Old Photos

The Major GROOMS Jr. Family abt. 1908

1.  Monroe Grooms
2.  Artie (wife of Monroe)
3.  Pappy Grooms (Major)
4.  Norene Carlton Connell
5.  Blanche Haley Goolsby
6.  Lorene Grooms (daughter of Monroe)
7.  Mammie Grooms (Jane)
8.  Rodelle Haley
9.  Reubin Grooms
10. Bess Grooms (wife of Reubin)
11.  Tally Grooms
12.  Roger Lee Grooms (son of Tally)
13.  Kate Grooms (wife of Tally)
14.  Ivie Grooms Carlton
15.  Jeter Grooms
16.  Minnie Grooms Galey
17.  Flodie Haley
18.  Will Carlton
19.  Homer Carlton
20.  Kate Grooms Haley
21.  Harris Wade Haley
22.  Pearl Grooms Knott

Major GROOMS Jr. was son of Major GROOMS (Stephen Herring GROOMS, Elijah GROOMS).
Tabitha Jane DECK GROOMS was dau. of Catherine GROOMS DECK (Bright Marshall GROOMS, Elijah GROOMS).

Submitted by Jan Coats Johnson

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