City: Memphis
BOONE, Arthur U., Baptist minister; born Elkton, Ky., September 7, 1860; son H.G. and Martha M. (Edwards) BOONE; English and Scotch descent (related to Daniel Boone, Kentucky hunter); educated local schools in Kentucky and Southern Theological Seminary, Louisville, Ky.; married Eddie B. COOKE, April 30, 1891; author two or three pamphlets on practical religious subjects; ordained January 5, 1887; was pastor at Elkton, Leitchfield and Smith’s Grove in Kentucky; accepted care First Baptist Church, Clarksville, Tenn., September, 1891; remained in that position until December, 1898; accepted care First Baptist Church, Memphis, 1898; toured Europe 1902; elected President Tennessee Baptist Convention 1903, holding same office 1909, declined re-election at that time; First Baptist Church, Memphis, erected and dedicated during his present pastorate.