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Bledsoe County 1836 Civil Districts


(written by Billie R. McNamara)

In 1835 the Twenty-first General Assembly of Tennessee provided that each county be laid off into civil districts for the purpose of electing constables and justices of the peace.  Five commissioners from each county were appointed to make the divisions, after which two copies were to be made, one to be placed in the county court clerk’s office and the other in the secretary of state’s office in Nashville where it was to be “carefully preserved.”  This means that even though the county court clerk’s copy may have been lost in a fire, a copy should still be available from the state.  Evidently, someone did not live up to his charge, because the copies for a few counties cannot be found.  However, the names of the commissioners appointed in each county are listed in the Public Acts of the State of Tennessee.

Included in the next section are portions of the act most pertinent to understanding how the civil district divisions were made.

Legislative Act to Establish Civil Districts in Tennessee Counties

(transcribed by Billie McNamara)

From the Public Acts of the State of Tennessee

Passed at the first session of the Twenty-first General Assembly which was begun and held at Nashville on Monday the Fifth Day of October in the year One Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty-five.

Chapter 1

An Act to provide for the laying off the several counties in this State into districts of convenient size, within which justices of the peace and constables shall be elected, and for other purposes.

Section 1 – Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That there shall be appointed by joint resolution of both branches of the General Assembly, five suitable persons as Commissioners in each county in this State, a majority of whom shall be competent to act, to lay off the respective counties into districts of convenient size, regard being had both to territory and population, for the purpose of electing Justices of the Peace and Constables therein; and that said Commissioners shall receive for their services such compensation as the County Court, in their discretion may allow, to be paid out of any moneys in the county treasury not otherwise appropriated.

Section 2 – Be it enacted, That the commissioners aforesaid, or a majority of them, in each county in this State, shall have full power and authority to lay off their counties into districts for the purposes aforesaid; and in laying off the same shall be governed bythe following ratio of population, to wit. Each county which contains three thousand qualified voters or upwards, according to the enumeration of 1833, shall be laid off into twenty-five districts; that each county which contains twenty-five hundred qualified voters and under three thousand, shall be laid off into twenty districts; that each county which contains two thousand qualified voters and under twenty-five hundred shall be laid off into seventeen districts; that each county which contains fifteen hundred qualified voters and under two thousand, shall be laid off into fifteen districts; that each county which contains one thousand qualified voters and under fifteen hundred, shall be laid off into twelve districts; that each county which contains seven hundred qualified voters and under one thousand shall be laid off into ten districts, that each county which contains less than seven hundred qualified voters, shall be laid off into eight districts; which districts, when laid off as aforesaid, shall remain fixed and permanent until the General Assembly shall otherwise direct.

Section 4 – Be it enacted, That the commissioners aforesaid shall, at the time of laying off said districts, designate a suitable place, as near the centre of each district as practicable, for the purpose of holding elections for the election of the officers aforesaid, and other county officers, and which shall continue to be the place for holding elections in said district until altered or removed by a majority of the qualified voters residing therein.

Section 5 – Be it enacted, That in laying off said districts, the commissioners shall bound the same by county lines, rivers, creeks, branches, mountains, ridges, roads (public and private) section or range lines, or such other marks, natural or artificial, as to said commissioners shall seem necessary and proper to make said boundaries notorious: Provided, that said commissioners shall not be authorized to employ surveyors in designating said boundaries.

Section 6 – Be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of said commissioners in each and every county of this State to number each and every district, and to make out a complete record of the boundaries of each when laid off under their hands, and also a copy of the same, one of which shall be filed in the office of the county court clerk in which it is situated, and the other shall be forthwith transmitted to the office of the Secretary of State, directed to that officer, and it shall be his duty carefully to preserve the same in his office.

Section 7 – Be it enacted, That said commissioners shall make out two fair ideal plats of their respective counties, and of the respective districts in each as laid off by them, one of which shall be returned to the Secretary of State, and the other shall be returned to the office of the County Court Clerk, and to be by him recorded for the use of the public, or any individual who may wish to examine the same.

Dividing Bledsoe County

In 1836, the Tennessee State Legislature appointed 3 citizens of Bledsoe County to “lay off the county into districts for the purpose of electing Justices of the Peace and Constables.” Isaac Stephens, Samuel McReynolds and Samuel L. Story divided the county into 10 districts, each with a designated voting place, the northern most being District 1 and the southernmost being District 10.

Take a look at the recreation of an 1836 map of the county, above, and read the descriptions of each district (below), which include the places where elections were held.

It is important to note that in 1856 Cumberland County was created and took Civil Districts 1, 2, and 3 as part of its territory and in the same year the State Legislature detached the 10th district along with the 1st and 2nd districts of Marion County to become part of Sequatchie County.

Descriptions of Bledsoe Civil Districts

(transcribed by Nancy Cole)

District 1
The 1st District to Commence at the County line near Robert Burks & run with the said road leading from said Burk to Craven Sherrills at the head of Sequatchie Valley, thence a direct line from said Sherrells to Lowrys including said Lowrys, thence a direct line to the bounds of the County, thence with the bounds of the County to the begining of said District including said Burk. And the place of holding election in said District to be a John Stewarts.

District 2
The 2nd District to commence at the County line near said Robert Burks and to run with the line of the 1st district to Craven Sherrills thence a S.E. course from said Sherrills to the County line thence with the bounds of said County to the begining of said district and the place of holding elections in said district to be at Pleasant Gipson, in the Grassy Cove.

District 3
The 3rd District to run with the Southern boundary of the 1st and 2nd districts across the county including Craven Sherrells and to the lower line of Lot No. 1 including said Lot thence from the extreme ends of said Lot each way to the bounds of the county thence with the bounds of the county to the Southern boundary of the 1st and 2nd districts. And the place of holding elections in said district to be at Tolletts mill.

District 4
The 4th district to include Lots No. 2 and 4 and to extend from the extreme ends of the upper line of Lot No. 2 each way to the bounds of the county, and from the extreme ends of the lower line of Lot No. 4 each way to the bounds of the county, and the place of holding election in said district to be at Thomas Swafford.

District 5
The 5th district to include Lots No. 5 & 6 and to extend from the extreme ends of the upper line of Lot No. 5 each way to the bounds of the county, and from the extreme ends of the lower line of Lot No. 6 each way to the bounds of the county. And the place of holding election in said district to be at Jonathan Dentons.

District 6
The 6th district to include Lots No. 7 & 8 and to extend from the extreme ends of the upper line of the 7th Lot each way to the bounds of the county and from extreme ends of the lower line of the 8th Lot each way to the bounds of the county. And the place of holding election in said district to be at Pikeville.

District 7
The 7th district to include Lots No. 9 & 10 and to extend from the extreme ends of the upper line of the 9th Lot each way to the bounds of the county and from the extreme ends of the lower line of 10th Lot each way to the bounds of the county. And the place of holding elections in said district to be at Valentine Springs.

District 8
The 8th district to include Lots No. 11 & 12 and to extend from the extreme ends of the upper line of the 11th Lot each way to the bounds of the county, and from the extreme ends of the lower line of the 12th Lot each way to the bounds of the county. And the place of holding election in said district to be at Isaac Robinsons.

District 9
The 9th district to include Lots No. 13 & 14 and to extend from the extreme ends of the upper line of the 13th Lot each way to the bounds of the county, and from the extreme ends of the lower line of the 14th Lot each way to the bounds of the county. And the place of holding elections in said district to be at Aaron Hughs.

District 10
The 10th district to include Lot 15 & all of the 16th Lot that lies in Bledsoe County, to extend from the extreme ends of the upper line of the 15th Lot each way to and with the bounds of the county. And the place of holding elections in said district to be at William Jewells.

Bledsoe Countians’ 1817 Petition To Erect a Penitentiary

The Honorable, The Speakers and Members of the Legislature of the State of Tennessee, when in Session.

The humble petition of your memorialist:

As this county believe a penitentiary would be of great benefit to the state, Therefore it is the humble prair of your petitioners that your honorable body will in your wisdom, take it into consideration and your petitioners in duty bound shall ever pray

Oct. 9th 1817

Samuel Terry
Aquilla Johnson
Benjamin Henson
James Roberson
Isaac Stephens
John Henninger
Silas Morgan
Jesse Walker
David Rainey
William Christian
Michael Rawlings
Seymour? Braden
Thomas Vernon
Isaac Runyon
(indescipherable, maybe Jacoby)
Isaac Runyon
Jesse Lewis
Robert Lowery
Robert Lowery

The document is very difficult to read. Many thanks to Miss Elizabeth Robnett for her help with the transcription. Anyone with an ancestor who might be named something that looks like Shem B Jacoby is invited to help us correctly list that name.

1807 – 3rd Surveyor’s District

North Carolina Grants and 3rd District Surveys

Many North Carolina plats of grants are shown on the map as are also a few 1807 Tennessee plats. It is possible that the map was never finished for great many older North Carolina grants in the area are not drawn on the map. Many, but not all, of the grants have been identified.

Important Map

Detail Map

North Carolina Land Grants in Tennessee, 1778-1791

Below is a link to the index for North Carolina Land Grants in Tennessee 1778-1791, compiled by Goldene Fillers Burgner.

North Carolina Land Grants in Tennessee Index


Queries and Mailing Lists

Social Media Options

Facebook groups have become extremely popular for genealogical and historical research sharing on-line.  Click here for links to relevant groups.

Current Web-based Options (non-social media)

The most-popular on-line message sharing forum is’s message boards system. A paid Ancestry user account is not required to use the system.

Bledsoe County

Roane County

Defunct Options; Data Remains Available On-line

Over the years, several options for researchers to post family and local history inquires have existed.  Many of those systems are now defunct, but the data remain available.  Other sites remain on-line.  The predominance of social media groups has caused other on-line options to wither.  Some links are provided for those who wish to dig through the archives.

Genforum – State of Tennessee (“view by county” does not work)

Rootsweb: Bledsoe County Genealogy Mailing List

Rootsweb: Roane County Genealogy Mailing List

Rootsweb: Cumberland County Genealogy Mailing List

Rootsweb: Van Buren County Genealogy Mailing List

Rootsweb: Sequatchie County Genealogy Mailing List

Rootsweb: Hamilton County and Region History Mailing List

Rootsweb: Rhea County Genealogy Mailing List

Rootsweb: White County Mailing List


Freiley Family History, by Sue Ziegler

Typescript of circa 1955 essay by Sue Freiley, of Chattanooga.
Copy given to a descendant, Rosemary Acuff Hamrick, who donated a copy to the Bledsoe County Library in 2002.

I have attempted to write this as my mother, Della May Freiley (Wilson), cousin, Alma Freiley (Hutchinson) (Howard), aunt, Mamie Freiley (Acuff) (Morgan) and great-great aunt, Rebecca Freiley, told it to me.

John Freiley and Betsy Billingsley were married in the year of 1817 in Kentucky near Boonsboro. They made their home in a double log cabin situated in a valley below Chigger Hill near what is now Middleboro, Kentucky.

Great-great Grandfather John had a sister named Jane. She and her family lived a few miles south of the Freiley farm. Her husband was named Boone. Their eldest son was called Daniel after his Grandfather, Daniel Boone; the same Daniel who lived in South Carolina and made a trip through the Cumberland Gap of the Appalachians into Kentucky for the purpose of trapping. He it was who led a group of settlers through the Gap and hacked out the Wilderness Trail.

John and Betsy B. Freiley became the parents of seven children: Jonathan, Samuel (great-grandfather, born 1822), Christian (died at the age of 12), Betty (her mind was never quite right but lived until early middle age), Nancy (spinster who lived to be 90), Mary (spinster; died at age 60), Rebecca (spinster also and lived for 97 Years. I remember Aunt Becky. She was a darling, a tiny shriveled lady— millions of wrinkles in her small face — but chipper as a little sparrow and given to bad spells of nose-bleed. I was very young, but I remember her visiting us and how sweet she was to Pearl and me.

Samuel (great-grandfather) became a teacher and Jonathan a farmer. The two boys moved to Meigs County, Tennessee, in their youth.

After the death of Christian, great-great-Grandfather John and his wife Betsy were never happy in Kentucky; so when the two boys moved to Tennessee, they soon followed with the rest of their children — their belongings loaded into wagons. Betsy was slender and dark-eyed, old beyond her years from child-bearing and chores. John Freiley was a big man with light blue eyes, straight brown hair and curling moustaches. These two must have been pioneers at heart for they left a prosperous farming community to start over in Tennessee.

Samuel Freiley (great-grandfather, born 1822) married Miss Carolyn Fergerson and they had seven children: John Calvin (grand-father) born 1847. William (who burst his head coughing with the whooping cough at age four). He never was well,but lived to be 30. Jimmy, who served as a Captain in the Confederate Army during the Civil war, Emma (Fouse) mother of Cora Campbell. Mrs. Campbell is now a resident of Dayton, Tenn. Elizabeth (Mrs. John Stanley) Dayton, Tenn. Her children are John, Stanton, Mary and Susan (lost contact with them) but they did live in Old Washington above Dayton.

Amanda (Grimsley) Graysville, Tenn. Amanda has one son still living in Graysville, Ernest Grimsley, proprietor of a grocery store for many years. He is about my mother’s age I imagine. He is first cousin to Mama and Aunt Mamie. Jennie (Mrs. Byrd Thomas) Salecreek, Tenn. Cora Card’s mother. There are still Thomases and Cards living in Salecreek. I imagine they are cousins.

At the death of Carolyn, Samuel, then teaching school in Dayton, married Molly Gothard (also a teacher). Their children are: Eugene Freiley (now living in Brookwood, Ala.), Louella Freiley (married and living in Tuscaloosa, Ala.), Bobby (died in infancy). Remember, these children are half-sisters and brothers of Grandfather Freiley.

Jonathan Freiley (great-great-uncle) wed Miss Sarah Vernon, and they became the parents of three children: William Freiley (schoolteacher). He taught in Sequatchie Valley and was Principal of Dunlap High for years until his death 18 years ago (1937). Two daughters also: Elizaboth (Ridley (deceased)), Alma (Hutchinson) (Howard), now residing in Sparta, Tenn. Cousin Alma is about Mama’s age.

Will Freiley married Miss Mary Loutella Farmer of Pikeville, Tenn. Their children are: Lothair (deceased); Lora (Heard), Dunlap, Tenn. Her children still live there. Mrs. Heard’s children are 3rd cousins to Mama and Aunt Mamie. Leslie Freiley (now living in Corpus Christi, Texas).

We are now ready for the Freiley and Elsea Families to merge; so let’s get on with the Elsea side of the family.

John Elsea (Irishman) and Jane Cox were married in Salecreek, Tennessee in the year of 1850. John was a jolly fat red-headed giant of a man, but was high tempered; however, he was also very tender-hearted -­especially toward children. Great-grandmother Jane (Cox) Elsea was a dainty small girl who took life seriously, and cared for her husband and children accordingly. Their children were: Merry Jane (grandmother) born in 1855. Nancy, Elizabeth, Sarah, Calvin, Penk, Bill, John Jr., Thomas. Note similarity of names with the Freileys.

I do not know the whereabouts of all the Elsea family, but Calvin’s grand-children live in Salecreek now. One, Mrs. Leonard Cadd (Lola Elsea) lives on the Mtn. above Dayton. Claude is married to my sister Daisy Louise and they have one child, Sherry Ann. Bill Elsea, an uncle of Claude’s and cousin of ours, has a barber shop in East Brainerd.

At the death of great-grandmother Jane Cox Elsea, great-grandfather John remarried. His second wife was named Ruth. Mama does not remember her last name. She was a poor housekeeper and did not know how to care for her husband or step-children.

Mary Jane (grandmother) born 1855, was beautiful. She had curly mahogany-red hair, fair skin, large blue eyes, a lovely figure and a smiling cheerful disposition. It was no wonder that Calvin Freiley (grandfather), blond young woodsman from Dayton, fell in love with her. John Calvin and Mary Jane married and began house-keeping in a one-room log house in Salecreek. This was in the year of 1874. The first child born of this union was Mamie Freiley, 1875, later to become Mrs. Joe Acuff. In 1877 another daughter was born, Della May (Mrs. Jay Finch Wilson), my mother. Next, Thomas Freiley was born in 1879. His whereabouts are unknown, but the last time he was heard of, 56 years ago, he was employed by the N. C. & St. L. Ry. In 1881 Mary Jane gave birth to her last child, Elizabeth, (Mrs. Sam Caldwell). Four days after Elizabeth’s birth, Mary Jane died of child-bed fever; and so ended the happy marriage of Calvin Freiley with the death of his beloved Mary Jane at the age of 27. He layed her to rest in Coulterville, a small farming community near Graysville, Tenn. We have visited her grave and Grandfather Freiley’s.

Mary Jane and Calvin spent all of their eight years of married life in the one-room log house in Salecreek, but after her death it was impossible for him to stay there with no one to care for the small children; so Calvin moved with his children to Mary Jane’s father’s house near-by. Ruth Elsea (great step-grandmother) was young and insisted that the children not call her grandmother, but Aunt Ruth. She took little care of the children except to feed them. The tiny baby, Elizabeth, was starving and ill and cried constantly. Ruth fed her cows milk from a bottle with a piece of cane for a nipple (the center punched out and a rag tied over it). Such a sloppy job was done in washing it that there was always an odor of sour milk about. (After 74 years, my mother still remembers the odor.) The older children, Mamie 7, Della 5, Tom 3, also fared poorly. They were seldom washed and never combed and soon their hair was matted. Great grandfather Elsea cut all their hair off.

Calvin Freiley changed too, from a healthy happy man to a half-starved, worried, exhausted and desperate father. He sat at the big kitchen table night after night with his tiny daughter wailing on his lap. The only rest he got was when he put his head on the table and slept the sleep of exhaustion in spite of the crying infant. He worked as a miner in Salecreek during the day and some mornings he was obliged to rest twice before he could reach the top of the hill above the house. After a year of this, he could no longer endure the sight of his unkempt children, nor his own hard lot; so he sought aid from his sisters. Mamie and Tom went to live with Aunt Jennie Thomas in Salecreek. Della, he took to Aunt Amanda Grimsley in Graysville, Tenn. All of the children were scrubbed and fed and tended daily then. Mamie and Della were sent to school. Della attended Lone Mountain School in Graysville, where her first teacher was Miss Kitty Brown, and her second grade teacher was Mr. John R. Abel. She went to Sunday school at the Lone Mtn. Baptist church and Mr. Tolbert Barger was her Sunday-school teacher.

Grandfather Calvin made arrangements for his one year old baby to be cared for by his father Samuel and wife Molly, but John Elsea (great-grandfather) refused to let him take the baby, and for fear lest he would, refused to let him enter the house. (Mama says nobody could get along with Great-grandfather Elsea for long.) The old fellow was contrary and stubborn as a mule.

After Grandfather Freiley left the Elsea establishment, he was not kept awake and his health improved, but he was constantly worried about his ailing child, and he continued to try to get her away from his father-in-law. Finally, the old man consented to give Elizabeth up if Della, his favorite, were brought for one last visit. This was arranged on a Sunday afternoon; and when Calvin Freiley left Great-grandfather Elsea’s, he carried Elizabeth, then two years old and weighing 18 lbs., in his arms while Della walked beside him. They stopped on the Mill bridge just above the house and took one last look. The old man stood on the porch and cryed [sic] as he watched them go. That was the last time the children ever saw their grandfather Elsea.

When Mamie was 10, Della 8, Tom 6 and Lizzy 3, their father made arrangements to take all of them to his grandfather’s house, John Freiley and Betsy B.) to live at Ogden, Tenn., for that is where Great-grandfather John — two great’s — had finally moved. He had built his log cabin with six-foot fireplace with his own hands and cleared several acres and planted them. Grandfather had been earning his and his children’s living mining coal in the Salecreek mines for several years at that time. He suffered several injuries to his legs when the slate fell on him in the mine. Many days he spent laying on his back and digging coal over his head with a pick and just barely room to crawl into the pit where he worked. Finally, a large piece of slate fell on him, pinning him down. He was dragged from the pit and carried from the mine. He suffered such a crushing injury to his back that he never again was able to dig coal. Compensation insurance was unheard of then.

Grandfather was an invalid at his grandfather’s home at Ogden for many long months. He was tended lovingly by his Aunts, Becky, Nan and Mary. His children were all there. They attended Ogden Grammar school and Ogden Baptist church. Eventually Grandfather’s health improved, and he made arrangements with his Uncle Jonathan, his father’s brother, to rent a large room in his home and to make a crop on the older man’s land in Sequatchle Valley. This he did, taking Mamie, then 12, Della 10, and Tom 8 with him to Sequatchie Valley where his Uncle Jonathan lived. Mamie and Della kept house, and Grandfather and Tom farmed. All of them lived in the one room. There they attended the Church of Christ with the Freiley cousins. The children went to Mt. Vernon Grammar School near Pikesville [sic]. Elizabeth remained with her great-aunts Nan and Becky at Ogden. Great-great grandfather John and wife Betsy were gone then and Aunt Mary also — Mama doesn’t remember just when they died. Elizabeth and the two old-maids were alone on the Mtn. farm.

During the time Grandfather Calvin and his three older children were farming great-great Uncle Jonathan’s farm in the valley, he made three crops. Mamie was then 15 and beginning to look like her mother. Della also had reddish hair, but it was dark. Tom, too, had his mother’s coloring, but beautiful curly blond hair.

Cousin Will Freiley owned the farm next to Great-great Uncle Jonathan’s (his father) and was obliged to leave every Monday morning to teach school in a small pace called Melvin, Tenn. up the valley above Pikeville. He was not able to commute; so he didn’t return until Friday evening. It was arranged for Della to go to his house and spend every week with his family and return home only on week-ends. His wife was afraid to be alone at night with their babies. Eventually he tired of the arrangement and moved his family to Pikesville [sic]. Then Grandfather rented his farm and made several crops there. He was so ill by this time that he had to hire help. The next farm above Will Freiley’s belonged to Billy Acuff. He had a house full of children. That is how the Freiley’s and Acuff’s became acquainted. In the year of 1894, Mamie Freiley and Joseph Acuff were married. The wedding took place in the log home of Cousin Will Freiley in Sequatchie Valley one Sunday afternoon. That is where Grandfather and Mamie, Della and Tom were then living. Mamie was 19.

Grandfather’s old injuries were so painful he could no longer farm, so he went with his two children, Della and Tom, to the Mtn. farm of his aunts (Becky & Nan). Elizabeth was still with them. At that time Della was 18, Tom 16 and Lizzy 13. At the age of 20, Della married Jay Finch Wilson, son of Dr. John Finch Wilson, Dentist, of Dayton, Tennessee. That was July 18, 1897. In October of that same year Calvin Freiley died, at the age of 50, and was buried beside his wife, Mary Jane, in Coulterville cemetery.

Mamie and Joe Acuff began house-keeping on a farm (Acuff farm) adjoining Cousin Will Freiley’s farm in Sequatchie Valley. They lived there for a year or so. Their first child, William Brown, was born there on Jan. 6, 1897. He lived only 4 mos. They moved to the Mountain a short time later.

Della and Jay Finch began house-keeping on a farm adjoining the Freiley farm on the Mountain. It was the old Fairbanks place and they lived there when their first child Lula May was born on May 7, 1898. Roy Franklin was born Jan. 25, 1900, there, too. When May was two years old and Roy 5 mos. May died of summer complaint and an overdose of vermifuge which a traveling doctor gave her. Three days later Roy died. Thus both were buried within the week.

On May 7, 1901, Ruby Carl was born, but it seemed that she would not live for, at three weeks, she began to have convulsions. She was taken to Graysville, Tenn., to the Seventh Day Adventist hospital and was treated with hot baths, massage, and finally put in a brace to straighten her back. She recovered, but was always crippled until her death last Nov. 3, 1955, in an automobile accident.

Aug. 9, 1904, Lauretta Lillian was born, followed by Mary Rosalie Sept. 11, 1906. After Rosalie’s birth, the Wilson’s left the Mtn. and went to Oklahoma in a covered wagon; but stayed there only a few months. Homesickness took them back to Tenn., and they lived in Graysville for awhile. Aug. 13, 1909, John Emmett was born there. Shortly thereafter they moved back to the Mtn. Daisy Louise was born on July 31, 1911. Pearl was the next child, born Nov. 1, 1914; Susie Ruth, born Mar. 12, 1917; and the last child, Chelton Finch, arrived Oct. 21, 1920.

When Della and Jay Finch married, Elizabeth and Tom were still living with their great-aunts and Father. As I said before, Grandfather died in October of the year Mama married. That left Elizabeth, Aunts Becky and Nan alone & Tom. When Elizabeth was 18, she married Samuel Caldwell. Tom went to work for the railroad and was never heard of again. Great Aunts, Becky & Nan, lived alone for awhile. At the death of Aunt Nan, in her 90th year, Aunt Becky went to live with Cousin Alma Hutchinson (remember, Jonathan’s daughter & Will’s sister) in Sparta, Tenn., where she finished out her life; with an occasional visit to the Mtn. to see Della.

After Aunt Mamie and Uncle Joe Acuff moved to the Mtn., they had two more children. Nada Jane Acuff, born May 25,1897, and Lilburn Loy, born April 29, 1901, and then they moved to Texas in a covered wagon. They bought land in Big Spring, Texas. There Grady was born May 26, 1907, and last Joseph Eugene. Mama can’t remember his birth date. All of the Joseph Acuff family still live in Texas. Aunt Mamie and Loy in Big Spring, Grady in Lamesa, and Eugene in Dallas. Except Nada — she resides in Jal, N. Mexico.

Elizabeth and Sam Caldwell also lived on the Mtn. Their children: Eva Sophia (deceased) left several children: Ceburn, Arlene, Wilma, Muncie Jr., Margaret, Hobart, and two others. Ellen (deceased). Delashmitt’s

In addition to Eva, Aunt Lizzie became the mother of Zealous Caldwell, now living in Michigan [Dayton, Ohio, struck through]. Don Carlos (named for a Church of Christ Evangelist from Mexico whom she admired very much.) Carlos died about l0 years ago of tuberculosis and diabetes. Coy (died at age of 4). Otis, born 1916, now living in Michigan near Zealous. Otis was my playmate. He looked just like the picture of Uncle Tom then. His lovely blond hair curled all over his head and his eyes were china blue. (Remember these boys are Caldwell’s.) Eva married Muncie Delashmitt and her children (some of them) live here in Red Bank.

Eva’s and Muncie’s farm was sold and now a new sub-division is there. One street is called Delashmitt Road. Eva looked a little like Nada. She was a wonderful person — and never met a stranger.

Aunt Lizzie died at the age of 38 in Newell’s Hospital in 1919. She lost her last child and hemorrhaged to death. She also had t.b.

This is all except for some stories I have heard told which I shall attempt to tell and also I shall try to list the names and whereabouts of my mother’s descendants — Aunt Mamie’s and Aunt Lizzie’s.

[Handwritten: Christian Freiley was John’s father but I have no birth data for him. His mother was called Ma.]

John Freiley, my great-great grandfather, was born in 1796. He lived in Allen County, Kentucky as a child. His father was Christian Freiley. He had a brother called Daniel. He said he was of French descent. The name, originally spelled Freley, was changed when the first Freileys went through customs in New York.

In 1816, at age 21, John married a 17-year-old girl, Mary Elizabeth Billingsley (called Betsy). Her father, an Englishman, was Jonathan Billingsley, a mercantile dealer.

The weather in Kentucky was strange in 1816; there was ice in July. Only cold-weather crops matured. That made for a lean year when John & Betsy married. They lived in a log cabin on Chigger Hill. John taught the three R’s in a little log schoolhouse.

Born of John & Betsy’s union were: Samuel Eugene B. (my great-grandfather) in 1818; Elizabeth (called Betty) was born in 1820; Christian in 1822 (named for his grandfather Freiley), died at age 12; Jonathan was born in 1824; Rebecca in 1825; Nancy in 1827; and Mary in 1829.

Samuel Freiley began teaching upon graduating from the Kentucky Academy. His grandmother, Mary Freiley, had moved to Cumberland County, Tennessee, to make her home with a son after his grandfather’s death. He went to visit her. He began teaching in Bledsoe County, Tenn., near Pikeville soon afterward. That was about 1838.

Samuel married Nancy Caroline Fergerson, but not before his parents and siblings decided to move to Tenn.

The John Freiley family arrived in Bledsoe County in a covered wagon, Jonathan on horseback, and the cow led behind. They had camped out and made the long trip. They had visited relatives in Cumberland and Bledsoe on the way.

Samuel Eugene B. and Caroline moved to Meigs County, Tennessee, where Samuel taught for several years. Five of their children were born there; then they moved to Ringgold, Ga., where Samuel opened up a grocery store. William was born in Georgia.

James, their first child, was born in 1841. He served in the Confederate army during the Civil War, from 1865 until October of 1866. He said he was so hungry that he scooped up corn from the ground where the Yankees fed their horses, parched and ate it.

Mary Elizabeth was Samuel’s second child, born in 1843. Amanda M. in 1844, John Calvin (my grandfather, Aunt Mamie/Idella’s father) in 1847, Tersa Emmaline in 1846, and they moved to Georgia in 1849. William, born in Ringgold, burst his head coughing when he was four years old. He never was well, but lived to be 30. He had whooping cough.

In 1852, Samuel Eugene moved his family to Dayton, Tenn., where he served as a school principal.

Emma Freiley (Fouse) was the mother of Cora Fouse Campbell of Dayton, Tenn. Her husband was an attorney. Mary Elizabeth (Mrs. John Stanley) had four children: John, Stanton, Mary and Susan. Dayton, Tenn.

Amanda (Mrs. William Grimsley) lived in Graysville, Tennessee. They had a mercantile store. Will was a Baptist minister, pastor of the Coulterville Baptist Church.

They had one son, Ernest Grimsley. Ernest was a grocer after his father’s death.

Jennifer(called Jenny) was the seventh and last of Samuel & Caroline’s children. She was born in Dayton, Tn. The Rhea County courthouse burned and I have been unable to find a record of her birth, but my mother (Idella May Freiley) told me about her. She married Bird Thomas and they lived in Soddy. Great-grandmother, Caroline, died and is buried in Dayton, Tennessee.

Great-grandfather Samuel married Molly Gothard, a teacher. Their first child was Larkin Eugene (moved to Brookwood, Alabama). Louella was next. She married a Randolph and lived in Alabama. Bobby was their third and last child. He died in infancy.

I presume Samuel died in Dayton, Tenn.

To return to John Freiley in Bledsoe County, Dunlap township. Sequatchie County was not organized until 1857. Then it was made of portions of Bledsoe and Hamilton counties; before that time, all Freiley records can be found in Bledsoe censuses. John taught school and gathered herbs. They lived in the foothills of the mountain.

Jonathan bought a 100-acre farm and married Sarah Vernon of Pikeville (1853). Their son, William, was born in 1854. Elizabeth (Ridley) was the second, and Alma (Hutchinson) was the last. Will taught school. Alma lived in Sparta. She remarried at age 76 when her husband died. She is buried in Sparta (Alma Hutchinson Howard), at 85.

Will Freiley taught for many years in Sequatchie. All of the Freileys attended the Dunlap Christian church.

Will Freiley married Mary Loutella Farmer of Pikeville. They had three children: Lester, Leslie and Lora. Lora Heard, Will’s granddaughter, still lives in Dunlap and is

[Handwritten: She was still living in June of 1996 — quite old now a member of the Dunlap, Tenn., Church of Christ. You may reach her through the church.]

a member of the Dunlap Church of Christ where Will was an Elder. Leslie, a minister, married and moved to Texas where he died. None of the sons [“three” struck through] are now living.

Will Freiley served as Supt. of schools in Sequatchie County, and for years as Principal of Dunlap High School. He signed my mother’s teacher’s certificate. He visited us each summer in Chattanooga, Tenn., with his son, Lester. He died in his 80’s in Dunlap.

Great-great-grandmother, Betsy Billingsley, taught spinning, weaving and knitting. Her daughters helped her.

After Jonathan married, his mother died in her 50’s in Sequatchie Valley. Great-great-grandfather, John, remarried a woman two years his junior, Henrietta.

Samuel Eugene wrote his father that there was homestead land to be had on the Dayton Mtn. near Pikeville. Great-great-grandfather signed up for a section, loaded up his covered wagon and proceeded up the mtn. to claim their land. They loosed the cow and horses to graze when they had located their land, then tramped over it to see what it had to offer.

Some of the mountain people drove over to welcome the Freileys. One of the settlers was named Snow. He had a large family and a large farm. Sadie and Ella Snow became friends with the Freiley girls, and they all sang in the choir at the little Ogden Baptist church.

A deep creek flowed on two sides of the Freiley farm. They set up camp and began clearing land.

John Freiley’s sons, Jonathan and Samuel, and his grandsons cut logs and erected a double log cabin above the creek, also a log barn. (I was born in that log cabin.)

The mountain people decided to build a new churchhouse. They gathered, cut logs from a selected site, and erected it.

The congregation of the Ogden Baptist Church met for a picnic before the new building in the clearing. They gave thanks, for each other, the building, and all their blessings, as well as the new building. The road was moved to the present site.

Years later, Mama (Idella May Freiley attended school in that churchhouse and was married there. Squire Mosely officiated at her wedding. We also attended church there, and I was converted in that log building.

After Great-great-grandfather proved up on his land, he sold all of it except ten acres above the creek to the Melendie family.

During the years, John Freiley planted grape vines, walnut trees, cherries, and an herb garden. He planted a Shockley apple tree beside the kitchen door.

None of the Freiley girls married, Nancy, Rebecca, Betty, nor Mary.

Mama, born in 1877, remembered that her great-grandfather had straight brown hair and curling moustaches. He smoked a pipe, and his eyes twinkled. He told everyone that he had married the prettiest girl in the world when he was 21.

The Freiley women wore mob caps. Nancy smoked a clay pipe. They raised sheep, sheared them, spun the wool, and knitted clothing. All worked hard and made a living.

Betty died in middle age, Mary at 63, Nancy at 90. Great-great-grandfather’s second wife died before he did. He died in 1892, at 94. All were buried in the Freiley Cemetery, located on the homesteaded land near Ogden.

Great-great-aunt Rebecca was the last of the family. She made her home with her niece, Alma Freiley (Hutchinson) in Sparta. She died at 99 years and 9 months in Sparta.

John Hudson [handwritten “deceased 1995”], present owner [handwritten “is now Leroy Hudson”] of the Freiley homesteaded land, began piling up tombstones from the cemetery when he purchased the Freiley place from the Garmons. Garmons bought it from Hutchins, who purchased it from the Melendies. Melendies bought it from John Freiley.

The last time I visited the mountain, the former Freiley cemetery was planted in tomatoes.

My grandfather, John Calvin Freiley, married Mary Jane Elsea of Salecreek. He was a lumberjack, 26 years old; she was 19.

John Calvin had brown hair and blue eyes. Mary Jane had curly red hair and blue eyes.

The newlyweds began housekeeping in a one-room log house in Salecreek. Mama remembered, though she was but four-years-old when Grandma died, that there was a rock wall between the creek and the house. She said she threw a small anil box (her toy) into the creek and cried as it floated away. Her mother retrieved it with a stick. As her mother turned, Mama remembered that she wore a small pink breakfast shawl about her shoulders and the sun glinted on her red hair.

Calvin and Mary Jane had four children: Mamie, born in 1875 (Mrs. Joseph Acuff); Idella May, born Feb. 17, 1877 (Mrs. Jay F. Wilson, my mother); Thomas Eugene 1879. The last Mama heard of Tom, he spent the night in Brookwood, Alabama, with relatives on his way to Mississippi. He was 19. Mary Elizabeth was born in 1881 (Mrs. Samuel Caldwell).

Mary Jane died of child-bed fever when Lizzie was three-days-old. She was 27. Calvin buried her in the Coulterville, Tenn. cemetery.

Left with four small children, John Calvin was desperate. His father-in-law, John Elsea, offered him a home and child-care. He accepted.

Great-grandpa John Elsea’s wife had died. He was remarried to a young woman named Ruth. Ruth was unable to cope with the housekeeping and the added care of the children, one an infant. They fared poorly.

At the end of one year, Grandfather Calvin arranged for Mamie and Tom to live with his sister, Jennie Thomas, in Salecreek.

Della, he took to his sister Amanda Grimsley, in Graysville, Tenn.

John Elsea refused to allow Calvin to take the baby, but he visited her every week.

Mama has told me about the Lone Oak Baptist Church they attended in Coulterville. Uncle Bill Grimsley was the pastor. Her first Sunday-school teacher was Tolbert Barger. She started school; her first-grade teacher was Miss Kitty Brown, and second John R. Abel.

Grandfather John Calvin continued to visit Elizabeth each week. John Elsea finally agreed to give her up if Della (his favorite) was brought for a visit.

On a Sunday afternoon, Mama remembered going with her father to the Elsea’s house. When they left, John C. carried Elizabeth, two-years-old, weighing 18 lbs. Mama walked by his side. She said her grandfather cried. They never saw him again.

John Calvin took Elizabeth to his father, Samuel B., and wife, Molly, in Dayton, Tennessee. She stayed with them for two years. Calvin worked in the coal mines.

Slate fell on Calvin in the mines, broke his leg and injured his back. He was unable to work in the mines.

Calvin’s grandparents, the John Freileys, offered him and the children a home with them on the Dayton mtn. He farmed. The children went to the Ogden Elementary School (held in the log churchhouse).

Calvin arranged with his Uncle Jonathan, in Sequatchie Valley, to tend a portion of his farm. He, Mamie 11, Delia 9, and Tom 7, lived in one room at his Uncle’s house. He made two crops there.

Elizabeth stayed with her great-great aunts, Nan & Rebecca, on the mountain.

Will Freiley, Jonathan’s son, lived on a 75-acre farm nearby. He taught at Palmer, Tenn. He rode his horse to Palmer on Sunday afternoons and was there until Friday when he returned home for the weekend.

Will’s wife, Loutella, was afraid to be alone all week, so Della stayed with her, going home only on weekends.

All of the Freileys attended the Christian Church in Dunlap. Will tired of the arrangement and moved his family to Pikeville. Grandfather Calvin rented Will’s farm. He made seven crops there.

The Acuff family lived on a 250-acre farm next to the Will Freiley place. They had a big family. The oldest son, Joseph, began courting Mamie. When he was 39, and she 20, they were married in the Freiley parlor. Mamie and Della decorated the room with wild flowers.

Grandfather Calvin made one crop after Mamie was married. His back was causing excruciating pain, and he could barely climb the steps into the house after a day in the fields.

Calvin’s aunts, Nancy & Rebecca, urged him to bring Della and Tom and live with them and Elizabeth. They moved back to the Dayton mtn. in 1896.

Mamie and Joseph Acuff’s first child was born in Sequatchie Valley on the Acuff farm. They named him William Brown. He lived only four months. An altercation arose between Joseph and his father, Billy Acuff, so Joe took Mamie and moved to the Dayton mtn. There, Nada Jane was born May 25, 1897. Lillburn Loy was born Apr. 29, 1901.

Joseph had pneumonia several times, and the doctor advised him to go west. They traveled to Texas in a covered wagon, and homesteaded land in Lea County, New Mexico [“Big Spring, Texas” struck through].

Two more sons were born to Joseph Acuff and Aunt Mamie: Grady, May 26, 1907, and Joseph Eugene.

Later, the Acuffs homesteaded land in Jal, N. Mexico. Aunt Mamie told me they hauled water for 100 miles and lived in a sod house. After proving up on the N.M. land, they returned to Big Spring, Texas. Joe died.

Nada married Doyle Buffington. They lived in Jal, N.M. Doyle died there. They had one son, Gordon (a teacher in Jal [“White Sands” struck through] N.M.), and two daughters, Nada Ruth and Delma. Nada is 88 this year of 1985 and lives in a nursing home in New Mexico.

In Big Spring, oil was found on the Acuff farm [“homestead” struck through]. Numerous oil wells are there now. The Acuff’s hard times are over.

Loy married Helen. They had no children. Helen died last December, 1984, at age 79. Loy [handwritten: “deceased in 1995”] lives alone in Big Spring.

Grady married Edna May [handwritten: “deceased of Alzh.”], lives in Lamesa , Texas. He owns numerous cotton gins over Texas. He is an Elder in the Church of Christ at Lamesa. They have several children and grandchildren.

Joseph Eugene Acuff married Hazel; they adopted a son, Joe, Jr. They lived in Dallas, but when Eugene died of lung cancer, Hazel and Joe returned to Odessa, Texas. Hazel has remarried Ted Phillips, and Joe has his own family.

Aunt Mamie Freiley (Acuff, Morgan) died of a stroke in her 89th year in Big Spring, Texas, where she lived in a nursing home.

My mother, Idella May Freiley, married Jay Finch Wilson in July of 1897.

Grandfather, John Calvin Freiley, died in October of 1897. He was 50-years-old. He was buried beside his wife, Mary Jane, in the old Coulterville Cemetery.

My parents began housekeeping on a farm on the Mtn. adjoining the Freiley place.

Elizabeth Freiley, when 16, married Samuel Caldwell. Aunt Becky objected because she was so young. Her first child was called Eva Sophia, and she had four more: Zeelis, Carlos, Coy, and Otis. Coy died at age 4. At age 42, Aunt Lizzie suffered a miscarriage and died in Newell’s Hospital in Chattanooga. She is buried in the Mile Straight Cemetery on Hiway 27,N.

Eva married Muncie Delashmitt; they had ten children. Their youngest, Ellen, died of bone cancer at age 9. A daughter, Wilma Delashmitt (Campbell) lives in Hixson, Tn. [handwritten: “Deceased 1992”]

Zeelis moved to Michigan. He lived to 75. Carlos died in Atlanta, Ga., of TB and diabetes [handwritten: “at 63”]. Otis is still living in Michigan. Eva died at age 52 of a heart attack.

My parents, Della and Jay Wilson, had ten children. Lula May was born May 7, 1898; Roy Franklin Jan. 25, 1900. Both died of summer complaint and vermifuge given them by an herb doctor when they were 2-1/2 & 7 mos. They were buried in the Ogden, Tenn., Cemetery three days apart.

On May 7, 1901, Ruby Carol was born. She weighed three lbs. at birth and began having convulsions at three weeks. At the Seventh Day Adventist Hospital in Graysville, Tenn., she was treated with hot packs and emulsified cod-liver oil. She recovered, but she was always crippled.

Ruby married Clark Samuel Hartline; they had one son, C. S., Jr. Sam is [handwritten: “was”] a minister in the Church of Christ in Augusta, Ga. [handwritten: for 8 yrs.]. He and his wife, Charlotte, have three children: Clayton is a minister, married with two children. Denise is married and mother of two. Julie is a student in college in Atlanta [handwritten: “now teaches Latin in Atlanta 1992]. Sam and Charlotte are divorced, and he has remarried. He pastors a Church in Ga.

Ruby Wilson (Hartline) died in an automobile accident in 1956. She is buried in Hamilton Memorial Gardens at Hixson, Tenn. Her husband died later and is buried beside her.

Lauretta Lillian born Aug. 9, 1904, married John B. Brown, Jr. Their daughter, Bobby Lou [“Wigington” struck through; handwritten: “(now Blackshear) Bobby and Chuck divorced. She is now Bobby Blackship.”] is a teacher at Falling Water Elementary School. She has three children: Charles, music instructor at a high school in Oklahoma, Laura Ann (Salmons), accountant at the Power Board in Chatta., and Victoria, a student.

Laura’s husband, John, died of a massive stroke. She lives in their home on Read’s Lake Road in Red Bank, Tenn. Bobby Lou lives one block away. [Handwritten: “Laura deceased since 1993.”]

Mary Rosalie, born Sept. 11, 1906, lives in East Ridge, Tenn. [Handwritten: “Presently in St. Barnabas Nursing Home in Chatta.”] She and H. Lee McCulley were married for almost 50 years. He died Thanksgiving day 1982.

Rose’s daughter, Betty May McCulley (Phillips), an RN, [struck through “lives”; handwritten: “deceased 1995”] with her husband, Maury,in Colliersville, Tn., near Memphis. Their two sons, Barry [handwritten: “is now married”] and Bradley, are still at home. Barry works at Holiday Inn as a computer operator, and Bradley is still in college. [Handwritten: “Bradley is married now (1996) and father of 2.”]

John Chelton, Rose’s son, and his first wife had four children: Denise (special education teacher); Cindy Rose, married and mother of a son; and Keith and Berry. [Handwritten: “Both married with families.] John is remarried to Laura, [handwritten: “an accountant.”]

John Emmett, born Aug. 13, 1909, my parents 6th child, married Cora Jane Sullivan. They had no children. He was struck and killed by lightning on the back porch of his home on Signal Mtn. as he washed up for lunch. He was 36. Cora lives in Red Bank, Tenn., now. [Handwritten: “Cora, deceased since June 1996.”]

Daisy Louise, seventh, was born July 31, 1911. She married Claude Samuel Elsea, and they have one daughter, Sherry Ann Elsea (Cowan). Sherry and her husband, Dan, divorced, but they have two children: Danielle and Monty Cowan. They live in Atlanta, Ga. Daisy Lou lives in 90 Red Bank, Tenn. [Handwritten: “Sherry is now Mrs. John Henderson (1996).”]

Claude died of a massive coronary at age 59.

Pearl Frances, born Nov. 1, 1914, (Mrs. Max Erich Nagel) has three sons: Max, Conrad, and Norman. All are engineers and live in Florida; Max and Conrad on Merrit Island.

Max fathered two children by his first wife: Jimmy & Charlene; both live in Florida and are married.

Conrad is the father of five. His two oldest daughters are married. His son, Jerry, lives with him and his second wife, Judy, and two little girls. Conrad is a space engineer at Cape Canaveral. [Handwritten: “Jerry is married, father of two. He and his family live in Atlanta, Ga.”]

Norman Nagel (Pearl’s third son) lives with his 2nd wife in Florida. He and his first wife had three children: Alan, their son, died in 1984 of carbon monoxide poison while working on his car in an enclosed garage. Their two daughters live with their mother, Peggy, in F1orida . [Handwritten: “Both are married now (1996) no longer live with Peggy.”]

Erich Nagel died of a massive heart attack in April of 1985. Pearl 1ives in White Oak, Tn., but [struck through “will”] move [handwritten: “d”] to Florida in November. [Handwritten: “On Merritt Island, Fla. now (1996)”]

Suzanna Ruth was born March 12, 1916, and married Earl Hull Ziegler, an accountant. Their sons: Earl, Jr., born Jan. 11, 1936; David Alan, June 4, 1946; Thomas Freiley, Nov. 30, 1947; and Joseph Dennis, Jan. 20, 1953, are all engineers, though, Alan does not pursue that.

David Alan, a Major in the Air Force, served through two tours of duty in Vietnam. He is stationed at March AFB in Riverside, Calif. He has never married, and I wish he would. [Handwritten: “Alan, now a Lt. Col. is married to Sherry Logan, who teaches computer science.”]

Earl, Jr., married Marilyn Chamberlain. James Stephen, their son, is married to Robin Brandon [handwritten: “divorced”], an RN. They have a baby, Katherine Ann, aged one year. [Handwritten: “They are now divorced, have two daughters, Katie 12, Caroline, age 8 – 1996”]

Debra Sue, their daughter, is [handwritten: “was”] a student at UTC in Chatta., Tn. She and her parents live in East Ridge, TN. Steve and Robin live there too. [Handwritten: “Debra married and mother of Kelsey 3, and Garrett, 2. She is Mrs. Tom McGhee now.”]

Thomas Freiley, our third son, is [handwritten: “was”] a Nuclear Engineer with TVA at Brown’s Ferry in Athens Ala. He, his wife, Elaine, and her daughter, Nancy, live in Decatur, Alabama.

[Handwritten: “Tom took an early retirement from TVA and he nas 1/3 interest in an engineering firm in Decatur (1996).”]

Joseph Dennis, our last son, is [handwritten: “was”] a Nuclear Engineer with TVA in Chatta., Tenn. His wife is [handwritten: “was”] an engineer at Sequoia Nuclear Plant in Soddy. They live with their son, Avery, in Hixson, Tenn. They are expecting another child in November, 1985. He is married to the former Cindy Jo Abercrombie. [Handwritten: “They left TVA and lived 7 yrs. in Aiken, SC, where Joe headed NUS Corp. Cindy Joe was with Combustion Engineering in Aiken. They are now transferring to Las Vegas, Nev. Avery is in college; Zachary is 11 yrs old.”]

Chelton Finch Wilson, no. 10 for Della and Jay F. Wilson, was born Oct. 21, 1920. He and his wife, Betty (Pringle) Wilson, live in Mobile, Alabama. He is retired as a Quality Control Engineer (for the government).

Their first son, Emmett Hugh (called Buddy), lives with his wife, Denese, and their son, Daniel, aged one. Buddy is a large equipment salesman in Mobile, Ala. [Handwritten: “They also have Ashley, Amanda. Denese teaches. 1996”]

David Chelton, a banker, lives with his wife, an RN, in Montgomery, Alabama. They have a son several months old, Andrew David. [Handwritten: “Now they are in Fla. Have a daughter Leah. Andy is 12 and Leah 6.”]

Chelton served in India in the Second World War as an airplane mechanic. He retired early because of a heart condition. His health has improved.

My mother, Idella May Freiley (Wilson), died at the age of 90 on Feb. 18, 1967. She is buried in Hixson, Tenn. She had a malignancy of the lower colon.
Memories of the Freileys:My aunt, Mamie Freiley Acuff, told me that her great-aunts, Nancy and Rebecca, filled a keg with muskedines [sic] and poured molasses over them. She said they were good in the cold wintertime. They cooked in a big fireplace. They baked in an iron oven by pulling hot coals out on the hearth and putting the oven in them. A pothook was in the fireplace to hang their bean pot, which was used for all kinds of stews as well as beans. They filled the cellar, located and reached by lifting a trap door before the big fireplace, with potatoes, turnips, pumpkins, and apples for the winter.

On the mantel stood Great-great-grandfather John’s big tobacco jar and pipe, along with Aunt Nancy’s clay pipe. The spinning wheel was at one corner of the long hearth, and one of the women was always busy spinning, carding wool from the sheep they bathed in the creek before shearing them, weaving, or knitting. There was seldom an idle moment.

The log barn was filled with hay, and corn was stored for winter, the cow beneath in her stall. Chickens, ducks and geese were in one end of the barn.

G.G.Grandfather always had a supply of herbs on hand in case someone became ill.

I remember Aunt Becky and Cousin Alma Freiley coming to visit us when I was about 5. Aunt Becky wore a gingham dress with white collar and cuffs, neat as could be. We went to the old log house. She looked around, and I knew she was back with her family in memory for she looked at each nook and cranny of the place, then gazed out over the garden and grape arbors. I knew that she could see, in her mind’s eye, her sisters, brothers and father. [Handwritten: “I was only five, but remember her expression, blue eyes, tiny shrunken form.”]

Census takers didn’t always spell names correctly.

In the Warren County Tennessee census in 1860, I found John Fraley, age 64, and his wife, Henrietta, age 62. Betty was listed as 35, Nancy 33, Mary 30, and Rebecca 26. Jonathan was listed there as 36, and his wife, Sarah Vernon, as 22.

I don’t know where Warren County was located, but it must have been near Pikeville, for Mama remembered that Jonathan said he and Sarah were married in Pikeville.

I can’t account for the age differences on the two census records. Jonathan’s was the same, ten years older.

There is no Warren County in Tenn. now as far as I can find. Perhaps it was absorbed by Sequatchie when it was organized in 1857.

There must have been many mistakes in spelling, and inaccuracy of ages when the census was taken.

Some of the things Mama told me were completely correct, proven so by the records, but some she may have been wrong about. I know when Aunt Becky was born, for I know she was 99 and 9 mos. when she died in 1925.

I have written to all of the Samuel Freileys listed in the book I bought. None have responded. Uncle Tom is still lost and I have found no trace since he spent a night in Brookwood, Alabama, at age 19 on his way to Miss.

Bledsoe County Deeds: Vol. D, 1821-1826

Source:  Microfilm Roll#34: Bledsoe County: Register of Deeds: Vol: A-D Jan 1808-Aug 1826 Tennessee State Library and Archives

554 Acuff John indenture
22 Agee Michael indenture
203 Allcorn John indenture
97 Allen Josiah N indenture
73 Allen Josiah R indenture
305 Allen Josiah R agreement
568 Anderson John (dec’d) deed
62 Anderson William indenture
312 Atkins Jacob indenture
36 Atkins Jacob & Roland indenture
211 Auld Colin indenture
340 Auld Colin indenture
383 Auld Colin indenture
456 Auld Colin indenture
362 Baines John indenture
56 Baker John indenture
58 Baker John indenture
65 Baker John indenture
68 Baker John indenture
366 Ballen Josiah indenture
579 Bell Tarten indenture
333 Bell Tarton indenture
503 Billemon Henry indenture
46 Billingsley John indenture
48 Billingsley John indenture
275 Billingsley John indenture
278 Billingsley John indenture
566 Billingsley John indenture
349 Billingsley John M indenture
477 Billingsley John M indenture
50 Billingsley Mary indenture
52 Billingsley Mary indenture
227 Billingsley Mary indenture
438 Billingsley Samuel indenture
561 Birdgmon John indenture
86 Blackfan Jesse poa
272 Boyd Alexander indenture
363 Boyd Alexander indenture
129 Bradford Alexander B poa
85 Brannon Thomas poa
522 Bratton William deed
414 Bratton William Jr indenture
443 Bratton William Jr indenture
75 Breazeale William indenture
32 Bridgeman John indenture
34 Bridgeman John indenture
299 Bridgemon John indenture
156 Bridgeman John indenture
163 Bridgeman John indenture
60 Bridgemon John indenture
250 Bridgemon John indenture
297 Bridgemon John indenture
394 Bridgemon John indenture
423 Bridgemon John indenture
470 Bridgemon John indenture
514 Bridgemon John indenture
517 Bridgemon John indenture
542 Bridgemon John bill of sale
547 Bridgemon John indenture
550 Bridgemon John indenture
553 Bridgemon John indenture
576 Bridgemon John indenture
37 Bridgemon Terry bill of sale
289 Brown George indenture
35 Brown Jonathan indenture
59 Brown Jonathan indenture
117 Brown Reuben indenture
132 Brown Reuben deed
141 Brown Reuben indenture
166 Brown Reuben indenture
185 Brown Reuben indenture
255 Brown Reuben Deed
257 Brown Reuben Deed
259 Brown Reuben Deed
314 Brown Reuben indenture
319 Brown Reuben Deed
288 Brown Stephen & Walker poa
215 Brown Stephen & Jesse indenture
287 Burdin William & John (dec’d) poa
128 Burk John K indenture
536 Burk Robert indenture
396 Cagle Henry & Johnson bill of sale
195 Caldwell Alexander indenture
285 Camp Barbara bill of sale
6 Campbell George W indenture
17 Campbell George W indenture
39 Campbell George W indenture
61 Campbell George W indenture
63 Campbell George W indenture
111 Campbell George W indenture
171 Campbell George W indenture
231 Campbell George W indenture
418 Carder David D poa
476 Carns William D indenture
335 Carter Alexander indenture
337 Carter Alexander indenture
91 Carter Alfred & others deed
331 Carter Alfred & others poa
559 Carter Alfred & others indenture
330 Carter Alfred & others agreement
350 Carter Alfred & others indenture
348 Carus William D indenture
413 Cathey Samuel indenture
436 Cathey Samuel indenture
434 Cathy Samuel indenture
162 Cazey Thomas indenture
570 Chambers John indenture
564 Chambers John & John W indenture
583 Chambers John W indenture
31 Chipman James indenture
109 Chipman James deed to church
8 Clark Charles indenture
228 Clark Charles indenture
206 Clark Thomas N indenture
219 Clark Thomas N indenture
186 Close Samuel S indenture
313 Cook Thomas indenture
98 Cook William indenture
421 Coulter James indenture
218 Crabb Henry indenture
409 Crane Moses indenture
475 Davis Anderson indenture
347 Davis Andrew P indenture
502 Davis Andrew P indenture
217 Dawson George indenture
292 Dawson George indenture
294 Dawson George bill of sale
23 Dawson Pleasant POA
44 Dawson Pleasant indenture
535 Dawson Pleasant (dec’d) & Martin indenture
403 Dever James indenture
264 Diver James indenture
511 Elborn Joseph indenture
541 Elborn Joseph indenture
551 Elborn Joseph indenture
379 Evitt William indenture
205 Fawcett Isaac bill of sale
450 Fawcett Isaac indenture
355 Findley Samuel indenture
425 Foster William indenture
78 Fraley John indenture
326 Ganaway Thomas indenture
18 Gardner James indenture
237 Gardner James indenture
240 Gardner James indenture
242 Gardner James indenture
479 Gardner James indenture
556 Gardner Thomas indenture
558 Gardner Thomas indenture
116 Glentworth Plunkett F indenture
246 Glentworth Plunkett F indenture
271 Glentworth Plunkett F indenture
321 Glentworth Plunkett F indenture
460 Glentworth Plunkett F indenture
462 Glentworth Plunkett F indenture
578 Glentworth Plunkett F indenture
51 Glintworth Plunkett indenture
96 Gott Richard indenture
402 Gray Nathan bond
94 Grayham David indenture
471 Griffifth Thomas indenture
526 Hail Isam & Thomas indenture
483 Hail/Hale John indenture
164 Hale George W indenture
236 Hale George W indenture
419 Hale Isham poa
328 Hale Polly indenture
145 Hale Richard indenture
51 Hale Richard bill of sale
153 Hale Richard bill of sale
136 Haley Robert H indenture
142 Hall John indenture
374 Hall John & William indenture
375 Hall John & William indenture
204 Hall William bill of sale
404 Hall William indenture
367 Hamilton Charles indenture
284 Hankens Barbara bill of sale
291 Hankins Barbara & Daniel indenture
223 Hankins Barbary indenture
543 Hankins Mary bill of sale
509 Hany Hiram indenture
508 Hatfield James indenture
140 Hawkins John indenture
207 Henson Jonathan & others indenture
201 Hilly John article of agreement
357 Hinson Ephraim indenture
303 Hinson Joseph Jr indenture
121 Hinson Timothy indenture
390 Hixon Ephraim indenture
392 Hixon Ephraim indenture
365 Holaway Thomas indenture
160 Holeman William indenture
155 Holiman William indenture
157 Hoodenfryl Phillip Sr bill of sale
448 Hoodenpyl Peter indenture
487 Hoodenpyl Philip indenture
489 Hoodenpyl Philip indenture
491 Hoodenpyl Philip indenture
493 Hoodenpyl Philip indenture
495 Hoodenpyl Philip indenture
497 Hoodenpyl Philip indenture
528 Hoodenpyl Philip indenture
539 Hoodenpyl Philip Jr indenture
385 Hoots John indenture
67 Hotchkiss Elihu indenture
70 Hotchkiss Elihu indenture
147 Hotchkiss Elihu indenture
306 Howard Abraham bill of sale
468 Hunt James deed
406 Hunter Jamison & Jane indenture
241 Hunter John indenture
248 Hunter John indenture
467 Hunter William deed
104 Huson William indenture
220 Hutcheson Charles indenture
474 Hutcheson John indenture
276 Hutcheson John Jr indenture
446 Hutcheson John Jr indenture
341 Hutcheson John Jr & Wm indenture
279 Hutcheson William indenture
187 Hutchison William indenture
353 Jackson Major A indenture
546 Jackson Major A indenture
395 Johnson John bill of sale
368 Johnston Benjamin indenture
28 Jones Herculas deed
41 Jones Hercules indenture
376 Jones Mary agreement
322 Jones Mary & Joseph indenture
440 Jones Richard indenture
148 Jones Thomas & George indenture
76 Jones Zachariah indenture
451 Jordan John indenture
286 Keith Nichodemus & Margaret(Burdin) poa
135 Kelly John indenture
196 Kemmer John indenture
213 Kemmer John indenture
221 Kersey Thomas indenture
370 Kersey Thomas indenture
281 Ketchum Edward indenture
192 Kimmer John indenture
194 Kimmer John indenture
27 Kirkland Elisha indenture
283 Kirkland Elisha indenture
14 Kirklen Elisha indenture
26 Kirklen Elisha indenture
172 Kirklen Elisha indenture
176 Kirklen Elisha indenture
263 Kirklen Elisha indenture
307 Kirklen Elisha bill of sale
106 Kosley William indenture
93 Lamb Adam indenture
359 Lamb Adam indenture
377 Lamb Adam agreement
411 Lamb Alexander indenture
343 Langley Nathaniel indenture
399 Lard Samuel indenture
182 Lasater Burrel indenture
191 Law Robert R indenture
188 Lea Burrell indenture
426 Lea Burrell indenture
174 Lea Robert indenture
43 Lea William indenture
324 Lea William indenture
344 Lea William indenture
472 Lea William (dec’d) indenture
519 Lears John indenture
401 Lee Burrel bond
225 Ligler Philip bill of sale
293 Lincoln Jesse indenture
20 Lloyd James Bill of Sale
38 Lloyd James bill of sale
64 Lloyd James indenture
80 Lloyd James article of agreement
112 Lloyd James indenture
3 Love Charles J POA
5 Love Charles J indenture
122 Love Charles J indenture
124 Love Charles J indenture
133 Love Charles J indenture
165 Love Charles J indenture
167 Love Charles J indenture
202 Love Charles J indenture
233 Love Charles J indenture
251 Love Charles J indenture
393 Love Charles J indenture
447 Love Charles J indenture
469 Love Charles J indenture
498 Love Charles J indenture
527 Love Charles J indenture
575 Love Charles J indenture
254 Love Charles J & Henry J (dec’d) Deed
256 Love Charles J & Henry J (dec’d) Deed
258 Love Charles J & Henry J (dec’d) Deed
260 Love Charles J & Henry J (dec’d) Deed
266 Love Charles J & Henry J (dec’d) Deed
308 Love Charles J & Henry J (dec’d) Deed
310 Love Charles J & Henry J (dec’d) Deed
175 Love Charles J indenture
113 Love Henry Jones Deed
131 Love Henry Jones deed
139 Love Henry Jones indenture
416 Love John indenture
212 Lowe Andrew R & Moses indenture
216 Lowe Andrew R & Rebecca Junr indenture
214 Lowe S.C. indenture
563 Lowe Samuel C indenture
398 Lowry Joel indenture
159 Lowry William indenture
572 Loyd James indenture
54 Mahan Robert S bill of sale
381 Maitland John indenture
7 Maitland Robert indenture
9 Maitland Robert indenture
21 Maitland Robert indenture
45 Maitland Robert indenture
47 Maitland Robert indenture
49 Maitland Robert indenture
74 Maitland Robert indenture
137 Maitland Robert indenture
169 Maitland Robert indenture
189 Maitland Robert indenture
198 Maitland Robert indenture
298 Maitland Robert indenture
342 Maitland Robert indenture
397 Maitland Robert indenture
412 Maitland Robert indenture
433 Maitland Robert indenture
437 Maitland Robert indenture
439 Maitland Robert indenture
445 Maitland Robert indenture
518 Maitland Robert indenture
537 Maitland Robert indenture
565 Maitland Robert indenture
582 Martin James Madison & others indenture
420 Maysey Charles indenture
2 McIver John POA
11 McIver John indenture
15 McIver John indenture
120 McIver John indenture
144 McIver John indenture
173 McIver John indenture
179 McIver John indenture
181 McIver John indenture
183 McIver John indenture
209 McIver John poa
226 McIver John bill of sale
229 McIver John indenture
300 McIver John indenture
302 McIver John indenture
334 McIver John indenture
336 McIver John indenture
339 McIver John indenture
356 McIver John indenture
389 McIver John indenture
417 McIver John indenture
345 McKinney James indenture
430 Mcquire Margret & John L poa
200 McReynolds Samuel Jr article of agreement
478 Mead William indenture
548 Millard Rice indenture
422 Mitchell Abraham indenture
230 Moore James indenture
435 Moore William indenture
295 Morford Josiah F bill of sale
534 Nail John indenture
90 Nail Thomas agreement
99 Nelson James indenture
193 Nelson James indenture
484 Northerntin James & William indenture
170 Ogle Hercules indenture
382 Ogle Hercules indenture
499 Ogle Hercules indenture
501 Ogle Hercules indenture
373 Ogle John indenture
427 Ohshire George indenture
581 Owens Wiley indenture
361 Painter Nathaniel indenture
208 Pattan James (dec’d) poa
210 Patton James & Mary Ann indenture
1 Patton James & Robert POA
391 Patton James & Robert indenture
452 Patton Robert indenture
338 Patton Robert Jr indenture
384 Patton Robert Jr indenture
457 Patton Robert Jr indenture
273 Pearson Elizabeth indenture
432 Penrod Daniel indenture
512 Penrod David indenture
265 Peters Joseph indenture
533 Phelan Evans indenture
580 Porter Robert indenture
118 Raines John indenture
42 Rainey David indenture
19 Rainey John Bill of Sale
557 Rainey John indenture
555 Rainey William indenture
87 Ramsey John indenture
315 Rankin Samuel indenture
197 Rawlings Andrew J & James E poa
304 Rawlings James E & Michael (dec’d) agreement
453 Real George indenture
327 Rector Jesse indenture
523 Reddy David & Lewis deed
525 Reddy David & Lewis indenture
40 Rhea Samuel indenture
544 Riddle Thomas indenture
567 Riddle Thomas deed
92 Riddle William deed
562 Rimmer John indenture
244 Ripito John indenture
378 Ripito John indenture
199 Rippito William indenture
30 Roberson Jacob indenture
110 Roberson James deed to church
143 Roberson James indenture
168 Roberson James indenture
458 Roberson James indenture
280 Roberson James & others (dec’d) indenture
29 Robinson Jacob deed
25 Rogers Emanuel indenture
290 Sanders Elizabeth indenture
486 Scholfield Aron indenture
488 Scholfield Aron indenture
490 Scholfield Aron indenture
492 Scholfield Aron indenture
494 Scholfield Aron indenture
496 Scholfield Aron indenture
24 Schoolfield Aaron POA
66 Schoolfield Aaron indenture
69 Schoolfield Aaron indenture
72 Schoolfield Aaron indenture
73 Schoolfield Aaron bill of sale
146 Schoolfield Adam indenture
480 Schoolfield Aron Deed
82 Schoolfield Aron poa
150 Schoolfield Aron indenture
296 Schoolfield Aron indenture
529 Schoolfield Aron & James L indenture
485 Schoolfield James L & Aron indenture
247 Sears James indenture
53 Sherrell Adam bill of sale
455 Sherrell Adam & Charles K deed of gift
442 Sherrell Adam & Cravens deed of gift
441 Sherrell Adam & Samuel R indenture
449 Sherrell Adam & Sherrell indenture
33 Sherrell Jesse B indenture
71 Sherrell Jesse B indenture
323 Sherrell Samuel R indenture
126 Sherrell Samuel R indenture
364 Shewmake John indenture
545 Shoemake Robert indenture
346 Sigler Philip indenture
127 Simpson John W indenture
317 Simpson Paschel indenture
515 Skillern Anderson indenture
520 Skillern Anderson indenture
415 Skillern Thomas indenture
444 Skillern Thomas indenture
524 Skillern Thomas M indenture
235 Smith Joseph & Samuel bill of sale
530 Smith Kinsey indenture
428 Smith Kinzey indenture
429 Smith Kinzey indenture
410 Southgate John indenture
232 Spring David indenture
351 Spring Valintine indenture
380 Standef Luke & Isaac poa
184 Standefer Israel indenture
473 Standefer Israel deed of release
130 Standefer James poa
482 Standefer Luke indenture
372 Standefer William H indenture
358 Standfer Luke indenture
400 Stephen Isaac indenture
507 Stephen Isaac indenture
569 Stephen Isaac indenture
100 Stephens Isaac indenture
103 Stephens Isaac indenture
108 Stephens Isaac indenture
222 Stephens Isaac indenture
224 Stephens Isaac indenture
371 Stephens Isaac indenture
466 Stephens Isaac bill of sale
180 Stone William indenture
573 Story Samuel L indenture
386 Sullivan Henry & Polly poa
154 Swaffer Aron bill of sale
549 Swafford Ezekel indenture
77 Swagerty Thomas indenture
261 Swofford Thomas Deed
531 Taylor John indenture
158 Terry Samuel bill of sale
79 Terry Scott article of agreement
269 Terry Scott indenture
387 Terry Scott poa
424 Terry Scott indenture
505 Terry Scott indenture
506 Terry Scott indenture
516 Terry Scott indenture
560 Terry Scott indenture
571 Terry Scott indenture
431 Terry Scott indenture
178 Teters Jacob indenture
465 Thomas Andrew bill of sale
504 Thomas Andrew indenture
119 Thomas Barnabas indenture
521 Thomas Elisha indenture
115 Thompson Hugh indenture
177 Thompson Hugh indenture
245 Thompson Hugh indenture
270 Thompson Hugh indenture
320 Thompson Hugh indenture
459 Thompson Hugh indenture
461 Thompson Hugh indenture
577 Thompson Hugh indenture
13 Thurman Eli indenture
123 Thurman Eli indenture
282 Thurman Eli indenture
134 Thurman Ephraim indenture
125 Thurman Philip indenture
249 Thurman Stephen indenture
252 Thurman Stephen indenture
268 Thurman Stephen indenture
369 Thurmen Charles indenture
463 Tigler Philip indenture
262 Tollett David & Others poa
408 Tollett David & Others indenture
161 Tollett John indenture
585 Tollett John indenture
152 Tollett Westley bill of sale
107 Tollette John indenture
101 Tollette John Sr indenture
4 Trimble James POA
88 Vaughn George indenture
102 Vaughn George indenture
329 Vaughn George indenture
95 Verison Thomas indenture
500 Vernon Harrison indenture
538 Vernon Harrison indenture
360 Vernon Harrison indenture
138 Vernon Miles indenture
274 Vernon Miles & Harrison indenture
277 Vernon Miles & Harrison indenture
352 Wade John indenture
149 Wade John C indenture
234 Wade John C indenture
316 Wade John C indenture
354 Wade John C indenture
407 Walden Terry indenture
12 Walker Jesse indenture
325 Walker Joseph indenture
243 Walker Richard indenture
405 Walker Richard & Elmore indenture
332 Walker Samuel indenture
464 Walker Thomas J bill of sale
301 Walker William indenture
454 Wheeler Joel & Benjamin indenture
55 White Silas indenture
57 White Silas indenture
190 White William indenture
81 Whiteside James poa
84 Whiteside James bill of sale
388 Whiteside James A poa
574 Whitesides James indenture
481 Whittenbarger / Hoodenbarger Peter & John indenture
253 Witten James & John W indenture
584 Witten John W indenture
89 Witten William agreement
105 Witten William indenture
238 Woodward Joseph B indenture
239 Woodward Joseph B indenture
267 Worthington John Deed
318 Worthington John Deed
16 Worthington Robert indenture
114 Worthington Samuel Deed
309 Worthington Samuel Deed
311 Worthington Samuel Deed
10 Worthington Thomas indenture
510 Young Nathaniel indenture
513 Young Nathaniel indenture
532 Young Nathaniel indenture
540 Young Nathaniel indenture
552 Young Nathaniel indenture

Bledsoe County Deeds: Vol. C, 1817-1821

Source: Microfilm Roll#34: Bledsoe County: Register of Deeds: Vol: A-D Jan 1808-Aug 1826 at Tennessee State Library and Archives

No Last Name First Name Type
175 Adair Richard indenture
170 Adkins Jacob indenture
173 Adkins Jacob indenture
220 Allen Josiah R indenture
132 Axshun Samuel indenture
148 Barner Horatio indenture
238 Beasly William deed of gift
237 Benton Jerrimah & Martha C & John F deed of gift
61 Billingley John bill of sale
15 Billingsly John indenture
13 Billingsly Samuel indenture
19 Billingsly Samuel indenture
82 Bishop Stephen deed
68 Brazeal Henry indenture
70 Brazeal Henry indenture
72 Brazeal Henry indenture
66 Brazeal Willis T indenture
144 Bridgman John indenture
145 Bridgman John indenture
147 Bridgman John indenture
154 Bridgman John indenture
100 Campbell George W POA
102 Campbell George W POA
87 Cannon Benjamin indenture
107 Carmack John indenture
126 Chambers John deed
27 Clark Thomas N Quit Deed
65 Clark Thomas N indenture
67 Clark Thomas N indenture
69 Clark Thomas N indenture
71 Clark Thomas N indenture
242 Clarke Thomas N indenture
58 Coulter Alexander bill of sale
59 Coulter Alexander bill of sale
213 Coulter Alexander grant
160 Daven James indenture
53 Davise Pleasant indenture
43 Dawson Pleasant indenture
45 Dawson Pleasant indenture
47 Dawson Pleasant indenture
49 Dawson Pleasant indenture
51 Dawson Pleasant indenture
229 Deven James indenture
231 Deven James indenture
257 Dever James indenture
227 Diver James indenture
75 Donelson Stockley indenture
92 Donelson Stockley indenture
186 Donelson Stockley deed
211 Donelson Stockley copy of Grant
212 Donelson Stockley copy of Grant
30 Foster James indenture
36 Foster James indenture
248 Glentworth Plunket F POA
20 Goatstain John indenture
183 Griffith Amos Bill of Sale
245 Haile George W indenture
240 Haile John indenture
260 Hale George W indenture
228 Hale Thomas indenture
78 Hall John indenture
230 Hall John indenture
232 Hall John indenture
56 Hall William J indenture
179 Hankins Barbary indenture
214 Hatchleiss Elihu indenture
63 Hawkings John bill of sale
210 Heard Jesse indenture
104 Hickinbothem Aaron grant
266 Hicks Stephen indenture
112 HIgginbothem Aaron indenture
98 Hodge Joseph indenture
55 Hodgson William indenture
60 Hoge James bill of sale
233 Holt Irby indenture
106 Hutcherson John indenture
270 Hutchison William indenture
128 Johnson Aquilla indenture
85 Jones Mary indenture
182 Jones Mary bill of sale
83 Jones Thomas indenture
110 Jones Thomas indenture
226 Kelly John indenture
259 Kimmer John indenture
163 Kimmesea John indenture
152 Laird Samuel POA
142 Laly thomas indenture
262 Lamb Adam indenture
130 Langley Nathaniel indenture
181 Law Andrew indenture
165 Lee Francis deed
81 Looney Peter deed
97 Looney Peter indenture
4 Love Charles indenture
6 Love Charles indenture
41 Love Charles J indenture
122 Love Charles J indenture
133 Love Charles J indenture
137 Love Charles J indenture
116 Love Charles J indenture
54 Love John indenture
91 Love John & Samuel indenture
247 Loyd James indenture
12 Maitland Robert indenture
14 Maitland Robert indenture
18 Maitland Robert indenture
39 Maitland Robert bond
105 Maitland Robert indenture
124 Maitland Robert indenture
127 Maitland Robert indenture
136 Maitland Robert indenture
139 Maitland Robert indenture
202 Maitland Robert indenture
205 Maitland Robert indenture
219 Maitland Robert indenture
221 Maitland Robert indenture
223 Maitland Robert indenture
264 Maitland Robert indenture
74 McClelland John indenture
23 McClellon John indenture
121 McClenden Joseph indenture
10 McIver John indenture
17 McIver John indenture
25 McIver John indenture
37 McIver John indenture
86 McIver John indenture
101 McIver John POA
103 McIver John POA
109 McIver John indenture
129 McIver John indenture
131 McIver John indenture
141 McIver John indenture
187 McIver John deed
189 McIver John indenture
191 McIver John indenture
193 McIver John indenture
195 McIver John indenture
203 McIver John indenture
208 McIver John indenture
209 McIver John indenture
235 McIver John indenture
251 McIver John POA
254 McIver John indenture
256 McIver John indenture
261 McIver John indenture
269 McIver John indenture
119 McKinney James deed
115 McKinny James indenture
21 McReynold Joseph indenture
77 McReynolds Joseph indenture
88 McReynolds Joseph indenture
94 McReynolds Joseph indenture
99 McReynolds Joseph indenture
11 Menefee John indenture
174 Menefee John indenture
33 Menifee John indenture
159 Menifee John indenture
172 Menifee John indenture
2 Merrynald Samuel Sr & Samuel Jr bill of sale
118 Miller John deed
26 Moon Jacob & Richard quit deed
28 Moon Richard quit deed
42 Moon Richard indenture
44 Moon Richard indenture
46 Moon Richard indenture
48 Moon Richard indenture
50 Moon Richard indenture
52 Moon Richard indenture
258 Moon Richard indenture
29 Moone Jacob & Richard quit deed
64 Nail Thomas bill of sale
185 Nail William indenture
167 Odale Polly indenture
224 Parten Robert indenture
171 Peter Joseph indenture
34 Peters Joseph indenture
236 Raines Jno indenture
35 Raney David indenture
89 Raney David indenture
108 Raney David indenture
31 Raney Davie indenture
125 Rawlings Michael indenture
218 Rawlings Michael indenture
146 Richards Stephen indenture
265 Ripatoe William indenture
135 Rippito William indenture
206 Rippito William indenture
250 Roberson James grant
268 Roberson James & others indenture
263 Roberson James & others indenture
204 Roberson James Jr indenture
79 Rodgers Elisha grant
80 Rodgers Joseph grant
1 Runyan Isaac & William deed of gift
57 Salmon John W bill of sale
157 Schoolfield Aaron indenture
158 Schoolfield Aaron indenture
114 Self Francis indenture
239 Skiles David deed of gift
197 Skillern Anderson grant
192 Skillern Andrew indenture
190 Skillern James indenture
198 Skillern James grant
199 Skillern James grant
188 Skillern John indenture
200 Skillern John grant
5 Smith Samuel indenture
93 Smith Samuel indenture
140 Smith Samuel indenture
207 Spring Nicholas indenture
113 Standefer James indenture
24 Standifer Isaac indenture
16 Standifer James indenture
84 Standifer James indenture
225 Standifer Luke indenture
7 Stephens Isaac indenture
149 Stephens Isaac indenture
151 Stephens Isaac indenture
153 Stephens Isaac POA
243 Stephens Isaac indenture
62 Swafford Thomas bill of sale
22 Swagerty Abraham indenture
76 Swagerty Abraham indenture
73 Swagerty Abram indenture
169 Swagerty Thomas L indenture
216 Swan William deed
164 Taylor George deed
246 Terry Scott indenture
234 Thimen John indenture
134 Thomas Alexander indenture
143 Thomas Alexander indenture
138 Thomas John indenture
155 Thomas John indenture
156 Thomas John indenture
244 Thomas John & Abraham indenture
249 Thompson Hugh POA
252 Thompson Hugh indenture
215 Thurman Ely indenture
9 Tollett John indenture
162 Tollette David indenture
120 Tollette John indenture
150 Tollette John indenture
161 Tollette John indenture
166 Tollette John indenture
168 Tollette John indenture
176 Tollette John indenture
178 Tollette John indenture
180 Tollette John indenture
184 Tollette John indenture
95 Tollette Mark indenture
111 Tollette Mark & John indenture
123 Vernon Obadiah C indenture
117 Vernon Robert indenture
177 Virnard Thomas indenture
194 Wade John C indenture
196 Wade John C grant
241 Wakefield Anne indenture
255 Walker George indenture
38 Walker Richard indenture
267 Walker Richard & Joseph indenture
201 Walker Samuel indenture
217 Walker Samuel indenture
222 Walker Samuel indenture
90 Watson Josiah indenture
32 Willen William & James indenture
8 Williams Joseph indenture
3 Wilson William grant
96 Witten William indenture
253 Worthington Samuel indenture
40 Worthington Thomas bond

Bledsoe County Deeds: Vol. B, 1812-1817

Source: Reference: Roll#34: Bledsoe County: Register of Deeds: Vol: A-D Jan
1808-Aug 1826: Tennessee State Library and Archives

74 Adams, Robert A. witness
86 Adams, Robert A. witness
87 Adams, Robert A. witness
88 Adams, Robert A. witness
74 Alexander, Charles B. witness
51 Alexander, Ephrim indenture
51 Alexander, James indenture
62 Alexander, Wm. secretary
65 Allen, Jemenre? bill of sale
94 Allen, Josiah R. reference
50 Anderson, Audly reference
50 Anderson, Betsy reference
9 Anderson, George reference
3 Anderson, John witness
7 Anderson, John indenture
15 Anderson, John indenture
17 Anderson, John indenture
24 Anderson, John indenture
50 Anderson, John will
90 Anderson, Rebecca reference
90 Anderson, William poa
12 Armstead, John B. decree
8 Armstrong, Martin grant
27 Armstrong, Martin reference
48 Armstrong, Martin reference
52 Armstrong, Martin grant
59 Armstrong, Martin grant
64 Armstrong, Martin grant
77 Armstrong, Martin grant
12 Ashton, Benjamin C witness
79 Bainbridge, John clerk
12 Benns, Charles clerk
31 Benson, Thomas reference
79 Bernard, Edward witness
9 Billingsley, John indenture
93 Billingsley, John witness
94 Billingsley, John witness
95 Billingsley, John deed of mortgage
9 Billingsley, Samuel reference
10 Billingsley, Samuel indenture
92 Billingsley, Samuel deed of mortgage
65 Billingsley, Thomas bill of sale
37 Binns, Charles clerk
92 Bishop, Joseph witness
95 Bishop, Joseph witness
31 Bishop, Stephen witness
97 Blackwell, Joseph justice
23 Blair, James bill of sale
24 Blair, James indenture
21 Blount, W. G. secretary
59 Blount, W. G. secretary
62 Blount, W. G. secretary
64 Blount, W. G. secretary
77 Blount, W. G. secretary
96 Blount, W. G. secretary
66 Blount, William G. secretary
8 Blount, Willie governor
21 Blount, Willie governor
52 Blount, Willie governor
53 Blount, Willie governor
59 Blount, Willie governor
62 Blount, Willie governor
62 Blount, Willie governor
64 Blount, Willie governor
66 Blount, Willie governor
77 Blount, Willie governor
96 Blount, Willie governor
61 Broaning, Jno. L clerk
84 Brown, Reuben witness
31 Brown, Rubein indenture
74 Brown, Rubein bill of sale
27 Brown, Thomas reference
13 Brown, W witness
6 Brown, William witness
14 Bumpass, Robert bill of sale
27 Cammack, William Jr. witness
32 Campbell, George W. indenture
82 Campbell, George Washington indenture
74 Campbell, Thos. T. witness
90 Campbell, Thos. T. witness
12 Chenault, Elijah witness
50 Christian, George reference
95 Clark, Charles reference
13 Clark, Thomas N indenture
33 Clark, Thomas N. reference
86 Clark, Thomas N. indenture
87 Clark, Thomas N. indenture
88 Clark, Thomas N. indenture
13 Clark, Thomas Noris poa
97 Clark, Thomas Norris indenture
13 Clark, Thos C witness
33 Coleman, James justice
34 Coleman, James justice
35 Coleman, James justice
5 Coulter, Alexander bill of sale
7 Coulter, Alexander reference
15 Coulter, Alexander reference
16 Coulter, Alexander reference
17 Coulter, Alexander reference
24 Coulter, Alexander reference
5 Coulter, T witness
7 Coulter, Thomas indenture
15 Coulter, Thomas indenture
17 Coulter, Thomas indenture
24 Coulter, Thomas indenture
59 Coulter, Thomas reference
72 Coulter, Thomas witness
77 Coulter, Thomas reference
78 Courn, Green Roy witness
12 Cranch, William judge
60 Cranch, William justice
2 Danforth, Josiah reference
21 Danforth, Josiah grant
78 Dardis, James witness
11 Dauthet, John indenture
27 Davidson, Fanny indenture
27 Davidson, John indenture
61 Davison, John reference
79 Dempsey, William witness
60 Denale, George clerk
12 Deneale, George clerk
4 Denham, Joseph bill of sale
95 Denton, Jonathan reference
71 Dever, James reference
43 Devers, James witness
35 Dixon, John witness
81 Dixon, John witness
41 Dodson, Oliver witness
12 Donaldson, Stockley reference
18 Donaldson, Stockley reference
27 Donaldson, Stockley reference
33 Donaldson, Stockley reference
41 Donaldson, Stockley indenture
42 Donaldson, Stockley reference
43 Donaldson, Stockley reference
44 Donaldson, Stockley reference
48 Donaldson, Stockley reference
49 Donaldson, Stockley reference
60 Donaldson, Stockley reference
63 Donaldson, Stockley reference
69 Donaldson, Stockley reference
70 Donaldson, Stockley reference
71 Donaldson, Stockley reference
78 Donaldson, Stockley reference
79 Donaldson, Stockley reference
82 Donaldson, Stockley reference
91 Donaldson, Stockley reference
15 Doss, John indenture
37 Douglas, Hugh justice
42 Dwiggins, John witness
23 Ellis, William bill of sale
78 Ewing, Nathan clerk
78 Farguson, R. witness
61 Ferguson, John mayor
79 Ferguson, John judge
81 Forrest, Henry indenture
81 Forrest, Jane indenture
48 Foster, James indenture
69 Foster, James indenture
76 Franks, Jacob witness
12 Gamble, John N. clerk
32 Gamble, John N. clerk
1 Gilbreath, David witness
2 Gilbreath, David witness
85 Gipson, Benjamin C witness
85 Gipson, William witness
78 Glentworth, Plunkett Fleeson indenture
31 Golson, John reference
62 Graham, James grant
85 Greer, John indenture
36 Griffieth, Amos bill of sale
12 Griffin, Thomas L witness
14 Griffith, Amos bill of sale
81 Gwynn, Humpy witness
26 Hailey, John C. indenture
40 Haley, David indenture
78 Hall, David reference
79 Hall, David poa
78 Hall, George reference
79 Hall, George reference
12 Hall, William decree
27 Hall, William J. reference
78 Hall, William J. reference
79 Hall, William J. reference
9 Hamilton, Abrm. witness
10 Hamilton, Abrm. witness
84 Hankins, John witness
12 Harrison, Wm. B. reference
96 Heard, Jesse assignee
14 Heard, Stephen witness
89 Heard, Stephen witness
12 Herbert, William mayor
96 Herritage, John grant
65 Hick, Isaac witness
8 Higgenbothem, A. reference
21 Higgenbothem, A. reference
52 Higgenbothem, A. surveyor
53 Higgenbothem, A. surveyor
19 Hillard, William indenture
52 Hixon, William assignee
53 Hixon, William assignee
5 Hixson, Timothy bill of sale
6 Hixson, Timothy bill of sale
27 Hodgson, William reference
83 Hoge, James witness
3 Hoge, Joseph indenture
46 Hoge, Joseph bill of sale
69 Hoge, Joseph reference
78 Hollingsworth, Thomas reference
79 Hollingsworth, Thomas reference
51 Holt, Erby witness
92 Hoodenpyle, Ph. witness
95 Hoodenpyle, Ph. witness
93 Hoodenpyle, Philip deed of mortgage
51 Hopkins, Wm. witness
8 Houston, R. secretary
52 Houston, R. secretary
53 Houston, R. secretary
4 Howel, E. witness
78 Hutchison, Andeson clerk
91 Hutchison, Isaac witness
91 Igou, James Sr. reference
91 Igou, Michael reference
90 Jones, Francis witness
5 Jones, Hercules witness
1 Julian, John indenture
2 Julian, John poa
38 Kelly, Alex witness
75 Kelly, Alexander witness
23 Kelly, Jno. witness
15 Kelly, John witness
36 Kelly, John witness
48 Kelly, John witness
50 Kelly, John witness
67 Kelly, John witness
70 Kelly, John witness
23 Kelly, Saml. clerk
18 Kelly, Wm. witness
32 Kelly, Wm. witness
26 Kendrick, Absolom witness
56 Laird, Samuel indenture
7 Lamb, Adam witness
16 Lamb, Adam indenture
72 Lamb, Alexander indenture
72 Lamb, Hugh witness
27 Lamb, William B. mayor
56 Lard, Samuel reference
71 Lard, Samuel witness
67 Lasater, Burrel witness
78 Law, Thomas reference
79 Law, Thomas reference
80 Lea, Elizabeth reference
80 Lea, John indenture
80 Lea, Joseph indenture
78 Lea, Luke witness
80 Lea, William reference
61 Logellb, T. witness
4 Looney, Peter witness
11 Looney, Peter witness
16 Looney, Peter witness
25 Looney, Peter witness
80 Looney, Peter reference
82 Love, Charles J indenture
32 Love, Charles J. indenture
33 Love, Charles J. indenture
34 Love, Charles J. indenture
35 Love, Charles J. indenture
81 Love, Charles J. indenture
37 Love, Charles Jones poa
42 Love, Charles Jones indenture
91 Love, Charles Jones indenture
34 Love, Henry J. reference
13 Love, Henry Jones reference
12 Love, John decree
27 Love, John reference
33 Love, John reference
34 Love, John reference
81 Love, John C. reference
32 Love, Richard H. reference
33 Love, Richard H. indenture
34 Love, Richard H. indenture
35 Love, Richard H. witness
81 Love, Richard H. indenture
97 Love, Richard H. indenture
13 Love, Richard Handley poa
33 Love, Samuel reference
34 Love, Samuel reference
35 Love, Samuel reference
28 Luck, J. witness
66 Lusk, Andrew M reference
29 Lusk, J. witness
28 Lusk, Joseph witness
29 Lusk, Joseph witness
27 Maitland, Robert indenture
61 Maitland, Robert poa
92 Maitland, Robert deed of mortgage
93 Maitland, Robert deed of mortgage
94 Maitland, Robert deed of mortgage
95 Maitland, Robert deed of mortgage
41 Manes, Jacob witness
53 Mar, Samuel grant
13 McCabe, John H. witness
18 McCampbell, John witness
31 McClelland, John indenture
85 McClendon, Willis indenture
32 McClung, Charles clerk
27 McColl, James witness
20 McDaniel, Randolph bill of sale
45 McDaniel, Randolph bill of sale
47 McDaniel, Randolph bill of sale
8 McGavock, D. register
21 McGavock, D. register
52 McGavock, D. register
53 McGavock, D. register
64 McGavock, D. register
77 McGavock, D. register
78 McGavock, D. clerk
96 McGavock, D. register
82 McGavock, R. clerk
75 McGee, David bill of sale
4 McGee, James witness
50 McIncoe, Brice reference
13 McIver, John indenture
18 McIver, John poa
37 McIver, John poa
42 McIver, John attorney
44 McIver, John indenture
49 McIver, John indenture
60 McIver, John poa
61 McIver, John poa
67 McIver, John indenture
70 McIver, John indenture
71 McIver, John indenture
72 McIver, John indenture
78 McIver, John indenture
79 McIver, John reference
91 McIver, John reference
92 McIver, John reference
54 McKinney, James witness
55 McKinney, James witness
56 McKinney, James witness
57 McKinney, James witness
58 McKinney, James witness
68 McKinney, James witness
73 McKinney, James witness
54 McKinney, Jesse witness
55 McKinney, Jesse witness
56 McKinney, Jesse witness
57 McKinney, Jesse witness
58 McKinney, Jesse witness
68 McKinney, Jesse witness
71 McKinney, Jesse witness
73 McKinney, Jesse witness
84 McKinney, Jesse bill of sale
9 McMeans, Isaac S. indenture
10 McMeans, Isaac S. indenture
19 McMeans, Isaac S. indenture
65 McMeans, Isaac S. reference
48 McMeans, Js. witness
62 McMinn, Jos. governor
12 McNairy, John judge
80 McReynolds James witness
75 McReynolds, James bill of sale
76 McReynolds, James article of agreemen
19 McReynolds, Jos. witness
8 McReynolds, Joseph assignee
43 McReynolds, Joseph indenture
48 McReynolds, Joseph indenture
75 McReynolds, Joseph bill of sale
76 McReynolds, Joseph article of agreemen
77 McReynolds, Joseph assignee
80 McReynolds, Joseph indenture
64 McReynolds, Joseph M assignee
11 McReynolds, Samuel indenture
39 McReynolds, Samuel bill of sale
83 McReynolds, Samuel Jr bill of sale
83 McReynolds, Samuel Sr bill of sale
59 McRunnels, Joseph assignee
1 Meek, Jacob indenture
2 Meek, Jacob poa
86 Mitchell, J. C. witness
87 Mitchell, J. C. witness
88 Mitchell, J. C. witness
89 Mitchell, J. C. witness
80 Mitchell, Jas. C witness
13 Moon, Jacob indenture
13 Moon, Richard indenture
51 Moon, Richard indenture
86 Moon, Richard indenture
87 Moon, Richard indenture
88 Moon, Richard indenture
61 Morlland, Robert reference
33 Moss, William clerk
34 Moss, William clerk
35 Moss, William clerk
81 Moss, William clerk
29 Moyers, Anna deed of gift
29 Moyers, Elizabeth deed of gift
28 Moyers, Jacob deed of gift
28 Moyers, Joh deed of gift
29 Moyers, Joseph deed of gift
3 Narramore, J. witness
7 Narramore, John indenture
15 Narramore, John indenture
17 Narramore, John indenture
24 Narramore, John indenture
25 Narramore, John witness
72 Narramore, John witness
35 Nelson, Catharine witness
20 Owens, Wm. witness
43 Paine, William indenture
78 Park, James indenture
79 Park, James poa
78 Park, Joseph indenture
79 Park, Joseph poa
78 Park, William indenture
79 Park, William reference
32 Parker, William E. witness
60 Patton, James poa
12 Patton, Robert decree
60 Patton, Robert poa
41 Payne, Payndexter witness
41 Payne, William Jr. indenture
12 Payton, Francis judge
31 Porter, Robert witness
43 Rainey, David witness
76 Rainey, Jesse G. article of agreemen
26 Ramsey, George witness
26 Ramsey, John indenture
30 Ramsey, John indenture
69 Raney, David indenture
81 Ratcliff, Richard judge
70 Rawling, Michael clerk
7 Rawlings, Arahel witness
16 Rawlings, Asahel indenture
17 Rawlings, Asahel indenture
18 Rawlings, Asahel poa
38 Rawlings, Asahel bill of sale
39 Rawlings, Asahel witness
46 Rawlings, Asahel bill of sale
65 Rawlings, Asahel witness
1 Rawlings, Michael witness
2 Rawlings, Michael witness
7 Rawlings, Michael indenture
9 Rawlings, Michael witness
10 Rawlings, Michael witness
15 Rawlings, Michael indenture
16 Rawlings, Michael witness
17 Rawlings, Michael indenture
19 Rawlings, Michael witness
24 Rawlings, Michael indenture
42 Rawlings, Michael witness
44 Rawlings, Michael witness
49 Rawlings, Michael witness
65 Rawlings, Michael witness
67 Rawlings, Michael clerk
91 Rawlings, Michael witness
92 Rawlings, Michael witness
93 Rawlings, Michael witness
94 Rawlings, Michael deed of mortgage
95 Rawlings, Michael witness
50 Reed, J. reference
22 Rippetoe, William bill of sale
66 Roane, Archibald reference
39 Roberson, James register
52 Roberson, James register
53 Roberson, James register
67 Roberson, James register
20 Roberson, John bill of sale
21 Roberson, John assignee
45 Roberson, John bill of sale
47 Roberson, John bill of sale
7 Roberson, William indenture
15 Roberson, William indenture
17 Roberson, William indenture
20 Roberson, William witness
22 Roberson, William witness
78 Robertson, James register
79 Robertson, James register
70 Robinson, James register
75 Robison, Jacob witness
21 Rogers, John reference
27 Rowland, George witness
71 Sales, Thomas indenture
61 Sanford, Charles W witness
84 Sapp, John bill of sale
12 Scott, Charles R decree
62 Scott, Edward register
62 Scott, Edward register
66 Scott, Edward register
82 Scott, John C. reference
92 Seabourn, John reference
92 Sears, James reference
79 Sedell, John clerk
27 Sharp, Wm. clerk
36 Sherrill, Polly witness
36 Sherrill, William bill of sale
38 Sherrill, William bill of sale
35 Sim, Harriet L. indenture
81 Sim, Harriet L. indenture
35 Sim, Thomas indenture
81 Sim, Thomas indenture
89 Skillern, James poa
42 Skillern, John witness
62 Skillern, John grant
63 Skillern, John indenture
90 Skillern, John poa
89 Skillern, William poa
90 Skillern, William reference
50 Skillian, James witness
25 Smith, Daniel indenture
6 Smith, John bill of sale
7 Smith, John indenture
18 Smith, Saml. witness
44 Smith, Saml. witness
42 Smith, Samuel indenture
48 Smith, Samuel indenture
49 Smith, Samuel witness
50 Smith, Samuel witness
91 Smith, Samuel indenture
94 Smith, Samuel witness
59 Spincy, Nicholas reference
77 Spring, Nicholas reference
39 Standefer, Israel bill of sale
70 Standefer, Israel indenture
83 Standefer, Israel witness
7 Standefer, James indenture
11 Standefer, James witness
15 Standefer, James indenture
17 Standefer, James indenture
24 Standefer, James indenture
43 Standefer, James witness
67 Standefer, James indenture
70 Standefer, James witness
89 Standefer, James chairman
90 Standefer, James chairman
39 Standefer, William bill of sale
94 Standefer, Wm. witness
50 Stone, Thomas reference
4 Street, Anthony bill of sale
74 Swaford, Thos. bill of sale
13 Swann, Thomas indenture
27 Swann, Thomas reference
27 Taliaferro, Richd. witness
1 Terry, Samuel clerk
2 Terry, Samuel clerk
4 Terry, Samuel clerk
5 Terry, Samuel clerk
6 Terry, Samuel clerk
7 Terry, Samuel clerk
9 Terry, Samuel clerk
10 Terry, Samuel clerk
11 Terry, Samuel clerk
13 Terry, Samuel clerk
14 Terry, Samuel clerk
15 Terry, Samuel clerk
18 Terry, Samuel witness
19 Terry, Samuel clerk
20 Terry, Samuel clerk
22 Terry, Samuel clerk
24 Terry, Samuel clerk
25 Terry, Samuel clerk
26 Terry, Samuel clerk
28 Terry, Samuel clerk
29 Terry, Samuel clerk
30 Terry, Samuel clerk
31 Terry, Samuel clerk
36 Terry, Samuel clerk
38 Terry, Samuel clerk
40 Terry, Samuel clerk
41 Terry, Samuel clerk
42 Terry, Samuel clerk
43 Terry, Samuel clerk
44 Terry, Samuel clerk
45 Terry, Samuel clerk
46 Terry, Samuel clerk
48 Terry, Samuel clerk
49 Terry, Samuel clerk
50 Terry, Samuel clerk
51 Terry, Samuel clerk
52 Terry, Samuel register
53 Terry, Samuel register
54 Terry, Samuel clerk
55 Terry, Samuel clerk
56 Terry, Samuel clerk
57 Terry, Samuel clerk
58 Terry, Samuel clerk
63 Terry, Samuel clerk
65 Terry, Samuel clerk
67 Terry, Samuel register
68 Terry, Samuel clerk
70 Terry, Samuel register
72 Terry, Samuel clerk
74 Terry, Samuel clerk
75 Terry, Samuel clerk
76 Terry, Samuel clerk
80 Terry, Samuel clerk
84 Terry, Samuel clerk
88 Terry, Samuel clerk
89 Terry, Samuel clerk
90 Terry, Samuel clerk
91 Terry, Samuel clerk
92 Terry, Samuel clerk
93 Terry, Samuel clerk
94 Terry, Samuel clerk
95 Terry, Samuel clerk
78 Thompson, Hugh indenture
80 Thurman, Philip reference
73 Tollet, David deed
68 Tollet, John indenture
73 Tollet, John Sr. deed
68 Tollet, Mark indenture
57 Tollett, Daniel indenture
7 Tollett, John indenture
15 Tollett, John indenture
17 Tollett, John indenture
25 Tollett, John indenture
44 Tollett, John indenture
49 Tollett, John indenture
71 Tollett, John witness
55 Tollett, John Jr. indenture
55 Tollett, John Sr. indenture
56 Tollett, John Sr. indenture
57 Tollett, John Sr. indenture
58 Tollett, John Sr. indenture
30 Tollett, Mark witness
58 Tollett, Mark indenture
54 Tolute, Henry indenture
54 Tolute, John indenture
22 Tucker, William C. bill of sale
42 Vernon, Thomas reference
63 Wade, John C. indenture
11 Walker, George reference
45 Walker, Jesse witness
1 Walker, Sam witness
2 Walker, Sam witness
62 Walker, Samuel surveyor
63 Walker, Samuel surveyor
78 Wall, Richard reference
79 Wall, Richard reference
81 Watson, Elizabth indenture
81 Watson, James indenture
33 Watson, Josiah reference
34 Watson, Josiah reference
94 Weatherington, Thomas reference
3 Weir, Hugh indenture
31 Wetherton, Samuel reference
79 Wheaton, Henry judge
91 Wilson, Andrew witness
66 Wilson, Greenberry grant
40 Wilson, Wilham indenture
30 Wilson, William witness
97 Withers, Daniel clerk
30 Witten, James witness
30 Witten, Theziah witness
30 Witten, William indenture
54 Witten, William reference
55 Witten, William reference
57 Witten, William reference
76 Works, Satt reference


Bledsoe County Deeds: Vol. A, 1808-1811

Reference: Microfilm Roll#34: Bledsoe County: Register of Deeds: Vol: A-D
Jan 1808-Aug 1826: Tennessee State Library and Archives

117 Alexander, Amos mayor
51 Alexander, Ch. witness
29 Alexander, Nathaniel Governor
30 Alexander, Nathaniel Governor
31 Alexander, Nathaniel Governor
41 Alexander, William reference
142 Alexander, Wm. W witness
3 Alison, James reference
38 Allison, David reference
46 Allison, David reference
118 Allison, P. witness
98 Allmand, Harrison witness
16 Alred, Thomas witness
130 Anderson, John bill of sale
134 Anderson, John deed of trust
139 Anderson, John witness
140 Anderson, John indenture
143 Anderson, John assignee
8 Armstead, Addison B. witness
113 Armstead, Addison B. witness
116 Armstead, John B. reference
132 Armstead, John B. indenture
133 Armstead, John B. indenture
78 Armstead, Thomas B witness
60 Armstrong, John reference
131 Armstrong, John reference
134 Armstrong, John reference
5 Armstrong, Martin deed/survey
9 Armstrong, Martin indenture
13 Armstrong, Martin reference
15 Armstrong, Martin deed/survey
50 Armstrong, Martin reference
66 Armstrong, Martin indenture
71 Armstrong, Martin indenture
91 Armstrong, Martin deed/survey
95 Armstrong, Martin reference
97 Armstrong, Martin reference
98 Armstrong, Martin reference
102 Armstrong, Martin reference
104 Armstrong, Martin indenture
111 Armstrong, Martin reference
114 Armstrong, Martin reference
118 Armstrong, Martin reference
120 Armstrong, Martin reference
135 Armstrong, Martin poa
143 Armstrong, Martin grant
99 Asbury, Thomas witness
121 Ashburn, M. witness
46 Auld, C. witness
95 Barret, Edmund witness
133 Barry, Red. D witness
132 Berry, Redmond D witness
41 Binns, Charles Jr witness
141 Blount, Willie Governor
143 Blount, Willie Governor
61 Blount, Wm. reference
38 Blunt, William reference
46 Blunt, William reference
49 Blunt, William reference
119 Breazeale, Henry clerk
120 Breazeale, Henry clerk
142 Breazeale, Henry clerk
3 Brown, James witness
3 Brown, John sheriff
101 Brown, Reubin witness
95 Brown, Thomas reference
96 Brown, Thomas indenture
97 Brown, Thomas indenture
98 Brown, Thomas reference
117 Brown, Thomas reference
3 Brown, William witness
25 Brueler, John witness
123 Buck, Wm. witness
134 Bynum, Gray reference
95 Cammack, William Jr. witness
8 Campbell, David judge
40 Campbell, David judge
76 Campbell, David judge
104 Campbell, David judge
113 Campbell, David judge
114 Campbell, David judge
115 Campbell, David judge
132 Campbell, David judge
93 Campbell, Geo. witness
94 Campbell, George W. indenture
99 Campbell, George W. indenture
109 Carr, Jonathan witness
100 Carter, Robert indenture
111 Carter, Robert forced land sale
132 Casey, Robert witness
39 Caven, Jas. Jr. witness
132 Chapman, Tho register
40 Chapman, Tho. register
96 Chapman, Tho. register
97 Chapman, Tho. register
98 Chapman, Tho. register
103 Chapman, Tho. register
104 Chapman, Tho. register
113 Chapman, Tho. register
114 Chapman, Tho. register
115 Chapman, Tho. register
117 Chapman, Tho. register
133 Chapman, Tho. register
63 Chapman, Tho. register
64 Chapman, Tho. register
65 Chapman, Tho. register
66 Chapman, Tho. register
67 Chapman, Tho. register
68 Chapman, Tho. register
69 Chapman, Tho. register
70 Chapman, Tho. register
71 Chapman, Tho. register
72 Chapman, Tho. register
73 Chapman, Tho. register
74 Chapman, Tho. register
75 Chapman, Tho. register
76 Chapman, Tho. register
78 Chapman, Thomas register
100 Chapman, Thos. register
3 Charter, James reference
101 Childress, James indenture
107 Chillis, James witness
126 Chilton, Stephen witness
126 Chilton, Thomas witness
111 Christian, Wm. witness
129 Clark, Thomas N. indenture
142 Clark, Thomas N. indenture
57 Clerk, Thomas N. grant
58 Clerk, Thomas N. grant
59 Clerk, Thomas N. grant
60 Clerk, Thomas N. grant
36 Climentson, Geo witness
38 Climentson, Geo witness
119 Coldwell, Alexander indenture
120 Coldwell, Alexander indenture
99 Coleman, James magistrate
78 Connoway, Haney reference
98 Cooper, John Mayor
76 Cosey, Robert witness
134 Coulter, Alexander indenture
125 Coulter, Thomas bill of sale
131 Coulter, Thomas reference
134 Coulter, Thomas deed of trust
140 Coulter, Thomas indenture
20 Couter, Robert indenture
108 Cozby, Robert witness
109 Cozby, Robert witness
100 Craighead, Robert register
103 Cranch, W. judge
36 Cranch, William judge
36 Cranch, William judge
37 Cranch, William judge
38 Cranch, William judge
39 Cranch, William judge
51 Cranch, William judge
118 Cranch, William judge
78 Crayhead, Robert register
17 Danforth, Josiah indenture
18 Danforth, Josiah indenture
25 Danforth, Josiah indenture
42 Danforth, Josiah indenture
52 Danforth, Josiah reference
56 Danforth, Josiah indenture
107 Danforth, Josiah indenture
108 Danforth, Josiah indenture
109 Danforth, Josiah indenture
110 Danforth, Josiah indenture
112 Danforth, Josiah forced land sale
98 Davidson, John indenture
95 Davidson, John & Fanny indenture
57 Deamound, John reference
1 Deaver, James indenture
2 Deaver, James reference
36 Deneale, George clerk
37 Deneale, George clerk
38 Deneale, George clerk
39 Deneale, George clerk
41 Deneale, George clerk
51 Deneale, George clerk
103 Deneale, George clerk
117 Deneale, George clerk
118 Deneale, George clerk
133 Deneale, George clerk
42 Dirgan, John register
1 Donalson, Stockley reference
2 Donalson, Stockley reference
4 Donalson, Stockley deed/survey
5 Donalson, Stockley deed/survey
7 Donalson, Stockley indenture
8 Donalson, Stockley reference
9 Donalson, Stockley indenture
10 Donalson, Stockley indenture
11 Donalson, Stockley indenture
12 Donalson, Stockley reference
13 Donalson, Stockley reference
14 Donalson, Stockley deed/survey
15 Donalson, Stockley deed/survey
17 Donalson, Stockley indenture
18 Donalson, Stockley indenture
19 Donalson, Stockley deed/survey
21 Donalson, Stockley deed/survey
22 Donalson, Stockley indenture
25 Donalson, Stockley reference
26 Donalson, Stockley grant
27 Donalson, Stockley grant
28 Donalson, Stockley grant
29 Donalson, Stockley grant
30 Donalson, Stockley grant
31 Donalson, Stockley grant
32 Donalson, Stockley grant
33 Donalson, Stockley grant
34 Donalson, Stockley grant
35 Donalson, Stockley poa
36 Donalson, Stockley reference
37 Donalson, Stockley reference
38 Donalson, Stockley reference
40 Donalson, Stockley reference
42 Donalson, Stockley indenture
43 Donalson, Stockley deed/survey
44 Donalson, Stockley deed/survey
45 Donalson, Stockley deed/survey
46 Donalson, Stockley reference
47 Donalson, Stockley reference
48 Donalson, Stockley reference
49 Donalson, Stockley reference
50 Donalson, Stockley reference
51 Donalson, Stockley reference
52 Donalson, Stockley ratification
61 Donalson, Stockley indenture
63 Donalson, Stockley indenture
64 Donalson, Stockley indenture
65 Donalson, Stockley indenture
66 Donalson, Stockley indenture
67 Donalson, Stockley indenture
68 Donalson, Stockley indenture
69 Donalson, Stockley indenture
70 Donalson, Stockley indenture
71 Donalson, Stockley indenture
72 Donalson, Stockley indenture
73 Donalson, Stockley indenture
74 Donalson, Stockley indenture
75 Donalson, Stockley indenture
77 Donalson, Stockley reference
79 Donalson, Stockley deed/survey
80 Donalson, Stockley deed/survey
81 Donalson, Stockley deed/survey
92 Donalson, Stockley deed/survey
93 Donalson, Stockley reference
95 Donalson, Stockley reference
96 Donalson, Stockley reference
97 Donalson, Stockley reference
98 Donalson, Stockley reference
100 Donalson, Stockley reference
102 Donalson, Stockley reference
104 Donalson, Stockley indenture
105 Donalson, Stockley indenture
106 Donalson, Stockley indenture
111 Donalson, Stockley reference
111 Donalson, Stockley reference
112 Donalson, Stockley reference
113 Donalson, Stockley reference
114 Donalson, Stockley reference
115 Donalson, Stockley reference
116 Donalson, Stockley reference
118 Donalson, Stockley reference
120 Donalson, Stockley reference
127 Donalson, Stockley reference
128 Donalson, Stockley deed/survey
135 Donalson, Stockley poa
116 Dowler, Francis witness
17 Dunlap, Hugh attorney
18 Dunlap, Hugh attorney
35 Dunlap, Hugh poa
42 Dunlap, Hugh attorney
52 Dunlap, Hugh attorney
142 Dunlap, Hugh witness
20 Dunn, John witness
118 Ealey, Wm. witness
49 Erving, John reference
50 Ewing, Andrew clerk
35 Ferguson, Alexander register
134 Fine, J. witness
116 Fleshart, Frederick witness
41 Fox, Nathaniel reference
129 Franklin, Wm witness
61 Gamble, John N. clerk
63 Gamble, John N. clerk
64 Gamble, John N. clerk
66 Gamble, John N. register
67 Gamble, John N. register
68 Gamble, John N. register
69 Gamble, John N. register
70 Gamble, John N. register
71 Gamble, John N. register
72 Gamble, John N. register
73 Gamble, John N. register
74 Gamble, John N. register
75 Gamble, John N. register
78 Gamble, John N. register
93 Gamble, John N. witness
94 Gamble, John N. witness
96 Gamble, John N. clerk
97 Gamble, John N. clerk
113 Gamble, John N. clerk
114 Gamble, John N. clerk
115 Gamble, John N. clerk
47 Gammel, J. N. clerk
48 Gammel, J. N. clerk
50 Gammel, John N. register
4 Gest, Benj. chain carrier
14 Gest, Benj. chain carrier
15 Gest, Benj. chain carrier
19 Gest, Benj. chain carrier
21 Gest, Benj. chain carrier
43 Gest, Benj. chain carrier
44 Gest, Benj. chain carrier
45 Gest, Benj. chain carrier
79 Gest, Benj. chain carrier
80 Gest, Benj. chain carrier
91 Gest, Benj. chain carrier
92 Gest, Benj. chain carrier
128 Gest, Benj. chain carrier
56 Gilbreath, David witness
4 Glasgow, J secretary
79 Glasgow, J. secretary
80 Glasgow, J. secretary
91 Glasgow, J. secretary
92 Glasgow, J. secretary
128 Glasgow, J. secretary
54 Goalson, John indenture
7 Gordin, G. witness
9 Gordin, G. witness
66 Gordon, Geo. witness
67 Gordon, Geo. witness
68 Gordon, Geo. witness
69 Gordon, Geo. witness
70 Gordon, Geo. witness
71 Gordon, Geo. witness
72 Gordon, Geo. witness
73 Gordon, Geo. witness
74 Gordon, Geo. witness
75 Gordon, Geo. witness
11 Gordon, Geo. witness
10 Gordon, Geo. Jr. witness
11 Gordon, Geo. Jr. witness
64 Gordon, Geo. Jr. witness
65 Gordon, Geo. Jr. witness
66 Gordon, Geo. Jr. witness
78 Gordon, George witness
61 Gordon, George witness
63 Gordon, George witness
22 Gordon, George Jr. witness
109 Gott, Richard indenture
108 Gott, Samuel indenture
109 Gott, Samuel reference
46 Grayson, Benjamin reference
141 Grayson, Jesse reference
126 Grimes, John bill of sale
61 Groth, Rich reference
107 Hail, Isom witness
53 Hale, Isham indenture
25 Hale, Richard witness
50 Hall, David deed of trust
50 Hall, George deed of trust
121 Hall, Samuel C. reference
36 Hall, William J. deed of trust
95 Hall, William J. reference
96 Hall, William J. reference
97 Hall, William J. indenture
98 Hall, William J. reference
102 Hall, William J. indenture
116 Hall, William J. reference
117 Hall, William J. deed of partition
132 Hall, William J. reference
50 Hall, William James deed of trust
39 Hall, William Jones reference
38 Hall, Wm. J. witness
99 Hanley, Ann reference
116 Haynes, Christian witness
1 Heard, Stephen witness
2 Heard, Stephen witness
77 Henderson, Richard reference
23 Henderson, Richard H. witness
18 Henry, Samuel witness
36 Hickman, Wm. witness
143 Higganbothan, A surveyor
78 Hill, Philip reference
53 Hillerd, Joel witness
96 Hillis, Stepn. witness
97 Hillis, Stepn. witness
54 Hilyard, Joel witness
141 Hixson, William reference
36 Hodgson, William deed of trust
37 Hodgson, William deed of trust
38 Hodgson, William deed of trust
39 Hodgson, William reference
46 Hodgson, William poa
47 Hodgson, William deed of trust
48 Hodgson, William deed of trust
49 Hodgson, William deed of trust
93 Hodgson, William reference
95 Hodgson, William reference
96 Hodgson, William reference
97 Hodgson, William indenture
98 Hodgson, William indenture
102 Hodgson, William indenture
117 Hodgson, William deed of partition
41 Hoffman, Peter reference
124 Hoge, James witness
120 Hoge, Jos. witness
111 Hoge, Joseph deed
131 Hoge, Joseph reference
135 Hollis, John justice
100 Hollory, P. witness
58 Houston, R. secretary
59 Houston, R. secretary
60 Houston, R. secretary
131 Houston, R. secretary
141 Houston, R. secretary
135 Hughlett, Wm. witness
143 Hughson, R register
99 Huguely, George witness
6 Igor, some witness
46 Irving, John reference
99 Jackson, John reference
93 Jackson, Samuel reference
78 James, Charles C. witness
127 Johnson, Aquilla reference
127 Johnston, Aquilla indenture
25 Johnston, Equilla indenture
58 Jones, Jacob reference
107 Julin, John indenture
104 Kellom, John witness
130 Kelly, Jno witness
140 Kelly, Jno witness
123 Kelly, John bill of sale
124 Kelly, John bill of sale
120 Kelly, Jono. witness
57 Kelly, William reference
58 Kelly, William reference
60 Kelly, William reference
94 Kelly, William witness
120 Kelly, William reference
121 Kelly, Wm. witness
59 Ker, William reference
60 Kerr, Irisaw reference
60 Kerr, William reference
135 King, John E. clerk
103 Kitty, William judge
133 Kitty, William judge
128 Lackey, J W surveyor
19 Lackey, J. W. surveryor
17 Lackey, James W. surveryor
18 Lackey, James W. surveryor
21 Lackey, James W. surveryor
42 Lackey, Jas. W. surveryor
43 Lackey, Jas. W. surveryor
44 Lackey, Jas. W. surveryor
45 Lackey, Jas. W. surveryor
79 Lackey, Jas. W. surveyor
80 Lackey, Jas. W. surveyor
91 Lackey, Jas. W. surveyor
92 Lackey, Jas. W. surveyor
4 Lackey, W surveryor
14 Lackey, W surveryor
15 Lackey, W surveryor
130 Lamb, Adam witness
78 Lane, John reference
78 Lane, Samuel reference
110 Larance, Martin witness
141 Lassiter, Burnell grant
46 Lawson, John clerk
116 Layton, John witness
120 Lea, William deed
41 Lee, Edmund witness
136 Lee, William indenture
6 Lewis, Anna poa
6 Lewis, Griffin reference
20 Liber, Charles witness
46 Little, Charles judge
49 Little, Charles magistrate
50 Little, Charles justice
53 Long, Tobias witness
55 Long, Tobias indenture
16 Looney, Peter witness
56 Looney, Peter witness
111 Looney, Peter sheriff
112 Looney, Peter sheriff
120 Looney, Peter sheriff
121 Looney, Peter sheriff
122 Looney, Peter sheriff
7 Love, Alexander reference
9 Love, Charles J witness
11 Love, Charles J witness
20 Love, Charles J indenture
23 Love, Charles J. indenture
63 Love, Charles J. witness
65 Love, Charles J. witness
66 Love, Charles J. witness
78 Love, Charles J. witness
94 Love, Charles J. indenture
99 Love, Charles J. indenture
120 Love, Charles J. forced land sale
8 Love, Charles Jones indenture
12 Love, Charles Jones indenture
24 Love, Charles Jones poa
41 Love, Charles Jones son
113 Love, Charles Jones indenture
13 Love, Chas. J. witness
40 Love, Chas. J. witness
114 Love, Chas. J. witness
115 Love, Chas. J. witness
100 Love, Chs. J. witness
8 Love, Elizabeth indenture
12 Love, Elizabeth indenture
13 Love, Elizabeth indenture
36 Love, Elizabeth deed of trust
37 Love, Elizabeth deed of trust
38 Love, Elizabeth deed of trust
40 Love, Elizabeth indenture
100 Love, Elizabeth indenture
113 Love, Elizabeth indenture
114 Love, Elizabeth indenture
115 Love, Elizabeth indenture
41 Love, Harriet daughter
41 Love, Henry Jones son
7 Love, John indenture
8 Love, John indenture
9 Love, John indenture
10 Love, John indenture
11 Love, John indenture
12 Love, John indenture
13 Love, John indenture
20 Love, John reference
22 Love, John indenture
23 Love, John reference
36 Love, John deed of trust
37 Love, John deed of trust
38 Love, John deed of trust
39 Love, John reference
40 Love, John indenture
41 Love, John reference
46 Love, John reference
47 Love, John reference
49 Love, John reference
50 Love, John reference
51 Love, John reference
61 Love, John indenture
63 Love, John indenture
64 Love, John indenture
65 Love, John indenture
66 Love, John indenture
67 Love, John indenture
68 Love, John indenture
69 Love, John indenture
70 Love, John indenture
71 Love, John indenture
72 Love, John indenture
73 Love, John indenture
74 Love, John indenture
75 Love, John indenture
76 Love, John reference
77 Love, John indenture
93 Love, John reference
95 Love, John reference
96 Love, John reference
97 Love, John reference
98 Love, John reference
100 Love, John indenture
102 Love, John reference
111 Love, John reference
113 Love, John indenture
114 Love, John indenture
115 Love, John indenture
116 Love, John reference
132 Love, John indenture
133 Love, John indenture
41 Love, John Courts son
99 Love, John S. witness
41 Love, Nancy daughter
23 Love, Richard H indenture
94 Love, Richard H. attorney
120 Love, Richard H. forced land sale
24 Love, Richard Handley poa
41 Love, Richard Handley son
100 Love, Saml. witness
9 Love, Saml. A U A witness
10 Love, Saml. A U A witness
11 Love, Saml. A U A witness
7 Love, Saml. A U: A witness
7 Love, Samuel indenture
8 Love, Samuel witness
9 Love, Samuel indenture
10 Love, Samuel indenture
11 Love, Samuel indenture
12 Love, Samuel witness
13 Love, Samuel indenture
22 Love, Samuel indenture
38 Love, Samuel reference
40 Love, Samuel indenture
41 Love, Samuel will
46 Love, Samuel reference
49 Love, Samuel reference
61 Love, Samuel indenture
63 Love, Samuel indenture
64 Love, Samuel indenture
65 Love, Samuel indenture
66 Love, Samuel indenture
67 Love, Samuel indenture
68 Love, Samuel indenture
69 Love, Samuel indenture
70 Love, Samuel indenture
71 Love, Samuel indenture
72 Love, Samuel indenture
73 Love, Samuel indenture
74 Love, Samuel indenture
75 Love, Samuel indenture
77 Love, Samuel indenture
93 Love, Samuel reference
111 Love, Samuel reference
113 Love, Samuel witness
114 Love, Samuel indenture
115 Love, Samuel indenture
63 Love, Samuel A. W. A . witness
64 Love, Samuel A. W. A . witness
65 Love, Samuel A. W. A . witness
66 Love, Samuel A. W. A . witness
8 Love, Samuel Jr. witness
12 Love, Samuel Jr. witness
13 Love, Samuel Jr. witness
40 Love, Samuel Jr. witness
113 Love, Samuel Jr. witness
114 Love, Samuel Jr. witness
115 Love, Samuel Jr. witness
41 Love, Sarah wife
98 Macgowan, Jno. witness
78 Mailen, Isaac reference
119 Martin, Samuel witness
120 Martin, Samuel witness
95 Matland, Robert indenture
120 McCane, George forced land sale
16 McClellan, John indenture
57 McClellan, John reference
58 McClellan, John reference
61 McClellan, John reference
53 McClellen, John indenture
54 McClellen, John indenture
55 McClellen, John indenture
101 McClellen, John indenture
104 McClellen, John indenture
35 McClung, Charles clerk
50 McClung, Charles register
61 McClung, Charles clerk
63 McClung, Charles clerk
65 McClung, Charles clerk
66 McClung, Charles register
67 McClung, Charles register
68 McClung, Charles register
69 McClung, Charles register
70 McClung, Charles register
71 McClung, Charles register
72 McClung, Charles register
73 McClung, Charles register
74 McClung, Charles register
75 McClung, Charles register
78 McClung, Charles register
93 McClung, Charles clerk
96 McClung, Charles clerk
97 McClung, Charles clerk
100 McClung, Charles clerk
113 McClung, Charles clerk
114 McClung, Charles clerk
115 McClung, Charles clerk
20 McComble, George indenture
4 McCory, Ananias surveryor
14 McCory, Ananias surveryor
15 McCory, Ananias surveryor
17 McCory, Ananias surveryor
19 McCory, Ananias surveryor
21 McCoy, Aninias surveryor
42 McCoy, Aninias surveryor
43 McCoy, Aninias surveryor
44 McCoy, Aninias surveryor
45 McCoy, Aninias surveryor
79 McCoy, Aninias surveyor
80 McCoy, Aninias surveyor
128 McCoy, Aninias surveyor
46 McDaniel, John register
48 McDaniel, John register
49 McDaniel, John register
47 McDonald, John register
78 McDonnold, John register
35 McEwin, John register
105 McEwin, John register
106 McEwin, John register
141 McGavock, D register
63 McGavock, Randel clerk
64 McGavock, Randel clerk
65 McGavock, Randel clerk
66 McGavock, Randel register
67 McGavock, Randel register
68 McGavock, Randel register
69 McGavock, Randel register
70 McGavock, Randel register
71 McGavock, Randel register
72 McGavock, Randel register
73 McGavock, Randel register
74 McGavock, Randel register
75 McGavock, Randel register
131 McGovock, D register
36 McIver, John witness
37 McIver, John witness
38 McIver, John witness
39 McIver, John poa
46 McIver, John poa
47 McIver, John attorney
48 McIver, John deed of trust
49 McIver, John deed of trust
50 McIver, John deed of trust
51 McIver, John indenture
51 McIver, John reference
56 McIver, John reference
93 McIver, John indenture
95 McIver, John reference
96 McIver, John attorney
97 McIver, John reference
98 McIver, John attorney
116 McIver, John deed
117 McIver, John witness
118 McIver, John deed
132 McIver, John witness
55 McKinney, Jesse witness
127 McMeans, Isaac S indenture
42 McNamer, Peter witness
116 McNary, John justice
2 Menefee, John indenture
1 Menefee, Thomas indenture
95 Miell, James witness
17 Minerne, Peter witness
51 Minor, Daniel witness
39 Moore, Cleon witness
47 Moore, George Jr. witness
48 Moore, George Jr. witness
39 Moore, Henry witness
129 Moore, Jacob indenture
142 Moore, Jacob indenture
129 Moore, Richard indenture
142 Moore, Richard indenture
23 Moss, William witness
41 Moss, William clerk
46 Moss, William clerk
49 Moss, William clerk
50 Moss, William clerk
99 Moss, William clerk
99 Moss, William clerk
78 Murry, Peter witness
108 Narramore, John witness
109 Narramore, John witness
134 Narramore, John deed of trust
140 Narramore, John indenture
119 Neilson, William indenture
120 Neilson, William D indenture
131 Nelson, John grant
95 Newton, Thomas recorder
129 Nielson, Wm witness
41 Nisbett, James witness
98 Nivison, John recorder
121 Ore, James forced sale
122 Ore, James reference
123 Ore, James bill of sale
122 Ore, Jos. witness
122 Ore, Joseph bill of sale
124 Ore, Joseph bill of sale
93 Orr, Alexander D. reference
38 Orr, Benjamin Grayson reference
49 Orr, Benjamin Grayson reference
93 Orr, Benjamin Grayson indenture
47 Park, James deed of trust
48 Park, James deed of trust
49 Park, James reference
50 Park, James deed of trust
50 Park, Joseph deed of trust
47 Park, Nathan witness
48 Park, Nathan witness
47 Park, William witness
48 Park, William witness
50 Park, William deed of trust
94 Parker, William E. witness
78 Pate, Mathis reference
49 Patten, Thomas witness
76 Patton, James indenture
116 Patton, Robert reference
132 Patton, Robert reference
76 Patton, Robert  Jr. indenture
51 Patton, Robert Jr indenture
118 Patton, Robert Jr. deed
23 Peek, Thomas witness
46 Perry, William reference
49 Perryman, William reference
116 Porter, Charles T. marshal
54 Portman, John witness
101 Portman, John witness
119 Purris, Jno witness
120 Purris, Jno witness
35 Ramsey, F. A. clerk
94 Ramsey, F. A. clerk
47 Ramsey, Francis A. clerk
48 Ramsey, Francis A. clerk
95 Ramsey, Saml. G. register
100 Ramsey, Saml. G. register
8 Ramsey, Samuel G. register
78 Rankin, William reference
130 Rawlings, A. clerk
122 Rawlings, Asahel witness
123 Rawlings, Asahel witness
129 Rawlings, Asahel clerk
134 Rawlings, Asahel witness
107 Rawlings, Michael witness
108 Rawlings, Michael witness
109 Rawlings, Michael witness
112 Rawlings, Michael reference
134 Rawlings, Michael deed of trust
140 Rawlings, Michael indenture
52 Reed, Solomon witness
4 Reed, Watson chain carrier
14 Reed, Watson chain carrier
15 Reed, Watson chain carrier
19 Reed, Watson chain carrier
21 Reed, Watson chain carrier
43 Reed, Watson chain carrier
44 Reed, Watson chain carrier
45 Reed, Watson chain carrier
79 Reed, Watson chain carrier
80 Reed, Watson chain carrier
91 Reed, Watson chain carrier
92 Reed, Watson chain carrier
128 Reed, Watson chain carrier
20 Register, James register
49 Remney, John attorney
105 Rhodes, Christian indenture
106 Rhodes, Christian indenture
105 Rhodes, Jacob witness
106 Rhodes, Jacob witness
1 Rhods, Christian indenture
2 Rhods, Christian indenture
6 Riddle, Henry witness
78 Rigins, Darly reference
110 Roach, John indenture
63 Roane, Archibald judge
64 Roane, Archibald judge
65 Roane, Archibald judge
66 Roane, Archibald clerk
67 Roane, Archibald clerk
68 Roane, Archibald clerk
69 Roane, Archibald clerk
70 Roane, Archibald clerk
71 Roane, Archibald clerk
72 Roane, Archibald clerk
73 Roane, Archibald clerk
74 Roane, Archibald clerk
75 Roane, Archibald clerk
78 Roane, Archibald judge
96 Roane, Archibald judge
97 Roane, Archibald judge
4 Roberson, James register
34 Roberson, James register
35 Roberson, James register
36 Roberson, James register
36 Roberson, James register
37 Roberson, James register
38 Roberson, James register
39 Roberson, James register
40 Roberson, James register
41 Roberson, James register
42 Roberson, James register
43 Roberson, James register
44 Roberson, James register
45 Roberson, James register
46 Roberson, James register
47 Roberson, James register
48 Roberson, James register
49 Roberson, James register
50 Roberson, James register
51 Roberson, James register
52 Roberson, James register
53 Roberson, James register
54 Roberson, James register
55 Roberson, James register
56 Roberson, James register
57 Roberson, James register
58 Roberson, James register
59 Roberson, James register
60 Roberson, James register
62 Roberson, James register
63 Roberson, James register
64 Roberson, James register
65 Roberson, James register
66 Roberson, James register
67 Roberson, James register
68 Roberson, James register
69 Roberson, James register
70 Roberson, James register
71 Roberson, James register
72 Roberson, James register
73 Roberson, James register
74 Roberson, James register
75 Roberson, James register
76 Roberson, James register
78 Roberson, James register
79 Roberson, James register
80 Roberson, James register
91 Roberson, James register
92 Roberson, James register
93 Roberson, James register
94 Roberson, James register
95 Roberson, James register
96 Roberson, James clerk
97 Roberson, James register
98 Roberson, James register
99 Roberson, James register
100 Roberson, James register
101 Roberson, James register
103 Roberson, James register
104 Roberson, James register
105 Roberson, James register
106 Roberson, James register
107 Roberson, James register
108 Roberson, James register
109 Roberson, James register
110 Roberson, James register
111 Roberson, James register
112 Roberson, James register
113 Roberson, James register
114 Roberson, James register
115 Roberson, James register
116 Roberson, James register
117 Roberson, James register
118 Roberson, James register
119 Roberson, James register
120 Roberson, James register
120 Roberson, James register
121 Roberson, James register
122 Roberson, James register
123 Roberson, James register
124 Roberson, James register
125 Roberson, James register
126 Roberson, James register
127 Roberson, James register
128 Roberson, James register
129 Roberson, James register
130 Roberson, James register
131 Roberson, James register
132 Roberson, James register
133 Roberson, James register
134 Roberson, James register
135 Roberson, James register
139 Roberson, James register
140 Roberson, James register
141 Roberson, James register
111 Roberson, Jas. witness
111 Roberson, William deed
125 Roberson, William bill of sale
126 Roberson, William bill of sale
134 Roberson, William deed of trust
102 Robinson, Ch. witness
3 Rogers, James witness
104 Rouston, Geo. witness
36 Rowe, George witness
37 Rowe, George witness
38 Rowe, George witness
95 Rowland, G. witness
56 Rowlings, Michael indenture
102 Rumney, John witness
123 Russell, J. witness
36 Sanderson, Jas. witness
37 Sanderson, Jas. witness
38 Sanderson, Jas. witness
49 Sanderson, Jas. reference
102 Sanderson, Jas. witness
20 Scot, John C witness
99 Scott, Ann indenture
132 Scott, Charles reference
116 Scott, Charles R. reference
57 Scott, Edward register
58 Scott, Edward register
59 Scott, Edward register
60 Scott, Edward register
99 Scott, John C. indenture
76 Scott, Thos B witness
110 Seabourn, John witness
78 Sear, Joeab reference
37 Selden, Cavy witness
57 Sevier, John Governor
58 Sevier, John Governor
59 Sevier, John Governor
60 Sevier, John Governor
131 Sevier, John Governor
61 Sharp, Patrick witness
95 Sharp, Wm. clerk
98 Sharp, Wm. clerk
120 Sim, Thomas forced land sale
41 Simms, Jesse reference
55 Simons, Samuel witness
6 Skillern, A. witness
6 Skillern, John poa
78 Skuf, Thomas reference
78 Smith, Charles reference
59 Smith, John reference
101 Smith, Samuel clerk
107 Smith, Samuel clerk
108 Smith, Samuel clerk
109 Smith, Samuel clerk
110 Smith, Samuel clerk
111 Smith, Samuel deed
112 Smith, Samuel witness
121 Smith, Samuel bill of sale
122 Smith, Samuel bill of sale
124 Smith, Samuel witness
127 Smith, Samuel witness
8 Smith, William register
117 Smith, Wm. H. witness
79 Speight, J. secretary
80 Speight, J. secretary
4 Spraight, Richard Dobbs Governor
12 Spraight, Richard Dobbs reference
13 Spraight, Richard Dobbs reference
40 Spraight, Richard Dobbs Governor
43 Spraight, Richard Dobbs Governor
44 Spraight, Richard Dobbs Governor
45 Spraight, Richard Dobbs Governor
79 Spraight, Richard Dobbs Governor
80 Spraight, Richard Dobbs Governor
91 Spraight, Richard Dobbs Governor
92 Spraight, Richard Dobbs Governor
113 Spraight, Richard Dobbs Governor
114 Spraight, Richard Dobbs Governor
115 Spraight, Richard Dobbs Governor
128 Spraight, Richard Dobbs Governor
131 Spring, Nicholas assignee
10 Squire, D. witness
11 Squire, D. witness
63 Squire, David witness
64 Squire, David witness
65 Squire, David witness
66 Squire, David witness
7 Squire, Jem. D. witness
9 Squire, Jem. D. witness
1 Standefer, Israel witness
2 Standefer, Israel witness
123 Standifer, James bill of sale
124 Standifer, James bill of sale
134 Standifer, James deed of trust
140 Standifer, James indenture
79 Stenson, Jas. register
25 Stephens, Isaac reference
46 Stewart, Archibald judge
96 Stewart, Hugh witness
97 Stewart, Hugh witness
103 Stewart, Jas. M. witness
132 Stewart, William witness
43 Stinson, Jas. register
44 Stinson, Jas. register
45 Stinson, Jas. register
80 Stinson, Jas. register
128 Stinson, Jas. register
116 Stone, John register
98 Storrs, William witness
3 Swagerty, Abraham forced land sale
23 Swan, Thomas witness
36 Swann, Thomas deed of trust
37 Swann, Thomas deed of trust
38 Swann, Thomas deed of trust
39 Swann, Thomas poa
47 Swann, Thomas deed of trust
48 Swann, Thomas reference
49 Swann, Thomas reference
50 Swann, Thomas witness
95 Swann, Thomas reference
96 Swann, Thomas indenture
97 Swann, Thomas reference
98 Swann, Thomas reference
116 Swann, Thomas deed
132 Taylor, John Jr. witness
133 Taylor, John Jr. witness
61 Taylor, Joseph witness
130 Taylor, Michael bill of sale
46 Taylor, R. J. witness
49 Taylor, R. J. witness
50 Taylor, R. J. witness
38 Terrel, William reference
78 Terrel, William reference
42 Terry, Jos. register
6 Terry, Samuel clerk
20 Terry, Samuel register
25 Terry, Samuel indenture
36 Terry, Samuel register
36 Terry, Samuel register
37 Terry, Samuel register
38 Terry, Samuel register
39 Terry, Samuel register
40 Terry, Samuel register
41 Terry, Samuel register
42 Terry, Samuel register
43 Terry, Samuel register
44 Terry, Samuel register
45 Terry, Samuel register
46 Terry, Samuel register
47 Terry, Samuel register
48 Terry, Samuel register
49 Terry, Samuel register
50 Terry, Samuel register
51 Terry, Samuel register
52 Terry, Samuel register
53 Terry, Samuel clerk
54 Terry, Samuel clerk
55 Terry, Samuel clerk
56 Terry, Samuel clerk
57 Terry, Samuel clerk
58 Terry, Samuel clerk
59 Terry, Samuel clerk
60 Terry, Samuel clerk
62 Terry, Samuel register
63 Terry, Samuel register
64 Terry, Samuel clerk
65 Terry, Samuel clerk
66 Terry, Samuel register
67 Terry, Samuel register
68 Terry, Samuel register
69 Terry, Samuel register
70 Terry, Samuel register
71 Terry, Samuel register
72 Terry, Samuel register
73 Terry, Samuel register
74 Terry, Samuel register
75 Terry, Samuel register
76 Terry, Samuel witness
76 Terry, Samuel register
78 Terry, Samuel register
79 Terry, Samuel register
80 Terry, Samuel register
91 Terry, Samuel register
92 Terry, Samuel register
93 Terry, Samuel register
94 Terry, Samuel register
95 Terry, Samuel register
96 Terry, Samuel clerk
97 Terry, Samuel register
98 Terry, Samuel register
99 Terry, Samuel register
100 Terry, Samuel register
101 Terry, Samuel clerk
103 Terry, Samuel register
104 Terry, Samuel register
105 Terry, Samuel register
106 Terry, Samuel register
107 Terry, Samuel clerk
108 Terry, Samuel clerk
109 Terry, Samuel clerk
110 Terry, Samuel clerk
111 Terry, Samuel clerk
112 Terry, Samuel witness
113 Terry, Samuel register
114 Terry, Samuel register
115 Terry, Samuel register
116 Terry, Samuel register
117 Terry, Samuel register
118 Terry, Samuel register
119 Terry, Samuel register
120 Terry, Samuel register
120 Terry, Samuel clerk
121 Terry, Samuel register
122 Terry, Samuel clerk
123 Terry, Samuel clerk
124 Terry, Samuel clerk
125 Terry, Samuel clerk
126 Terry, Samuel clerk
127 Terry, Samuel clerk
128 Terry, Samuel register
129 Terry, Samuel register
130 Terry, Samuel register
131 Terry, Samuel register
132 Terry, Samuel register
133 Terry, Samuel register
134 Terry, Samuel clerk
139 Terry, Samuel witness
140 Terry, Samuel clerk
17 Thomas, John witness
42 Thomas, John witness
49 Thompson, Benj witness
113 Thompson, Charles witness
114 Thompson, Charles witness
115 Thompson, Charles witness
8 Thompson, Chas. witness
12 Thompson, Chas. witness
13 Thompson, Chas. witness
40 Thomson, Charles witness
41 Thournton, Anthony reference
41 Thourton, Benjamin Berryman reference
136 Thurman, Elic indenture
18 Thurman, Jerep witness
25 Thurman, Philip reference
54 Thurman, Philip reference
120 Thurman, Philip reference
140 Thurman, Philip indenture
134 Tollett, John deed of trust
46 Totten, Benj. register
47 Totten, Benj. clerk
48 Totten, Benj. clerk
49 Totten, Benj. clerk
59 Treson, James reference
37 Tyrell, William reference
46 Tyrell, William reference
47 Tyrell, William reference
48 Tyrell, William reference
58 Tyrell, William reference
127 Underwood, Abner indenture
78 Waran, Robert reference
132 Washington, Launnee witness
9 Washington, Washington J witness
11 Washington, Washington J witness
63 Washington, Washington J witness
65 Washington, Washington J witness
66 Washington, Washington J witness
132 Washington, Washington J witness
76 Watson, James witness
132 Watson, James witness
38 Watson, Jno. witness
24 Watson, Jo: Jr. witness
36 Watson, John witness
46 Watson, John reference
117 Watson, John witness
7 Watson, Josiah indenture
9 Watson, Josiah indenture
10 Watson, Josiah indenture
11 Watson, Josiah indenture
22 Watson, Josiah indenture
23 Watson, Josiah witness
36 Watson, Josiah deed of trust
38 Watson, Josiah reference
39 Watson, Josiah reference
49 Watson, Josiah reference
61 Watson, Josiah indenture
63 Watson, Josiah indenture
64 Watson, Josiah indenture
65 Watson, Josiah indenture
66 Watson, Josiah indenture
67 Watson, Josiah indenture
68 Watson, Josiah indenture
69 Watson, Josiah indenture
70 Watson, Josiah indenture
71 Watson, Josiah indenture
72 Watson, Josiah indenture
73 Watson, Josiah indenture
74 Watson, Josiah indenture
75 Watson, Josiah indenture
93 Watson, Josiah reference
96 Watson, Josiah reference
111 Watson, Josiah reference
77 Watson, Josiah & Jane indenture
37 Watson, Josiah Jr witness
41 Wellford, Robert reference
16 Wetherton, Samuel indenture
100 White, Andrew reference
116 White, Andrew agent
105 White, Hugh L judge
106 White, Hugh L judge
116 White, Hugh L judge
26 White, William reference
27 White, William reference
28 White, William reference
29 White, William reference
30 White, William reference
31 White, William reference
32 White, William reference
33 White, William reference
34 White, William reference
112 Whitehouse, Richard G. deed
99 Wiley, James reference
3 Williams, George indenture
78 Williams, Thos H. witness
46 Williamson, Joseph reference
49 Williamson, Joseph reference
78 Wilson, David reference
78 Wilson, Joseph reference
52 Witt, Abner witness
49 Young, George witness
50 Young, George witness

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