City: Pleasant View WILLIAMS, Richard C., merchant; born King’s Sulphur Springs, Tenn., Feb. 22, 1846; English descent; son of W.W. and Mary Ann (Sheron) WILLIAMS; father, County Court Clerk; paternal grandparents, C.C. and Lucy (King) WILLIAMS; maternal grandparents Zacharia and Nancy (Williams) SHERON; educated in common schools of Tenn., and […]
City: Neptune STONE, Robert James, farmer, and livestock dealer; born Cumberland Furnace, Tenn., March 15, 1878; Scotch-German descent; son of R. B. and Sarah (Jackson) STONE; father’s occupation, 25 years general manager of Drouillard Iron Co., Cumberland Furnace, Tenn., and for past 12 years has been dealing in real estate […]
City: Neptune HUMPHREYS, James Nicholson, farmer and trader; born Montgomery Co. Tenn., Nov. 15, 1852; son of Joshua and Martha (Langford) HUMPHREYS; father’s occupation, farming; received common school education; entered farming in early life; married Mary GOSSETT Dec. 22, 1880; Democrat; member Southern Methodist church; has always been interested in […]
City: Neptune GUPTON, John Jerome, farmer; born in Cheatham Co., Tenn., June 19, 1847; Irish-English-Scotch and French descent; son of R. T. and Martha Henriette (Power) GUPTON; father’s occupation, farmer, merchant and miller; paternal grandparents, Abner and Judith (Hunt) GUPTON, maternal grandparents, Samuel D. and Martha A. (Wand) POWER; received […]
City: Lebanon DOSS, William Hughes, minister of the gospel; born Bedford county Tenn., Nov. 25, 1854; Welsh descent; son of William and Mariah Ann (Hughes) DOSS; father’s occupation minister of the gospel; graduated from Webb’s School, June, 1875; in early life he was a farmer; married Belle PROTER, May 8, […]
City: Hohenwald HOOPER, Raymond Crawford, railroad agent; born in Cheatham Co., Tenn., Aug. 28, 1869; English descent; son of J. O. and M. C. (Cullum) HOOPER; father’s occupation, farmer and merchant; educated at Charlotte and Dickson, Tenn.; in early life worked on a farm; married Annie L. DOWNING Jan., 1903; […]
City: Fayetteville CULLUM, John Medicus, physician; born in Cheatham Co., Tenn., Dec. 25, 1870; French descent; son of Lovell H. and Nancy E. (Hooper) CULLUM; paternal grandparents Lovell and Pattie (Garland) CULLUM, maternal grandparents Jesse H. and Charlotte (Gossett) HOOPER: educated Dickson Normal College, Dickson, Tenn., graduated from same, L. […]
City: Cheap Hill MITCHELL, George Washington, educator; born near Madisonville, Ky., Nov. 25, 1871; English and Irish descent; son of Wm. F. and Elvine E. (Justice) MITCHELL; father’s occupation, farmer; paternal grandparents Samuel G. and Susan J. (Adams) MITCHELL, maternal grandparents Geo. W. and Rebecca (White) JUSTICE; educated in public […]
City: Clarksville BENNETT, Henry Washington, farmer; born Cheatham Co. Tenn., July 13, 1857; son of William and Martha (Dowlen) BENNETT; father’s occupation, farmer; paternal grandfather Nathan BENNETT, paternal grandmother Elizabeth (Martin) BENNETT, maternal grandfather Harris DOWLEN, maternal grandmother Sallie (Harrington) DOWLEN; received common school education; married Viola HOOPER Dec. 24, […]
Ashland City — SMITH, Jerome B., physician; born in Dickson Co., Tenn., Dec. 10, 1846; Irish descent; son of Win. B. and Nancy Rose (Allen) SMITH; father’s occupation farmer; paternal grandparents Nathan and Matilda (Smith) SMITH; maternal grandparents Thomas and Sallie Baxter (Smith) ALLEN; received common school education and graduated […]
Ashland City — SHEARON, Josiah Nicholas, farmer; born in Davidson Co., Tenn., Oct. 2, 1851; son of William and Josephine Alice (Nichol) SHEARON; Scotch-Irish descent; father’s occupation, farmer; educated Cecilian College, Harden Co., Ky., and graduated from that institution in 1872; Commercial degree in 1873; in early life engaged in farming […]
Ashland City — PICKARD, Peter b., banker; born Hickman Co., Tenn., Oct. 1, 1845; French descent; son of Green and Mary (Chamness) PICKARD; educated Marion, Ala., in early life worked on a farm; entered the Confederate army and served throughout the four years of the Civil war; later entered politics and […]
Ashland City — PEGRAM, William Maston, farmer; born Davidson Co., Tenn., March 22, 1843; English descent; son of John P. and Permina (Ussery) PEGRAM; received common school education; joined the Confederate army in 1861 and continued in the service until the latter part of the year 1863; elected magistrate in 1879, […]
Ashland City — MCCONNICO, Z.A., educator; born near Columbia, Tenn., Sept. 24, 1864; Scotch-Irish descent; son of M.Z. And Eliza (Alexander) MCCONNICO; educated preparatory schools and Burritt College and Peabody College; graduated Burritt College 1885 with degree of B.A.; began business career as a teacher; married Axa SPARKMAN May 22, 1889; […]
Ashland City — JUSTICE, Joseph E., lawyer; born in Cheatham Co., Tenn. May 17, 1869; son of James E. and Ann J. (Hiland) JUSTICE; father’s occupation, educator; educated Ashland Tenn., Institute, and Cumberland University Lebanon Tenn.; graduated from the latter Jan. 1894; worked on a farm until eighteen years of age; […]
Ashland City — HOOPER, James Newton, farmer; born in Cheatham Co., Tenn., 1853; Welsh descent; son of John and Sallie Taylor (Williams) HOOPER; father’s occupation farmer; paternal grandparents Jesse and Bettie (Eads) HOOPER; maternal grandparents Tulio and Cynthia (Snowden) WILLIAMS; received common school education and all of his life has been […]
Ashland City — HARPER, Sam’l., County Court Clerk; born Cheatham Co., Tenn., June 29, 1865; son C. A. and Louisa (McCormack) HARPER; paternal grandfather John H. HARPER, paternal grandmother Elizabeth H. (Williams) HARPER, maternal grandfather Joseph MCCORMACK, maternal grandmother Susan (Darr) MCCORMACK; Irish, German, English, and Welsh descent; educated common schools […]
Ashland City — DOZIER, Enoch, merchant and banker; born Davidson Co., Tenn., Jan. 13, 1849; Scotch-German descent; son of Enoch and Judith (Gupton) DOZIER; his father was a farmer and miller; received a common school education; began career as farmer and miller; married Mrs. B. O. MCDANIEL May, 1879; Democrat; chairman […]
Ashland City — DEMOSS, Thomas H., farmer; born Davidson Co., Tenn., Aug. 25, 1859; French descent; son of Shelton and Delilah (Pack) DeMoss; his father was a merchant and farmer; educated near Nashville, Tenn., in Davidson Co.; began life as a clerk in a store; married Ida SHELTON; Justic of Peace […]
Ashland City — CHAMBLISS, James Carroll, banker; born Cheatham Co., Tenn., Feb. 27, 1858; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Mark More and Lucy (Teasley) Chambliss; father’s occupation, farmer; educated Winchester Normal school, Winchester, Tenn., and began business career as a teacher; formerly tax assessor for Cheatham Co., Tenn., 1892-96; been in the […]