Stella Ruth School

Martin area of  Weakley County, Tennessee

Excerpts taken from 'The Martin Mail' & 'The Weakley County Press'
Submitted by Deborah Johnson
2 Sept 1921   "Hillside - We are informed that school will begin at Stella-Ruth on Monday, September 5.  The faculty is composed of ... Mrs. Iva Lee and Mrs. Irene [Miles] Bullington.  This is a spendid faculty and with the cooperation of both the pupils and patrons we bespeak for them a great and good school."
23 Dec 1921   "Hillside - Mrs. Irene [Miles] Bullington was confined to her bed several days last week with an attack of the flu.  Mrs. Bullington is a teacher of the primary department at Stella-Ruth and the little pupils regret very much that their teacher has to be absent."
13 Jan 1922   "Hillside - Mrs. Irene Bullington, whom we reported some time ago as very sick with flu was moved to the home of her father, Esquire W. S. Miles, a few days ago."

3 Feb 1922   "Hillside - The school at Stella-Ruth will continue just four more weeks after this week.  We understand that the teachers and pupils are planning on having a little entertainment at the close of the school.  The primary teacher, Mrs. Irene Bullington, whom I reported as having a severe case of flu is much improved, she being able to move back home from her father's.  However, she is not strong enough to go back to the school room.  Her sister, Mrs. Allie Wright, who has been teaching in her stead, will finish out the school."
13 October 1922   Hillside - Stella Ruth High School opened last Monday morning with very encouraging prospects for a great school.  The faculty is composed of Prof. Gay Estes, Miss Lyrl Kennedy, Mrs. Martha Kennedy, Mrs. Fannie V. Miller, Mrs. Iva Lee, Mrs. Irene Bullington and Mrs. Ruth Estes as music teacher, are all very enthusiastic over their work and with cooperation of both the parents and the many bright-faced pupils, the school bids fair to achieve great success."

13 Feb 1931  "Stella-Ruth School News - 'Our Teachers:  Mrs. Irene Bullington, Teacher of primer and first grade, is considered by her pupils The best that there is made.' "

20 Feb 1931    "Stella-Ruth School News - Farewell, Dear Teachers   As this will be the last year our teachers will be here, we wish to tell them goodbye ... Mrs. Bullington when it comes to teaching beginners is the best we have ever known, and our true appreciation can't be shown."

27 Feb 1931   "Hillside - We were privileged to attend the closing exercises of the Stella-Ruth grammar school last Friday afternoon ... the faculty, which was composed of ... Prof. A. N. Wilson, Miss Pauline Turner, Mrs. Martha Kennedy, Mrs. Annie Collier, Miss Mittie Penick, and Mrs. Irene Bullington, were mighty fine teachers and built up a large attendance."

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