City: Camden COOPER, W. D., County Court Clerk, Benton Co., Tenn.; born Big Sandy, Tenn., Dec. 3, 1869; Scotch, Irish and English descent; son of T. D. and L. J. (DeBruce) COOPER; father’s occupation farmer; paternal grandfather John COOPER, paternal grandmother Mary (Fain) COOPER, maternal grandfather Robert DEBRUCE, maternal grandmother […]
Monthly Archives: August 2012
City: Camden BOWLES, Allie V.; born Oct. 17, 1873, at Camden, Benton Co., Tenn.; son of J. B. BOWLES, who is a merchant now of Big Sandy, Tenn.; he is the senior member of the dry goods firm of A. V. Bowles & Co. at Camden, his brother, M. C. […]
City: Calhoun SAULPAW, G. L., miller; born at Winchester, Tenn., Aug. 15, 1852; son of G. W. and Emeline S. (Davis) SAULPAW; father’s occupation railroad contractor; German and English descent; received common school education; married S. E. DARR, June 10, 1877; Democrat; member of the Church of God; all of […]
City: Calhoun MCMURRAY, Bruce A., merchant; born Niles Ferry, Tenn., Oct. 12, 1865; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Boyd and Elizabeth J. (Erwin) MCMURRAY; educated Hiwassee, Monroe Co., Tenn.; began life as a farmer, later entered the mercantile business; married Mary C. MCMURRAY Jan. 12, 1893; member F. and A. M., […]
City: Brownsville WILDER, James A., banker; born Caswell Co. N. C., 1840; son J. B. and Nancy (Walker) WILDER; Scotch-Irish descent; educated common schools; married Emma TAYLOR Oct. 8, 1867; member Masons, Knights of Honor; in Confederate army four years; participated in battles of Shiloh, Chickamauga, Murfreesboro, Franklin and Nashville; […]
City: Brownsville NUNN, David A., lawyer; born Haywood Co., Tenn., 1833; son David and Alice (Koonce) NUN [sic]; Scotch descent; educated West Tennessee College, Jackson, Tenn.; graduate of Lebanon Law school 1850; married Miss WHITEHEAD; member Masons, K. of P.; member Tennessee legislature when first met in ’66; elected Senator […]
City: Brownsville GREAVES, William Francis, Jr., attorney-at-law and physician; born Nut Bush, Tenn., July 28, 1884; English-French and Scotch-Irish descent; son of William Francis and Mary Alice (Gause) GREAVES; educated University of the South, Sewanee, Tenn., and Cumberland University, Lebanon, Tenn.; graduated from the latter with degree of LL. B. […]
City: Brownsville KINNEY, William, lawyer; born Hardeman Co., Tenn., March 13, 1863; son Geo. and L. J. (Tucker) KINNEY; Scotch-Irish descent; educated Vanderbilt University and country schools; graduated Vanderbilt Univ. B. P. 187 and ’88 in Law Department; married Mary KING 1889; member Masons; Democratic chairman county committee Haywood Co., […]
City: Brownsville FORREST, Walter, merchant; born Madison Co., Tenn., April 5, 1862; Irish descent; son of Sam Brown and Mary (McDaniel) FORREST; father’s occupation farmer; paternal grandfather Thomas FORREST; paternal grandmother Polly (Brown) FORREST; maternal grandfather David MCDANIEL; maternal grandmother Priscilla (Christie) MCDANIEL; received common school education; married Sue NEBLETT […]
City: Brownsville FELSENTHAL, Joseph, merchant; born Bavaria, Germany, Dec. 3, 1838; son of James L. and Caroline (Greenwald) FELSENTHAL; Jewish descent; educated common schools of Germany; married twice, first Regina FELSENTHAL in 1862, second to Mrs. Fannie LEVI 1895; member Knights of Pythias, Masons, A. O. U. W., B. P. […]
City: Brownsville ESTES, Joel Henry, planter; born Haywood Co., Tenn., Feb. 20, 1842; Italian-English descent; son of Moreau P. and Mary (Noel) ESTES; father’s occupation planter; paternal grandparents Joel and Sarah (Bates) ESTES; maternal grandparents Eswell and Lucy Quarles (Hilliard) NOEL; educated Hatchie Academy, and University of Va., and University […]
City: Brownsville DUPREE, Nolen Read, merchant; born Haywood Co., Tenn. May 15, 1869; son W. H. and Sallie (Nolen) DUPREE; French descent; educated public schools of Brownsville, Tenn.; married Jan. 13, 1897; member K. of P. and I. O. O. F.; member firm of Forrest & Dupree, organized 1898, hardware, […]
City: Brownsville DUPREE, Donaldson Irvin, dentist; born Haywood Co., Tenn., Aug. 14, 1873; son W. W. and Sarah F. (Nolen) DUPREE; French descent; graduate of Vanderbilt University 1898; married Nov. 5, 1901; member K. of P.; member board of aldermen of Brownsville; established in Brownsville in dentistry in 1900.
City: Brownsville DUCKWORTH, William Lafayette, minister of the Gospel; born Haywood Co., Tenn., June 29, 1834; Scotch-English descent; son of William Wilkins and Mary Mahala (Alexander) DUCKWORTH; father’s occupation farmer; paternal grandfather Robert W. DUCKWORTH, paternal grandmother Elizabeth (Alexander) DUCKWORTH; maternal grandfather John ALEXANDER, maternal grandmother Sarah (Shelby) ALEXANDER; graduated […]
City: Brownsville CURTIS, John D., pharmacist; born Henry Co., Tenn. 1864; son Dr. Sam’l M. and Rachel (Looney) CURTIS; English descent; educated public school, Henry Co.; member Masons and K. of P.; established Curtis Drug Co., (Inc.) 1908, president of same.
City: Brownsville CLAIBORNE, William B., farmer and Justice of Peace of Haywood Co., Tenn.; born Gibson Co., Tenn., Dec. 6, 1833; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Thomas B. and Mary Ann (Maxwell) CLAIBORNE; father’s occupation farmer and merchant; paternal grandfather George CLAIBORNE, paternal grandmother Nancy (Robertson) CLAIBORNE, maternal grandfather Jesse MAXWELL, […]
City: Brownsville CHAMBLISS, R. M., banker; born Greenville, S. C., Oct. 15, 1866; son Rev. Dr. J. A. and Mary (Mauldin) CHAMBLISS; English descent; educated Bethel Academy of Virginia, and Worcester, Mass.; married Myra NIXON 1887; member K. of P.; one of founders Citizens’ National Bank of Chattanooga, and first cashier; […]
City: Brownsville BOND, Robert Nelson, business man and manufacturer; born Brownsville, Tenn., July 8, 1873; son of James and Helen (Nelson) BOND; father’s occupation cotton merchant; paternal grandfather James Bond, Sr., paternal grandmother was a Miss OWEN before her marriage, maternal grandfather Robert NELSON, maternal grandmother Mary (Anderson) NELSON; educated […]
City: Brownsville BOND, Bate, lawyer; born Haywood Co., Tenn., June 13, 1874; son John R. and Jennie (Taylor) BOND; Scotch-Irish descent; educated and graduate Cumberland University 1896; married Hattie RAWORTH 1901; member of K. of P.; former State revenue agent for two years.
City: Brownsville BATTLE, Alfred, dentist; born Shelby Co., Tenn., Oct. 24, 1841; son William and Chloe (Boddie) BATTLE; French descent; educated common schools and Missouri Dental School; graduated St. Louis 1867; married Dec. 10, 1867; private in Confederate army four years; business established 1903 at Brownsville, Tenn.