Old Photos

CHAPMAN Wedding photo 1817

Wedding Portrait of Grover Cleveland CHAPMAN and Ethel Mae ARNOLD 08 April 1917  He was in WW I.  She always lived in Weakley County, and was a Cook at the Martin High School, for years. He owned and Operated Country Stores, and farmed. Ethel Mae ARNOLD b: 05 March 1898 Weakly Co, TN d: 16 June 1985 Grover Cleveland CHAPMAN b: 13 May 1893, d: 13 Jan 1968

They lived around Old Salem, and Ralston Road.  They are both buried in East Side Cemetery, Martin Tennessee. Children 1. James Chapman, 2. Haskell CHAPMAN, 3. Billy Eugine CHAPMAN, William "Jr" CHAPMAN 5. Louise CHAPMAN Sigmon. Photo courtesy of Betty ARNOLD SMITH.
Submitted by Granddaughter, Sandy Stringer

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