Will of John Motheral

Will of John Motheral

Recorded in Book C, pages 724 & 725

I John Motheral of Williamson County and State of Tennessee being of sound mind blessed be God for his marcis to me knowing the uncertainty of my time in this world have thought proper to make the following distribution of such worldly goods as it has pleased God to give me, To my wife and children,

First I will that all my lawful debts and funeral charges be paid out of the hole of my estate,

2. I will that my wife Jane have half the profits of the place where I now live and all the profits of the Slater place and all the farming tools and chichin furniture two beds and furniture three work horses one waggon and gears for fore horses and a negrow man called Bob and Nancy his wife and a negrow woman called Maese and a negrow man called Caleb and a negrow girl Called Charity and her increase one forth of the Cattel Sheep and hogs and two hundred dollars to be paid to her in silver to possess during life and all but the land to be disposed of at her pleasure.

3. I give to my two daughters Katharine Shannon and Anne McCutchen all my interest in a tract of land on the Tennessee of 1020 acres also all my interest in a town lot in Nashville to be equal shareirs in both,

4. I give to my daughter Mary Motheral half the profits of the place where I now live till her Mothers death and then the tract of land to be hers one for ever also a negrow woman called Nancy and the two children that she now has and all that she may have, all the horses that is now called hers two cows and calves two beds and furniture and her bedsteds and the buroo that I got in Nashville and as much chitchen furniture as her others sisters had and three hundred dollars to be put in possession of it all when ever she may call for it,

5. I give to my two grandsons John Currie Kirkpatrick and William Alexander Kirkpatrick etch one hundred dollars when the come of age or sooner if my Exators think it best,

6. I give all the remainder of my estate to my children here after named Katherine Shannon, Anne McCutchen, James Motheral, Joseph Motheral and Mary Motheral to be equally davided among them, and I think what may be Josephs share in the divide he sould have it in the Slater land at a fare price and I do apoint my two sons James and Joseph Motheral Exators of this my last will and testament and in confirmation of the above I have set my hand and seal this 20 December – 1822 and acknowledged in the presence of us Wm Edmiston Jurat William McCutchen Jurat, George Hodge John Motheral (seal)

The last will and testament of John Motheral deceased is presented in open court for probate and the execution thereof proven thus.

William Edmiston and William McCutchen subscribing witnesses thereto being sworn say they became such in the presence and at the request of the testator, and that they believe he was in his proper mind when he executed said last will and testament ordered that the same be recorded.

Whereupon Joseph Motheral and James Motheral the executors therein nominated appear in open court and give bond in the sum of twenty thousand dollars conditioned for the faithful execution of said last will and testament with Thomas Berry, William Edmiston and William Armstrong their securities – were qualified agreeably to law and received letters testamontary accordingly.

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