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Category: Court Records

Miscellaneous Court Records

Miscellaneous Court Records

Oct. Court, 1805.   (i) WILLIAM SPARKMAN appointed overseer of public road from intersection of the Natchez road for five miles, and JOHN ROBINSON, JOSHUA GRINDER, JAMES WALDRUP, THOS. SUTTON, JESSE WHITE, JEREMIAH HAMILTON, CHARLES ROBINSON, MICHL ROBINSON, JOHN ROBINSON, JOHN MOORE to work thereon.  (ii) DAVID ROBINSON appointed overseer of public road from WILLIAM BRIGHT to where WM. SPARKMAN overseer, and RICHD WILLIAMS, LINVILL McDANIEL, JEFFREY JOHNSON, GREENHAM TAYLOR, WM. JOHNSON, THOS. TAYLOR, MOSES SPRINKLE to work thereon. Inventory Book I, Page 156; Jan….

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