waisted and misapplied them and converted them to his own use. He has also failed to renew his bond nor made but one settlement in about 15 years. He has only reported that he rec’d from the estate of Joseph H. Bogle the sum of $1596.82 when in fact he rec’d the sum of $2535.94. In addition to this he rec’d a considerable sum from the estate of JH Thomas and Geo and Maragret Bogle dec’d which he has failed to report or account for. The two amt recd fom these estates are unknown to compl and deft are called upon to give the amt from whom recd and date of receipt sometime in 1859 he rec’d into his possession some personal property belonging to your compl from the widow of Joseph Bogle dec’d from which he failed to acct. This property was sold but to whom and for what amt he can not state and he asks that the def be required to show the date of this sale the kind of property sold and the price realised. Filed 5th Apr 1873

Roll #14-Cannon Co. Probate Court-Enrollments Vol: A,B,D (Mar 1848-Jun
1916) Vol. A, pp.258-262
Thos M. Bogle who sues by his regular guardian John H. Fullerton both citizens of Gibson Co.,TN compl vs R.R. Bogle  who now resides in the state of KY, A. Owen of Cannon Co.,TN, SC Hamilton and WH Tribble of Wilson Co TN deft.
Same wording and charges as George A.’s suit. Compl charges that deft on the 18th day of Mar 1868 the def RR Bogle made a pretended settlement with the clerk of the county court of Wilson Co only showing in his hands the sum of $1924.96 when the sum should have been at least $5,000. Or perhaps more because he failed to report about ½ of the funds rec’d by him. He then turned over said sum of $1924.96 to def Tribble who took his place as guard of compl said till sometime in 1871 at which time compl was residing in Gibson co at and at the ___ term of the Wilson Co court a petition was filed in the name of compl by his then next friend John S. Fullerton  for removal of said guardian and that John S. Fullerton was appt guardian by the Gibson Co Court. Filed 2 Apr 1873
(Both of these suits are asking for bondsman to honor the funds converted by the guardians for their own use and to pay compl. What they are due.)
(Goodspeed’s History of Gibson Co.,TN,  (Chicago and Nashville:Goodspeed 1887), Thomas Bogle was raised by an uncle, and in 1871 came to Gibson Co., and carried on Farming and Stock raising until 1884, when he came to Kenton, and engaged in the mercantile business with J.A. White.)

Cannon Co.,Tn Probate Court Enrolling Dockets, Bk. B, pp.175-176, J.S. Womack vs Report made May June 1875 P.G. Leach In this cause the master reports that he finds from the record of the county court & Dep of J.S. Wommack that the following disbursements have been made to the heirs of Joseph H. Bogle Dec’d
J.B. Thomas Gd. Rec’d from P.G. Leach Adm. Sept 5 1859 $104.25
J.S. Odom Gd rec;d from P G Leach at some time $74.66 (see Leach Settlement County Court record page 52)
J.B. Thomas Gd. Rec’d from J.S. Womack abt same time $53.61
J.S. Odom Gd. rec’d from J.S. Womack $53.61
F.S. Andrews Gd. Rec’d from J.S. Womack $107.22
J.S. Womack rec’d & adm of his wife $53.61 (see Womack Dep p.102)
J.S. Womack adm rec’d from P.G. Leach $28.29
See report on filed marked A?
Aggregate disbursement to Jany 1st 1860 $528.86
Interest to Nov 16 1874 Term 14y 10m & 15da $470.65
Amt principle & int $999.51
He further finds from his report made to the last term that def Leach was indebted to his intestates estate the sum of $786.97 Int for 6m $23.60
Amt principle and int $810.57
Aggregate and disbursements $1810.88
This sum when divided equally between the 7 distributees  shares  __ each $258.58 The records of the county shows M.S. Bogle has never received anything. The administrator therefore is entitled to a credit for his distribution share to be applied as a credit on his promissary note filed in this cause which when deducted from the $810.57 now due from Leach as shown by the report made at the last term makes the defendants liabilities amount to the sum of $551.99. Submitted 18 May 1875

Cannon Co.,Tn Probate Court Enrolling Dockets, Bk. B, pp.195-196 (abstract of record) J.W. McAdoo vs. F.S. Anderson etal
Bill of Complaint
J.W. McAdoo of Cannon Co vs F.S. Anderson & J.B. Thomas of Wilson Co and James S. Womack of the same Co. and Mathew BOGLE of GIBSON CO,TN. Compl defts filed their OB in court against your compl & CC Odom,CB Odom & Robt Bryson and PG Leach as guardian of Joseph Bogles heirs in the 29th Apr 1871. Compl shows that EE Bogle was appt admin of the Joseph Bogle
dec’d estate and afterwords intermarried to James S. Womack and PG Leach was appt admin debonus now in 1858 of said estate and exected his bond with your compl CC & CB Odom & Robt Bryson as his surity and F.S. Anderson an J.B. Thomas was appt the guardian of the minor heirs. Compl shows from reports to court and settlement that Leach has funds that compl seeks to make Leech and his securities liable for. Compl has recently discovered that the admin Leach holds in his hands a note vs Mathew Bogle on of the legatees of said estate which was executed to the admin at the sale of Joseph Bogle dec’d and the admin Leech and the admin
Leech expected to count to Mathew Bogle as cash but Leech moved off (earlier records indicate Leech has gone to Texas ) and Bogle moved off and your compl knows nothing of the note and __ on Leech atty to watch over the ___ and judgement against your compl and his co securities. Compl believes said record is showing said Bogle is owing the estate and as he and his co securites have to pay off said debt that they are entitled to a credit to Mathew Bogles share in said estate and in fact Womack and his surities are responsible for the whole amount. Compl asks for a restraining injuction to keep the sheriff from collecting the liability and a full review of said proceedings in court. 24 Dec 1875

The Children of GEORGE BOGLE and MARGARET HINES are:

  i. ISABEL “EBBIE” BOGLE, b. 1806, Iredell Co.,NC; d. MO; m. SAMUEL BRYSON, 15 Mar 1825, Wilson Co., TN. 
Isabel and Samuel were living in Gentry Co.,Missouri in 1850. 

2. ii.   JAMES J. BOGLE, b.abt 1810, Iredell Co., NC; d. MO. 
3. iii.  JOSEPH H. BOGLE, b. 26 Dec 1812, Iredell Co., NC; d. 1857, Cannon Co.,TN. 
8. ix. JOHN BOGLE, b. abt 1813?, Iredell Co., NC; d. Bef. 1850. 
    iv.  JAHIAL BOGLE, b. abt 1815, Iredell Co., NC; d. MO; m. ELSEY LOUISIA ?. 
4. v.   ROBERT R. “BOB” BOGLE, b. abt 1819, Wilson Co., TN; d. Ky?. 
5. vi.  WILLIAM “BILLY” BOGLE, b. abt 1821, Wilson Co., TN; d. 1860, MO. 
6. vii. GEORGE R. BOGLE, b. abt 1824, Wilson Co., TN; d. 1859, AL. 
7. viii. ELIZABETH “BETSY” BOGLE, b. abt 1826, Wilson Co., TN; d. Abt. 1852. 

Generation No. 2

2.  JAMES J. BOGLE (GEORGE) was born 1810 in Iredell Co., NC, and died in MO.  He married 
     JANE MILLIGAN 18 Dec 1832 in Wilson Co., TN. 
      James was living in Gentry Co.,MO in 1850 and Newton Co.,MO in 1860. 
 Children of JAMES BOGLE and JANE MILLIGAN are: 
 iii. J.M. BOGLE, m. ? HIGBY?. 

3.  JOSEPH H. BOGLE (GEORGE) was born 26 Dec 1812 in Iredell Co., NC, and died 1857 in Cannon Co.,TN.  He married (1) MARY SUMMERS 14 Sep 1829 in Wilson Co., TN.  He married (2) RACHEL TURNEY 24 Nov 1835 in Wilson Co., TN, daughter of GEORGE TURNEY and CATHERINE BARGER.  He married (3) LENA “ESEXNA” THOMAS 09 Mar 1848 in Wilson Co., TN, daughter of HENRY THOMAS and HANNAH MCKNIGHT. 
 9. i. ELIZABETH J. BOGLE, b. Abt. 1832, TN; d. Bef. 1856. 
 Children of JOSEPH BOGLE and LENA THOMAS are: 
10. ii. THOMAS MCKNIGHT3 BOGLE, b. 06 Dec 1853, Wilson Co.,TN; d. 19 Oct 1922, Gobler,Mo.. 
 iii. HANNAH E. BOGLE, m. HENRY C. ODOM, 02 Jul 1867. 

4.  ROBERT R. “BOB” BOGLE (GEORGE) was born 1819 in Wilson Co., TN, and died in Ky?.  He married ELIZABETH M. JENNINGS 09 Oct 1839 in Wilson Co., TN. 
Robert is listed in Christian Co.,KY census in 1870. 
11.  i.   WILLIAM G. BOGLE, b. 1840, TN. 
      ii.   JASON (RIAL) BOGLE, b. 1842, TN. 
12. iii.   JOHN J. BOGLE, b. 1846, TN. 
13. iv.   CYNTHIA ANN “SYMANTHA” BOGLE, b. 18 Oct 1847, Wilson Co., TN; d. 28 Jan 1918, 
           Cooke Co., TX. 
      v.   MARGARET ELIZABETH BOGLE, b. 24 Sep 1850, Wilson Co., TN; d. 16 Oct 1931, 
           Wilson Co., TN; m. JEHU BOYD TARPLEY, 08 Aug 1867, Wilson Co., TN. 
     vi.   SUSAN “FANNIE” BOGLE, b. 1853. 
     vii.  SARAH J. BOGLE, b. 1855. 
     viii. URIAH J. BOGLE, b. 1859. 
     ix.  AMERICA L. BOGLE, b. 1862, TN. 

5.  WILLIAM “BILLY” BOGLE (GEORGE) was born 1821 in Wilson Co., TN, and died 1860 in MO. 
     He married SARAH SUMMERS 14 Nov 1839 in Cannon Co., TN. 
1850 Cannon Co.,TN Census, p.445,HH 745,Sanders Fork, 11th District., Wm. 29 TN, Sarah 29 TN, Susanah, James J., Mary L. 
William is not listed in the 1860 Newton Co.,MO census Index. The Bogle files in Newton Co.,MO say that Wm. left TN in 1853 and moved to Cassville, Mo,Berry Co. and also says he is buried in the True Love Cemetery. Then Sally with her children and a slave named Ras moved to Newton Co.,Mo. Her records show they moved to Newton Co. in 1870. 

14. i. SUSANNAH BOGLE, b. 19 May 1844, TN; d. 07 Aug 1927, Goshen, Tulare Co., CA. 
     ii. JAMES J. BOGLE, b. 1845. 
    iii. MARY L. BOGLE, b. 1848; m. NORMAN CHRISTY, 1880, Newton Co., MO. 

6.  GEORGE R. BOGLE (GEORGE) was born 1824 in Wilson Co., TN, and died 1859 in AL.  He married LOUISSIANA GIBSON 26 Sep 1848 in Wilson Co.,TN. 

 i. MARGARET F.3 BOGLE, b. 1850. 

7.  ELIZABETH “BETSY” BOGLE (GEORGE) was born 1826 in Wilson Co., TN, and died Abt. 1852.  She married MELCHEZEDICK “CHISY” FRANCIS 19 Nov 1842 in Wilson Co., TN, son of MICAJAH FRANCIS and MARY ?. Microcopy #653, TN Vol 2 (284-477), 1860 Cannon Co.,TN Census-MF, (roll 1242), p.192, hh1328. 

 i. JAMES3 FRANCIS, b. 1845. 
 ii. SARAH FRANCIS, b. 1847. 
 iii. MARGARET FRANCIS, b. 1848. 
 iv. ELIZABETH FRANCIS, b. 1850. 
 v. JOHN FRANCIS, b. 1851. 
 vi. MARY FRANCIS, b. 1852. 

8.  JOHN BOGLE (GEORGE) was born 21 Feb 1813 in Wilson Co., TN, and died Bef. 1850.  He married LUCINDA ?. 1850 Cannon Co.,TN Census,  (S-K Publications,1990), p.445,HH 743,Sanders Fork,11th District., John is not listed in the HH. 

Children of JOHN BOGLE and LUCINDA ? are: 
 i.   ELIZA JANE BOGLE, b. 1836. 
 ii.  ELIZABETH M. BOGLE, b. 1839. 
 iii. NAOMI C. BOGLE, b. 1841. 
 iv. NANCY M. BOGLE, b. 1843; m. ANDREW SEAY, 21 Jul 1864, Cannon Co.,TN. 
 v.  GEORGE R. BOGLE, b. 1846. 

Generation No. 3

9.  ELIZABETH J. BOGLE (JOSEPH H., GEORGE) was born Abt. 1832 in TN, and died Bef. 1856.  She married ARMSTEAD G. ODOM 15 Oct 1847 in Cannon Co., TN, son of JAMES ODOM and MARY FRANCIS. 
Cannon Co.,TN will bk. A, p.112  proved 7 Jan 1856 

15. i. JOHN S.S. “SWAPPING JOHN” ODOM, b. 25 Jul 1848, Cannon Co., TN; d. 23 Dec 1917, 
        Ellis Co., TX. 
 ii. MATTHEW M. ODOM, b. 22 Jun 1849, Cannon Co.,TN; d. 03 Apr 1903, Cannon Co.,TN. 

10.  THOMAS MCKNIGHT BOGLE (JOSEPH H., GEORGE) was born 06 Dec 1853 in Wilson Co.,TN, and died 19 Oct 1922 in Gobler,Mo. He married SARAH LOUISE FULLERTON 1874, daughter of JOHN FULLERTON and RACHEL THOMAS. 


11.  WILLIAM G. BOGLE (ROBERT R. “BOB”, GEORGE) was born 1840 in TN.  He married AMERICA W. ADAMS 17 Jan 1864 in Wilson Co., TN. 

 i. WILLIAM BOGLE, b. 1865, TN. 
 ii. ROBERT BOGLE, b. 1869, TN. 

12.  JOHN J. BOGLE (ROBERT R. “BOB”, GEORGE) was born 1846 in TN.  He married SALLY DAVIS HAAS 02 Mar 1869 in Wilson Co., TN. 

Children of JOHN BOGLE and SALLY HAAS are: 
 i. TRESSIE ELIZABETH4 BOGLE, b. 18 Jun 1870, TN; d. 16 Jun 1959, MO; m. LEMUEL W. ALLEN. 
 ii. SUSAN JANE BOGLE, b. 02 Apr 1873, TN; d. 14 Sep 1939, MO; m. GEORGE W. HOLT, 
    12 Oct 1893, Lawrence Co., MO. 
 iii. JOHN A. BOGLE, b. Jan 1875, TN; d. 25 Nov 1938, MO; m. DELIA WELCH, 13 Dec 1897, 
    Lawrence Co., MO. 
 iv. MARY ARENA “MOLLIE” BOGLE, b. 09 Mar 1877, TN; d. 30 Nov 1948, MO; m. ROCHELLE 
    KINCAID, 09 May 1908, Jasper Co., MO. 
 v. LUTHER JEFFERSON BOGLE, b. 24 Jun 1879, TN; d. 29 Dec 1954, MO; m. BERTHA FLORENCE 
 vi. DOLER BOGLE, b. Jul 1881, TN; d. 28 Nov 1953, MO; m. STEPHEN BETHEL BROWNING, 24 May 
    1907, Lawrence Co., MO. 
 vii. ETHEL BOGLE, b. 16 Mar 1884, MO; d. 04 Nov 1938, MO; m. ERNEST BROWNING, 03 Feb 1909, 
    Lawrence Co., MO. 
 viii. FLORIDA BELLE BOGLE, b. 28 Mar 1886, MO; d. 1925, MO; m. LOUIS D. “DOC” FOWLER. 

13.  CYNTHIA ANN “SYMANTHA” BOGLE (ROBERT R. “BOB”, GEORGE) was born 18 Oct 1847 in Wilson Co., TN, and died 28 Jan 1918 in Cooke Co., TX.  She married WILLIAM CALVIN WARD 22 Dec 1867 in Wilson Co., TN. 

Children of CYNTHIA BOGLE and WILLIAM WARD are: 
 i. PRESLEY “PRESS” WARD, b. 25 Oct 1868, Wilson Co., TN; d. Sep 1953, Cooke Co., TX. 
 ii. ARTUMISA M. “ARTIE” WARD, b. 03 May 1870, Wilson Co., TN; d. 25 May 1943, Denver, CO. 
 iii. COLUMBUS “TUMP” WARD, b. 07 Sep 1872, Wilson Co., TN; d. 19 Apr 1965. 
 iv. STELLA MAY “POLLY” WARD, b. 11 Feb 1875, Wilson Co., TN; d. 06 May 1944, 
    Comanche Co., OK. 
 v. FLOYD WARD, b. 21 Dec 1876; d. 31 Dec 1912. 
 vi. CORNELIUS WARD, b. 08 Apr 1881, Cooke Co., TX; d. 26 May 1882, Cooke Co., TX. 
 vii. SPENCER LAWSON “LOSS” WARD, b. 27 Apr 1884, Cooke Co., TX; d. 07 Jan 1964, 
    Craig Co., OK. 
 viii. PLEAS “LOVE” WARD, b. 01 Oct 1886, Cooke Co., TX; d. 24 Jan 1966, Oklahoma Co., OK. 
 ix. BESSIE PEARL WARD, b. 04 Mar 1889, Cooke Co., TX; d. 03 Jun 1983, Cooke Co., TX. 

14.  SUSANNAH3 BOGLE (WILLIAM “BILLY”, GEORGE) was born 19 May 1844 in TN, and died 07 Aug 1927 in Goshen, Tulare Co., CA.  She married ADOLPHUS MITCHELL 02 Oct 1870 in Newton Co., MO. 


Generation No. 4

15.  JOHN S.S. “SWAPPING JOHN” ODOM (ELIZABETH J. BOGLE, JOSEPH H., GEORGE) was born 25 Jul 1848 in Cannon Co., TN, and died 23 Dec 1917 in Ellis Co., TX.  He married JULIA ANN ODOM 28 Nov 1866 in Cannon Co., TN, daughter of SHADRACK ODOM and SARAH OWEN. 

Children of JOHN ODOM and JULIA ODOM are: 
 i. MARK M. ODOM, b. 18 Jan 1867, Cannon Co., TN; d. Abt. 1881. 
 ii. ELIZA ANN ODOM, b. 29 Sep 1869, Cannon Co., TN; d. Abt. 1922; m. JOSEPH BLACKBURN 
 iii. BENJAMIN WALTER ODOM, b. 09 Oct 1871, Cannon Co., TN. 
 iv. JEPP NEWTON “JACK” ODOM, b. 18 May 1874, Cannon Co., TN; d. 14 Sep 1930, Sebree, 
    Webster Co., KY; m. IDELLER “IDELLA” CATHERINE BURTON, 13 Oct 1897, Dixon, Webster Co., 
 v. SARAH C. “SALLIE” ODOM, b. 29 Jun 1876, Cannon Co., TN; d. 24 Jul 1906. 
 vi. WILLIAM M. “BILL” ODOM, b. 09 Nov 1877, Cannon Co., TN; d. Abt. 1916. 
 vii. DELTER LAFAYETTE ODOM, b. 02 May 1879, Cannon Co., TN; d. 22 Sep 1915. 
 viii. SAMUEL SHADRACK “BOOG SAM” ODOM, b. 1881; d. 25 Oct 1936; m. IVORY BELL HORN, AR. 
 ix. LUTHER J. ODOM, b. 23 Jan 1883, Cannon Co., TN; d. Abt. 1892. 
 x. LOLA ODOM, b. 09 Oct 1884; m. HUBBARD GAFFORD. 
 xi. M.A. “ADDIE” ODOM, b. 16 Feb 1886. 


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