William Sparkman & Rosanna Williams Family Bible

William Sparkman & Rosanna Williams Family Bible

William Sparkman Family Bible

 William’s surviving family record Bible was a New Testament published in 1817 in Boston by W. Greenough Printers.  The only entries made after the 1820’s are contained on the second page, and are for individuals believed to be slaves of William’s son Seth Sparkman (there not being any record of slave ownership by William).  Charlotte, the oldest individual on the page, was bequeathed to Rebecca, wife of William’s son Seth Sparkman, in the 1829 will of her father, John Latta. 

WILL OF JOHN LATTA – In the name of God Amen. I John Latta late of Maury County state of Tennessee being in sound mind and memory and willing to the mortality of my body do make and ordain this my last will and testament, I first of all I resurrect my sole to God who gave it my body to the earth who gave it to be buried in a like manner at the discretion of my and forsaking such worldly or goods when which it had pleasured God to bless me. I give bequeath and distribute in the following parameters this after my funeral expense and debts paid and I bequeath to my daughter Jane our horse his shoes and saddle and bridle one chair four sheets two beds and featherbed one pot and six plates six and six knives and forks One negro girl named Charity, and of the said negro girl Charity amount to more than her equal share Jane is to pay back and if the said negro does not amount to her equal part then it is to be made up to Jane & equal with the rest. The other property before mentioned not to be valued in her part only the negro. I give and bequeath to my daughter Rebecca wife of Seth Sparkman one negro girl named Chorlett said if last negro Chorlett dect net amount to her part besides what they had already got. Rebecca to be made equal to the rest but if said negro Chorlett should amount to more than share then Rebecca to pay back. I give and bequeath to Shadrack Chandler ten dollars and to the heirs of the body of Elizabeth Chandler my daughter. I give and bequeath one M??? to be equally divided between them but after Shadracks death if Elizabeth his wife is not provided for then Elizabeth to be supported by rest that then during her natural life or widowhood. I give and bequeath to Moses Latta one hundred dollars to his brother John Latta twenty five dollars. And pay with it that my son Moses Latta and my son John Latta and my daughter Mary Robinson and my daughter Sarah Moore give an equal part of all my property besides what they already got. Save my land & three negros Charity & Buck David & Milley May be valued and sold or properly dist and my heirs can agree. only the two first named negros Charity and Chorlett valued & I also will that my son Thomas B Latta & that Alex B Moore & John Moore be the sole executors of this my will and testament in who set my hand the 11th of August 1829 Moses Latta Sign.

 John Latta will courtesy of Latta Genealogy Society.

Charlotte married Charles, and the couple took the surname Sparkman upon emancipation.  In the 1870 census, Charlotte (age 54) and Charles (age 52), with daughter Caroline (age 11), were neighbors of Seth, and Charles was still working in Seth’s blacksmith shop.  It is not known how many of the children listed may be those of Charlotte, only that they cannot all be judging from the dates of the last two births.  The handwriting is unknown.

Charlotte was born Dec. 31st 1816

Dorcas was born February 3rd 1838

Edmond was born September 16, 1839

Lucy Jane was born November 3rd 1841

Charity Tennessee was born September 4th 1844

Francis Emaline was born Jan. 16th 1855

Narcis was born Dec 6th 1856

Charlotte Delilia was born Dec. 14th 1856

The births of William and his family are listed on the third and fourth pages, and believed to be in William’s handwriting.

William Sparkman was born February 9th Day, 1764

Rosanna Sparkman was born October 11th Day, 1769

Mary Sparkman was born September 3rd Day 1791

Celia Sparkman was born January 3rd Day, 1794

Seth Sparkman was born January 15th Day, 1797

Williams Sparkman was born September 13th Day 1799

Elizabeth Sparkman was born January 23rd Day 1802

Charles R. Sparkman was born July 8 Day 1804

James C. Sparkman was born January 1st Day 1807

Delanah Sparkman was born August 11th Day 1809

Thomas W. Sparkman was born June 15th Day 1812


Only three marriages of the children are listed on the fifth page, and believed to be in the handwriting of William’s son Seth Sparkman.

Seth Sparkman and Rebecca Latta was married July July 9th day A.D. 1822

Charles R. Sparkman and Jane Latta was married March 21st A.D. 1828

Aaron Vestal and Elizabeth Sparkman was married April 10th A.D. 1827


The Bible was last known to be in the custody of Lois Conley, now deceased.

William Sparkman (James, John, John), b. 09 Feb. 1764, Hertford Co., NC; d. 15 Mar. 1832, Boston, Williamson Co., TN; bur. Sparkman Cemetery, Williamson Co., TN; m. Rosanna “Sally” Williams 03 December 1789, Hertford Co., NC; she was b. 12 Oct. 1769, probably Hertford Co., NC, d. 26 Feb. 1861, Boston, Williamson Co., TN; bur. Sparkman Cemetery, Williamson Co., TN.

Children of William Sparkman and Rosanna Williams: 

  1.                1.)  Mary “Polly” Sparkman, b. 03 Sept.1791, Martin Co., NC; d. 18 Aug. 1888, Polk County, MO; m. Noah Walker 13 Oct. 1814, Williamson Co., TN; he d. 11 Feb. 1827, Williamson Co., TN.
  2.                2.) Celia Sparkman, b. 03 Jan. 1794, Martin Co., NC (tombstone states Hertford Co.); d. 10 Oct. 1871, Butler Co., MO; bur. Sparkman Cemetery, Cane Creek, Butler Co., MO; m/1 William Witherington, son of Joseph Witherington and Isabel Taylor, 09 July 1812 (marriage bond 02 July), Williamson Co., TN; he was b. ca. 1790-1794, Martin Co., NC; d. 18 Feb. 1815, near Mobile, AL, in War of 1812 service; m/2 Humphrey W. Sparkman, son of Jesse Sparkman and Millie Ann, 19 Feb. 1817 (marriage bond 16 Feb.), Williamson Co., TN; he was b. 9 Sept. 1795, Beaufort Co., NC; d. 15 Nov. 1838, Maury Co., TN.
  3.                3.) Seth Sparkman, b. 15 Jan. 1797, Nashborough (Nashville), Davidson Co., TN; d. 18 Oct. 1884, Boston, Williamson Co., TN; bur. Sparkman Cemetery, Williamson Co., TN; m. Rebecca Latta, daughter of John B. Latta and Mary Jackson, 9 July 1822, Williamson Co., TN; she was b. 24 Feb. 1797, Orange Co., NC; d. 20 Apr. 1883, Boston, Williamson Co., TN; bur. Sparkman Cemetery, Williamson Co., TN.
  4.                4.) Williams Sparkman, b. 13 September 1799, Nashville, Davidson Co., TN; d. 27 Aug. 1850, Maury Co., TN; m. Elizabeth “Betsy” Vestal, daughter of David Vestal and Mary Longino, 18 Apr. 1820, Williamson Co., TN; she b. ca. 1800, Surry Co., NC; d. Mar. 1880, Maury Co., TN.
  5.                5.) Elizabeth “Betsey” Sparkman, b. 23 Jan. 1802, Williamson Co., TN; d. 27 Aug. 1893, Maury Co., TN; bur. Godwin Cemetery, Maury Co., TN; m. Aaron Vestal, son of David Vestal and Mary Longino, 10 Apr. 1827, Williamson Co., TN; he was b. 2 Apr. 1804, Surry Co., NC; d. 23 Sept. 1863, Maury Co., TN; bur. Godwin Cemetery, Maury Co., TN.
  6.                6.) Charles Robinson Sparkman, b. 08 July 1804, Williamson Co., TN; d. 06 Feb. 1856, Green County, MO; m/1 Jane Latta, daughter of John B. Latta and Mary Jackson, 21 Mar. 1828, Williamson Co., TN; she was b. 1803, Orange Co., NC; d. 1850, Williamson Co., TN; bur. (believed) Sparkman Cemetery, Williamson Co., TN; m/2 Jane Thompson (widow of Eli Brown), 4 May 1854, Williamson Co., TN.
  7.                7.) James Colden Sparkman, b. 01 Jan. 1807, Williamson Co., TN; d. 1884, Clifton, Wayne County, TN; bur. Friendship Cemetery, Wayne Co., TN; m. Louisa Mae Rountree, daughter of John Rountree and Jealsy Thompson, 28 Oct. 1832, Williamson Co., TN; she was b. 1810, Orange Co., NC; d. 1880, Clifton, Wayne Co., TN; bur. Friendship Cemetery, Wayne Co., TN; m/2 Elizabeth Emily Banks Lawson (widow of Nathaniel Young Brown and Carter A. Boyd), daughter of Amos Lawson and Elizabeth Hughes, 29 Apr. 1883, Wayne Co., TN; she was b. 1832, TN; d. 1910, Wayne Co., TN.
  8.  8.) Delanah “Delaney” Sparkman, b. 11 Aug. 1809 (1810 per tombstone), Williamson Co., TN; d. 08 August 1892, Lawrence Co., TN; bur. Mt. Zion Cemetery, Lawrence Co., TN; m. James Green “Jimmy” Sparkman, son of Jesse Sparkman and Millie Ann, 15 Feb. 1838, Williamson Co., TN; he was b. 23 Nov. 1811, Williamson Co., TN; d. 16 Nov. 1890, Lawrence Co., TN; bur. Mt. Zion Cemetery, Lawrence Co., TN.

9.)                9.) Thomas Washington Sparkman, b. 14 June 1812, Williamson County, TN; d. 21 December 1896, Boston, Williamson Co., TN; bur. Sparkman Cemetery, Williamson Co., TN; m/1 Delilah P. Fitzgerald, daughter of Alan Fitzgerald, 23 Sept. 1840, Williamson Co., TN.; she was b. ca. 1813, Williamson Co., TN; d. 11 Aug. 1841, Boston, Williamson Co., TN, in childbirth; bur. Sparkman Cemetery, Williamson Co., TN; m/2 Nelly Ann White, daughter of Media White and Penelopy “Nelly” Ann, 16 Mar. 1843, Williamson Co., TN; she was b. 2 Nov. 1822, Maury Co., TN; d. 21 Aug. 1879, Boston, Williamson Co., TN; bur. Sparkman Cemetery, Williamson Co., TN.

James Sparkman (John, John), b. 1731-36, Chowan (Gates) Co., NC; d. 1784-1790, Hertford Co., NC; m. Nancy Segar, daughter of Christopher Segar and Ann Hunt(?), bef. 1759, Bertie (Hertford) Co., NC; she was b. Bertie (Hertford) Co., NC.

Children of James Sparkman and Nancy Segar:

 1.) Thomas Sparkman, b. 1755 – 1762, Bertie (Hertford) or Hertford Co., NC; d. 13 Mar. 1808, Edgecombe Co., NC; m. Winnefred Ann Tayloe(r), daughter of Abraham Tayloe(r) and Ann; she was b. Bertie Co., NC; d. 1822, Edgecombe Co., NC.

2.) William Sparkman, b. 09 Feb. 1764, Hertford Co., NC; d. 15 March 1832, Boston, Williamson Co., TN; bur. Sparkman Cemetery, Williamson Co., TN; m. Rosanna “Sally” Williams 03 December 1789, Hertford Co., NC; she was b. 12 October 1769, probably Hertford Co., NC, d. 26 Feb. 1861, Boston, Williamson Co., TN; bur. Sparkman Cemetery, Williamson Co., TN.

3.) Jesse C. Sparkman, b. 22 Sept. 1768, Hertford County NC; d. 5 Jan. 1846, Williamson Co., TN; bur. (believed) Patton Cemetery, Maury Co., TN; m. Millie Ann unknown, 18 Apr. 1789, Hertford, Beaufort (1790 residency) or Martin Co., NC; she was b. 27 Mar. 1769, NC; d. 1856 – 1858, Maury Co., TN; bur. (believed) Patton Cemetery, Maury Co., TN.

4.) Elizabeth Sparkman, b. bet. 1755 – 1775, Hertford Co., NC; died aft. 1820, Greene County, NC.

Notes for Elizabeth Sparkman:

She may be the 26 – 45 year old female in the Greene Co., NC, household of James Sparkman Jr. in 1800.  She appears with James Sparkman Jr. on a Greene Co. tax list in 1816 with 17 acres.  In 1820, over the age of 45, she has her own household in Greene Co. and included are the widow and orphaned daughter of James Sparkman Jr.

5.) Unknown Sparkman(?), b. 1755 – 1765, Bertie (Hertford) or Hertford Co., NC; d. 1820-1828, Hertford Co., NC; m. James(?) Godwin, son (believed) of Kearney Godwin, Hertford Co., NC; James Godwin was b. 2 June 1755, Bertie (Hertford), NC; d. 1842, Hertford Co., NC.

Notes for unknown Sparkman and James Godwin:

May have been the parents of John Sparkman Godwin of Hertford Co., NC.

6.) James Sparkman, Jr., b. 1770 – 1774, Hertford Co., NC; d. 1816 – 1820, Greene Co., NC; married Nancy unknown prior to 1810, Greene or Wayne Co., NC; she was b. 1770 – 1780, NC.

Notes for James Sparkman Jr.:

James Sparkman Jr. may have first appeared of public record as a witness to brother William Sparkman’s 1792 deed for Martin Co., NC, lands.  In 1800, he is found with brother Jesse Sparkman in Greene Co., NC, over the age of 26 with a female 26-45 in his household.  On February 25, 1808, he witnesses the will of his brother Thomas Sparkman in Edgecombe Co., NC.  In 1810, he is found in Wayne Co., NC, aged 26 – 45 and a female of the same age range in his household, and also that year he is a buyer at the estate sale of Zachariah Morris in Wayne Co.  He is listed on a Greene Co., NC, tax list in 1816 with 50 acres.  In 1820, his widow and orphaned daughter are living with Elizabeth Sparkman in Greene Co., and his widow, Nancy, is found in the 1830 Greene Co. census born 1770 – 1780 with her daughter born 1800-1810.

7.) Sarah A. “Sallie” Sparkman, b. 28 April 1776 (per family Bible record – 26 July 1776 per tombstone), Hertford County, NC; d. 08 Feb.1866, Maury County, TN; bur. Godwin Cemetery, Maury Co., TN; m. George Winn Godwin, son (believed) of Kearney Godwin, ca. 1796, Hertford Co., NC; he was b. 16 Oct. 1770, Hertford Co., NC; d. ca. 1856, Williamson Co., TN.




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