warof1812 {subpageimage}
War of 1812 Muster Roll
Col. Samuel Bunch & Capt. John English
transcribed by Leslie Collier

MILITARY RECORD: War of 1812; TN; Muster Roll, Vol. 2, pp.350-351; TN State Archives; Nashville; Col. Samuel Bunch & Capt. John English; pay roll dated 10 Jan-14 Jul 1814

[Pension of Edmond Dossett has a description of service at Fort Williams & time on Coosa River . This unit did participate in Battle of Horseshoe according to Dossett’s pension file.]

"Pay Roll of a company of Militia commanded by Captain John English of the ____ Regiment Commanded by Colonel Samuel Bunch in the service of the united States the 10th January 1814 to the 14th July 1814 "

(List contains the following information: Name, rank, enrollment date, discharge date, # of months & days of service, amt. pd. per month, total amt. of pay due, remarks)

Transcriber’s note: All men marked * joined this unit under Capt. English on the day it formed, presumably in Jacksboro.]

* John English Capt.
10 Jan-14 Jul 1814
* James English 1 Lt
furloughed 30 May
James Tillett(?) 2 Lt.
transferred from _____ company 2 May
Joseph B. Woods Ensign
* Thomas English 2 Lt.
died 14 May 1814
* James Hayter Ensign
* Lodwick Mood Sgt.
until 20 Jul
* Isaac Hoover "
John Childress "
joined from Capt. Allen's company __ May
James H. Boyle "
joined from Capt. Duncan's(?) company 2 May
* John Bridgeman "
discharged 14 May
* Philip Brooks "
* William Fulkerson Cpl.
Eli Sanderson "
joined from Capt. Gregory's company 2 May
James Belcher "
Daniel Witt "
* John Leech "
discharged 14 May
* Joseph Mood "
* William Powley(?) "
* Sh____ Askins(?) Pri.
discharged 8 Mar
James Ashmore "
joined from Capt. ______ company
_____ Anderson "
joined from Capt. Davis company
Simon Adams "
joined from Capt. Williams company
Elijah Barton "
joined from Capt. Howels company, dis. 30 May
Daniel Blazer "
joined from Capt. Allens company 2 May
Robert Barnwell "
joined from Capt. Dobbins company 2 May
* Thomas Branum(?) "
dis. 14 May
* William Brumley "
dis. 31 Jan
Fardon Brant(??) "
joined from Capt. Allens company 2 May
Drew Broadway "
joined from Capt. Williams company 2 May
George Cam____ "
joined from Capt. Allens company 2 May
Lewis Covington "
Adam Click(?) "
joined from Capt. Gregorys company
Sharach Cotton "
dis. 13 Jun, joined from Capt. Dobbins
Joshua Coat(?) "
joined from Capt Gibbs 2 May
Zachariah Cumpton "
joined from Capt Hanby(?)
Joseph Cumpton "
Joseph Combs "
Nelson Crowder "
joined 30 May as substitute, dis. 5 Jul
Elias Clevenger "
joined from Capt. Allen 2 May
* Nathaniel Cranshaw "
* Moses Dossett "
* Edmond Dossett "
Alexander Dixon "
joined 2 May from Capt. H___________
William Dines(?) "
joined from Capt. Duncan 2 May
John Evans "
joined from Capt. G_______
John Evans Junr "
Jesse Eads "
* Andrew Evans "
deserted 4 Mar
* Elias Evans "
* Right Edwards "
" , returned ________________
* Benjamin Forister "
on command at Ft. Williams 27 Apr
Joseph Gray "
transferred from Capt. Allen 2 May
Isaac Green "
* Martin Gouge "
dis. 3 Jun
* John Grady "
dis. 14 May
_________ Garrett "
2 May-14 Jun (obliterated remarks)
Jacob Gabjon(?) "
* Richard Green "
deserted 4 Mar
Jacob Harmon "
joined 31 Jan, on command Ft. Williams 27 Apr
* John Huckaby "
* Nathaniel Huckaby "
* John Hays "
* Joseph Hatfield "
William Hurst(?) "
joined from Capt. Dobbins 2 May
Jesse Hurst "
James Harrison "
joined from Capt. F. Berry(?) 2 May
James Johnston "
joined from Capt. Davis 2 May
* __niel Jay "
* Joseph Justice "
John Jones "
Theopolis Lomax(?) "
Luellen Lane "
Daniel Lambert "
* Gross Lamb "
* Joseph Longbottom "
* William Lay "
John Lawrence "
John Lovelace "
John Luallen "
George Miller "
__ Feb
Valentine May_(?) "
John Merrell "
* William Millanbuy(?) "
* James McKinney "
* Allen McBride "
* James Murry B or R "
* Joshua Murry "
* Tobias Murry "
* Thomas Murry "
* Adam Moser "
Blackmon H. Mayo(?) "
Walter Mourning "
Cornelius Milikin "
Isaac Maxfield "
John McDowel "
George M______ "
_______ Morris "
John McClanahan "
John Mahan "
* Reynolds May R "
* James May R "
David Martin "
* Robert Owens "
* Jacob O'Neal "
* Andrew Phillips "
* Lindsey Poe "
* Noel Prewit(?) "
* Richard Preston(?) "
Thomas Pate "
John Patterson "
James Quinn "
James Rashwell(?) "
Edward Roby "
Jeremiah Routh(?) "
Abraham Roach "
* Powel Ragan "
* Aaron Roberts "
* George Rains "
* Joseph Robinson "
* Richard Right "
* John Sweaton "
* Thomas Sh__amore "
* Charles Sinclair "
* William Smith "
John Sexton(?) "
* James Smith "
* Nathan Sweat "
* William Sweat "
* William Simpson "
* Jacob Sharp "
" Widow got BLW in 1850's--RIGHT one
* Richard Sharp "
* George Sharp "
Abraham Shell "
Jacob Shelley "
Larkin Stephens "
Henry(?) Stephenson "
(illeg. date)
_____ Simmons "
(illeg. date)
Jesse Sims(?) "
(illeg) "
James Turney(??) "
Robert Tay___ "
Robert(?) Vaughn "
* ______ Vandergrift "
* Samuel(?) Walker "
* Jacob Whead(?) "
* John Wilson "
* John W_________ "
Richard Woods(?) "
* (illeg.) "



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