CITY: Watertown SMITH, John Robert, lawyer; born Statesville, Tenn., May 24, 1861; Irish and Dutch descent; son of R. T. and Amanda (Doss) SMITH; father’s occupation, farmer; paternal grandparents, John Y. and Leona (Shanks) SMITH, maternal grandparents, John P. and Lucretia (Threat) DOSS; graduated from Cumberland University, June 1889; was […]
CITY: Watertown YOUNG, Alexander, real estate dealer and trader; born Watertown, Tenn., Feb 22, 1844; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Dake and Sarah Reader (Young) YOUNG; father’s occupation farmer; paternal grandparents, David and Lydia (Leader) YOUNG, maternal grandparents, James and Elizabeth (Phillips) YOUNG; educated at Farmers’ Academy, Round Lick, Tenn.; served […]
CITY: Watertown MCNABB, Andrew Asa, teacher, farmer; born Rutherford Co., Tenn., April 27, 1867; Scotch-Irish descent; son of J. F. and Louise J. (Todd) MCNABB; father was minister of the gospel; educated at Watertown, Tenn.; began teaching school at age of 18 years, and has taught successively for 24 years […]
William Bowen CAMPBELL, sixteenth governor of the state of Tennessee lived his active life in the days when there were more statemen and fewer politicians. Everyone in Tennessee, who pretends to know anything of the history of the state, knows that Governor CAMPBELL was a public man of the former […]
City: Big Spring HARRIS, Thomas C., farmer and stockraiser; born Rose Hill, Va.; son of Alexander and Ruth (Moore) HARRIS; father was a farmer and stockman; began his early business career as a farmer;, married Margaret A. MARTIN Feb. 25, 1864; served four years as a private soldier in C. […]
City: Nashville THOMPSON, J. W., lawyer; born Wilson County, Tenn., November 14, 1864; son W. D. and Permelia (Murray) THOMPSON; Scotch-Irish descent; educated Masonic Normal School, Alexandria, Tenn.; married Leora DENTON April 20, 1909; member I. O. O. F., K. of P., several insurance orders; now Grand Treasurer of I. […]
City: Memphis STRATTON, Leslie M., merchant; born Lebanon, Tenn., Feb. 23, 1881; English descent; son of Golladay and Louisa (Norman) STRATTON; educated common schools of Lebanon, Tenn., studied at Cumberland University; began his career as a newsboy, later became clerk in wholesale grocery store; he is now president of Benedict-Warren […]
Mrs. LURTON was the daughter of the late Dr. Benjamin Rush OWEN and Mrs. Katherine Kennedy Howard OWEN, both of Lebanon, Wilson County, Tenn. Dr. OWEN was a learned and distinguished physician, who fell an early victim to his devotion to his professions, dying in early manhood from an attack of cholera, with which he […]
City: Memphis STEEN, John M., lawyer; born Rankin Co. Miss., in 1860; received his primary education in local schools of Rankin Co., Miss., and graduated from the University of Mississippi in 1885; he taught as adjunct professor in the university for the following year, and at the end of that […]
City: Big Spring POWELL, James Arthur, farmer; born Meigs Co., Tenn., Dec. 23, 1870; Scotch-Irish and Dutch descent; son of Robert C. and Mary (Cowan) POWELL; father’s occupation merchant and farmer; paternal grandfather Scott POWELL, paternal grandmother Mary (Womack) POWELL, maternal grandfather Joseph COWAN, maternal grandmother Susan (Chattin) COWAN; educated […]
City: Big Spring McKENZIE, Jeremiah M., farmer; born Meigs Co., Tenn., Dec. 22, 1831; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Benjamin F. and Nancy (Casey) McKENZIE; his father’s occupation was farming and tobacco raising and manufacturing; educated common schools of Meigs Co.; early business occupation merchandise and manufacturer of tobacco; married Margaret […]
City: Big Spring GRUBB, Jacob L., merchant; born Meigs Co., Tenn., Dec. 29, 1856; Scotch-Irish descent; son of William C. and Mary (Womack) GRUBB; father’s occupation farmer, contractor, miner, preacher, veteran Mexican war; paternal grandfather Eldred GRUBB, paternal grandmother Nancy J. (McKenzie) GRUBB, maternal grandfather Jacob WOMACK, maternal grandmother Mary […]
City: Nashville GREEN, Grafton, lawyer; born Lebanon, Tenn., August 25, 1872; son Nathan and Bettie (McClain) GREEN; English-Scotch-Irish descent; graduated Cumberland University, A. A., 1891; LL. B., 1893; married Pauline DINGES, December 10, 1898; admitted to bar 1893; elected Judge of Supreme Court of Tennessee August 4, 1910. Source: Who’s […]
City: Nashville HALE, William Thomas, journalist and author; born Liberty, Tenn., February 1, 1857; son of C. W. L. and Laura Malissa (Overall) HALE; educated at Liberty, Tenn.; began his career as an attorney at law; married Lula LEWIS, April 6, 1876; Democrat; engaged in the practice of law at […]
City: Nashville GREEN, Grafton, lawyer; born Lebanon, Tenn., August 25, 1872; son Nathan and Bettie (McClain) GREEN; English-Scotch-Irish descent; graduated Cumberland University, A. B., 1891; LL.B., 1893; married Pauline DINGES, December 10, 1898; admitted to bar 1893; elected Judge of Supreme Court of Tennessee, August 4, 1910.
City: Milan BEARD, Elvin Taylor, minister of the gospel; born Saulsbury, Tenn., July 14, 1875; Irish descent; son of William Elvin and Cornelia Adeline (Cavaness) BEARD; father’s occupation, farmer; paternal grandparents Council Jones and Nancy (Rose) BEARD; maternal grandparents Isaiah and Cherry (Siler) CAVANESS; educated at Woodland Academy, Saulsbury, Tenn., […]
City: Memphis FINLEY, Spence Lamb, real estate dealer; born Lebanon, Tenn., April 16, 1857; Scotch-Irish descent; son of John B. and Elizabeth (Lamb) FINLEY; father’s occupation physician; paternal grandfather, O. G. FINLEY; began his business career as typesetter for country newspaper, at Searcy, Ark., Jan. 4, 1870; married Emma BAILEY, […]
City: Nashville CARELS, Joseph Stineford, born in Philadelphia, Pa., Aug., 30, 1825; one of a family of sixteen; graduated from Central High School of Philadelphia, Pa., in 1843, received from it the degree of Master of Arts in 1851; moved to Murfreesboro, Tenn., in 1845; he became a member of Mount Moriah Lodge of Masons at […]
City: Memphis HARSH, George, lawyer; born Nashville, Tenn., Sept. 13, 1870; son of Capt. George Harsh; father’s occupation, wholesale grocer and banker; educated at Nashville and Lebanon, Tenn.; graduated from Cumberland University law department in 1893 and engaged immediately in practice of law at Memphis, Tenn.; married Thankful BARRY, in […]
City: Memphis CHAMBERS, Paul, lawyer; born Lebanon, Tenn., September 10, 1886; son of William Richard and Nellie (Huddleston) CHAMBERS; Scotch-Irish descent; educated Cumberland University; graduated University of Oregon L.L. B. 1907; married Saidee Louise BUTLER, May 11, 1910; member K. of P., Progress Lodge No. 39 of Memphis; Sigma Alpha […]