The Town of Martin, Tennessee

TRAINS - that's what made Martin grow!


Old Photos & History
Panoramic View of Martin RR tracks + some of downtown - outstanding!
Before there was UTM - there was Hall-Moody Institute - a little Martin history and early 1900's photos
The YELLOW FEVER epidemic of 1878 which started theYellow Fever Cemetery in Martin
Articles on Andrew Shepherd - the only railroad man left in Martin during 1878 yellow fever epidemic - he kept the trains moving - lots of early railroad history here.
Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis Railroad - Train No. 4 standing at the Martin Depot abt 1900
The Williams Hotel with Union Station Depot and lots of Railroad tracks
The Union Depot in later years
BARBER SHOP - 1930's
The NOWLIN home
The Charles Lambert TAYLOR home on 400 Main Street
Martin POSTCARD Collection - The Shirt Factory, Dairy Queen and more
Martin Concert Band
Martin Dry Goods Store


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by MaryCarol