Photos of Greenfield, TN

A funny for the women folk

During the early years of Weakley County, there were bears - as noted by Col Gardner's 4th of July speech 1876

"The Indian hunters had so long and so recently occupied this country when the white man took possession of it, that the wild animals were reduced to a minimum.  The bear, the wolf and a remnant of the panther were still here - the bear in sufficient number to furnish exciting sport to the lovers of the chase. John BRADSHAW, who settled in the fork of Spring Creek and middle fork of the Obion [River], and the celebrated Colonel David CROCKETT, who lived in the southwest corner of this county, south of the South Fork of the the Obion River, were two of our most noted bear hunters and they often hunted together, and were devoted friends."

Down near Shades Ferry (Bridge) on the South Fork of Obion River was the Drewry compound of 700+ acres - settled in mid 1820's. Family story that as they emerged each morning from their Log Homes, they never knew if they were going to be face to face with a bear or an Indian visiting his hunting grounds.....MaryCarol

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Jane Colmenares

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Photo Graphics & web design by MaryCarol