ROBISON, William M., minister of the gospel; born in Maury Co., Tenn., May 21, 1846; Scotch-Irish descent; son of J. M. and D. J. (Boatwright) ROBISON; paternal grandparents Michael and Patsy (Roundtree) ROBINSON, maternal grandparents William and Patsy (Foster) BOATRIGHT; his paternal grandfather was one of the first settlers of […]
Monthly Archives: January 2013
City: Humboldt PRESTON, James Harvey, physician; born Wilson Co. Tenn., Jan. 24, 1855; Scotch-Irish and English descent; son of Stephen S. and Ann M. (Keyes) PRESTON; father was a farmer; educated University of Tenn.; received M. D. degree from Vanderbilt University in 1879; in early life was a farmer; married […]
City: Humboldt PENN, George Winchester, physician; born at Humboldt, Tenn., Dec. 24, 1864; son of James W. and Cordelia Hemans (Stilwell) PENN; father’s occupation, physician; paternal grandparents Josiah and Ruth (Broughton) PENN, maternal grandparents William H. and Mary (Gibson) STILWELL; graduated from the medical department Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn., in […]
City: Humboldt PENN, B. S., physician; born Humboldt, Tenn., Dec. 26, 1872; son of Dr. J. W. and Cordelia (Stillwell) PENN.; English and Scotch descent; educated public schools and graduated Vanderbilt Univ. in 1892; married Mary DUNLAP May 28, 1900; member I. O. O. F., K. of P. and W. […]
City: Humboldt MCNEELY, R. H., Postmaster; born Kenton, Obion Co., Tenn., Feb. 4, 1850; son of Thomas P. and Lethe (Dickson) MCNEELY; Scotch-Irish descent; married Mary Pearl PEARSON Jan. 14, 1909; occupation in youth, farmer and merchant; member K. of P., Masonic Lodge and B. P O. E., member State […]
City: Humboldt FERRELL, T. C., undertaking business; born Arkansas City, Ark., Oct. 1861; son of T. N. and Louisa (Clay) FERRELL; Irish descent; educated public schools; occupation in youth, nursery business; married Lillian WILEY July, 1883; member I. O. O. F., Elks, W. O. W., Maccabees; built and opened business […]
City: Humboldt DUNLAP, W. M., Clerk and Master Chancery Court; born Humboldt, Gibson Co., Tenn., Dec. 11, 1845; son of E. and Mary (Harper) DUNLAP; Scotch-Irish descent; educated public schools; married Willie E. HESS Dec. 23, 1875; member I. O. O. F.; appointed in 1909 Clerk and Master of Chancery […]
City: Humboldt DUNLAP, W. E., farmer; born Humboldt, Tenn., in 1895; son of W. N. L. and Sue (Hess) DUNLAP; Scotch-Irish descent; educated public schools, Southwestern Baptist Univ. of Jackson, Tenn.; married Sallie May KIMBROUGH July, 1901; member K. of P. and I. O. O. F.; early business career, farming; […]
City: Humboldt DUNGAN, I. H., real estate dealer; born Hardin Co., Tenn., in 1855; son of Nathan and Rebecca (Berry) DUNGAN; Scotch-Irish descent; educated public and private schools of Humboldt Clifton Academy; married Willie Mary FOX Feb. 20, 1901; member W. O. W.; charter member of K. of P.; early […]
City: Humboldt HOWARD, S. F., teacher; born Paris, Mo., in 1866; son of Rev. J. S. and Francis (Hanna) HOWARD; Scotch and Irish descent; educated from Cumberland University of Tenn. A. B. in 1888, A. M. in 1889, Ph. D. in 1894; married Florence PENN June, 1903; member K. of […]
City: Humboldt HESS, Walter Scott, educator; born near Humboldt, Tenn., June 30, 1858; Scotch-Irish-English and German descent; son of Maj. J. A. W. and Gabrilla (Lankford) HESS; father’s occupation public official and surveyor of Gibson Co., Tenn.; paternal grandparents William and Margaret (Daviess) HESS, maternal grandparents Elisha and Annie (Ely) […]
City: Humboldt FOLTZ, Howard J., manufacturer; born Madison, Ind., Sept. 14, 1883; son of F. X. FOLTZ and Margaret (Howard) FOLTZ; German and Irish descent; educated public schools of Humboldt and Jackson, Tenn.; married Mary SHANE Jan. 7, 1904; member K. of C. and Elks; Modern W. O. W.; member […]
City: Humboldt FOLTZ, Frank X., manufacturer; born Indiana in 1855; son of Benedict and Laura (Baker) FOLTZ; German descent; educated public schools; married Maggie HOWARD in 1881; member W. O. W., Elks and K. of C.; founded the F. X. Foltz Spoke Manufacturing Co. in 1891; operated until 1906, then […]
City: Humboldt DODSON, A. R., banker; born Gibson Co., Tenn., in 1865; son of W. H. and Jerrusha (Blakemore) DODSON; Scotch-Irish descent; educated S. W. B. U. of Jackson, Tenn., and Eastman’s Business College, Poughkeepsie, N. Y.; graduated A. B. degree in 1886; married Mattie Bell SCOTT in 1889; member […]
City: Humboldt CAMPBELL, John E., builder and contractor; born at Clinch Mountain, near Rutledge, Tenn., April 6, 1851; German-Scotch-Irish descent; son of Capt. Levi and Lucinda (Hufmeister) CAMPBELL; his father built the stages from Abington, Va., to Knoxville, Tenn., in the ‘40s and ‘50s; paternal grandparents Elbert and Nancy B. […]
City: Howardville MARSHALL, John S., merchant born in Blount Co., Tenn., Sept. 4, 1851; Irish descent; son of John M. and Malinda H. MARSHALL; received common school education; in early life was a shoemaker, later taught school, then became a commercial salesman, now engaged in the mercantile business at Howardville […]
City: Horn Springs HORN, James Adams, manager and owner of hotel; born at Horn Springs, Tenn., July 12, 1861; English descent; son of James Baker and Margaret (Vaughn) HORN; father’s occupation, manager of Horn Springs until 1892; paternal grandparents Ethelred and Elizabeth (Baker) HORN, maternal grandparents Johnson and Elizabeth (Low) […]
City: Horner HORNER, William N., merchant and farmer; born at Horner, Tenn., April 10, 1852; son of William and Nancy (Randle) HORNER; father’s occupation, farmer; received common school education; married Amanda A. BRILEY June 7, 1874; F. & A. M. (Worshipful Master); Democrat; engaged in farming and mercantile business at […]
City: Hornbeak WILLIAMS, John Richard, minister of the Gospel; born near Lewisburg, Tenn., Dec. 30, 1851; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Isaac Newton and C. A. (Patterson) WILLIAMS; father was a wagon wright; paternal grandparents, Isaac Hill and Polly (Scott) WILLIAMS; maternal grandparents, Joseph C. and Catherine (Patterson) PATTERSON; received common […]
City: Holladay ROBINSON, William G., Postmaster; born Benton Co., Tenn., July 20, 1861; son of William and Nancy V. (Barnes) ROBINSON; Irish descent; father’s occupation, farmer; received common school education; was reared on the farm, later taught school; was interested in the mercantile business 1889-1894, again in 1904-6; now Postmaster […]