Andrew Bogle Land Deed

Andrew Bogle Land Deed

CANNON COUNTY, TN – DEEDS – Andrew Bogle to Michael Wilson, 4 Jan 1846

Cannon County Deed Bk E,p.236 Andrew Bogle To Deed 150 Acres Michael Wilson I Andrew Bogle have this day Bargained and Sold and do hereby transfer and convey to Michael Wilson and his heirs forever for the consideration of three hundred & fifteen dollars to me paid A Tract of Land in the State of Tennessee Cannon County and district No-11 Containing by estimation one hundred and fifty acres be the same more or less and bounded as follows Beginning on a sugartree in the north boundary line of Michael Wilsons tract and running East with his line three hundred and twenty five poles to a stake. Thence North seventy five poles to a stake Thence West passing two corners of Robert Brysons ________ and twenty five poles to a stake.Thence south seventy five poles to the Beginning. To have and to hold the same to the said Michael Wilson his heirs and assigns forever I do covenant with the said Wilson that I am Lawfully seized of said land have a good right to convey it and that the same is unincumbered. I do further covenant & bind myself my heirs & representatives to warrant and forever defend the title to said Land & every part thereof to said Michael Wilson his heirs and assigns against the Legal Claims or claims of all persons whatsoever. This the 4th day of January A.D. 1846 Andrew Bogle (his mark) Test: R. Fowler, Joseph Bryson Filed at office May the 30th 1846 ___________________________________________________________________

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