City: Kyles Ford BOWEN, Enoch D., minister of the gospel; born Hancock county, Tenn., Jan. 30, 1856; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Jason Y. and Ruth A. (Lea) BOWEN; father’s occupation, farmer; paternal grandparents Jesse and Sarah (Durham) BOWEN; maternal grandparents Archer and Lucinda (Henderson) LEA; educated in the common schools, […]
City: Rogersville BOWEN, Alfred Thomas, lawyer; born Hancock Co., Tenn., March 12, 1866; son of Jason Y. and Ruth A. (Lea) BOWEN; paternal grandfather Jesse BOWEN; maternal(sp) grandmother Sallie (Durham) BOWEN; maternal grandfather Archer LEA; maternal grandmother ____ (Hendrix) LEA; English descent; father’s occupation farmer; educated Sneedville, McKinney High School; […]
City: Oakley HARGROVE, John Andrew, merchant and farmer; born Overton Co., Tenn., July 20, 1872; Irish descent; son of Milton R. and Margaret M. (NELSON) HARGROVE; father’s occupation, farming and dealing in live stock; paternal grandparents William E. and Elizabeth (BAKER) HARGROVE, maternal grandparents William and Annie (HATCHER) NELSON; educated […]
City: Memphis FOWLKES, Jeptha M., business man; born Shelby Co., Tenn., March 4, 1847; English descent; son of Jeptha and Maria (Baker) FOWLKES; educated in private schools of Memphis, Tenn.; began his career as bookkeeper, later cotton factor, and since 1889 he has been secretary and treasurer of Merchants Cotton […]
City: Maryville PARHAM, William Edmund, manufacturer; born Knoxville, Tenn., March 9, 1860; son of William Thomas and Mary Jane Susan (SNODDY) PARHAM; paternal grandfather Edwin Nelson PARHAM, paternal grandmother Mary Ellen (DUNN) PARHAM, maternal grandfather Rev. Robert Henderson SNODDY, maternal grandmother Nancy Hawkins (MOORE) SNODDY; English, Scotch-Irish descent; educated Maryville […]
City: Kyles Ford BOWEN, Enoch D., minister of the gospel; born Hancock county, Tenn., Jan. 30, 1856; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Jason Y. and Ruth A. (Lea) BOWEN; father’s occupation, farmer; paternal grandparents Jesse and Sarah (Durham) BOWEN; maternal grandparents Archer and Lucinda (Henderson) LEA; educated in the common schools, […]
City: Humboldt FOLTZ, Frank X., manufacturer; born Indiana in 1855; son of Benedict and Laura (Baker) FOLTZ; German descent; educated public schools; married Maggie HOWARD in 1881; member W. O. W., Elks and K. of C.; founded the F. X. Foltz Spoke Manufacturing Co. in 1891; operated until 1906, then […]
City: Horn Springs HORN, James Adams, manager and owner of hotel; born at Horn Springs, Tenn., July 12, 1861; English descent; son of James Baker and Margaret (Vaughn) HORN; father’s occupation, manager of Horn Springs until 1892; paternal grandparents Ethelred and Elizabeth (Baker) HORN, maternal grandparents Johnson and Elizabeth (Low) […]
City: Greenfield LIPSCOMB, John Calvin, farmer; born Marshall Co., Tenn., Feb. 3, 1842; son of William C. and Eliza (Tillman) LIPSCOMB; father’s occupation farmer; paternal grandparents John and Juda (Shehorn) LIPSCOMB; maternal grandparents Joseph and Winnie (Fields) Tillman; in early life engaged in farming; received a common school education and […]
City: Greeneville ALLEN, James, farmer and stock raiser; born near Greeneville, Tenn., March 27, 1855; Scotch-Irish descent; son of James and Laura M. (Brown) ALLEN; paternal grandparents Daniel and Mary (Baker) ALLEN; maternal grandparents Peter and Sarah (Foster) BROWN; educated at Morristown, Tenn., and Emory & Henry College, Va.; has […]
City: Dyer DAVIS, Thomas Henry, minister of the Gospel; born near Bradford, Tenn., Sept. 28, 1865; Irish descent; son of Adam and Frances (Baker) DAVIS; father’s occupation farmer; educated Chestnut Hill Public School, Laneview Academy, and McLemorsville College; graduated from the latter with degree B. S., June 1893; reared on […]
City: Euchee HOLLOMON, Pleas H., farmer; born Euchee, Tenn., April 1, 1858; son of John R. and Mary (Baker) HOLLOMON; paternal grandparents Pleasant and Susanna (Richman) HOLLOMON; maternal grandparents Isaac and Jane (Looney) BAKER; received common school education; married Burnettie EWING Sept. 25, 1909; Democrat; member of Baptist church.
City: Copperhill KING, Mark Colman, banker and financier; born Murphy, N. C., Nov. 10, 1879; son of Mark Colman and Mary C. (Baker) KING; father’s occupation, pharmacist; paternal grandparents Johnson Washington and Nancy Aveline (Colman) KING, maternal grandparents John Jacob and Rebecca (Lowery) BAKER; educated in the high schools of […]
Athens — PATTERSON, Marion Herbert, druggist; born near Benton, Polk Co., Tenn., April 9, 1852; German descent; son of Jonathan and Mary (Mulkey) PATTERSON; his father was a farmer; paternal grandfather William PATTERSON, paternal grandmother Eliza (Grigg) PATTERSON; maternal grandfather Dr. William MULKEY, maternal grandmother was Miss ELLIOTT before her […]