Maps and Place Names
Post Offices

Gold Bar

The following is a list of Post Offices and their dates of operations. The list is a valuable tool for determining if a city/community was in existance during the lifetime of the county. This information was obtained from the Tennessee State Library and Archives web pages on Post Offices in Tennessee and from Miller McDonald's book, A History of Places,Faces,Happenings, Traditions & Things .

Post Office        Opened Closed
Abbott              1890  1892
Agee                1882  1917
Anthras             1907  1946
Archerville         1858  1872
Baker's Iron Works  1834  1835
Beach               1883  1883
Bennett             1904  1922
Big Creek Gap       1875  1894
Block               1900  1953
Boy                 1880  1902
Branam              1898  1948
Brookside           1913  1920
Buckeye             1879  1917
Buffalo Creek       1846  1859
Carrollton          1890  1895
Caryville           1870
Chaska              1906  1953
Cherry Bottom       1867  1870
Clinchmore          1935  1963
Coal Creek          1856  1870
Cotula              1920  1942
Cove Creek          1858  1859
Craigs Ford         1871  1887
Cross               1898  1904
Cupp                1901  1924
Deposit             1897  1905
Drawback            1882  1886
Duff                1901
Elk Valley          1878  1972
Emmet               1881  1883
Fincastle           1836  1907
Forkvale            1872  1913
Garland             1942  1948
Gatliff             1903  1916
Gennett             1919  1927
Gibsons Store       1858  1867
Girlton             1884  1902
Glenville           1832  1836
Grantsboro          1839  1856
Green               1904  1913
Habersham           1925  1965
Hatmaker            1879  1902
Hatton              1882  1883
Heckland            1884  1885
Heigh House         1878  1894
Heighhouse          1894  1907
High Cliff          1903  1923
Hutson              1892  1898
Jacksboro           1887
Jacksborough        1829  1887
Jacksonbor          1819  1829
Jellico             1883
La Follett          1928
Lafollett           1894  1928
Lainer              1899  1902
Ligias              1897  1903
Lindsay's Mill      1889  1902
London              1835  1836
Lost Creek          1834  1858
Morley              1916
Morrowville         1871  1883
Newcomb             1883
Nicks Creek         1915  1853
Oakdale             1871  1884
Parnick             1881  1886
Peabody             1907  1919
Pine Knott          1871  1898
Pine Mountain       1867  1895
Pinemountain        1895  1902
Pioneer             1889
Pouch Creek         1846  1854
Powells River       1877  1911
Primroy             1892  1902
Pruitton            1883  1895
Rices               1833  1834
Riverside           1877  1877
Royal Blue          1946  1955
Ruey                1898  1899
Saint Mary          1879  1880
Shea                1913  1916
Short Mountain      1912  1925
Smithburgh          1878  1883
Stanfill            1889  1890
Stockville          1889  1901
Straight            1846  1866
Teddy               1900  1904
Titus               1905  1911
Turley              1904  1942
Uplands             1870  1871
Vasper              1904  1966
Walnut Cove         1806  1819
Wanamaker           1892  1901
Well Spring         1856  1913
Westbourne          1905  1954
Whitman             1879  1901
Whize               1884  1887
Winifred            1903  1904
Woolridge           1897  1957
Zero                1880  1883

Gold Bar


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