City: Pulaski GRIGSBY, H. M., druggist and banker; born Spring Hill, Tenn., March 20, 1850; son of William and C. M. F. (Hatcher) GRIGSBY; English descent; educated Col. Thomas H. Peebles’ School of Spring Hill, Tenn.; married Florence WITT, October, 1880; early business career, farming; Chairman of the Democratic Executive […]
MATTHEW MCCLAIN, sheriff of Lewis County, Tennessee, and a resident of Hohenwald, is a native of that county, has been one of its representative agriculturists for a number of years and always has been worthily identified with its best citizenship. He first took up the duties of sheriff on October […]
City: Nashville PADGETT, Hazel, physician; born Columbia, Tenn., July 4, 1867; son John B. and Rebecca O. (Phillips) PADGETT; English descent; educated Webb School, and the University of Penn.; graduated University of Pennsylvania 1892; M.D.; married Maude Effie WILLIAMSON November 27, 1900; member Modern Woodmen of America, Odd Fellows, K. […]
City: Oakland SMITH, John P., farmer; born Maury Co., Tenn., Aug. 29, 1837; Scotch-Irish descent; son of John and Rebecca (BINZWELL) SMITH; father was a farmer; received common school education; served in the civil war as private of Co., B, 13th Tenn. Regiment infantry May 28, 1861 – Jan. 1, […]
City: Nashville WITHERSPOON, John Alexander, physician; born Columbia, Tenn., September 13, 1864; Scotch descent; son of John M. and Mary T. (Hanks) WITHERSPOON; father was lawyer and farmer; graduated 1887 from Medical Department of University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa.; married Cornelia DIXON, November 8, 1888; is a Mason, Knight Templar, […]
City: Nashville WALKER, Bradley, attorney-at-law; born Columbia, Tenn., October 14, 1877; son W. Q. and Alice (Cabler) WALKER; Scotch-Irish descent; graduated from Peabody Normal College, University of Nashville, 1898, University of Virginia, 1902; L.I., A.B., and B. of L; married Ethel MATHEWS Dec 17, 1903; member of Trinity Consistory No. […]
City: Nashville McKISSICK, James Tracy, minister; born Maury County, Tenn., April 19, 1874; Scotch-Irish descent; son of William McEwen and Frances Olivia (Matthews) McKISSICK; educated Hillsboro High School, Texas Christian University, Waco, Tex., A.M. 1904, Kentucky University, Lexington, Ky., 1905, and Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass., S. T. B. 1906; married […]
City: Nashville JACKSON, Granberry, civil engineer, born Mount Pleasant, Tenn., March 3, 1873; son R. C. and Annie M. (Granberry) JACKSON; Scotch-Irish descent; educated S. W. P. University, Clarksville, Tenn., and Vanderbilt University; graduated Vanderbilt University 1894; degrees conferred, Bachelor of Engineering in 1894, Civil Engineer in 1895; married Margaret […]
City: Nashville ESHMAN, Andrew N., minister of the gospel, educator; born Mount Pleasant, Tenn., June 1, 1865; German and Scotch-Irish descent; son of Jacob and Mary Jane (Henry) ESHMAN; father, farmer; educated in the country schools of Lincoln and Marshall Counties, Tenn., and graduated from Winchester Normal College in 1890; […]
City: Nashville ABBOTT, Timothy Charles, Roman Catholic Priest; born Ironton, Ohio; Irish descent; son of Florence and Julia (Sullivan) ABBOTT; secured early education in Stewart College, Clarksville, Tenn.; graduated from Mt. St. Mary’s Seminary, Cincinnati, Ohio, June 1879; pastor St. Patrick’s Roman Catholic Church, Nashville, Tenn., 1879-1884; also had charge […]
City: Memphis ARMSTRONG, Harry Lee, investment banker; born Maury Co., Tenn., Dec. 9, 1866; Scotch-Irish descent; son of William James and Lula (HANNA) ARMSTRONG; father’s occupation physician; paternal grandparents, William Osgood and Mary Eliza (SMITH) ARMSTRONG, maternal grandparents, George W. and Caledonia (WILKERSON) HANNA; educated in Memphis (Tenn.) public schools; […]
City: Manchester CHUMBLEY, Wm. W., farmer; born Columbia, Tenn., Sept. 28, 1854; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Henry A. and Olivia E. (Payne) CHUMBLEY; father’s occupation, farmer; received public school education; engaged in railroading in early life; married Sallie L. WOOTON April 6, 1886; member Royal Arcanum Knights of Pythias; member […]
City: McMinnville REAMS, Radford M., editor; born Spring Hill, Tenn., June 20, 1857; son of Joshua M. and Harriet (Haley) REAMS; father’s occupation, merchant and contractor; received common school education; entered printing office at age of 12; served apprenticeship in office of “North Alabamian and Times” at Tuscumbia, Ala.; worked […]
City: Lynnville BURKHOLDER, Aldine Clifford, teacher; born Harrisonburg, Va., April 2, 1873; German descent; son of Samuel Martin and Mary Elizabeth (Rhodes) BURKHOLDER; father was a farmer; paternal grandparents, Martin and Rebecca (Shank) BURKHOLDER, maternal grandparents Henry and Margaret (Heatwole) Rhodes; educated in the public schools of Virginia and West […]
City: Lynnville BLACKBURN, James Knox Polk, farmer and stock raiser; born Maury Co., Tenn., Feb. 20, 1837; Scotch and Dutch descent; son of Edward Rose and Hester Jane (Dickey) BLACKBURN; father was a farmer and stock raiser; educated in the common schools in Tenn., and Alma Institute, Texas; in early […]
City: Lawrenceburg FRIERSON, Horace, Jr., attorney-general Eleventh Judicial Circuit; born Columbia, Tenn., Feb. 5, 1881; Scotch-Irish and English descent; son of Horace and Jeannie (Phillips) FRIERSON; father’s occupation, wholesale dry goods merchant; paternal grandparents Luther and Jane E. (Stephenson) FRIERSON; maternal grandparents Charles W. and Jane (Crockett) PHILLIPS; educated at […]
City: Lawrenceburg CROSTHWAITE, George Edgar, public official; born in Maury county, Tenn., July 25, 1873; Scotch-Irish, English and German descent; son of William Mack and Mary Elizabeth (McBride) CROSTHWAITE; father’s occupation farmer and mechanic; paternal grandparents John Newton and Nancy (Mack) CROSTHWAITE; maternal grandparents Samuel and Mary (Voorhies) McBRIDE; educated […]
City: Iron City SEAVEY, Hial Paul, Postmaster, farmer and real estate dealer; born Pomfret, Vt., May 21, 1842; English descent; son of Isaac and Rebecca (Paul) SEAVEY; father’s occupation, farmer; paternal grandparents Edmund and Sarah (Smith) SEAVEY; maternal grandparents Hial and Mary (Stevens) PAUL; received academic education in public schools […]
ROBISON, William M., minister of the gospel; born in Maury Co., Tenn., May 21, 1846; Scotch-Irish descent; son of J. M. and D. J. (Boatwright) ROBISON; paternal grandparents Michael and Patsy (Roundtree) ROBINSON, maternal grandparents William and Patsy (Foster) BOATRIGHT; his paternal grandfather was one of the first settlers of […]
City: Hohenwald TATUM, William Trousdale, lawyer, farmer; born in Maury Co., Tenn., March 4, 1849; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Jesse Burnet and Harriet Elizabeth (Reese) TATUM; father’s occupation, farmer and stock dealer; educated in the country schools of Tenn. and Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn., graduated from the latter in law […]