MILES SCOTT, M.D. For a good score and a half of years Dr. Miles Scott has held an important place in this community of Robertson County as a medical practitioner of extensive and successful patronage. This county was the home of his mother’s family, for his grandfather, Thomas Gunn, was […]
City: Trezevant WALKER, John Russell, lawyer; born Friendship, Tenn., Dec. 3, 1855; son of William M. and Sarah F. (Davis) WALKER; Scotch-Irish-French descent; educated Academy at Friendship, Tenn.; married Elizabeth B. TAYLOR, Oct. 29, 1882; Republican; member of State Republican Committee many years; Mayor of Trenton 1881-1882; Vice President First […]
City: Shelbyville ERWIN, Joseph Boyd, minister; born Williamson County, Tenn., January 23, 1846; son of Alexander Rogers and Louise Eleanor (Boyd) ERWIN; his father was a Methodist minister; Scotch-Irish descent; educated Florence University of Florence, Ala.; honorary degree D.D., June, 1886, by Cumberland University, Lebanon, Tenn.; married Fannie C. SMITH, […]
City: Nashville PILCHER, William Bowen Campbell, attorney at law; born Nashville, Tenn., December 5, 1880; Scotch-Irish descent; son of James Stewart and Margaret Hamilton (Campbell) PILCHER; educated Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn., and Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.; graduated from Vanderbilt University, A.B. degree, 1901; Harvard University, LL.B. degree 1904; began his […]
City: Oliver Springs HANNAH, Harvey Horatio, lawyer; born Louisville, Ky., Aug. 30, 1868; German-Scotch-Irish descent; son of John H. and Lillie L. (GERDING) HANNAH; father soldier, lawyer and planter; paternal grandparents, John F. and Grace (TELFORD) HANNAH; maternal grandparents George F. and Eliza M. (LOWE) GERDING; graduated from University of […]
City: Nashville MASON, Arthur B., insurance; born Barren Plains, Tenn., August 12, 1858; English and Irish descent; son of Thomas Ryan and Victoria Jane (Taylor) MASON; paternal grandfather Granberry B. MASON, maternal grandfather Jesse B. TAYLOR; educated Barren Plains, Tenn., and Adairville, Ky.; early business occupation general store, drugs and […]
City: Memphis TAYLOR, Emmet, cotton buyer; born Memphis, Tenn., November 28, 1877; son Col. W.R. and Sallie Shelby (Ford) TAYLOR; educated St. Alban’s School, Radford, Va.; graduated St. Alban’s School 1897; married Elizabeth SCOTT November 14, 1906; member St. John’s Methodist Church; partner in W.F. Taylor Son’s Company. Source: Who’s […]
City: Memphis TAYLOR, Arthur Robert, stationer; born (near) Holly Springs, Miss., November 8, 1851; son Dr. William V. and Mary C. (Jarratt) TAYLOR; English descent; paternal grandparents Dr. William V. and Fannie (Henderson) TAYLOR, maternal grandparents Rev. N.R. and Sarah (Jarratt) JARRATT; educated Memphis and Christian Brothers’ College, St. Louis, […]
City: Nashville HENRY, Howell Meadors, instructor; born Newberry, S. C., August 18, 1879; Scotch, Irish and German descent; son of Hugh P. and Martha H. (Boozer) HENRY; father, farmer; paternal grandparents James and Annie (Wright) HENRY; maternal grandparents John and Margaret (Taylor) BOOZER; graduated from Newberry (S. C. ) College, […]
City: Tate Springs JARNAGIN, John Robert, merchant, farmer, stockman; born Tate Springs, Tenn., Nov. 21, 1867; son of Thomas J. and Katherine M. (Taylor) JARNAGIN; father, merchant; paternal grandparents Chesley and Martha (Gill) JARNAGIN, maternal grandparents Hughes O. and Frances (Cos) TAYLOR; educated in the public schools of Grainger Co., […]
City: Nashville TAYLOR, Robert Love, U. S. Senator; born Happy Valley, Carter Co., Tenn., July 31, 1850; son of Nathaniel G. and Emily (Haynes) TAYLOR; father was Member of Congress and Commissioner of Indian Affairs; received academic education at Princeton, N. J.; Democrat, member of 46th Congress (1879-81) from 1st […]
City: Memphis TAYLOR, Thomas John, fire insurance business; born Haywood Co., Tenn., May 20, 1847; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Thomas and S. Jane (Mooring) TAYLOR; father’s occupation, farmer; paternal grandparents Thomas and Susan Maria (Coburne) TAYLOR, maternal grandparents J.J. and Margaret (Staten) MOORING; received common school education; early business occupation, […]
City: Memphis TAYLOR, Robert L., secretary University of Memphis; born near Milan, Tenn., Oct. 27, 1869; Scotch descent; son of B.J. and Lucretia (Spellings) TAYLOR; educated in public schools and High School at Yorkville, Tenn., and Southern Normal University, Huntingdon, Tenn.; graduated in scientific course in 1892, classic course in […]
City: Memphis TAYLOR, Frank, Rubber Vulcanizing Company; born Memphis July 9, 1874; son of William F. and Sallie Shelby (Ford) TAYLOR; Scotch-Irish descent; educated Memphis; married Nannie Pittman JONES October 10, 1906; member Business Men’s Club; former Superintendent of Sprinkling City of Memphis; former Superintendent of City Hospital; member Methodist […]
City: Sparta RICHARDS, A. F., physician; born Sparta, Tenn., May 21, 1866; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Daniel R. and Mary (Taylor) RICHARDS; father’s occupation farmer; paternal grandfather Richard RICHARDS; paternal grandmother, was a Miss Vance, prior to her marriage; maternal grandparents Cread A. and Sara (Walling) TAYLOR; educated at Onward […]
City: Sparta RICHARDS, SAMUEL GAINES, traveling salesman; born Cave, Tenn., Aug. 12, 1859; Dutch and Irish descent; son of Daniel R. and Mary Jane (Taylor) RICHARDS, educated at Onward High School near Doyle, Tenn.; was a salesman, farmer and teacher in early life; married Arminda B. GIST, Dec. 20, 1882; […]
City: Midway COBBLE, Lewis M., lawyer; born Midway, Tenn., April 27, 1866; German descent; son of Nathaniel and Elizabeth (Smith) COBBLE; father’s occupation, farmer; paternal grandparents Phillip and Sally COBBLE; maternal grandmother Sarah SMITH; educated at Mosheim College; in early life practiced dentistry; married Laura M. TAYLOR, July, 1886; member […]
City: Memphis YOUNG, John Preston, public official; born Chulahoma, Miss., April 18, 1847; French and Scotch-Irish descent; son of A. W. and _____ (Smith) YOUNG; father’s occupation, Presbyterian minister; his maternal grandfather, Ensign John SMITH, and great grandfather, Lieut. Francis SMITH, served in the Sixth Virginia regiment of the continental […]
City: Memphis MALONE, William Battle, physician and surgeon; born Brownsville, Tenn., July 4, 1874; English and Irish descent; son of William Battle and Ella K. (Barbee) MALONE; paternal grandparents, William and Sarah (Battle) MALONE, maternal grandparents, Dr. Allen and Susan Y. (Taylor) BARBEE; educated at Webb’s School, Bellbuckle, Tenn., graduated […]
City: Memphis MCDANIEL, Harlan Taylor, sporting editor News Scimitar; born Morganfield, Ky., July 19 1885; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Lorenzo C. and Katherine (Taylor) MCDANIEL; father’s occupation, druggist; paternal grandparents Lorenzo D. and Katherine (Thornberry) MCDANIEL maternal grandparents Jesse and Sophia (Harlan) TAYLOR; educated Louisville (Ky.) High School; in early […]