F. M. Rawls Co H 33rd Tenn Infantry
Application for Pension

Soldier's Application for Pension
No. 13936

Co. H 33 Tenn Rgt.
Filed Feb 26, 1913

Living at the time of application in Trenton, County of Gibson, State of 
Member of Co H 33rd Tenn Infantry
Born in Weakley County Tennessee April 5th, 1840
Enlisted in July 1861

Served under Col A. W. CAMPBELL and Capt Wm WcWHERTER "killed at Chickamauga"

Battles engaged in:  Shiloh, Perryville KY, Chickamauga GA, Missionary Ridge, Franklin, Nashville and only hit with sp**t (illegible) ball in battle

Precise nature of wound or disability if any:  Not wounded in any battle, but on picket duty near Marietta GA; shot in the jaw and was unable for duty about two months

Were you incapacitated:  As above stated, was not wounded in battle but on 
picket line and was attended by Dr. RIVERS of Memphis Tenn

How did you get out of the army, when and where?  I was captured at Nashville Tenn Dec. 1864 and carried to Camp Chase Ohio.  From there I was sent to Richmond VA where I was paroled for 30 days dated March 3, 1865.  I was a prisoner six months after battle of Perryville Ky 10/8-62.

Did you take the oath of allegiance to the United States Government?  Not until the war was
over.  May 16th 1865 at Paducah KY.

What are the respective ages of your wife and the children living with you?  wife 63. girl 40. girl 34. girl 24.  Girls at home.  Three Sons but not a part of family.

What business are you now engaged?  Farming

What estate have you?  I own a farm assessed value 1700$ personal property to about 500 or 600$

Do you use intoxicants to any extent?  No Sir None at all "tetotler"

How long and since when have you been an actual resident of the State of Tennessee?  All my life.

B. H. THOMAS, Trustee of Gibson County, certifies that F. M. RAWLES and his wife M. J. RAWLES are assessed with 98 acres valued at $1700.00 and with $no of personal property.

R. J. DEW and N. J. GARRETT are witnesses on the application.

On 7/14/1913, R. J. DEW wrote a postcard to Capt. Frank A. MOSES in Nashville, TN.  "Dear Sir, Saw Comrade RAWLS today.  He wants to know what you did with his application.  Please write him.  He is getting impatient to hear from you and to know the fate of his application.  Yours very truly, 
R. J. DEW"

The application was rejected because F. M. RAWLS was not considered indigent.  His value was found to be beyond the limit allowed by the Board.

Submitted by Ruth Rawls

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