Tombstone Photo Project

Weakley County, Tennessee

 Thomas STAFFORD born Sept. 5, 1842 in North Carolina Son of John and Jenny STAFFORD . Died Oct. 10, 1910 in Weakley Co. Tenn.  Buried in Bible Union Cemetery Weakley Co.  Husband of Sarah STAFFORD (House)

Sarah STAFFORD born Nov. 26, 1845 in Weakley Co. Tenn.daughter of Isham and Rebecca HOUSE Died July 231, 1896 in Weakley Co. and buried at Bible Union Cemetery in Weakley Co. Wife of Thomas STAFFORD

Ernest E. STAFFORD  born Feb. 12, 1880 in Weakley Co. Tenn son of Thomas and Sarah STAFFORD - Died Aug. 13,1897 buried in Bible Union Cemetery Weakley Co.

Submitted by Great Grandson, Paul King

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