City: McKenzie TODD, John Dudley, physician; born in Carroll Co., Tenn., March 3, 1856; descendant of Sir Edmund Dudley, 1462, father of John Dudley, Duke of Northumberland; son of Marcus Lafayette and Paulina Rebecca (Dudley) TODD; father’s occupation planter and farmer; paternal grandparents Hugh and Narcissa (Rogers) TODD; maternal grandparents […]
City: McKenzie SPELLINGS, William, postmaster and cotton broker; born Carroll county, Tenn., Dec. 1, 1847; English descent; son of G.C. and Nancy (Schrisp) SPELLINGS; educated in Tenn. and Ill; began his career as a farmer, later entered the mercantile business; at present is postmaster at McKenzie, Tenn., and is a […]
City: McKenzie ROBINS, James Albert, teacher; born Guntown, Miss., Feb. 3, 1868; English descent; son of Jeptha and Eliza Dabney (Allen) ROBINS; father’s occupation lawyer, farmer; paternal grandparents Albert and Susan (Norton) ROBINS; maternal grandparents David and Sallie Ann (Spencer) ALLEN; educated in the common schools of Miss., Webb Schools […]
City: McKenzie RICHEY, Robert Calvin, educator; born Guntown, Miss., Feb. 21, 1876; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Wilson Marion and Sarah Rebecca (Whitten) RICHEY; father’s occupation merchant, planter; paternal grandparents Robert Caldwell and Nancy Elizabeth (Hill) RICHEY; maternal grandparents Calvin Thomas and Malinda Catharine (Kinzey) WHITTEN; educated in the public and […]
City: McKenzie McELROY, Robert Chester, educator, minister of the gospel; born Henry Co., Tenn., Nov. 16, 1883; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Robert and Martha J. (Petty) McELROY; educated in local schools of Henry Co., Tenn., and Hall-Moody Institute, Martin, Tenn.; married Katherine HUDDLESTON Jan. 18, 1906; Democrat; member of lower […]
City: McKenzie JOHNSON, Philip Franklin, minister of the gospel; born Weakley county, Tenn., Jan. 20, 1852; Scotch-Irish and German descent; son of W.B. and Sarah (Groom) JOHNSON; father’s occupation farmer; paternal grandparents John P. and Mary (Harral) JOHNSON; maternal grandparents Bright and Kate (Winders) GROOMS; educated at Bethel College and […]
City: McKenzie GRISSAM, Clyde, lawyer; industrial journalism; born Brownville [sic], Haywood Co. Tenn., March 15, 1881; son of M.M. and Julia (Brown) GRISSAM; English descent; attended Brownsville High school and Vanderbilt Law school; member of I.O.O.F., D.T.D. Frat.; nominated for legislature by Haywood Co. Republicans, 1902; defeated; nominated Republicans of […]
City: McKenzie FINNEY, Newton Jefferson, educator; born Mt. Juliet, Tenn., Nov. 6, 1846; Scotch-Irish descent; son of William and Eliza Jane (Cloyd) FINNEY; father’s occupation farmer; paternal grandparents William and Margaret (Jefferson) FINNEY; maternal grandparents Newton and Elizabeth (Williamson) CLOYD; educated at Mt. Juliet (Tenn.) High School and Cumberland University; […]
City: McKenzie EVERETT, John Edward, farmer and stock raiser; born in Weakley Co., Tenn., Oct. 16, 1847; English and Scotch-Irish descent; son of Elbert G. and Moleta (Busey) EVERETT; fathers’ occupation, farmer and stock raiser; received common school education; worked on farm in Weakley Co. in early life; married Elizabeth […]
City: McKenzie DUNLAP, Pressley S., farmer; born in Weakley Co., Tenn., July 16, 1873; Scotch-Irish and German descent; son of William and Mary (Sears) DUNLAP; father’s occupation, farmer; received common school education; in early life taught school; married twice, first Nancy BRAGG, Dec. 2, 1857, second, Laura NEWTON, Nov. 26, […]
City: McKenzie DINWIDDIE, Madison Bagby, farmer; born Old Caledonia, Henry Co., Tenn., Feb. 24, 1840; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Jedida and Mary (Anderson) DINWIDDIE; father was a farmer and slave owner; paternal grandfather William DINWIDDIE, maternal grandmother was a Miss MAUPIN prior to her marriage, maternal grandparents Nelson and Peggie […]
City: McKenzie COLLIER, Harris Taylor, physician and surgeon; born McKenzie, Tenn., in 1875; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Zachary Taylor and Ada (Harris) COLLIER; father’s occupation, commission merchant and planter; paternal grandparents Harvey and Elizabeth (Hartsfield) COLLIER, maternal grandparents Albert and Lucy P. (Gilbert) HARRIS; educated at Memphis, McKenzie, Tenn., University […]
City: McKenzie BURNS, James Thomas, retail merchant; born near McLemoresville, Tenn., May 5, 1849; son of John and Margaret (Patton) BURNS; father’s occupation, farmer; paternal grandparents, Richard and ——- (Newbill) BURNS, maternal grandparents William and Mary (Wright) PATTON; educated at Bethel College, McLemoresville, Tenn., and University of Miss.; worked on […]
City: Martin PENICK, Isaac Newton, minister of the gospel, editor; born in Carroll Co., Tenn., Oct. 9, 1859; French-English descent; son of Elijah Warren and Mary Jane (Rowland) PENICK; father’s occupation, farmer; paternal grandparents Henry and Mattie (McGehee) PENICK; maternal grandparents Thomas and Bettie (Green) ROWLAND; educated in public schools […]
City: Huntingdon WATSON, Charles Mayes, ginner; born at Jackson, Tenn., Sept. 5, 1869; Scotch-Irish-English descent; son of Joseph Anderson and Emma (Hilliard) WATSON; father’s occupation educator; educated in the public schools of Durham, Texas; in early life worked on a farm and left the farm at the age of 22 […]
City: Huntingdon MURRAY, Sidney Eugene, lawyer; born in Henderson Co., Tenn., July 19, 1875; Scotch-Irish descent; son of John L. and Addie (Neely) MURRAY; father’s occupation physician; paternal grandparents James Wimberly and Amelia (Reed) MURRAY; maternal grandparents Andrew and Mary (Anderson) NEELY; educated at Lexington Academy, Lexington, Tenn.; in early […]
City: Huntingdon MURPHY, John Williams, lawyer; born at Hamburg, Ark., April 14, 1886; Scotch-Irish, Anglo-Saxon and Dutch descent; son of Joseph Warren and Mary Emily (Johnson) MURPHY; fathers’ occupation farmer; paternal grandparents Joseph Robertson and Grace (Leslie) MURPHY; maternal grandparents William and Julia (Salmon) JOHNSON; educated at Lexington M. & […]
City: Huntingdon MADDOX, Pearl Wilson, lawyer; born in Weakley Co., Tenn., April 10, 1872; son of Thomas Crowley and Lucinda (Epperson) MADDOX; educated in the public schools of Weakley Co., Tenn., and Southern Normal University, Huntingdon, Tenn., graduated from latter with L.L. B. degree April 7, 1898; began his business […]
City: Huntingdon McCALL, Joseph William, physician, born Jan. 20th, 1832; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Andrew and Jeannette (Todd) McCALL; father’s occupation, educator and farmer; paternal grandparents, John and Jane (Proctor) McCALL; maternal grandparents Patrick Todd and Jane (Cormichael) TODD; paternal grandfather was Lieut in the Revolutionary War; educated at Decaturville, […]
City: Humboldt HOWARD, S. F., teacher; born Paris, Mo., in 1866; son of Rev. J. S. and Francis (Hanna) HOWARD; Scotch and Irish descent; educated from Cumberland University of Tenn. A. B. in 1888, A. M. in 1889, Ph. D. in 1894; married Florence PENN June, 1903; member K. of […]