City: Greeneville MCINTURFF, James William, Assistant Postmaster; born in Washington Co., Tenn., Jan. 6, 1861; Scotch-Irish and English descent; son of Laban W. and Eliza T. (Haynes) MCINTURFF; father’s occupation Capt. Co. “B” 3d N. C. Mtd. Infantry War 1861; member of County Court; paternal grandparents Christopher J. and Cynthia […]
City: Erwin WILLIAMS, George Campbell, physician; born Limestone, Tenn., Nov. 22, 1866; Welsh descent; son of W. J. and Hettie (McCracken) WILLIAMS; educated Limestone High School and graduated in medicine from Chattanooga Medical College 1895; in early life engaged in farming; married Fannie Elmira HENSLEY April 14, 1898; Mason, Odd […]
City: Difficult THOMAS, Sterling Price, merchant; born Bagdad, Tenn., Feb. 28, 1869; son of James A. and Eveline (Williams) THOMAS; father was a farmer and live stock dealer; paternal grandparents Chesley and Maria (Jenkins) THOMAS; maternal grandparents James and Millie (Sutton) WILLIAMS; educated at D. A. Duke College, Difficult, Tenn.; […]
City: Columbia COLLINS, Edward E., physician; born in Bedford Co., Tenn., Oct. 24, 1860; Irish and English descent; (Direct descendant of David Williams of the Revolution); son of W. Jefferson and Ida (Williams) COLLINS; father’s occupation merchant; paternal grandparents William and Hester (Perry) COLLINS; maternal grandparents David and Sarah (Harris) […]
City: Chattanooga WILLIAMS, Joseph V., attorney at law; born Sparta, Tenn., March 1, 1872; son of James T. and Matilda (Wallace) WILLIAMS; English descent; father’s occupation, minister of the gospel, educator; paternal grandfather Jesse WILLIAMS; paternal grandmother Elizabeth (Tate) WILLIAMS, maternal grandfather William WALLACE, maternal grandmother Mahala (Felton) WALLACE; educated […]
City: Chattanooga MYERS, Thomas Snoddy, attorney; born Pikeville, Tenn., March 23, 1884; son John C. and Sue (Hill) MYERS; German-Irish descent; graduated People’s College B. S. 1903; University of Tennessee B. A. 1907; 1908 Cumberland University, L.L.B.; admitted to practice law by Supreme Court of Tennessee in July 1908; associated […]
City: Chattanooga LEFEBER, James Robert, attorney at law; born Franklin Co., Tenn., Nov. 14, 1864; French-German descent; son of George Henry and Eliza J. (Custer) LEFEBER; educated Winchester Normal School, Winchester, Tenn.; was a carpenter in early youth; admitted to bar in 1888; began the practice of law as a […]
City: Chattanooga LANCASTER, George D., attorney; born St. Mary’s Co. Md., Feb. 4, 1867; son John L. and Priscilla (Blakistone) LANCASTER; English descent; educated Charlotte Hall, St. Mary’s Co. Md., Georgetown University, graduate of Georgetown University 1888; member Knights of Columbus, Elks; 1888 entered law office of Shepherd & Frazier; […]
City: Benton WILLIAMS, John Lafayette, surveyor and timber estimator; born Polk Co., Tenn. Dec. 19, 1876; Welsh, Scotch, Irish descent; sone of A.J. and Sarah C. (Rymer) WILLIAMS; his father is a farmer and present Clerk and Master of Chancery at Benton; paternal grandfather John WILLIAMS, paternal grandmother Nancy (Harbison) […]
Beech Bluff — WILLIAMS, William B., farmer; born Madison Co., Tenn., Sept. 22, 1855; English and Scotch descent; son of William J. and Susan (George) WILLIAMS; his father was a farmer; paternal grandfather William G. WILLIAMS, paternal grandmother Luvicie (Newman) WILLIAMS, maternal grandfather Burton GEORGE, maternal grandmother Martha (Hooks) GEORGE; […]
Aspen Hill — RIVERS, James W., farmer; born in Giles Co., Tenn., April 3, 1833; Scotch-English descent; son of William W. and Martha W. (Paine) RIVERS; paternal grandfather William RIVERS; paternal grandmother Elizabeth (Brown) RIVERS; maternal grandfather James PAINE, maternal grandmother Mary (Williams) PAINE; educated at Pulaski, Lagrange, Ala., and […]
Ashland City — PEGRAM, William Maston, farmer; born Davidson Co., Tenn., March 22, 1843; English descent; son of John P. and Permina (Ussery) PEGRAM; received common school education; joined the Confederate army in 1861 and continued in the service until the latter part of the year 1863; elected magistrate in 1879, […]
Ashland City — HOOPER, James Newton, farmer; born in Cheatham Co., Tenn., 1853; Welsh descent; son of John and Sallie Taylor (Williams) HOOPER; father’s occupation farmer; paternal grandparents Jesse and Bettie (Eads) HOOPER; maternal grandparents Tulio and Cynthia (Snowden) WILLIAMS; received common school education and all of his life has been […]
Ashland City — HARPER, Sam’l., County Court Clerk; born Cheatham Co., Tenn., June 29, 1865; son C. A. and Louisa (McCormack) HARPER; paternal grandfather John H. HARPER, paternal grandmother Elizabeth H. (Williams) HARPER, maternal grandfather Joseph MCCORMACK, maternal grandmother Susan (Darr) MCCORMACK; Irish, German, English, and Welsh descent; educated common schools […]
EMISON, James Wesley — Clerk and Master Chancery Court Crockett Co., Tenn., born Maidson Co., Tenn., March 2, 1853; English-Irish descent; son of William and Bedie (Richards) EMISON; father’s occupation farmer; received common school education; married Lucy Ann WILLIAMS Dec 2, 1875; member I.O.O.F. and is a Master Mason; Justice […]