Old Photos

 Do you know who these JONES cousins are??
This photo was hung in the home of Darling (11 Oct 1815 - 1 Oct 1907) and Margaret (16 Jun 1815 - 26 Mar 1897) MILLER
JONES in Greenfield, and the girls bear a striking resemblance to other Jones relatives.  

Darling and Margaret had six children: 
Delbert Marion, John Miller, James A., William H., Andrew Matthew Jones, and Sarah J. Jones Kinsey.  

They are NOT the daughters of Delbert, John, or James; and not likely to be the daughters of William or Sarah.  Are they the daughters of Andrew Mathew Jones?  Margaret Miller Jones also had a nephew, Daniel MILLER, residing in Weakley.  Are these girls related to him?  Who are these young Jones relatives?  

Submitted by Nancy Briedenthal

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