William Blanks Deed

William Blanks Deed

CANNON COUNTY, TN – DEEDS – William Blanks to Stephen Wilson, 22 Dec 1882

Cannon Co. Deed Bk T-405  – William Blanks to Stephen Wilson We hereby convey unto Stephen Wilson and heirs forever for the consideration of seventy four dollars to us in hand paid the receipt is hereby aknowledged a certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the state of Tennessee Cannon Co District No. 14 Bounded as follows: Beginning at a Double Chestnut Wilson corner running South 57 degrees W. 48 poles to a stake & painters; thence South 27 degrees E. 14 poles to a poplar-thenec South 31 degrees E. 16 poles to a stake in the turn of fence thence South 14 degrees E. 22 4/5 poles to a Lynn on Wilson line then North with said line 78 poles to the beginning. Containing by survey 9 1/4 acres more or less to have and to hold the same to the said Stephen Wilson we covenant that we are lawfully seized of said land and have a good right to convey the same and that the same is unimcumbered. We do further covenant and bind ourselves and heirs and representatives to warrant a title to the above described tract of land and every part therof unto the said Stephen Wilson and heirs against lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. This December 22nd 1882 William Blanks W.A. Blanks his X mark Wit. J.Y. Hipp ___________________________________________________________________

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