History of Campbell County, Tennessee
Old petition names 249 Powell Valley settlers


Time Line

Reprinted with permission from Dr. Miller McDonald's book Campbell County Tennessee USA: A History of Places, Faces, Happenings, Traditions, and Things

Transcribed by Mildred Collins Wasser

In 1813, just seven years after Campbell County was established, a petition was filed with the house of Representatives of the Tennessee State Legislature to change the location of the county seat at Jacksborough.

The petition contained 249 names and was filed to locate the county seat closer to the Claiborne County line.  The petitioners complained that, "They said seat having been unjustly settled within four miles.of Anderson County, where as the distance to.Claiborne County is seventeen miles."

No doubt the petitioners were mostly, if not all, located in Powell's Valley.  The petition was referred to committee and went nowhere.  It is significant, however, by revealing that in 1813 there were 249 residents of Powell Valley wanting to bring the county seat closer to them.  Most importantly to us it shows the names of some of the early settlers in the area.  The reader may want to look at the names listed on the petition to identify ancestors who were among the county's earliest residents.

Jacob Smith
Thomas Kincaid
John Cliburn
James Miller
James Miller, Senior
Jubellee Cliborn
Peter McCulley
Thomas Miller
Broadwater Mattenbee
John Miller
John Willoughbie
William Croley
William Littrel
William Basham
Jonathan Basham
Johnson Basham
William Showmake
Elisha McDaniel
Joel Meadows
John Kincaid
Wm. Daucets (Dossett)
Elijah Barker
James Bundey
John Sope
Solomon Jones
Joseph Robertson
William robrtson
Vinson Bailey
Isam Goins
Edward Bratcher
Michael Huffaker
George Huffaker
Benjn. Bratcher
Hohn Bratcher
Daniel Goin
John Bratcher
Absolom Morriss
Joseph Sharp
John Leach
Fieldon Bratcher
Joe Sharp
John Williams
John Linvel
James Mode
John Sharp
Richard Sharp
William Sharp 
Daniel White
Phillip Dossett
John Reynolds
James Eglish (English)
Thomas Jenkins
Thos. English
Joshua English
Joshua Englis, Junior
Runnel May
Abr. Haytor
Reuben Stanley
Harris Stanley
Thomas Campbell a friend to justis
Elisha camron
William mcClary
John Camron
William Pauley
A. Hatfield
Abraham Hayton, Junr.
Jacob McDaniel
John Fullerton
James Hayter
Richd. Polson
Thomas mode
Samuel Walker
James Campbell
Isacc Campbell
Frances Starr
James Hatfield
Joseph Hatfield
Richard Hatfield
Jeremiah Hatfield
Stanley Hatfield
Jont (Honahtan?" Hatifield
James Fuleson
John Millstod
William Jones
Ephrim Ellison
George Walker
Anthony vanderpool
John McDaniel
Isaac Murry
Jabes Murry
Josua Murry
John Jeffers
William Jeffers
Joseph Craven
Joseph (lligible) (ed. Note:  Another page of 
Petition sewed with needle and thread, 
at this point, covers lower part of name)
Ali Smith
David Murray
William Smith
Jrose (Jroje-?) Lamb
Page Stanley
John McSpadden
John Swope Junior
Isham Harden
James Cambel junior
Samuel Curtis
Ali Smith Senior
Arious Smith
Patrick Smith
William Smith
Robert Glen
James Glen
William Sawyeres
Henry Critchfield
Andrew Deberity
Robert Dosset
Moses Dosset
Abraham Hunter
Thomas Murry
Christopher Murry
Thomas Doake
John McCully
Saul Cowen
William Allen
John Allen
Charles Bratcher
William Bratcher (Ed. Note: 
Lower part of name covered by 
another page cf. Supra)
Hills Smith
Michael Boal
Daniel Hollensworth
John McClary
Fredaric Vester
James Hollensworth
Ezra Camron
Wilam Brown
James Himces
Jas Showmake
Thomas Showmake
Richard Munkus
Red Munkus
James Munkus
Jess Van Winkal
Elspahan Jacson
James James
Randy Skinner-?
John Bragg
Nathan Swet
Benj. Swet
Joseph Ivy
Daniel Ivy
William Swet
Travis Finley
Jas Carson
James Dagley
John Hancock
Maekcak Ballard
James Starr
William Leach
Mark Foster
Thomas Giffy
James Cuningham
James Williams
Laris Crodar-?
Jacob Whitman
Richman Archy (Archer)
Henry Bean
James Ag
Isaac Ag
John Williams
John Williams, Junior
Little Barry Crowley
Elias Dagley
Jeremiah Croley
John Franklin
John Croley
William King
Joel Parrot 
Eligah Parrot
Renton Parrot
James Parrot
Louis Parrot
John Dulder
Baranbas Dulder
William Parde
Henry McClary
Jeremiah Pebale
Jonahan Denton
John Wise
C baston (Sebastian-?) Smith
John Smith
Samuel Wise
Abraham smith
Ransom Smith
Thomas Smith
Vinson Tokes-
William Hinges
William Proffit
John Green
Rubin Crag
James Branham
Thomas Braham
Pennsar Braham
Georg Gi-ans
Henry Snoterly
Conrad Kair-?
Jacob Sharp
Thomas Jackson
Samuel Gilson
James Rice
David Smith
Thomas Brumet
John J-(smudged)
William Young
Marlem Young
Sharod Brock
Conrad Sharp
Luis Brim
Henry Brim
Klisha Riley (Ed. Note: Surname partially covered)
James Brock
John Lower
George Snotterly
John Snotterly
Jacob Snotterly
Hulbert Swet
Loderick Thomas
John Lay
William Lay
Richard Cooper
John Evans
William Rader
Joseph Langley
John Bleson
Wooblis..? Gray
John Black
John Owins
Isom Oldredy

Time Line


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