City: Memphis SPEED, James Marlin, banker; born Memphis, Tenn., Nov. 25, 1873; English-Irish descent; son of Robert A. and Mary (Jones) SPEED; paternal grandparents Jones S. and Julia (Kearney) SPEED, maternal grandfather Reuben JONES, maternal grandmother was a Miss BRITROM prior to her marriage; educated Christian Brothers’ College, Memphis, Tenn., […]
City: Savannah HARBERT, Lafayette L., County Court Clerk born Morris Chapel, Tenn., March 5, 1871; son of Harrison L. and Christiana (Jones) HARBERT; English descent; educated common school; one year Grant University Athens, Tenn. married Ollie TENTON April 11, 1895; member F. & A. M.; K. of P.; W. O. […]
City: Sevierville WILLIAMS, Samuel M., public official; born Jones Cove, Tenn., March 20, 1869; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Carroll and Annie (Large) WILLIAMS; father was a farmer; educated at Murphy College, graduated 1896; began his career as a school teacher; married Callie JONES, July 14, 1894; member I. O. O. […]
Simonides, an ancient Greek poet, said, “the city teaches the man.” How true. It is equally true that the times teach the man. No one will deny the effect upon character of the environment and time in which a man was born, the circumstances in which he was reared. Eugene […]
City: Pulaski ABERNATHY, James Polk, lawyer; born Giles Co., Tenn., June 15, 1849; son of Charles C. and Elizabeth (Dickson) ABERNATHY; Scotch descent; educated in country schools and Giles College; married first Lulu JONES, Nov. 9, 1875, second Mamie BUTLER, Nov. 24, 1891; member KuKlux; Mason, Odd Fellow, K. of […]
City: Orlinda JONES, John M., farmer; born in Robertson Co., Tenn., Dec. 22, 1839; Irish and English descent; son of Campbell and Lucy (Moss) JONES; father was a farmer; received common school education; entered farming in early life, and all of his business life has been devoted to that vocation; […]
City: Ooltewah TALLANT, Samuel Q., educator; born Eighth District James Co., Tenn., Feb. 20, 1882; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Frank C. and Myra E. (Jones) TALLANT; father’s occupation Postmaster Ooltewah, Tenn.; educated in the public schools of James Co., Tenn., and Carson and Newman College, graduated from the latter with […]
City: Pulaski ABERNATHY, James Polk, lawyer; born Giles Co., Tenn., June 15, 1849; son of Charles C. and Elizabeth (Dickson) ABERNATHY; Scotch descent; educated in county schools and Giles College; married first Lula JONES, Nov. 9, 1875, second Mamie BUTLER, Nov. 24, 1891; member Kuklux; Mason, Odd Fellow, K. of […]
City: Oliver Springs JONES, Clem J., attorney at law; born Spartanburg, S. C., Dec. 18, 1874; son of Milnor and Mary (Watkins) JONES; paternal grandfather Dr. Clement F. JONES, paternal grandmother Elizabeth (Chambers) JONES (daughter of U. S. Senator E. F. CHAMBERS, Md.), maternal grandfather James WATKINS, maternal grandmother Mary […]
City: Memphis PALMER, J. W., Jurist; born Fayette County, May, 1860; son David and Anna E. (TUCKER) PALMER; educated private tutor and at Randolph-Macon College, Ashland, Va.; married Letitia Kerr JONES 1898; Judge Second Criminal Court, Shelby County; practiced law in Lauderdale County until 1895; practiced law in Shelby County […]
City: Nashville JONES, Robert L., former State Superintendent Schools; born White County, Tenn., 1867; son Zacchariah and Mary (Bennett) JONES; Welsh descent; educated in common schools; graduated Burritt College; married Mary GREEN July, 1888; lodge affiliations, Mason and Odd Fellow; elected County Superintendent White County at the age of 23; […]
City: Nashville JONES, Edgar, banker; born Aberdeen, Miss., February 18, 1838; son of Caleb H. and Eliza M. (Hume) JONES; father was a lawyer; educated Nashville, Tenn.; began his career as clerk in Planters Bank, Clarksville, Tenn., in 1856, remaining there until 1861, when he moved to Nashville, with books […]
City: Nashville HOOPER, Ben W., Governor; born Newport, Tenn., October 13, 1870; educated Carson & Newman College, Jefferson City, Tenn., 1890; elected representative of the Legislature in 1892-94; admitted to the bar in 1894; served as Captain of Company C., Sixth United States Volunteer Infantry 1898-9; served in Porto Rico; […]
City: Nashville HOLCOMB, Walt, minister and lecturer; born Winston-Salem, N. C., July 29, 1878; son B. V. and Rebecca HOLCOMB, educated Randolph-Macon College, Ashland, Va., and Cumberland University, Lebanon, Tenn.; married Julia Baxter JONES of Cartersville, Ga., April 17, 1907; wrote biography of Rev. Sam P. Jones, and edited his […]
City: Memphis TAYLOR, Frank, Rubber Vulcanizing Company; born Memphis July 9, 1874; son of William F. and Sallie Shelby (Ford) TAYLOR; Scotch-Irish descent; educated Memphis; married Nannie Pittman JONES October 10, 1906; member Business Men’s Club; former Superintendent of Sprinkling City of Memphis; former Superintendent of City Hospital; member Methodist […]
City: Murfreesboro SIMS, Burt L., Southern Express agent; born Shelbyville, Tenn., June 15, 1875; son of William Edward and Lucy (Burt) SIMS; father’s occupation, farmer, merchant and guager; educated at Shelbyville (Tenn) high school, and University of Tenn.; began his career in various printing offices in Shelbyville, Tenn.; married Frances […]
City: Memphis SPEED, Robert A., business man; Vice-President C.G. & E. Co.; born Louisville, Ky., March 24, 1844; son of James S. and Julia A. (Kerney) SPEED; Irish-English descent; academic education; married Mollie M. JONES November {No. 27; Fire and Police Commissioner} {28, 1872; Democrat; member B.P.O.E.} Memphis, 1890-94; elected […]
City: Monterey CARAWAY, Robert Franklin, manufacturer of lumber; born Otway, Ohio, July 10, 1861; Scotch-Irish descent; son of T. L. H. and Ruth A. (Ralstin) CARAWAY; father’s occupation, farmer, lumberman; paternal grandparents Henry and Delilah (Jones) CARAWAY, maternal grandparents Robert and Mary (Elliott) RALSTIN; educated in the common schools of […]
City: Mint JONES, Joshua Rhett, farmer and stock raiser; born Abbeville Co., S. C., Sept. 10, 1850; Welsh descent; son of Joshua Whetmore and Ophelia Susanna (Pastlow) JONES; father’s occupation, cotton planter, educator; paternal grandparents Charles and Eliza (Floyd) JONES; educated in S. C.; in early life he was a […]
City: Morristown JONES, Robert McFarland, farmer; born Springvale, Tenn., Oct. 28, 1847; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Thomas M. and Louvinia E. (McFarland) JONES; father’s occupation, farmer and trader; paternal grandparents Daniel and Mary (Harrison) JONES, maternal grandparents Robert and Mary A. (Scott) McFARLAND; received common school education; in early life […]