Miles WOOD -  Union  Soldier


Miles Wood was the son of James O'Kelly Wood and Mary Polly Jones.  Miles enlisted in the UnionArmy at Hickory Grove, Tennessee on June 5, 1862. (One record states Hickory Grove, Kentucky, but more than likely it was Tennessee.) He enlisted for a three-year term and on the Company Descriptive Book it lists him as being 5� 8� tall with a fair complexion, gray eyes and light hair. On his military records there are three ages that are given for him. Two of them agree with a date of him being born in 1818 and the third would indicate he was born in 1816. The records also state that he was born in Williamson County, Tennessee. He mustered in at Hickory Grove in Company A, 1st Reg�t, West Tennessee Infantry. Company subsequently became Co. I, 6 Reg�t Tenn., Cavalry. His military records indicated that he served as a 2nd Lieutenant from June of 1862 until Special Order No. 283 discharged him in September 1864 in Memphis. 

Submitted by Kathy Faul


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