City: Knoxville WEBB, Eugene Mitchell, Public Official; born Dandridge, Tenn., Oct. 1, 1874; English descent; son of Andrew and Jane (Walker) WEBB; father’s occupation, Sheriff Jefferson Co., Tenn., member of General Assembly of Tenn., farmer; paternal grandparents Thomas and Annie (Martin) WEBB, maternal grandparents William and Elizabeth (Bettis) WALKER; educated […]
City: Johnson City WILLIAM, Samuel Cole, lawyer, and banker; born Gibson, Co., Tenn., Jan. 15, 1864; Welsh and Irish descent; son of Thomas J. and Martha R. (Cole) WILLIAMS; father’s occupation public official; paternal grandparents Eli and Chloe (Collins) WILLIAMS, maternal grandparents Samuel and Olive (Walker) COLE; graduated from law […]
City: Jackson WALKER, Josef Clay, teacher; born Wartrace, Tenn., May, 1880; Scotch-Irish-Spanish-German descent; son of William B. and Pattie (Lane) WALKER; father’s occupation, planter; educated Cumberland University and Heidleberg /sic/, Germany; graduated from Cumberland University June, 1904, with degrees A. B., A. M., and LL. B., 1907; in early life […]
City: Jackson POPE, Thad W., lawyer; born near Jackson, Tenn., May 15, 1875; son William and Sarah (Walker) POPE; Scotch-Irish descent; educated high school West Point, Miss., and University of Miss.; studied law while (8 years) Deputy Clerk Supreme Court; admitted to bar in 1905; married Nell ROBERTSON Sept. 20, […]
City: Edgemoor DEADERICK, James William, farmer; born New Market, Tenn., Oct. 29, 1856; Scotch and German descent; son of Arthur V. and Mary Adeline (Walker) DEADERICK; father’s occupation, farmer; paternal grandparents James W. and Adaline (McDowell) DEADERICK,; maternal grandparents James H. and Louisa (Clarkson) WALKER; educated in district schools of […]
City: Dyersburg WILLIAMS, Samuel Henry, attorney at law; born at Trenton, Tenn., Jan. 6, 1855; Welsh-Scotch descent; son of Judge Samuel and Katrina M. (Walker) WILLIAMS; paternal grandparents, Silas Mercer and Mary (Crutchfield) WILLIAMS; maternal grandparents, Major Matthew Patton and Agnes (Hope) WALKER; educated at Andrew College, Trenton, Tenn., and […]
City: Henderson BRAY, William M., Postmaster; born in Henderson Co., Tenn., Nov. 26, 1843; son of John and Minerva Ann (Walker) BRAY; father’s occupation farmer; received common school education; began business career as a farmer and continued in that business in Henderson Co., Tenn., for fifteen years; moved to Henderson, […]
City: Gibson PARKER, Jesse, F., merchant; born in Gibson Co, Tenn., Jan. 19, 1863; Irish and English descent; son of M. F. and Vanleer (Walker) PARKER; father was a farmer and merchant; received common school education; married Jennie CLARK Dec. 10, 1890; in early life worked on a farm and […]
City: Fairfield WALKER, William Baker, Jr., merchant; born Fairfield, Tenn., Aug. 5, 1861; son of W. B. and Patsy (Land) WALKER; father was a farmer; educated in the Public School at Fairfield Academy and took business course at Winchester Normal; worked on farm and clerked in a country store in […]
City: Cottage Grove BRIZENDINE, Henry Williamson, merchant; born near Paris, Henry Co., Tenn., Sept. 24, 1848; German-English descent; son of John Asher and Edith Ann (Walker) BRIZENDINE; father’s occupation, farmer; received common school education; married Grizzie Anna BOWDEN Nov. 19, 1874; in early life was a farmer boy; in 1892-3 […]
City: Covington BOYD, William Townes, (T. BOYD); born Mecklenburg Co., Va., Jan. 20, 1844; Scotch descent; son of Francis Walker and Isabella (Townes) BOYD; paternal grandparents Robert and Tabitha (Walker) BOYD, maternal grandparents William and Lucy R. (Maclin) TOWNES; educated Hampden Sidney College (Va.) graduated from same with B.A. degree […]
City: Covington SANFORD, William, lawyer; born Tipton Co., Tenn., Feb. 15, 1846; son of Robert WALKER and Frances Downs (Small) SANFORD; paternal grandfather Richard SANFORD, paternal grandmother Sarah (Tweiman) SANFORD, maternal grandfather Henry SMALL, maternal grandmother Anne (Bailey) SMALL; English and Scotch descent; educated private schools in Tipton Co.; member […]
City: Decatur WALKER, James Wm., farmer; born near Dayton, Tenn., Jan. 31, 1868; Irish-Dutch descent; son of W. A. and N. E. (Steele) WALKER; received a common school education and began his business career farming and teaching; married Sallie E. HAYES Sept. 8, 1888; is Secretary of Lodge No. 213 […]
Town: Centerville WALKER, James Buchanan, banker; born Whitfield, Tenn., June 25, 1857; Scotch-Irish descent; son of James and Emeline (Cooper) WALKER; father’s occupation farmer; received common school education; began life on a farm and earned first $100 on own account as teacher in the public schools; began mercantile business at […]
City: Brownsville WILDER, James A., banker; born Caswell Co. N. C., 1840; son J. B. and Nancy (Walker) WILDER; Scotch-Irish descent; educated common schools; married Emma TAYLOR Oct. 8, 1867; member Masons, Knights of Honor; in Confederate army four years; participated in battles of Shiloh, Chickamauga, Murfreesboro, Franklin and Nashville; […]
Athens — BAYLESS, John Walker, banker; born Jonesboro, Tenn., July 5, 1854; English and Irish descent; son of Jesse M. and Susannah (Walker) Bayless; graduated from Grant University, Chattanooga, Tenn., with a degree of A.B.; became a merchant in early life; former mayor of Athens, Tenn., and also one time […]
WOODLEE, Augustus Henry, real estate business; born Grundy Co., Tenn., March 1, 1855; English descent; son of Enoch and Mary (Reid) WOODLEE; father’s occupation, farmer; educated common schools of Grundy Co., Tenn., and Burrett College; married twice, first to Emily WALKER Jan. 1, 1879, second, Metta BURGER, Jan. 18, 1888; […]
SCRUGGS, John, Clerk and Master of Chancery court of Grundy Co.; born Marion Co., Tenn., Feb. 19, 1844; Irish, Scotch and German descent; son of Carter and Lucinda (Killgore) SCRUGGS; his father was a farmer and general merchanic; paternal grandfather John SCRUGGS, paternal grandmother Millie (Manifee) SCRUGGS, maternal grandfather Charles […]