Unknown School 1894
Southern Weakley County, Tennessee

Can you help identify the school or children?
LeCornu Family photo


Photo found in LeCORNU family - Sam LeCornu said it was taken in 1894..... from Laura Young

Bottom row:Counting from left to right, the 6th boy is Alfred LeCornu. Skip one and the 8th boy is Robert (Rob) LeCornu. George E. LeCornu is the 9th boy.

2nd row:Next to the last girl is Ollie LeCornu.-She is the smallest girl and is standing up.

4th row: on the upper end and wearing a hat is Myrtie LeCornu--Virgial is 4th on this row.

Top row:Left to right - first man is the teacher--Willie Lee LeCornu is the 4th boy in this row. Looks as if
he has his hands in his pockets and his vest is open at the bottom. 




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