Hyndsver Community
Weakley County, Tennessee

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Jane Colmenares

Gatewood Farm of Hyndsver Community

This is from Weakley County Press, not sure of the date, although Pappy died in 1964, so it must be before then. My grandmother cut it out years ago. (The phone number may give a clue! and it mentions the Varsity Theater) The farm is James Broy GATEWOOD's on Hyndsver Rd, in Hyndsver. I gather they had a running contest on Identifying farms from aerial views.

Under the photo it reads:

This is an aerial view of a Weakley County farm. Can you identify it? If so, call the Press, 314, and tell us. If you are the first to identify it correctly, you,ll receive a FREE ticket to the Varsity Theater. The owner will be given a FREE ticket and a 5x7 print of his farm if he will come by the Press office for interview.

I do not know if Pappy ever came in for the interview. The farm is still on Hyndsver Rd., but has changed considerably. It has been faced with brick and the overall appearance has undergone many changes. Pappy grew different crops over the years, including tobacco, cotton, sweet potatoes and watermelons. My dad went to Martin and Dresden markets with him to sell the watermelons at 5 cents a piece. Mammy (Gorder Gatewood) had a beautiful flower garden. 
1903, March 3, the Dresden Enterprise, Cedar Hill Column:

While smoking meats last Wednesday, J. B. GATEWOOD got 2 side meats burned up and flames were reaching the top of the house. J.B. GATEWOOD has been planting fruit trees.

My dad remembers drying fruit on the tin roofs of the house.

Submitted by Cris Gatewood Bean

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