James H. Hazlewood
John R. Hazlewood

My Civil War ancestors are James H. Hazlewood, John R. Hazlewood.   Their Father was from Virgina and their Mother from North Carolina.   James being born 1820 and John born 1826 in Bedford Co. TN.  James settled in Weakley Co. in 1842 when he purchased 80 acres on the Dresden-Old Troy Rd. in 1842.  John R. settled in the Terrell community.  These men married Barger sisters.  James married Anna Barger and John married Martha Ann Barger. 
James H. Hazlewood  Captain Co. D  12th TN Cavalry
Enlisted Nov. 15, 1862 in Shelby Co. TN. 
James H. Hazlewood was one of the Captains of Lieutenant Colonel Aaron Burrow's Battalion, State organized in the summer of 62, They were also known as the 1st & 12th Ten Partisan Ranger Cavalry Regiment.  In Feb of 1863 this company became a part of the 12 Ten Cavalry.  It served with the 12th until it was broken up in Feb of
Battles of this company include: The Battle of Collierville, TN.
Report of Colonel R. V. Richardson
First Tennessee Partisan Rangers
DEAR SIR: * * * On the 9th instant,* the Sixth and Seventh Illinois Cavalry, with a six-gun battery, attacked my position in Tipton County, 2 miles from Covington, at the Lennom woods; at the same time a heavy cavalry force was advancing on me from Collierville (but did not reach the scene of the action); in all, about 2,000 men.
The action commenced at 12m., and lasted for two hours, when we were forced to retire from the field.  My men engaged did not exceed 150, while the enemy then had actually engaged about 1,000 men and his battery of six pieces.  We charged the enemy twice, and repelled one charge from him, when finding ourselves about to be flanked on both sides, we yielded the field.
Our loss was 2 men killed and 5 wounded.  The enemy admitted a loss of 7 killed, 6 wounded, and 20 prisoners.  We lost 8 men taken as prisoners.  Some small proportion of my men ingloriously fled the died, but generally my companies
fought bravely and retired in good order.

I desire especially to mention:
R. Burrow
J.H. Hazlewood
W. A. Bell
J. H. Hicks
J. S. Caruthers
who distinguished themselves for courage and also

Lieutenant Colonel James U. Green and Major Berry B. Benson, for coolness and courage in the midst of all the circumstances.

Private John R. Hazlewood was a part of Duckworth's 7th Tennessee Calvary Regiment. H.C. McCuthen, Company H. Organized December 10, 1861. Men from Weakley County. John was wounded at Harrisburg and Corinth.

James H. Hazlewood lived in District 14 and John R. Hazelwood lived in District 3 of Weakley County, Tennessee.

Submitted by Holly Hazlewood Davis

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