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TNGenWeb is a subset of
Additions and other Modifications
- July 29, 2013
- Military
- War of 1812
- Joseph Edward Samuel/Ellis
- Civil War
- Stephen Hammett
- Caswell Rains
- Cemetaries
- Update on Bakers Forge
- Update from Dan Slage on Delap Ceemtery
- Estate Records
- James Moad Estate Inventory
- April 2, 2013
- Military
- Recent Wars
- Robert Leslie Martin
- Kevin Michael Phillips
- James Turner
- Vietnam
- James Don Wilson
- Edward E. Housely
- Korea
- World War II
- Updated entry for Paul E. Webb
- Thomas W. Reed
- William Charles Cash
- Eugene Kirkland
- William E. Pettit
- Jim Carr Myers
- World War I
- Roscoe E. Baird
- Thomas R. Kirkland
- Updated Armistice information
- War of 1812
- Abraham Whitson
- Epphro (Eppy) Woodby
- John Acard
- Reunions
- Brooks/Hale
- Joe Wells
- John Ford
- July 11, 2012
- Reunions
- Added Boshears 2012
- Added Bill Brown, Sarah/Sally Heatherly
- removed old entries for 2009 and 2010 as no indication they are reccurring.
- Military/Veterans Update
- WW2
- Gladys Marie Pierce
- Everette W. Cox
- Vietnam
- War of 1812
- May 15, 2012
- Reunions
- MilitaryVeteran Update
- War of 1812
- Andrew Faubush
- Rice Duncan Jr.
- Recent Wars
- Carl Edward Hamblin (Grenada)
- Vietnam War
- Updated entry for Eldon Hicks updated
- Michael Joseph Orick updated
- Korean War
- World War II
- Jesse James Butler
- Byron L. Goins
- World War I
- Lewis Claude Angel
- David White
- September 30, 2011
- Reunion Update
- Military Veteran Update
- Vietnam War
- Joel Stewart Vinsant
- James Eldon Hicks
- Thomas Caldwell
- Sampson David Lowe
- World War II
- Albert Austin Irwin
- Estel Jones
- J.B. Terry
- Jim Carr Myer
- World War I
- Thomas Henderson Caldwell
- Recent Wars
- Spanish American War
- Mexican War
- War of 1812
- Death Certificates
- June 6, 2011
- Reunion Update
- Heatherly Reunion
- Richardson/Spangler Reunion
- Military Veteran Update
- Korean War
- Recent Wars
- Civil War
- World War I
- World War II
- Newspaper Article Addition - 7/4/1960 Slaying
- March 20, 2011
- Reunion Update
- Brown-Heatherly
- Albertini
- Military Veterans
- Civil War
- James A. Greer
- Pomeroy Jarman
- Vietnam War
- Willard Adkins
- James Wayne Matlock
- Herbert C. Robbins
- World War II
- World War I
- Spanish American War
- Joseph Alfred Lowe
- Wilson A. White
- James C. West
- Death Certificates
- Amanda Sharp
- Lucyndica Holt
- Roscoe Holt
- George Washington Williams
- February 23, 2011
- Updated books on Campbell County Historical Society list
- November 12, 2010
- Updated World War II veterans list
- Roy L. Paul
- Hubert Leach
- Henderson L. Miller
- Fred Monday
- Updated Korean War Veterans List
- Updated Vietnam War Veterans List
- Updated War of 1812 War Veterans List
- John Wear
- Joseph Smith
- John Wheeler
- Updated Family Page of J. Wright to add identifcation information for picture
- Updated Civil War Veterans Page
- Added Miscellaneous News Page to newspaper section
- Added photo of Section Gang No. 11
- Updated Fincastle Cemetery Listing for Dorothy Rebecca (Miller) Jensen
- June 20, 2010
- Updated World War II veterans list
- James Longmire
- Carl Henderson Queener
- Lawton D. Wright
- Updated Recent Wars List
- Updated Reunions for new dates
- March 24, 2010
- Updated World War II veterans list:
- Paul Brashears
- Virgil Wilson
- Delmar Wilson
- Robert Lynn Wilson
- Dewey E. Burris
- Harlan Lett Carroll
- Harold Vernon Goad
- Updated World War I veterans list:
- Updated Vietnam War veterans list:
- Updated Korean War veterans list:
- Updated Recent Wars veterans list:
- Charles Merriot
- Newton M Martin
- Updated Spanish American War veteran list
- James Lafayette Ayers
- William York
- Updated Reunions
- Added Brown/Heatherly
- Updated Owsley Reunion
- Updated War of 1812 Veterans List
- Death Certificates
- Mary M Turner
- Mitt Douglas
- October 5, 2009
- Added Loudin/Hamby/Thomas Reunion
- World War II additions
- Korean War addition
- Recent Wars
- Adam K Shaffer - Afghanistan
- September 11, 2009
- Added death certificate for Joseph Wade
- Added Social Security Application for William Bradley Warax
- August 8, 2009
- Reunions Added:
- Death Certificates Added
- Mary Horn
- Andrew Felix Broyles
- W. Sherman Phillips
- Veterans Added:
- Aaron Johnson - Afghanistan
- Hobart Bostic - WW2
- Hobert G. Hoskins - WW1
- Civil War:
- Henry M. Butler
- Robert Houston Butler
- John Milton/Marion Butler
- Doctor C. Butler
- James G. Butler
- July 6, 2009
- Updated user email on death certificate
- Added reunions to reunion list:
- Heatherly
- Broyles
- Widener - McConnell
- Updated veteran's listings
- Charles Merriott - Balkins
- Bill Roddy - Gulf II/Iraq
- Paul Joseph Orrick Jr. - Vietnam
- May 8, 2009
- Added David Lawhon to Vietnam Veterans List
- Added Chester R. Adkins to Recent Wars List
- April 10, 2009
- WPA Free School Lunch Pictures
- Added to Vietnam War Veterans
- Walter Benny McNeil
- Roger W. Creekmore
- Hugh D. Hatmaker
- Charles H. Morgan
- Added to World War I Veterans
- Elmer George McNeil
- George W. Vincent
- Added to World War II Veterans
- Harold Dexter Douglas
- Ova Smith
- Paul E. Webb
- Bud Alvis Paul
- Clarence Henry Steckler
- Donald Ray Sexton
- Added to Recent Wars Veterans
- Thomas W. Brodie
- Daniel Ray Claxton
- Reunions Added
- Austin Francis
- Petree Family
- Owsley
- Death Certificates
- Comfort C. Gregory
- Margaret Ward
- Mike Ward
- Katherine Cooper
- Martha Longmire
- Joe S. Barr
- Petree Family Page and Photos
- November 4, 2008
- Veterans Added
- Marvin L. Gibson Jr. - Recent
- Jesse Adams - WW2
- Allan McBride - War of 1812
- Franklin Slyvester Black - Spanish American War
- Hugh Spradlin - Vietnam War
- Reunions Added
- August 10, 2008
- Reunions added:
- Veterans Added:
- Edwardo Veloz - Vietnam
- Calvin Allen - Civil War
- William Ford - Vietnam
- Harold Vernon Goad- WW2
- Added Family Photo Page for Rogers Family
- Added "John in Europe" newspaper scan to Military section of newspaper
- July 4, 2008
- Reunions added: Koger, Bailey-Petree, Boshears
- Veterans Added:
- Civil War
- Daniel Sanders
- Wyatt Franklin Campbell
- World War II
- Waymon Lawhorn
- John E Anderson
- Hugh Smith
- William Nathan Campbell
- Recent Wars
- Social Security Applications
- James Henry Cantrell
- James Henry Cantrell Jr.
- Susie Bullock's Funeral Home Books added to Genealogy Books for Sale
- May 18 2008
- Added to Vietnam Veterans - Greg Campbell, Gregory Lee Campbell, James E. Coker
- Added to WW1 Veterans- Prentice Taylor
- Added to Spanish American War Veterans - John F. Campbell
- Added Stauner Richardson reunion to reunion page
- Added to Korean War Veterans: John Cornes Chapman
- Added article from 1901 to newspaper section
- Updated links on Research page
- March 23, 2008
- Completed BF Plotbook images
- Added to WW2 veterans list:
- Sherman Franklin Orick, Sr.
- Naville Dan Vincent
- Paul Orick
- Death Certificates
- Flora Collins
- Minnie Collins
- Rosey Lee Collins
- James Collins
- Sarah Massengale Lively
- Charity Phillips Patterson
- Lela Dora Tuttle
- Rue Collins
- March 21, 2008
- Bakers Forge Memorial Cemetery Plotbook
- March 3, 2008
- Added Marvin Wright to Vietnam Veteran Listing
- Clarified on Lookups for Bonnie Mumford that Vital Statistics indexes she has are Death Indexes
- Added Thomas H..Smith to WW1 Veterans
- Added Adron E..Rutherford to WW2 Veterans
- Added James H. Brady to WW2 Veterans
- Added Guy Bainter to WW1 Veterans
- Added Michael J Orrick Sr. to Vietnam Veteran Listing
- Removed old reunions and updated dates for ongoing reunions
- Death Certificates Added:
- Sherman F. Orick
- Daisy Mae Walden
- Eli Walden
- Henry David Yarber
- Joshua Collins
- February 10, 2008
- Added Google map of cemeteries from USGS
- February 5, 2008
- Added death certificate for Elizabeth Orick Lee, Laura Elizabeth Orrick,Arthur Orick, Isaac Orick, Ethel Orick
- Added to Vietnam Veteran List::
- Millis Walden
- Bobby Wayne Ellard
- Thomas G. Madison
- Added to Korean War Veteran List
- Added to Civil War Veteran List:
- Roland Browning
- Russell Orick
- Added to World War I Veteran Listing
- Added to World War II Veteran Listing
- Added Habersham Post Office to Post Office List
- Removed Glenna Jordan from lookup volunteers at her request
- December 1, 2007
- Added Henry Walters, Jim Coffey, Charles Coffey, Ed Coffey to WW2 Veterans
- Added John W. Knight to Spanish American War Veterans Listing
- Added Claude Leon Baird, Paul Coffey to Recent Wars Veteran Listing
- Added Cleve Coffey to Vietnam War Veteran Listing
- Added Albert Caviness, John Brown to Civil War Veteran Listing
- October 6, 2007
- Added Kenneth Earl Douglas to Korean Veteran Page
- Added David Luther Hill to Vietnam Veterans
- Added Rogers family cemetery data to cemetary census
- September 23, 2007
- Death Certificates added for:
- Martha J. Ward McGhee
- Rubie Melton
- Gary Carl Foust
- Bobby Gene Evans
- Ezra Cook
- Added picture of Bertha Sharp to Family album
- Added Herman Edward Carroll to WW2 Veterans
- Added Raymond E. McGhee to Recent Wars Veterans
- Added Milford White to WW2 Veterans
- Added Milford White to Korean War Veterans
- Updated names on Dossett picture in Family Album
- August 16, 2007
- Updated Dossett family album on unidentified picture on Dossett1 page
- Added 3 murder stories to newspapers section
- Added to Vietnam Veterans: Charles and Mickey Lovett, Bobby D. Smiddy
- Added to Recent Wars Veterans: Donald R. Tackett Jr.
- Added to Korean War Veterans: Charles Lovett and William Howard Baird
- Added to Civil War Veterans: Eli Cooper, Henry Cooper, James E. Cooper, and Milton Cooper
- Added to WW1 Veterans: William Bell
- Added to War of 1812 Veterans: Isaac Roberts
- May 8, 2007
- Henry Hamblin Jr. added to recent war veterans
- April 13, 2007
- Updated TSLA links on death certificate page
- Added Tommy Lewis Oakes to Vietnam Veterans listing
- Added Aaron Richardson to War of 1812 veteran listing
- Added Ralph Lawson to World War II veteran listing
- March 16- 20 2007
- Death Certificates updated
- Amanda Nelson
- Ballard Nelson
- Cecil Nelson
- Cleo Nelson
- Henry Nelson
- Henry Nelson (Speedwell)
- Henderson Loy Nelson
- James R. Nelson
- J.E. Nelson
- Jerrie Nelson
- J.T. Nelson
- Kizzie Ethel Nelson
- Martha Nelson
- Nancy Nelson
- Nick Nelson
- Norville Nelson
- Salley Nelson
- Sophie Nelson
- William Henderson Nelson
- March 5, 2007
- WW1 veterans page updated with entries for
- Isaac Romines
- William K Rose
- William M Rose
- David H. Rosier
- Joseph C Rosier
- Thomas Rosser
- Marion Rowan
- Hiram Harmon entry in Pond Cemetery added
- Recent Wars page added for Gulf Wars, Bosnia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Panama, Grenada, etc.
- Obits updated
- Newspaper entries added to social pages, murder and mayhem pages, and military pages
- Milton L Philips GAR Post #27 added
- Email entries changed on request for Dallas Brogan and Debra Rookard
- Williams Marriage photo from Angela Meadows posted in newspaper section (social news)
- March 10, 2006
- Alvis Goins death certificate
- Philip Goins death certificate
- Death Certificate Lookup service
- Death Certificate Surname Packets
- Surname signup changed to deal
with spammers
- News articles added to newspaper
- February 13 . 2006
- Frank Jones added to Korean War
veteran listing
- Willam C. Browning added to
Civil War Veteran Listing
- Charles E. Petree added to
WW2 Veteran Listing
- James Petree added to WW2 Veteran
- Delbert Howard Housely added
to WW2 Veteran listing
- Andrew Smith social security certificate
- Ewell-Sexton reunion added
- January 22. 2006
- Charles G. Scott added to Vietnam
War veteran listing
- Willam Miles added to Civil
War Veteran Listing
- Daniel McCurry death certificate
- January 7, 2006
- Eugene Lay added to Korean
War veteran listing
- Everette Jones added to WW2
- George Lamb added to WW2 listing
- Lewis Baird letter attachment
added to family album article on Lewis Baird
- Clemente Boccia added to WW1
- December 3 , 2005
- Hicks added to WW2 veteran
- Modified name on Meredith Cemetery to correct typo and
updated contact email listing
- William F. Baird death certificate
- Lewis Miller Baird death certificate
- Rachel Baird death certificate
- Aaron Baird death certificate
- Rachel Sharp death certificate
- Lonnie Sharp death certificate
- Opal D. Sharp death certificate
- Eli Sharp death certificate
- Horace Maynard Sharp death certificate
- Ernest James Sharp death certificate
- Mary Sharp death certificate
- Verlie Emogene Sharp death certificate
- Ruble Othal Sharp death certificate
- November 23 , 2005
- Allen reunion added to reunion
- Update on Delap Cemetery restoration
- November 14 , 2005
- James Wallace added to Korean
War Veterans listing
- Update on WW1 veteran listing
for Harrison T. Ford
- Joseph Lee Houselly veteran
listing added for WW1
- October 31 , 2005
- William M Long added to Civil
War Veterans listing
- Address change for Gregory
Miller, Campbell county historian
- Minerva Arthur death certificate
- Silas Arthur death certificate
- Webster Bunch death certificate
- Louie Roberts added to WWII
Veterans listing
- Harrison Leach death certificate
- James William Webb added to
Spanish American War listing
- Garrett Miller added to Vietnam
War Veterans listing
- Mack Bruce added to Vietnam
War Veterans listing
- August 28 , 2005
- Henry M Russell added to WW1
Veterans listing
- Henry Clay Yarber added
to Vietnam Veterans listing
- August 11 , 2005
- William Long added to Korean
War page
- Joshua Gist added to War of
1812 Veterans listing
- Benjamin Franklin Holman added to WW1 Veterans listing
- Walter Russell Newman added to WW2 Veterans listing
- Marvin Gibson added to Vietnam War Veteran listing
- Troxell reunion added
- Massengill reunion added
- July 17, 2005
- Don J. Owens added to Spanish
American War page
- Eugene Cook added to WW2 Veterans
- June 19 , 2005
- John, Japser, and Ramsey
Keith added to Civil War Veterans listing
- May 30 , 2005
- May 22 , 2005
- Lamb Mtn. reunion added
- Brock Reunion added
- Decoration Days added to reunion
- Mother & Daughter (Belcher)
attached added to miscellaneous newspaper articles
- Elk Valley Train Wreck 1899
added to newspaper section
- Cass Jones Lynching added to
newspaper articles
- TVA story on Sharp brothers
visit to Norris Basin added to TVA site and referenced
from campbell county index page in what's new
April 23, 2005
- Civil War Pension Isaac Miller added
- Civil War Veterans added - Thomas Rutherford, David R.
Brummit, John Heatherly, Slyvester Spanger
- Korean Veteran added - Billy Coffey
- WW2 Veteran added - George Coffey
- Spanish American War veteran
added - Elihu Matlock
- Reunions added - Spangler, Richardson, Hatmaker
- updated genealgoy books for sale by Historical Society
- March 21, 2005
- Murder & Mayhem Newspaper articles
- Social News & Human Interest
- Military News articles
- Lillie Parrot Butler Death Certificate
- Donia Petree Death Certificate
- Removed Miller MacDonald book sale item
- Johnson Jones added to Civil War veterans
- March 5, 2005
- Marshall Ed Forman SS application
- Joseph Lumpkins Civil War Veteran
- Henderson L Miller WW1 Veteran
- Charlie Meadows photo page
- Feburary 23, 2005
- Brice M Smith pension
- Decoration Days dates updated
- Updated Heatherly Reunion
- Updated email for lookup
- January 29, 2005
- Korean Veteran Clarence Madison
- Chapman Reunion added
- Robert C. Smith will and
estate inventory added
- Obits from Susie Bullock
added to database
- January 8, 2005
- Yarber family photo pages
- John Miller page in family
photo album
- Phillips/Kennedy family photo
- 1818 tax lists
- January 5, 2005
Apprenticeship page added
- War of 1812 rosters added for
Ware & Doak
- War of 1812 roster added for
English & Bunch
- War of 1812 description added
- Civil War Veterans added -
Isaac Thompson, Joseph Lett, Harvey Ridenour, M.F. Irwin,
Narvell Hill, William Mills, William Russell Hutson, G.W.
Heatherly, Gordon Mynatt Hill
- December 12, 2004
- Added Jessie Lively to Korean
War Veterans
- November 30, 2004
- Added Thomas Kinsey to War
of 1812 Veterans
- Ivey - Chapman Deed
- Mars - Chapman Deed
- Robert Edgar Chapman added
to WW2 Veterans
- October
28, 2004
- Added David Presnell
to Delap Cemetery
- Updated Briceville Air
Force Base article with reader comments
- Lewis Baird, Civil War
article from LaFollette Press
- October 23, 2004
- Harlan Lett Carroll added to
WW2 Veterans Page
- Articles for Campbell County
and Beyond:
- Buffalo
Trails Provided First Connection Among States
- Cooking Stoves, Dutch Ovens,
Deep Iron Kettles
- Death Practices in Appalachia
- Early Life on the Frontier:
Hominy Block
- Honest/Dishonest Campaigning
- Union Confederate Forces
at Big Creek Gap
- October 9, 2004
- Mike
Wilson added to WW1 Veterans
- Genealogy
dictionary link added to Research
- Civil
War terms link added to Civil
War Page
- Bennie
Fowler and Campbell county miners
- Smyth
Family Album page added
- Articles
for Campbell County and Beyond:
- Anderson County
- More
Campbell County Biographies
- James
- Land
of the Lake articles (2)
- Summary
of States which Succeeded from Union
- Union
- History
of Briceville and Coal
- Claiborne
- Tobacco
and its use
- Additions
to Housely Genealogy article
- September 25 , 2004
- Glen E. Rains added to WW2
Veterans Page
- September 10 , 2004
- Vance A. Seiber added to
WW2 Veterans Page
- Vance A. Seiber added to Korean
Veterans Page
- Local Happenings added to Newspaper
- Marriage of Fern Kopp added
to Wedding News page
- Dossett Photo pages updated
with names and new photos
- Reynolds Reunion Added
- September 4 , 2004
- Andrew J. Hawkins added to
WW2 Veterans Page
- Lookups added for Bobbie Lewallen
- Cleveland Library Fee and Research
Fees to Research Page
- Caryville Through the Years
to Campbell County & Beyond
- Poore Reunion
- Photos added to Dossett pages
of Family Album
- August 28 , 2004
- J.P. Russell added to WW2 Veterans
- Campbell county Postcards
- 1880 Census E.D. 122
- August 24 , 2004
- Sharp Cemetery article from
LaFollette Press, 1932
- John Lee Snodderly added to
Spanish American War Veteran Page
- Willie Partin added to Korean
War Veteran page
- James Rookard miltiary gravestone
- August 15 , 2004
- John E. Thompson added to WW1
Veteran Page
- James Thompson added to Spanish
American War Veteran Page
- Note added to Delay Cemetery
article on discovery of James Thompson grave
- James Housely added to WW2
Veterans Page
- Mose G. Bryant Death Certificate
- August 6 , 2004
- Heatherly Reunion
- Evan and Mary Lousie Childress
Lambdin photo
- Bakers Forge Civil War Veterans
- J.V. Russell Vietnam Veteran
- Joe D. Chapman Korean Veteran
- Dossett Family photos update
for new IDs
- Decoration Day veteran list
- July 29, 2004
- Elbert Partin death certificate
- William Tidwell death certificate
- Thomas J. Dossett Jr. Vietnam
Veteran record
- Fraterville Mining Disaster
Links to History Page
- Moses Davis War of 1812 Veteran
- Bolton Reunion
- July 19, 2004
- Stories added to Campbell County
and Beyond
- Foods Of The Early Tavern
And Household
- Living In New Country:
Every Day Another Challenge
- John Thomas "Jack" Branch
of Campbell County Tenn.
- A Short History of the
Kentucky Long Rifle
- Owsley/Ousley/Housely Family
of Campbell County Tennessee
- Wampum, North America's
First Monetary System
- Irwin Family in Campbell
County Tennessee and vicinity
- July 18, 2004
- Stories added to Campbell County
and Beyond:
- History Of The Presbyterian
- Prehistoric Inhabitants
in the Vicinity of Jellico, Tennessee
- Jellico's Early School
- Union Tennessee Volunteers
1st Regiment, Tennessee Infantry
- Civil War Sites in Siege
of Knoxville
- Elder John Seiber
- Bradford Demarcus
- Pryor A. Morton
- Joseph Janeway
- Place Names In Campbell
- Hundreds Of Boys Worked
In Area Coal Mines From Early Morning To Evening, Missing
- A Short History Of Area
- History Of Briceville Schools
- Story Of The Longhunters
In The Beginning
- Tennessee -- The Volunteer
- July 13, 2004
- Civil Court Case Newspaper
- Marriage newspaper articles
- July 11, 2004
- Death certificate for Hiram
- Estate records from 1806-1841
(50 pages)
- July 10, 2004
- Death certificate for Alfred
- Death certificate for James
M Sharp
- Death certificate for William
R Sharp
- July 7, 2004
- Who's Who in Tennessee biographies
added to History section
- Miscellaneous photo's of military
- July 5, 2004
- Stories added to Campbell County
and Beyond:
- Tennessee River Valley Resources
- The Old Fashioned Water
- Surnames And Their Origin
- Miscellaneous Items Concerning
Campbell County
- Southern Baptist History
- Early Indian Lifestyle
- Early Stations Or Forts
- Balmy Days Of Indian Summer's
American Origins Date To Revolutionary War Times
- Thanksgiving Day History
- Tree Harvesting In The Cumberlands
- Buffalo Trails Led The Way
For Pioneers
- Growing Up With Aprons
- July 4, 2004
- Alf Sharp Killed Article added
to Miscellaneous Newspaper Section
- Obit Database Lookup page added
- Obit Database Add a record page
- Stories added to Campbell Count
and Beyond:
- Doing The Laundry In Another
- The Tennessee Walking Horse
- Tennessee's Early Distilling
- Indian And White Engagements
- Produce Prices In The Mid-19th
- The Civil War Sutler
- Four Militia Soldiers From
Powell Valley Slain
- Eight Horsemen Killed In
Powell Valley
- Bowman And Johnson Killed,
James Bunch Wounded In Powell's Valley
- Philip Francis----Coal Miner
- William Pauley
- The Hatfield Family Of Campbell
- July 3, 2004
- Ballard Reunion added to Reunion
- Kalamazoo Citizen Was Killed
Sunday added to Miscellaneous Newspaper Section
- Prominent Jacksboro Farmer Slain
with Mattock added to Miscellaneous Newspaper Section
- Woman shot in LaFollette added
to Miscellaneous Newspaper Section
- Campbell County and Beyond stories
- Daniel Goins
- Border Forts
- Cherokee Practices
- Coal Fields of Kentucky and
- Family of John Housely
- The Sieber Family
- The Trail of Tears
- Knoxville in Olden Days
- The old Miami Trail
- Scotch Irish Migration
- William Pittman and Henry
Scaggs: Longhunters
- AnteBellum Slavery
- Lost Creek Friends
- Canoe Construction
- Keelboats and Flatboats
- Cherokee Myths
- Dragging Canoe
- Reconstruction in Tennessee
- Speedwell Academy
- Coal Mining
- Early Southern Church Problems
- Early Vocations and Schools
- Women in World War II
- June 29, 2004
- 3 pages of Dossett pictures added
to family album section
- Letter from Isaac N. Ford to
Sarah Ingram added to Letters Section
- June 27, 2004
- Thomas Lafayette Hope added to
Civil War Veterans
- Reuben Rogers Hampton article
added to family album section
- Stories added to Campbell county
and Beyond
- The Briceville Air Force
- History of Welsh Coal Miners
in the Knoxville region
- Dodge McCulley's account
of Roach's funeral home
- Soap making process from
the olden days
- Campbell county Sheriff,
1892-93: John M Burnett
- Maple sugar and Maple syrup
- Black Dutch - Melungeons
- LaFollette Hotels of the
- Burgin E. Dossett page added
to family section
- Thomas Dossett family added to
family section
- 3 photo pages of Dossett family
pictures added to Family Album section
- Application for Campbell County
Historical Society Added
- Preview of Current Campbell Countian
- Added Campbell County Historical
Society to menu
- June 20, 2004
- William Boruff added to Civil
War Veterans
- Delap Cemetery, a Confederate
Cemetery in Campbell County
- Korean War Index Page with registration
form added
- Vietnam War Index Page with registration
form added
- June 5, 2004
- Mary Mobley Death Certificate
- Flora Heatherly Death Certificate
- William Hubbard Death Certificate
- May 31, 2004
- Sharp/LeMarrl Reunion
- WW2 Veteran - James E. Douglas
- WW2 Veteran - Robert Noe
- Spanish American War Veteran
- Lewis Miller
- WW1 Veteran - Sterling Miller
- Spanish American War Veteran
- Daniel Hatmaker
- May 23, 2004
- Cress/Cottrell Reunion
- Death Certifcate - Sallie Ford
- Death Certificate - Joseph Mynatt
- Death Certificate - Fannie Ethel
- May 22, 2004
- Alvis-Davis Deed
- Bowling-Rook Deed
- Campbell-Carlock Deed
- Carlock-Campbell Deed
- Crowly-Barron Deed
- Updated links to Misty Smith's
bride and groom marriage lists
- April 28, 2004
- Reunion for Cecil family added
- Civil War veteran Lewis Miller
- Sue Ann Morrow research website
- Sue Price research website added
- April 20, 2004
- Link to Campbell County marriage
transcription on Misty's family tree site
- Reunion for LeMarr family added
- Wilford King WW1 veteran added
- Sterling Miller WW1 veteran added
- Old Jacob Hatmaker Civil War
veteran added
- March 29, 2004
- March 24, 2004
- Elmore reunion added
- War of 1812 veteran, William
Sweat, added
- WW2 vet, George Ben Leroy,
- Campbell-Nelson to Phillips
deed added
- March 21, 2004
- Collins/West reunion added
- Bruce/Parker reunion added
- Researcher Website added for
Don Conley
- March 17, 2004
- Social Security Application for
Cecil Murray added
- March 3, 2004
- Miscellaneous Court Records added
- March 1, 2004
- Thomas Marlow history
- Thomas Miller history
- Addition of Miller Reunion
- Addition of Loudin/Thomas/Hamby
- February 27, 2004
- 1880 ED 121 posted with updated
temporary name index
- Addition of research website
for Benjamin "The Immigrant" Rogers
- Reformat of military pages
- February 21, 2004
- William Sharp Death Certificate
- Hannah Sharp Death Certificate
- Coke Ovens in LaFollette Picture
- Robert L. Carden WWII veteran
- Elisha Williams Jr. WWII veteran
- Clarence Williams WWII veteran
- Troy Williams WWII veteran record
- Stephen Akes Ford Civil War veteran
- Daniel M. Ford Civil War veteran
- John C. Ford Civil War veteran
- Campbell County 1910, 1920, 1930
Census books for sale
- February 10, 2004
- Biographies Of Campbell County
- Story Captures Coal Mine Conditions
- The Civil War In And Around Campbell
County, Tennessee
- Veterans Pensions Were Offered
During The 1800s
- Recalling Pioneer Baptist Preachers
- The Saga Of J.P. 'Johnny' Goins
- East Campbell Businesses Flourished
- Manskers' Travels Include Local
- Fratersville Explosion Killed
184 Miners In Anderson County
- Daniel Boone Hunted For Business,
Not For His Amusement Or Pleasure, 1784 History Book Says
- Early Hunting Was Not For Sport,
But Life
- The Lay Family Of Elk Valley
Played Significant Role During The Civil War
- William Lay (1809-1907) Had Impact
On Communities In East Tennessee
- Davy Crockett Describes Bear
Hunting Exploits, Boat Building Experience During Fall Of
- Volunteer State Soldiers Played
Large Role In War Of 1812's Battle For New Orleans
- Baird Surname Has Ancient Ties
To Campbell
- Stokes Reunion
- Virginia "Betty" Smith
- February 9, 2004
- Early Canal System Employed Germans,
- Early Road Building And Transportation
Involved Lots Of Planning, Manpower
- Sequoyah Had Profound Impact On
Educating, Improving Cherokee Nation
- Confederate Major Kept Superiors
Notified Of Troop Status In Campbell
- East Tennesseans Voted Against
Referendums For Civil War Secession
- Each Of Tennessee's Three Grand
Divisions Has Its Own Distinctive Manners, Culture
- Death Certificate for Kelly Calony
- Link to Death Certificate Form
- Robert Coker/Rebecca "Becky"
Allen Reunion
- February 8, 2004
- Anthras Got Its Name from Anthracite
Coal; Block's Name Came from Thick Coal Vein
- 'Blue Gem Coal' Name Coined
After Its Blue Blaze Captured Attention at Woolridge Home
- Campbell County Muses Trace
their History to Isaac Muse, Who Married Here in 1873
- Iron Works Established on Grant's
Creek in 1801, Became Baker's Forge In 1822
- Tennessee Working Man Described
as Free Spirited, Arising From Frontier Past
- February
7, 2004
- Applied new template to main
page for easy formatting
- Knoxville, LaFollette, Jellico
railroad completed April 3, 1905; Jellico-Knoxville line built
in 1893
- Yoakum ancestors were among
German immigrant victims of cruel, vicious conflict
- Davy Crockett describes bear
hunting exploits, boat building experience during Fall of
- Fur trade contributed to white
exploration, opening of wilderness north of Mexico
- February 4-6, 2004
- Veteran of World War I: Namon
Levi Adkins
- Civil
War Veteran: Clem Chapman
- Updated 1839 tax list pages
- Miscellaneous court records
1813 - 1817
- Tennessee's first agricultural
bureau organized under Gov. Andrew Johnson; Fair held following
- Spiritual gloom pervaded America
at end of 1700s, no more than 5 percent claimed church membership
- Observer says American Indians
feasted on venison, green corn, 'kind of hominy' potatoes
during 1700s
- Campbell County's Col. Joseph
A. Cooper organized Union 6th Tennessee regiment in Kentucky
in 1862
- Cumberland Gap played crucial
role in transition of frontier; some 8,000 whigs met there
in 1840
- Completion of knoxville, Ohio
railroads opened up East Tennessee: one of nation's richest
- December 12, 2003
- Veteran of War of 1812:John
- Civil War Veteran: John R. Craig
- WWI Veterans: Maynard Cummins,
Dave H. (D.H.) Rosier, Joseph Cecil Rosier, Henry Martin Rookard
- WWII Veteran: James Monroe Walden
- At The End Of 19th Century,
Mountain Lumbering Was Done By Man, Animals Without Machines
- Baird, Dosset Families Go Back
To Early 1800s In Campbell County, Says Goodspeed's History
- Campbell County Had 150 War
Dead During Wwii; First, George Lamb, Won Distinguished Service
- Coal, Timber Turned Sleepy Town
Of Smithburg Into Bustling Jellico, Spurred Building Of First
- Discovery Of Coal In Jellico
Mountains Changed Small Village Of Smithburg From 1833 To
- Frank, William Hancock Became
First Settlers Of Walnut Grove, Between Rivers
- Like Melungeons, There's Not
Definite Record Of Beginnings Of 'Black Dutch,' Writer Finds
- Mining Town Of Beech Grove Was
Well Managed, With Large Commissary, Movie Theater, Game Room
- One Million Native Americans
Occupied Present United States In 1500 Spoke Over 100 Dialects
- Political History Of Tennessee
Began In 1772 With Adoption Of 'Written Articles Of Association'
- Revolutionary War Figure Thomas
Paine Proposed Plan For 'Modern' Social Insurance In 1795
- Smithburg Came A Long Way In
Five Years Before Arrival Of Railroads, Renaming Of Town To
- Sure-Footed, Sturdy Mules, Stabled
Underground, Often Used To Haul Coal Cars Inside Mines
- Walnut Grove, At Forks Of Clinch,
Powell Rivers, Had One-Room Frame School That Burned In 1889
- Well Spring Methodist Church
Began In 1893; It Operated 9 Months As Private School, 3 As
- November 25, 2003
- Miscellaneous Court Records
- Jacob Queener Survey
- Henry Queener Survey (2 Surveys)
- America's First Bible Belt Began
In Northeast, Spread During Great Awakening Of The 1700s
- Caryville Got Its Name From
William Carey, Land Owner, County Judge, Freight Line Operator
- Cherokee 'Mountaineers' Claimed
Roughly 40,000 Square Miles Through Eight States
- Coal Dust Memories Of Block,
- Confederate Newspaper Described
Geography Facing 'Vandal Abolition Hordes In The North'
- Confederate Soldier John Wesley
Pitts Wrote Wife, Vin, From Encampments Near Cumberland Gap
- Early Pioneers Lived In One-Room
Log Cabins, Heated By Fireplace In Which Wood Was Cooked
- Hundreds Of Boys Worked In Area
Coal Mines From Early Morning To Evening, Missing School
- Longhunters Were First To Penetrate
Wilds Of Tennessee, Kentucky, Then The West
- New River Lumber Industry's
Existence Depended On Railroad That Reached Into Area From
- Overhill Cherokees, Who Sold
Land To Henderson & Co., Caught In Struggle Between English,
- Pete Ellison Recalls Early Funerals
In Jellico; One Minister's Service Went 7 Hours With 16 Speakers
- The New River Lumber Industry
- Union Army's Hardtack Considered
Nutritious All-Purpose Meal For Soldiers - Weevils And All
- Woodsons, Kincaids, Agees Trace
Their History In Campbell County Area Back To Mid-1800s
- November 24, 2003
- 1883 Train Trip From Knoxville
To Jellico Described In Old Knoxville Daily Tribune
- Ausmus Family Roots Spring From
Germans Who Fled To Holland To Escape Persecution
- Blockhouses, Often Crudely Built,
Vigilance Were Settlers' Defense Against Indians
- Daniel Boone's 1775 Wilderness
Road First Platted By White Man Into Tennessee Territory
- First Settlements In Powell's
Valley Followed Purchase Of Land By Henderson And Company
- Irish William Murphy First Baptist
Minister To Preach Word In Campbell County - In 1797
- Life Of A Coal Miner; Its Slow
Progress: Boy Begins In Breaker, Old Man Ends In Breaker
- Philip Francis,. Pennsylvanian
Of Welsh Descent, Spent 72 Years Mining Coal Here
- Tennessee's Name Dates Back
To 1567 Spanish Explorer Captain Juan Pardo
- Thomas Mclain Tangled With Indians,
Built Stone House That Still Stands In 1806-08
- Who Are The Melungeons? There
Are As Many Theories As Researchers On Puzzling Question
- Women Had Difficult Time In
Early Years - Worked Hard, Girls Hardly Ever Had Schooling
- Young Civil War Recruits Had
To Learn Process Of Soldiering Hard Way - On Long Marches
- November 12, 2003
- American Indians' Ways Changed
World's Culture More Than Any Other Civilization, Says Writer
- American Indians Had Plenty
Of Dogs, But Spaniards Introduced Horses To Continent
- Boston Tavern Handled First
Overseas Mail Sent From European Countries In 1639
- Bullocks, Among The First Americans
In East
- Campbell County Authorized By
General Assembly In 1806, County Seat Chosen The Following
- Col. Joseph A. Cooper, Campbell
County Native, Beat Confederate Cavalry In Pine Mountain Fight
- Confederacy's Railway Deficit,
High Damages May Have Contributed Heavily To Loss Of War
- Daniel Boone, 30 Woodsmen Blazed
Famed 200-Mile Wilderness Road In Spring, 1775
- Lafollette Presbyterian Church
Traces Its Roots To 1920s Gathering Over Drug Store
- Maj. Gen. Joseph Alexander Cooper
Tried To Muster Union Support In Campbell County
- Pine Mountain Stretches As Fault
Ridge From Elk Gap At Pioneer To Sandy Breaks, Kentucky
- State Of Franklin Created Before
Tennessee Was Carved Out Of North Carolina Territory
- October 29, 2003
- Death Certificate for William
Henry Tidwell
- Articles on Campbell County
History by Dallas Bogan:
- Balmy Days Of Indian Summer's
American Origins Date To Revolutionary War Times
- Before Iron Tools, Indians Felled
Trees With Fire; Bow, Arrow Fell Into Disuse When Trading
- Bow, Arrow Tipped With Quarried
Flint Was Great Labor-Saving Invention For Native Americans
- Coffee Rations, Though Small,
Were Considered Godsend To Soldiers During Civil War Period
- Disastrous 1906 Dynamite Explosion
In Jellico Killed 8, Injured 200 More, Wrecked Downtown
- Early Appalachian Marriage Customs:
Most Relationships Prearranged By Family Members.
- Famed Naturalist John Muir's
Journal Reported Travels In Remote Tennessee, North Carolina
- First Methodist Church In Area
Established Before 1840, But 1842 Revival Spurred Growth
- Jellico Got Its Name From ???????
- Long Before I-75, Dixie Highway
Was Main Route Through Lafollette As First North-South Interstate
- Official Records Of Civil War
Recount Various Skirmishes In Powell's Valley, Cumberland
- Old Newspaper Article Describes
'Pure Italian Blue Gem Coal,' Mined In Jellico, Market's Best
- Stinking Creek Traces Its Name
To Bitterly Cold Winter Of 1779-80 When Animals Perished
- Surveyors Error In Drawing 'Walker
Line' Kept Tennessee, Kentucky At Odds For Many Years
- Surviving Wives Desperately
Fight Off Attack By Indians On Their Settlement At Ennis Bottom
- Taking Cattle And Hogs To Market
Common Sight In Early Tennessee Days As Drover Business Thrived
- Tobacco, Cash Crop For Many
Campbell Countians, Was In Use By American Indians As Early
As 1 B.C.
- Zie Muse Recounts Experience
Of Being Lost, Desperate In Maze Of Abandoned Coal Mine
- October 24, 2003 (Articles on
Campbell County History by Dallas Bogan)
- Appalachian Music Mostly Based
On Ballads, Instrumental Dance Tunes Of Anglo-Saxons
- Area Names in early Campbell
County$Blacksmithing, One Of The Oldest Crafts, Was Important
Trade In Early History Of County
- Campbell County's Early Post
Offices Included Jacksborough, Big Creek Gap, Primroy, Girl,
- Church Of God Got Its Start
With Small Band Of Believers On Banks Of Barney Creek
- Early Resident Tells Of Timber
Harvesting Here During 1800s
- First
Recorded Indian Massacre On Powell's River Claimed Daniel
Boone's Son, Others
- Good Poplar, Pine White Oak
Logs Brought $5 Apiece When Rafted Down The Clinch River
- Laban Sharp, Entrepreneur Of
1800s, Predicted Town Would Stand Where Lafollette Is Located
- Prominent Residents Of Jacksboro
In April 1900 Included Familiar Campbell County Family Names
- Snake Tales And May Snowstorms
Pepper The Writings Of Local Resident Ozias Muse
- Spanish American War Camp, Banks,
Church Revival, Store Move Made Page 1 In 1930
- They Weren't Superhighways,
But Buffalo, Indian Trails Were First 'Roads' Used By American
- Unprecedented Lafollette Fire
Of 1904 Left 31 Businesses, 10 Saloons, In Ashes
- October 22, 2003 (Articles on
Campbell County History by Dallas Bogan)
- Bloomeries - Early Iron Forges
- Were Among First Industries In Campbell County; Earliest
Was In 1824
- Campbell County Seat Named For
Judge Jack, Spared By Friendly Indian; Location Led To Bitter
Court Dispute
- 'Coal Mining Towns' Tells Story
Of East Tennessee
- County's Namesake, Col. Arthur
Campbell, Moved From Virginia To Middlesboro, Died There In
- County's Revolutionary War Veterans
- Ginseng, In Use For More Than
2,000 Years In China, Has Been Prized Cash Crop For Mountain
- Long Hunters Got Their Name
From Duration Of Hunt
- Modern-Day Practice Began In
Tennessee Church In 1910
- Progenitor Of Family Here Died
In Indian Battle
- 'Southern Baptists' Grew Out
Of Civil War Strife, Shaping, Characterizing Southern Society
- Yoakum History
- October 14, 2003
- Death Certificate image for
Betty Leach
- Death Certificate image for
Henry Leach
- Death Certificate transcription
and image for Joseph Leach
- PDF Version (Adobe Reader) of
the 1895 Campbell County Tax Records for download.